Hail the King

Chapter 238: Flameless

Chapter 238 Flames are ruthless

Time goes forward one day.

Outside the city of Chambord, the autumn wind is bleak and the grass is dry.

"Chong! A bang, blood wash shampoo city!"

The four men are wrapped in all kinds of vindictive spirits, at least in the four-star level, the mighty knights are rushing in front of them. Behind them are several kings wearing bright armor and wearing golden crowns. Not hiding their own killings, and behind the kings, there are more than two thousand black torrent-like cavalry, the iron hoof ruthlessly tramples the earth, the dust is immaterial, the black **** scimitar and the enamel pattern In the air, the long banner is like a black dragon, struggling to fly, with a black murderous sky.

The whole team is like a bloodthirsty wolf, and the west is madly moving forward.

Finally, the steep and steep mountains and the serene silhouette of the shampoo in the distance finally appeared in the sight of this murderous invader.

"Kill... catch up and kill them!"

"Blood wash shampoo city... killing the city, hahaha, a man who is taller than a rut, one does not stay!"

Seeing the shampoo city in the distance in the mountains, each intruder is like a fierce hyena that smells bloody, and is screaming wildly.

Just ten minutes ago, the two guys who didn’t know what the golden knight was claiming to be under the sorrow of the shampoo king, but after a slap in the face, but only a little resisted for a while, they were scared to escape the scene, but also contributed to And inspired the intruder's morale and arrogance, then finally saw the attack target appear in the distant horizon, the king wearing the golden crown sneered with a sigh, the long horn sounded, the speed of the black cavalry torrent slowed slightly, the horse team Start to maintain the distance between each other, adjust the rhythm, and save the necessary physical strength for the final crazy charge.

However, at this time, the change was sudden.


A large black-pressed arrow came out from behind the hills on the right side of the cavalry, with a desperate shadow, screaming like a hunger-stricken locust, unpredictable, intruder cavalry More than 20 cavalry on the right wing of the team screamed and fell, and the partner who was galloping behind him stepped on the meat!

"There are ambushes...the shampoo bowmen, note that they are on the right!"

"Damn, they have found us!"

"Haha, what ambush, only 30 people in the district, so some people will do the provocation of the king army, Claude, you immediately lead the right wing to a 50-person squad, within ten minutes, these sneak attack mice Our heads brought me back..."

The intruder’s commander quickly discovered this sudden attack. Seeing the number of the shampoo bow cavalry, everyone was relieved. The right-wing golden crown king waved a sword and suddenly hundreds of black cavalry laughed arrogantly. After being separated from the large forces, Zema chased down the looming shampoo cavalry after the distant hills, and soon disappeared into the low hills and grass.

After less than two minutes, the invaders’ leader was still looking forward to the return of the soldiers, but suddenly.


A string of black pressed arrows emerged from the grass on the left side of the hill.

This is really unexpected!

The black cavalry was still unprepared, and the black torrents of the left wing were instantaneously dozens of cavalry screaming and falling, and soon the loss reached thirty or fifty people, and the sneak attacker quickly gave up his figure - another dial The shampoo bow cavalry, about twenty people, they cleverly concealed in the low hills and the waist-deep golden grass and grass, the shadows of the shadows, the archery, and almost no arrows, but mad The intruders did not notice this. They just noticed the number of opponents. Twenty people obviously could not cause a fatal threat to more than 2,000 people. The left-handed golden crown was drawn in a sneer. The sword was drunk, and it was still a group of 100 people who rushed away and wanted to annihilate the opponent.

But soon, the arrogant intruders found that something was wrong.

Because the left and right sides still have the sky and the arrows are still constantly coming from the two wings, and then there are always black cavalry mourning the falling horses. In less than ten minutes, they have lost incredible three or four hundred people. What they are chilling is, whether it is the left wing or the right wing, the two black hundred cavalry squads that had gone out to chase the shampoo bowman before, even turned out to be gone, and there was no signal from the slightest. It was obviously fierce. It is.

At the same time, there were more than 20 shampoo bowmen in the back of the army. They were chasing the wind, galloping like electricity, a little evanescent, like the tail that couldn’t be smashed, and constantly harassing archery Every arrow will shoot a black cavalry.

Under such harassment, the original complete black torrent has a tendency to be scattered and people are worried.

"Adult, what should we do?" A king wearing a golden helmet changed his face and shouted to ask the master who was screaming at the front of the team and called him an adult.

