Hail the King

Chapter 219: [Bulkeso's Child] Set

Chapter 219 [Bulkeso's Children] Set

Both of these swords are still in an unidentified state for the time being, so they all glow with dark green light.

Judging from the appearance alone, the two swords are long and short, and the shapes are different.

The long one is obviously a two-handed sword, but it can also be used as a one-handed sword. The whole body is about one meter long and six inches long. The five fingers are wide, thick and long, and the shape is exquisite. The handle of the twenty-centimeter field is fine and dense. The ground is wrapped with bright red animal skin stripes. It is amazing that the sword has sharp and sharp serrations on both sides of the blade, like the beast's sly teeth, extending all the way forward, about the whole sword. After two-thirds of the length, there are two barbs that are bent in the direction of the hilt. The blade behind the barb has no fine serrations, smooth and sharp, sharp swords, and the blade is color-changing. The rough ridge of the sword is like a matte. The red blade is flat. There are nine mysterious dark black ancient mysterious characters engraved on it. Sun Fei does not understand its meaning, but it seems to contain mysterious ancient power, every word. They are all shining like red blood.

The short one is a one-handed sword, the shape is relatively simple, the shape looks more like a simple knife instead of a sword, but it is like a sword, both sides are edged, about one meter two long, six fingers wide, sword The body is engraved with strange and innumerable dense green crepe patterns, which circulates in different directions. The whole gives people a feeling of being incapable of working. The blade is thick and wide, and is more suitable for slashing.

Without identification, Sun Fei saw the first sight of these two swords, and the familiar and unfamiliar memories of his past life in his mind could already tell him the true identity of the two swords - the seventh level green suit [Bulkeso's child].

These two swords named after the name of the people have a very glorious history.

Legend has it that in the history of Diablo’s world, the barbarian race once gave birth to a great unrivalled super leader. His name is called Bourkesso. In the legend, this barbarian leader has a paradise and Hell Pig God is so powerful that it is incredible. He once led a powerful barbarian warrior to gain national freedom. In order to defend his homeland, the Aruit Mountain Range, defeated the Demon Legion led by Hell's Devil Bar, famous in the world. Even the demon saw him to retreat.

The entire dark world sent the most famous leader in the history of the barbarian to be a legendary title - "The King of Immortality", and the armor he used to have an incredible magical power armor was also passed down, called "Immortal The King's Set] is the top green suit of the barbarian character.

In addition to the "Imperial King" suit, this barbarian leader has left two swords, both of which have incredible power, and together they become a separate suit, called [Bulkeso Child].

It was Sun Fei’s two swords held in his hand.

Although the "Bolkesau's Children" set is about the power and magic effect, it is a few worse than the top set of the barbarian of the "Imperial King", and there are only two swords, and there are no other parts such as armor. However, for the current Sun Fei 36-level barbarian role, it can already be regarded as God-level equipment. According to Sun Fei’s previous computer game memory, killing the second scene map, the boss will not burst out. Such equipment, do not know why, even let these two swords appear in the hands of Sun Fei.

Consuming two [identification scrolls], the golden light flashed, and all the attributes and names of the two swords appeared in Sun Fei's field of vision.

The name of the delicate two-handed sword is [the sacred price of Bourkeso - the blade of the giant god].

One-handed damage 70-195, two-handed damage 174-345, sword level is extreme speed attack level, durability 50/50, +20% attack speed, +200% enhanced damage, +35% crushing strike, with repelling Attributes, ice, electricity, fire, poison four resistance +20.

The name of the slightly simple one-handed sword is [Bulcase's tribal guardian and secret sword].

One-handed damage 120-150, this is a one-handed sword, so it does not have two-handed damage, the sword level is fast attack level, durability 44/44, +20% increase attack speed, +200% enhanced damage, + 50 toxin damage, duration 2 seconds, +20 strength, fire resistance +50%.

And the two swords together called the [Bolkesau's Kids] suit, can also produce +2 all barbarian skills, +200% enhanced damage, +200% damage to the devil, +200 damage to the undead, Fire damage +20, defense +25 extra set magic effect.

After the identification, the green light shining on the two swords gradually disappeared, and the original color was changed. Although the shapes are different, the two swords all appear to be blue-green and the short-sword is deeper. It may be because With the cause of toxin damage, the light is flowing, and the crystal is like jade. It is covered with a glimpse of the blue-colored swordsman, which exudes a chilly and powerful atmosphere.

