Hail the King

Chapter 231: Hostile golden armor

Chapter 231 with a hostile golden armor

"The hero sees the same thing, Harry is in charge. I also found out that this group of slippery stinky mice are afraid to make a positive shot because they know that it is not our opponent, so they use this method..." Sun Fei suddenly When I first came to the Black Rock country, every night, Black Rock King sent Prince Ike to squad the cavalry in the night to harass the scene, and my heart has been faintly associated with some things.

"But they know that such a means can't kill you, why do you still have to do this?"

The black robe director Redknapp naturally understands that this series of attacks are all directed at the Shampoo King. The Soros Chamber of Commerce and his own are just the right time, but in curiosity, he did not create a shampoo expedition. The military’s idea of ​​blasphemy. After all, for a businessman, there is a creed that has been engraved in the blood of their bones. It is absolutely impossible to get huge returns without paying a certain price. Before making any investment, they First let yourself judge the rate of return. Obviously, according to the observations of Redknapp during this period, especially after the shampoo and the blood knife mercenaries showed amazing strength, the personal guards Fernando Torres and the giant Han Oleg were not outdone. Out of its own value, it makes Redknapp firmly believe that the danger that this Soros branch caravan may suffer is definitely worthwhile compared to the hidden value of the shampoo king.

Only profitable, businessmen will never lack courage than the most insane mercenaries.

"Who knows? Maybe it's delaying time to prepare anything, maybe it's going to make us tired..." Sun Fei shrugged and didn't care to say: "In short, these guys are definitely not good, thinking about these things too hard. Anyway, there is always a day to uncover the mystery... Harry, I suddenly have a hunch, someone is waiting for us in front, maybe, hey, I will meet soon."

After the treatment of the wounded, Sun Fei ordered the army to speed up the march.

Sun Fei let Angela return to the safer long princess magic carriage. At the same time, in order to avoid being attacked after the order was placed, causing unnecessary losses, all the Saints scouts were called and the horn was called back. Sun Fei himself Then switch to the Druid mode, at this time the 32-level Druid character can summon 5 white psychic giant wolves and three giant-winged crows, Sun Fei will sprinkle all these summoned beasts, heaven and earth All four methods are closely monitored.

Since the Druid can change the vision to the white psychic giant wolf and the giant winged crow in the sky at any time, Sun Fei is equal to the captain's eyes, just like military satellites and radars, can be observed for the first time. All the movements within a radius of almost ten kilometers.

On the surface, it is not moving, but in fact, Sun Fei’s heart is already killing the machine.

Just now the collapse of the mountain caused five Saints and more than a dozen urban hospitals to be injured. Some of them were even seriously injured. This is almost the most serious loss to the sergeant of the sergeant after Sun Fei’s defeat of the black armor in the city of Chambord, or if there is a dark world. The pharmacy was treated in time, the loss was absolutely heavy, and the escorts of Soros’s caravan died five times. This time, the despicable attack, who can guarantee the next time these despicable mice will make any means, in case someone really Falling in?

What a joke, Laozi’s warrior can’t die here.

Sun Fei is determined to give these sneaky sneaky guys a sneak peek.

The setting sun is like blood, and the grassland in front of it is red.

Picturesque, so quiet.

Suddenly, a tall, thin figure appeared slowly on a yellow hill.

He gently picked up his head and painted a black helmet with a trembling hand. Below it was a thin face and a pair of eyes full of tears. Looking at the distant rushing river and the clam castle between the mountains. I couldn't help but burst into tears, greedily breathing the air with the grass of my hometown. He slammed into the ground and kissed the soil under his feet. The body began to tremble with excitement.

"Xiangbo City, I am finally alive!"

This thin, tall man suddenly stood up and raised his hands, as if he had lifted his own soul, and made a roar of madness.

With this roar, more and more figures ran wildly from behind him and appeared on the hills. Each of them was ragged and covered with incompatible black armor. After a long journey, Exhausted, the sharp knife used in the hand to kill people as a crutches, the physical strength is completely overdraft, can come here rely on the belief in the heart to support themselves.

"Come back... I am really back!"

"Xiangbo City, my hometown, I actually saw you again..."

"The gods are on, I am not dreaming?"

This group of people was escorted by Frank Lampard and Hip Hop II, Drogba, Pierce and more than 20 Saints. After a long journey, they finally came to the shampoo miners in front of Chambord.

In Heiyan, I experienced a life like hell. Every day I face the fear of the next second. I will see the partner who has been dependent on myself for the first time. I will die in the pit immediately or be the butcher’s knife. Under the picture, let them be so ingrained in their hearts that their hometown is obsessed. Anyone thought that they might not be able to drink the water of Zu Lijiang again when they died, and they could no longer see the wall of Chambord, but now they are This really scene, finally let them completely crazy.