"Dick, Allen, you guys each receive four hundred rides. Within twenty minutes, the shampoo archers on both sides will clear all of them, leaving no live! Gulo, you take a hundred rides in the back. To prevent the opponent from following the harassment! Others don't want to take care of the shampoo archers on both sides, all speeding up the full charge, they are fighting for time, there must be something happening in front... horn! Accelerate the rush!" The top four of the torrents shone in the savage masters, and a prince-like knight was ordered.

The other three masters who kept pace with him promised one by one. Two of them waved with a long sword and shouted loudly. With more than 400 black cavalry, they pulled away from the two wings and finally separated from the big team lightly. Zema killed the shampoo cavalry in the direction of archery.

With two mysterious masters screaming in the front, the majority of the arrows that flew over were smashed by the vindictiveness. The black cavalry had almost no loss, and soon approached the shampoo archer hidden behind the grassy hills.

The other master led more than 100 cavalry to leave the big army from the left wing, and then gradually slowed down and landed behind the team to deal with the 20 shampoo cavalry who were constantly being harassed by archery behind the ass. Under the leadership of the master, the opponent was quickly driven out of most of the 100 meters, making it difficult to access.

At the same time, the leader of the top knight, with more than 1,500 black cavalry rushing, speeded up.

This leader is a strong knight without a helmet. The black curly hair flutters in the wind. His half-faced skin is twitching and deformed. It is not clear about the nose, ears and mouth. It is wrinkled like a group of mud. It is obviously Destroyed by the flames, it is extremely horrible, but his black eyes are bright and terrifying, like **** demons.

This man was very calm, almost in the shortest possible time to discover the intention of the shampoo army, his mouth slanted a line of upward arc, sneer disdain, as the Knights of the Imperial Knights, he used to battle, The command of the warfare command is very rich. I think that it is definitely no more than half a point higher than those of the nobles in the upper empire. A killing knight like him, is it a few ridiculous tricks that have seen the small dumplings in the market?

"The beasts are still fighting, poor performances!"

Looking at the enemy in the distance, the knight knight sneered, his sword has already felt the temperature of the blood.

at the same time.

On a slightly higher grassy hill in front of the distance, Goethe Brooke, who has been watching the intruder's movement closely, saw this scene, his face changed greatly, and he whispered in his heart: "In the enemy army, there is a mastery of the leader. The law's superiors, this situation can be awful... The plan must make a little change!"

Brooke’s line of sight continued to pass from all sides, observing the nearby terrain, and constantly calculating possible plans, comparing the strength and master of Chambord City with the strength of the intruders, but he quickly found it reluctantly In the city of Chambord, there is no one who can completely fight against the four masters in the opponent's lineup. Once the four masters can't be solved, this battle is really difficult to fight. In Azeroth, the master It is an important factor that cannot be ignored in the battlefield. If there is a great difference, it is likely that the final battle will have the opposite result. Although the city wall of Chambord is strong and strong, it cannot resist the invasion of four four-star masters.

"For the sake of the present, there is only one fight!"

Brooke’s heart finally made a decision. As the first military man of Chambord City, although he was still a bit sloppy in the usual time, the military value was not the highest, but at the crucial moment of the two armies’ battles, There is no lack of courage, responsibility, and judgment. Soon there will be a decision.

This is why Sun Fei values ​​Brooke and puts him in the position of commander.

At this moment, before the crisis, Brooke himself knew that he had to turn the tide and use actual actions to prove that His Majesty did not misread.

"Catch, chase me, be sure to kill them!"

The horse ran wildly, held up the sword, and arrogant, the dwarf four-star warrior named Dick, who was mad at this time. He was already mad at this time, with four hundred elite cavalry chasing less than thirty. The shampoo bowman, in his eyes, should have been a hand-to-hand thing, but who knows that these opponents are very incomparable, the archery is amazing, and after some pursuit, not only did not touch the opponent's hair, but his own cavalry instead of opponents Under the shooting of the archery, more than 100 people were killed or injured. This is a shameful shame.

After a fierce chase, the opposite shampoo bowman finally shot all the arrows in the arrow pot.

What is the difference between a bowman without a cluster of arrows and a hyena with broken teeth and claws? Still not killing?

"Hahaha, they don't have arrows, rush..."