Sun Fei reached out and gently rubbed the hilt, and a cold touch came, comfortable, just like touching the lover's skin.

This is really strange.

The difficulty of the Diablo World is divided into three levels: [normal level], [nightmare level] and [hell level]. Generally speaking, the player enters the first level [normal level], and all the joints are opened to do all the tasks. After that, I will enter the next level of difficulty. According to Sun Fei’s previous computer game memory, there is no such thing as [Bulkeso’s child] green equipment in the [normal level] difficulty. It's also very simple - only the characters of the five or six levels have the power to pick up the two swords, as the weapons that the king of immortality used, not only for the user's level, but also strictly close to the demanding requirements, and In the [power], [agile] and other aspects of the cumbersome and detailed restrictions ... so that the role is still at a lower level simply can not use such equipment.

Thinking of this, Sun Fei’s heart suddenly burst into shock. Doesn’t that mean that... means that he is still unable to use his personal attributes of the current 38-level barbarian (who just rose two levels when he killed Riel). Use this set of green gear.

However, he soon realized a strange phenomenon - he had already picked up the two swords steadily at this time, and it seems that there was no harsh restriction in memory. Sun Fei carefully observed it again. The reason was quickly discovered - the sealed [Bulkeso's Child] suit.

It turned out to be a sealed suit.

"...the seventh level of weapons in the 50% seal, weakening the power of 50% in the full form, while reducing the level and attribute restrictions on the user Sun Fei, and releasing the seal step by step as the user level increases. At 60th level, the seal is completely removed, achieving the complete power of the suit!"

This is actually the case.

Sun Fei couldn't help but rejoice in his heart.

Obviously, things have changed again in the memory of the past, which computer game dark world rules have changed, the weapons of this kind of things have never appeared in the previous computer games, but in this more vivid dark world actually happened. .

And the effect of this magic seal seems to be specially set for Sun Fei's current level, so that he can directly use this seventh-level green suit. Although the power of the weapon has been sealed by 50%, it is in this state of 50%, [not the sacred price of Kelso, the blade of God] and [the patriarchal guardian of Burkesso] The single-handed damage of the sword has reached an astonishing 70 or so. The degree of damage has exceeded the current purple and blue swords used by Sun Fei more than doubled.

Moreover, as Sun Fei's next level increases, the power of these two swords will increase accordingly.

Seeing here, there was almost no hesitation. Sun Fei couldn’t wait to equip both swords on his own body, holding the hilt in his hand, an unprecedented force felt full of Sun Fei’s body, gently waving the blade. A cold cyan storm is created out of thin air, enough to tear everything... It is worthy of being a weapon used by the immortal king of the barbarians, too powerful.

After a while, he danced for a while, and Sun Fei went to pick up the other equipment that was released after the death of Dowler. The magic of all kinds of magical equipment on the ground flickers, and there are actually three golden sixth grades [bright gold items and equipment].

"Today is really a big bang, I didn't expect this idiot to actually have so many good things..." Sun Feile's teeth are broken: "If you can kill it a few times, how good!" ”

Three pieces of [bright gold items] are a bow, a light armor, and a pair of chain boots.

After being identified, the name of the bow is called [The Deadly Fighting Bow of the Wild Rose]. The shape is luxurious and exquisite. It is a sacred sacred mysterious wooden longbow with a vine of blooming roses on both sides of the bow. The bowstring is a sky blue. The light, the hand damage is 45-60, with the frozen attribute, the light armor name is [Titan's actual glorious armor], defense 95, with all kinds of magic effects, the name of the chain boots is [Amber's Speed ​​Boots 】, with a special effect of +30 moving speed.

Sun Fei thought for a moment, these pieces of equipment are good, think about it, simply gave Elena, the bow and arrow is her only weapon, armor can provide defense for the archer's slightly fragile body, and the boots can improve His speed of movement, pulling away from the enemy, seems to be all tailor-made for Elena.

There are a few other pieces of equipment, but they are all the fourth level of [magic equipment items], it is not bad to get back to the [Lu Gaoyin] npc where to buy a few gold coins. So Sun Fei received the sash space.


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