Hail the King

Chapter 208: Two kings meet

Chapter 208 Two Kings Meet

The wind is high and the fire is on fire.

The **** killings in the night come faster and go faster.

In less than ten minutes, the last scream disappeared, and the 200-strong cavalry team was completely annihilated. No one escaped, and the six masters did not stop at all. It was like a ghost in the dark night, and soon It disappeared in the night of the hustle and bustle. There is no trace of the slightest, only the blood flowing in the grass and the **** gas that snarls slightly closer to it, silently indicating what kind of battle has happened here!

After more than an hour, there was finally a voice in the distance.

A small team of cavalry silver helmets and silver armor, smashing the black ones of the black armored horses, boiled from the stone fortress in the distant mountain pass, the cavalry talked and laughed, very relaxed, and soon approached the previous killing The place, when approaching, the first one-eyed dragon knight suddenly frowned and frowned, his face condensed, and made a gesture backwards, the full-fledged cavalry immediately lowered the speed, slashed the sword, clenched Shield, made a posture of alert.

"It's a strong **** taste. Isn't Prince Ike fighting with the hybrids in Chambord?"

With doubts, I slowly came to the front, and a black hill in front of me stood in the shadows. The night wind suddenly came out, and a vomiting **** taste instantly filled the air. The cavalry squatted. The horse was screaming in horror and screaming. The one-eyed dragon knight stood down from the horse and took the torch from the cavalry in the side and threw it in front.

Hula -!

The flame flashed in the night wind, and the fire illumined the darkness in front.

"God... what did I see?!"

At this moment, everyone's blood is cold, like an ice cave, like hell.

No one thought that the small hills in the shadow that I saw before were actually all piled up with the bones of the Black Rock City cavalry. Blood, residual armor, broken sword, broken knife, dead horse, white bone and human head were all It’s neatly stretched together. Before the dead corpse, a complete cavalry javelin was inserted on the ground, and a skull with a helmet was inserted in the gun head. The red blood flowed down the gun body and was solidifying... ... "No... Prince Eck!!!" The one-eyed dragon exclaimed, unbelievable.

"Who is the attack on them?"

"It must be the guy in Chambord... It must be that they ambushed Prince Ike. Apart from them, there is no power nearby. They are the opponents of Prince Ike..."

"Too cruel, no living thing left!"

The cavalry were in a mess, the number of night winds blowing around, falling a dead leaf, like there are countless killing gods hiding in the dark to make a death blow, the scene is horrible, since the opponent can quietly Between the sounds of the massacre of Prince Eck’s two hundred cavalry, then these twenty people are not enough people and Asse teeth. The leader of the one-eyed dragon knight apparently quickly realized the danger of the situation. He took off the head of Prince Ike on the javelin and carefully wrapped it in the cloak. Then he quickly turned to the horse and took the majesty the cavalry as if he had escaped. Block killing land.

They roared, but they left the house, like the dog of the family, and the bodies of the robe were not available.

The golden sun rises slowly from the distant mountains and gives the world a thin layer of gold.

This is a beautiful and quiet morning.

Just a red glow appeared on the horizon, like the red blood of the red dyed half of the sky, a striking.

The shampoo expeditionary army reopened, thinking that the mountain pass of the Liege Mountain Range was not moving slowly. The temperature in the morning was a little bit cold. Angela and Jimmy went to the Princess of the Princess Tanasha to chat with the Princess. Sun Fei rode a **** dog at the forefront of the team and looked at the red glow at the horizon. He smiled and said: "Oh, look, the blood is red and the sky is ripe. It seems that there must be **** killings last night. ......"

When I heard the words of the King, everyone around me laughed.

[Hip Hop II] Paul Pierce and Drogba ride on the back of the Red Flame Beast, and they still touched the handle of the axe. The obese, like the giant, Oleg, is obviously still immersed in some beautiful In the memory, the head of the Saint Seiya Army, Cech, is as silent as ever, vigilantly around the observers, and there are always Saint Seiya riding red flame beasts appearing in the distance, the small green flag flashing, which means everything is normal.

