Hail the King

Chapter 215: Curse of horror

Chapter 215 Terror of the Dead

Hey -!

The eagle's wing longbow bowstring was once again ruthlessly trembled, and Sun Fei shot an arrow.

However, it was the mount of the Black Rock King.


The Black Rock King, who has been scared to death, lost the basic instinct of a two-star warrior at this time. The horse fell, and he fell off the battle immediately after he fell into disarray. The face fell and the teeth flew several times. The golden ruby ​​gold crown worn on the head even at night is also falling far away from the weeds.

In front, the last remaining guard was just looking back, then immediately urging the horse to whip, making a mad death escape, and going away, simply ignore the life and death of his king, at this time, killing the mother to marry People, individuals and individuals, for fear that the next time Sun Fei bowstrings vibrate, the goal of shooting the arrow will be himself.

Seeing the opponent's wolverine, Sun Fei's mouth showed a cold smile.

He quickly switched to the "Death Master Mode". When he was squatting, he began to have a grayish white cold and cold air, completely covering his face. Then, Sun Fei quickly flew to the Black Rock King 20 meters away. Inside, at this time, the Black Rock King was still stunned and did not notice Sun Fei’s approach.

Sun Fei's five fingers shook a little and then went out, and the five gray-thickness of the thumb was shot out, and the next instant made five gray-white ghost-like illusions that whispered, as if they saw delicious blood food. I rushed to the black rock king's body, biting and drilling through the slits of the armor, disappearing without a trace.

The curse of the Necromancer is the skill - [curse of aging].

You can curse a target, make the target quickly age, become slow, and increase the damage several times when you receive the attack.

After releasing the skills, Sun Fei thought about it, but he was still dissatisfied. The palm of his hand was lightly displayed. A group of tiny whirlwinds were flying like a whirlwind, and the backhand was pushed. The dead air also fell into the body of Black Rock. Then, only Sun Fei could see it alone. In an instant, there was a light red flame on the head of the Black Rock King, constantly lingering.

The curse of the Necromancer's skill - [Crazy Curse].

But to curse a goal, let it fall into violent and disorderly, full of attacks, from time to time, want to attack people around them, regardless of the enemy.

Two consecutive curse skills were issued, and Sun Fei finally stopped. He did not hesitate any more. He immediately switched to [barbar mode], opened the skill [jump], and immediately flew back. After a few flashes, the figure disappeared and went along. The road returned to the dark passage of the end and rushed toward the Blackrock Fortress.

This is the first time that Sun Fei used the curse of the Necromancer in the real world.

[Aging Curse] will make the black rock king succumb to the body's essence, has been in rapid aging and sickness, and once a bump, even a very slight bump, is enough to make him continue to hurt bleeding, and [chaotic The curse will put him into an endless temper, regardless of the enemy, even the most intimate person, even the most trusted minister, even his own son or the queen, will be ruthlessly attacked by him. .

Under the entanglement of these two cursed techniques, Black Rock King will soon become a waste man and become a combative bloodthirsty beast. He is no longer savvy and faint, but he is fainting and cruel. It is said that such a king means chaos and killing, and the Black Rock country will inevitably fall into horror and turmoil immediately.

These two Necromancer's cursing skills will always accompany the Black Rock King to death - unless someone actively helps him to lift the curse, but this possibility is minimal, according to the study of the wretched Grandfather Kane, the dark world's necromantic magic and Azeroth has the same origin, but there is a huge difference in skill and motivation. Sun Fei is sure that in the Zenit Empire, there is absolutely no magic master who can lift this horrible curse from the dark world. The skill.

Of course, Sun Fei did not think about destroying the Black Rock country in one fell swoop.

But now, the timing is not yet fully mature.

First of all, the Xiangbo Expeditionary Force rushed to the St. Petersburg to participate in the Wushu Battle Contest. This opportunity is very important for the current Chambord City. Before there is not enough power against the monarchy Zenit Empire, Sun Fei must participate in this according to the rules of others. In the game, the Chambord City can win further development of space and resources. In addition, the Zenit Empire, the monarchy, can also be like a rain-proof umbrella, still in the seedlings. The stage of the shampoo city blocks some alien damage.