But the scene of the chasing black cavalry soon disappeared, and the **** shampoo bow cavalry turned into a flying axe in the next moment, lifting the leg and picking up the flying axe that had long been hung on the saddle. The arm was thrown, and a huge axe like a door panel screamed and flew in the face. The black cavalry, which was not prepared, didn’t cry and shouted, and it was useless. The blood and broken limbs fluttered, and twenty a few axes were He took away fifty or sixty lives, and in the blink of an eye more than four hundred squads left two hundred and five, and the losses were heavy.

Finally, after chasing for more than ten minutes, the black cavalry blocked the shampoo bowman under a mountain jungle, where the horses could not rush all the way, and the slick shampoo archers like monkeys got into the middle. In the jungle, the wolf fled and quickly entered it.

"Down off, chase in, all kill!"

Dick, the leading four-star master, has been mad and lost his discretion. He vowed to fill the **** shampoo.

But soon, Dick regretted his actions a bit.

Because more than two hundred cavalry abandoned the horse and chased the jungle, they were quickly stunned by the messy maze-like woods, and gradually dispersed. When Dick calmed down and prepared to gather soldiers, he carried a black giant behind him. The sturdy man of the sword appeared in front of his eyes and stood proud.

Dick's pupil shrinks.

He felt a dangerous atmosphere on this sturdy red-haired man.

"who are you?"

Dick pulled out the long sword, and the blue-colored grudge ran wildly, and the momentum continued to climb.

"The shrine of Shampoo, Leo Gold Saint Francis Frank Lampard, come to take your dog."

The red-haired brawny put the black giant sword behind him on the ground in front of him, standing with his hands on his back, his face calming, and a slight crackling sound came out of his body, and soon a white lightning flashed from his body. Out, like a group of white flames shrouded around the body, the surrounding trees and grasses under the white lightning sizzling at a speed that is visible to the naked eye is not slow, yellow and black, and soon a faint blue smoke.

"Electric system master?" Dick took a brief glance, then excitedly licked his lips and smiled: "I really didn't think that a small shampoo city, there is still a master like you, good, good, good!" The body is blue and madly madly stalking: "My favorite thing, killing the master, this sword, has cut the head of 36 four-star masters, today, you will be the thirty-seventh! ”

"Hey!" This is Lampard's answer.

At the same time, Chambord City is right in front.

A wild grass grows wild over a large meadow of two meters.

The four-star master of the intruder, Alan, suffered almost the same experience as his companion Dick. He took four hundred black cavalry, and his soldiers were killed by the shampoo bowman in a wave of arrows and a half of the axe in the process of chasing. Under the madness, he led the army to chase the thick meadow. It was discovered that entering it was like entering the labyrinth sea. Under the deliberate guidance and evacuation of the opponent, more than two hundred cavalrymen were almost completely led, and in front of him stood two poorly-smelling shampoo city brawny.

"The shrine of the scorpion, the Taurus, the gold knight, the Drogba, the Capricorn, the golden knight, Pierce... Hey, the ugly boy, this time you are dead!" Two muscular sturdy elephants like the mountains self-reported, then pinched The fist screamed and sneered, smirking and approaching.

"Hey! Ignorance! Two fish that don't even have three stars, I dare to say this to me, I am really looking for death!" Allen shocked the sword in his hand, the water system sky blue violent flames soared, two sky blue The color of the sword is as fast as a meteor lightning, and it shoots at the throat of the two people.

"Sure enough!"

"Not an opponent!"

Drogba and Pierce face each other and feel the strength of the opponent's terror.

"Prepare... shoot!"

Gordon Brooke calmed down and the sword stroked the sky. As he made a sigh, the bowstring trembled, and the arrow of the sky screamed like a hungry locust, and the sound of the sky covered all the sounds between the heavens and the earth. Everyone's eardrums are madly shot at the enemy's black tide.

In an instant, the black cavalry in the distance sighed like a straw under the sickle.

This is war.

Cruel and ruthless.

The arrow fell, and then the blood of the sky flew up, and the miserable roar rang out between the heavens and the earth.

The companion who was still riding around in the last second mourned the fallen horse, and then the cavalry who screamed behind him stepped on the meat, and soon there was no wheezing.

Under the indiscriminate coverage of the arrows of this sky, each cavalry can only kick the abdomen of the horse with the spurs above the iron boots, so that the sweaty horses running under the armpits run faster. Try to rush to the other archer in the shortest time, while leaning forward to reduce the area as much as possible, while praying that the gods will protect themselves from the blood-throwing arrows that are in the sky, this indiscriminate The ejection can't be avoided at all. Except for the kings and senior officers who have high-level protection around them, among the ordinary soldiers, only the lucky ones with luck and courage can support them.