Frank Lampard, who was riding behind the red flame beast and behind Sun Fei, couldn’t help but sneak a slight curve in his mouth. Last night, he was the first time he made a lightning bolt of light at the time of the match. The effect was beyond his expectations. Under the urging of the electric system, the speed of the punches that were unheard of in the hidden air channel was amazing. Lampard did not expect to encounter the setback of the destruction. After that, he returned to the cultivation of the electric power system, and progressed for a thousand miles. A new incredible way of cultivation appeared in front of him when he was almost desperate. He could fully imagine, [Lightning Speed What kind of achievements will be achieved after the cultivation to the extreme, and Alexander also asserts that this cheat is not the final form, but also has room for improvement and improvement.

Holding his fist tightly, Lampard felt the long-lost feeling of power.

The team slowly approached the mountain pass, and the fortress fortress built in the far west of Black Rock City became clearer and clearer. This is a black rock fortress that is mountainous. The walls of more than 20 meters high are sturdy, and the unsmelted steel ore is piled up. Two hundred-meter-high samurai statues stand on both sides. Above the mountain peaks, the wall of the female wall is clearly defined. The black rock city has sent heavy guards and is easy to defend. It is definitely an extremely dangerous strategic fortress, and this fortress is just across the blockade in the Liege Mountains to the capital of St. Petersburg. Above the only channel, it can be said that it is a husband and a husband.

The Xiangbo Expeditionary Force wants to successfully reach the St. Petersburg, and must borrow from the fortress called the Blackrock Fortress.

However, at this time, both the shampoo and the black rock are in a hostile relationship. It is inevitable that they want to borrow the road. It is not because Sun Fei and his party have already signed the banner to participate in the performance of the military competition. I am afraid that the first time I entered the black rock city, I was As an intruder, it was suggested that Sun Fei detoured, bypassing the Liege Mountain Range and going to St. Petersburg along the outskirts of the mountain. This way, relying on the long-distance marching ability of the Red Flame Beast and the Army Horse, it is possible to reach St. Petersburg before the military battle, but Sun Fei But refused.

If you do that, isn’t it the same as Shampoo City’s fear of Black Rock City?

Sun Fei is going to step forward with the black stone fortress.

However, when the Xiangbo Expeditionary Force was not close to the Blackrock Fortress, suddenly the Blackrock Fortress Gate opened, accompanied by a series of horns that rang through the sky, and saw the dust rising in the distance, a black cavalry torrent from the city. Running wild, at least there are two thousand people on the scale, arrogant, murderous, for the first 50 or so blonde gold must be old man wearing a gemstone helmet, face sullen, gaze, a wave, the cavalry is divided into two black The torrent, rushed over, with undisguised hostility.

"Architecture - Guard!"

Cech always kept calm. He shouted loudly. Fifty Saints sneaked from the back of the Red Flames, and the sixty-seven steel shields saw the zigzag. They instantly formed a solid steel wall that could move. In front of the front is arranged a pointed cone, the tip of the cone, the prisoner Oleg smirked with his hands clasped to the front of the giant axe, and behind him [hip-hop two] Pierce and Drogba A hammer stood side by side... Facing the enemy, the three war madmen had no fear on their faces, but they all had excitement that they couldn’t wait.

Hey -!

One hundred urban management branches were divided into two dials. A wave of fifty people sat quietly on the horseback and opened the hard bow in their hands. The white feathers and arrows clustered in the cold, and they aimed at the enemies that rushed in the distance. These are all The level shooter of the other level can definitely let the opponent fold at least 50 elite cavalry after one bow archery. The other 50 urban management guards the magic princess of the princess, preventing the imperial princess and Princess Wang Qi Angela from being attacked by the chaos.

As for the side of King Sun Fei, there is no one only personal bodyguard Fernando Torres.

Because in the eyes of every Champa City soldier, His Majesty the King is a true invincible power, and there is no need for the protection of these weak people. If they really stand in front of His Majesty, then they are against a king. Insult.

The cavalry of Black Rock City roared.