Suddenly there was an exclamation in the crowd.

An old man in his fifties fell from the horse immediately. When people raised him, they had no breathing.

"Dick old man is dead... In fact, his body has long been through the limits, and he has long been unable to hold on. If he wants to hold a breath and finally look at the country of shampoo, maybe he has already died on the road... ..." Someone shed tears: "Now his wish is fulfilled, even if it is dead, it can be buried in the land of his hometown."

A group of people are sad and happy, just like in a dream.

Lampard, Drogba and Pierce three horses patrol around to protect the people. Seeing this scene can not help but stunned, the bird flies back to his hometown, the fox will die, the old Dick is always holding a breath and watching Before arriving in the hometown, even before this, even the **** of death was defeated in front of this old man.

Lampard sent a fast horse and flew toward the city of Chambord, returning the news.

Just then, a group of fast horses appeared in the back, flew to Lampard and whispered a few words. Instantly Lampard’s face changed, and he looked crazy in the distance. The compatriots who celebrated, lowered their voices and asked: "How far is it?"

"I have already stepped into my shampoo country, and we have an hour away from us."

"The **** robber, even dare to invade my shampoo so clearly, I don't know how to live and die, but now the time is tight, Paul, immediately let the team speed up, maintain good order, and strive to let everyone into the city within an hour, Di Deere, then sent a fast horse to inform the two adults, Best and Brooke, to attack the enemy and prepare for the battle. You are ready to break with me."

Lampard quickly made the most correct decision.

The fourth-class subsidiary of the Tadek country, the Wind Thunder Mountains, a narrow first-line natural terrain.

On both sides of the line, there are towering cliffs, the stone walls are smooth, and it is impossible to climb. There is no one in the trees.

Several guys dressed in black cloaks are busy preparing for the peaks on the top of the line, while others are standing on high grounds, watching the distant mountain roads while urging : "Hurry up, they are coming..."

On the mountain road in the distance, there were people from the brigade, and the speed of travel was very fast.

However, at this moment, suddenly, there was a sharp scream in the sky, and a shadow came from the wind. Several black cloaks just looked up and only felt dark. The pain came, and three huge crows of all black and white had a fierce dive. They even took the eyes of three of them directly with their sharp hooks.

"Oh ah... no! Help!"

The three unlucky ones who lost their eyes were screaming, and the painful place was raging, and they stumbled in no direction. They even fell directly from the top of the line.

A mess, at the same time, the white wolf without heads and white fluffs did not know when it appeared, leaving the four black cloaks all around, a fierce bite, these giant wolves showed a The strength of the shock is far beyond the third-level Warcraft wolf. Soon the top of the Shifeng is only a pile of scattered bones, broken clothes and blood.

Ten minutes later, the Xiangbo Expeditionary Force and the Soros Caravans finally reached the first-line canyon.

"Ah, there are a few more bodies here..." Oleg, who was dead fat, filled his lips and shouted in surprise.

"Go ahead." Sun Fei can't wait to see the body of the dead. It's like a fat man who is going to take out the cystitis. He finally saw the fat man in the urinal flying like a fly. It's too much. mom. It’s shameful.

The black robe supervisor, Redknapp, looked at the corpse carefully and found that the corpses that suddenly appeared on the road five or six times ago, although the bodies were broken, they can be seen, they are also shackled. He lost his eyes and looked like he was attacked by a beast. He couldn’t help thinking more. Since yesterday, when he was killed by a magical array in the valley and the cliffs attacked almost the dead, the shampoo king did not strengthen his vigilance. Instead, he took back the scout and accelerated the rampage. He was even more surprised that he had been smooth all the time and never encountered any danger or attack. He entered the territory of Tadek very smoothly.

Nothing happened except that the bodies of the four or five black men were seen along the way.

"It seems that the shampoo king did what he secretly did, and pulled out the assassins who were preparing to attack. Is there a hidden power under his arm?" Redknapp was surprised.

After a ray of days, I walked for more than two hours and came to the edge of the Wind Thunder Mountain Range.

Here, two hundred-meter-high lone peaks stand out from each other, standing opposite each other. They are like two warrior statues standing on the edge of the mountain. They are quite strange in shape and are famous in the surrounding area. They are called twin towers. Going forward less than a day's journey, I successfully entered the territory of the Zenit Empire, the destination of the expeditionary army.

However, when the team walked about 500 meters near the Twin Towers, Sun Fei discovered that in the distance there was a team of about 100 people. The Knights of the Golden Helmets were waiting at the bottom of the peak and saw that the expeditionary army had not given way. The meaning of standing, and standing in front of the team is a young boy with a face, wearing a gold armor, holding a golden helmet, a long blond hair flying in the wind, kneeling riding a strange World of Warcraft, the whole person up and down There was a faint danger in the air, staring at himself in the distance, and the sight was full of hostility.


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