Secondly, the rush to attack between the two countries has violated imperial law. If it is only a conflict, it can be explained by some reasonable excuses, such as the bodies of thousands of shampoos in the mass graves under the black cliffs. The Nine-Power Allied Forces dare to join forces to attack the city of Chambord. Naturally, it is also possible to use the excuse that the prince of the country was rudely detained. However, don’t look at the way the King of the Nine Kingdoms screamed, but how many buildings did you kill? Relationship, if it really rushed into the city of Chambord and destroyed the shampoo royal family, it was a big sin. Each of the affiliated kings’ chambers was aristocrats who had been enshrined by the imperial empire. They destroyed the royal family and rebelled, especially four like the black rock king. The king of the dependent country, the identity of the empire is naturally not comparable to Sun Fei, such as the sixth king of the country, and the gold is much more expensive. If Sun Fei annihilates the royal family of the Black Rock City, the Imperial Law Enforcement Knight Hall will really be like the Black Rock King. Said that looking for Sun Fei's troubles, although Sun Fei is not afraid, but now Chambord City needs peace development time, try to avoid unnecessary trouble is smart to do So now only slowly charts, plenty of opportunity to come back after the destruction Yanwu combat this deadly enemy.

Passing through the narrow and narrow underground passage, Sun Fei quickly returned to the Blackrock Fortress.

The battle has basically ended.

More than 4,000 soldiers in Black Rock City have more than 90% of their deaths and injuries. The remaining three or four hundred people have lost their weapons and smashed them on Xiaoshi Square. They are waiting for the rise and fall of the city.

Herod -!

The war horse screamed, and the black rock king fell in the grass and struggled to look up. He saw the ‘guard’ who had left himself desperately to escape. The assassin actually returned to the horse.

"Black Rock King, you... okay?"

‘Guarding’ took off the helmet and revealed a young face, because the previous shock was a little distorted, and the black hair was wet in the ear and became a mess. The tone of his speech is definitely not an attitude that the guardian should have for the loyalty of his own loyalty. However, it seems that he knows that the black rock king had escaped alone before, so he still seemed very polite.

"Hey! I can't die..."

The disaster is not dead, the black rock king is a little bit stunned, slowly doing it from the grass, although for this young man before he did not care about his own resentment, but it is very sensible to restrain, he looked at Sun Fei disappeared In the direction, the look contains unprecedented sin and resentment: "The shampoo king, this time the king is not dead, hey, you will definitely regret it! Soon, the king will let you see the city of Chambord being captured by the army. Seeing that everyone is being murdered in front of you, the king swears that you must be able to survive, not to die!"

"It is strange, why did the shampoo king suddenly retreat?" The young man is a bit strange.

"Nothing strange, although the idiot is impulsive, but it is not a fool. I know what it means to kill the king in the capacity of a king of six neighboring countries... Hey, although he does not dare to kill me. I will kill him sooner or later, just give me a chance!"

The young black-haired young man did not agree with the view of Black Rock King, but he did not say much. He breathed a sigh of relief: "Well, since you are fine, then we should follow the established plan of the adults and return to the black first." Rock City, ready for the action of the Liege Mountains..."

"Okay, however, Prince Ivan, the king's army suffered heavy losses this time. The cavalry that can be sent out has been completely annihilated at the Blackrock Fortress. I want to send someone to monitor the whereabouts of the shampoo king. I am afraid to inform the adults to choose another master! "When I think of the fall of the Blackrock Fortress and the annihilation of more than 4,000 soldiers, the Black Rock King is as bloody."

"This is no problem... The strength of Shampoo City and Shampoo King has far exceeded our expectations. We must quickly report what happened to the Blackrock Fortress to the adults..." The black-haired Evan prince said, one wave, one in the sky The hovering white-winged giant eagle slammed down and landed on his arm. He whispered a few words in a strange language, and the eagle fluttered away.

The heart of the Black Rock King felt a humiliation and fear. The strength of the city of Chambord really exceeded his expectations. Not only did the shampoo king’s own strength be amazing, but his masters were also shocking, which made the Black Rock King feel an unprecedented fear. Holding a rock in his hand, he wanted to stand up. However, at this moment, suddenly his body trembled. He only felt that there was an unprecedented emptiness and weakness. On weekdays, wielding a sword to kill a strong enemy’s arm could not make a force, and the nose was traced. Reaching out, a red blood appeared on the palm of his hand.

"Damn... I must have been hurt from falling right away."

Hei Wang did not care too much. He was a king immediately. The injury was a common thing. He stood up and took a horse from the distance before the guard was shot. He wanted to turn over the horse, even though he knew that he was It was a soft leg. If I grabbed the reins, I almost fell off the stables and barely climbed up the horse. The blood flow in my nose was even worse.

Moreover, at this moment, an indescribable irritability suddenly came to mind.

Black Rock King looked at the high-ranking prince, Evan, who was sipping five for himself. I don’t know why, suddenly there was an impulse to hate to break it into pieces. At this moment, he even grasped the long sword at the waist. I almost pulled out the sword and stabbed it to Prince Ivan. Fortunately, the only remaining sense of reason made him hold back when he was in the millennium.


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