However, despite the impetuousness, it did not initiate the assault on the first time, but surrounded the crowds of the city of Chambord. They screamed and circled, and the javelin in their hands slammed into the shield and made a bang. The sound of the bang, the sound of more than 2,000 people tapping the shield at the same time is like the roar of the earth and the wrath of the gods. It is deafening, and the huge sound waves are like tangible things, with the wind of a stock rolling up the dust, crashing Exploded to Sun Fei and his party in the center.

This is the battle.

The cavalry's battle.

Above the battlefield, if the battle is properly used, it can even achieve the miraculous effect of defeating the soldiers without fighting.

In many cases, some of the recruits who had not been killed by the war chiefs had not started the war, and they were scared to collapse their ass.

The more than two thousand cavalrymen in Black Rock City are obviously veterans who have been killed on the battlefield. They have created a battlefield and are in full swing. The momentum is indeed amazing. Two thousand people have created the momentum of thousands of horses. Some people sweated their hands, their lips were dry, their throats were awkward, and they felt nervous. After all, they didn't have a war on the battlefield.

However, it doesn't matter because there is a dog in Chambord.

A giant black dog that is as big as a giant horse.

"Wang Wang Wang Wang!!!"

The **** dog, which has been groaning in the throat, suddenly became furious and arrogant, and the volume of the sound was as big as the dragon suddenly roared.

After writing down, the scene that made Fisi think about it - the sound of **** instantly covered the 'battle noise' made by more than 2,000 cavalry, and there was obviously an unexplained explanation in this shit. The shocking power of the horses, the dozens of black rock city horses that ran around in the circle did not have the slightest resistance. They were suddenly scared to suffocate their limbs and spit down on the ground and twitched on the back. The cavalry was too late to defend, like a dumpling, screaming and screaming down... This scene made the black rock city cavalry hard to create the scene atmosphere advantage.

The people of Chambord City laughed unceremoniously.


The golden crown sturdy old man shouted loudly, and the black rock cavalry circling around the Xiangbo City expeditionary army stopped. At this time, a dozen unlucky eggs that had fallen from the horseback had been alive by their companions. The resentment and sinister poison in the eyes of the old-timers of the Golden Crown can be screwed out of the water. He separated the cavalry step by step and urged the horse to come out, staring at Sun Fei, holding the palm of the waist and holding the sword, because of the force and whitish, the phalanx joints Since the blue ribs were exposed, after a long while, the heart was unwilling to loosen the hilt, and the hate said: "I am Black Rock King Kant, shampoo king Alexander, please hand over the night of the night to kill my Black Rock City 200 Cavalry and the Three Princes. The murderer of gram, let you go today, otherwise...!"

In conjunction with the king's threat, the surrounding cavalry brushed the long guns at the tip of the shampoo in the encirclement.

Murderous and aggressive.

"Yawn... oh, I don't understand what you are talking about," Sun Fei stretched out. "Someone was killed last night? No wonder today's morning glow is so bright and bright, and the king is not sleeping. A good feeling, Black Rock King, the security in your Black Rock City is really bad!"

"You..." The blond gold must be strong and black rock king, and look awkward: "Alexander, I am a black rock army, you dare to be so arrogant, hey, kill an empire, the son of Mitutoyo, even if you go to Ya In front of Xin Da, the king also occupied Dali. If he did not hand over the murderer, believe it or not, and now the king is now ordered. Today, I am afraid that the city of Chambord will have no royal blood."

Sun Fei glanced at the murderous cavalry around him, and his disdainful expression on his face overflowed with words. He said, "In the ten breaths, let the road open the city, let us go, otherwise... Black Rock City has no king since then! ”

After that, Sun Fei’s figure was only slightly swayed. Everyone only felt a flower in front of him. The black rock king’s neck was cold. Under the shock, he found that the golden beard he had been carefully taking care of was suddenly short and looked up. Look again, I suddenly found that the half of the lost gold had to be waved by the opposite shampoo king, and it was scattered in the autumn wind... The sound of the cold air was brushed around.

The people present, except for a few masters, did not even have anyone else to see how the singer of the city of Chambord was shot.


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