Fortunately, they have been able to see the enemies who are alone in the low hills two hundred meters away.

There are less than one hundred people in the defensive formation, and the shabby is like a group of helpless scarecrows, so that every intruder is convinced that with a single charge, the weak opponent can step on the city as a meat, then like a gusty wind. The same whistling into the city of Chambord, killing and setting fire, looting all the things that appear in the eyes, to make their lives seem more meaningful.

Getting closer and closer.

There is less than 50 meters between the two armies.

The black cavalry with a good eyesight even saw the panicked expression of the distant opponent and the trembling legs after the officer forced the retreat. This scene further ignited their fierceness. Everyone was madly yelling. Crazyly urging the flattering, frantically swaying the weapon in his hand, looking forward to the moment of whistling through the opponent's head.

Only the front of the body and the majestic horses flashed with silver flames. The knights of the knights of the knights wrinkled slightly, and after killing him, they finally felt a touch of unusual taste.

I don’t know when the air began to be mixed with a strange and familiar pungent smell, and the tall, black-haired enemy commander on the opposite hill in the distance faced several times The enemy has always been firmly nailed to the strange flag of a pair of dog-headed axe swords, and the firm radiance in the eyes has caused the knight-faced knight leader to have an inexplicable trepidation in the bottom of his heart!

"I'm not right, there is a conspiracy..." The knight-faced knight's thoughts, combined with the pungent smell in the air, instantly thought of a terrible possibility.

Unfortunately, it is already late.


Just then, there was a rush of bowstring tremors.

The knight-faced knight leader suddenly looked up and his pupils shrank. Printed into his eyes is a whole twenty flame magic arrows, like the twenty meteors, with a burning flame, heading into the black torrent.

Then in the next second, incredible things happened.

With a bang, the whole earth began to burn.

That's right, it's the whole earth.

The half-meter-long grass under the feet of the black cavalry was almost instantly transformed into a smoldering fire from the hell. Like a volcanic eruption, a red-yellow flame emerged from the ground and ruthlessly groaned. The cavalry who were running wildly, the pungent odor and the dark smoke rose from the sky, the flame spread like life, and even more incredible is that in just less than thirty or forty seconds, the flame At lightning speed, it spread to the grassland within a kilometer of almost a square. All the cavalry were in a blazing flame.

Death, at this moment, suddenly came without warning.

A ruthless flame that devours everything.

Countless cavalry was still screaming and screaming, waving the blade in his hand, and then a second became a fireman who screamed and screamed, screaming and screaming, throwing away the weapons in his hands, desperately flapping on his body. Flames, flames ruthlessly swallowed their bodies, just like the most passionate lover in the world, entangled in a moment, a lively life is murdered in the flames.

This kind of scene is vast and terrifying, and it is comparable to some legendary fire system curse magic.

However, the leader of the knight knight clearly knows that this is not a magic curse.

Because the first row of flame magic arrows, the flame element fluctuations that he is very familiar with, is definitely the simplest low-level fire-level magic arrow, and there is only one reason for the whole grassland to start burning. That is, in this wild grass nearly half a meter deep, a large amount of fire phosphorus was artificially scattered beforehand. Phosphorus, a kind of odor with a odor, even if it touches a little bit of flame, can be burned into a terrible strange mineral powder in an instant. This is also the source of his pungent odor in the air, the place where he is uneasy, and the only reason why the fire can spread in an instant.

I don't know when, suddenly, the wind.

The fire is borrowed from the wind, the smaller it gets bigger, the sky rises everywhere, the smoke is everywhere, the sorrows are everywhere, the fire is struggling everywhere, the horses are everywhere... the flames are everywhere!

The leader of the knight knight is running wildly and madly, pushing the hot flame away from the body three meters away.

"Everyone listens to orders, don't panic, accelerate... accelerate, rush out of the fire! There is a big river in front!"

In the rage, the knights of the knights furiously roared and commanded the cavalry to go forward madly, trying to rush out of the sea in the shortest possible time. Under such circumstances, only the forward rush is a glimmer of life, because the wind is heading south. Blowing, only the shampoo position on the front less than 50 meters away, there is no flame burning, as long as you cross the enemy positions, you can leave the sea of ​​fire.

Rushing past, killing the **** shampoo people!

This is the only thought in the brain of the knight-faced knight.


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