Hail the King

Chapter 252: Footsteps in the fog

Chapter 252 Footsteps in the Mist

Philip... Inzaghi's eyes widened, standing in the same place, and his mind was as loud as a thunder.

He couldn't believe what he had heard.

In front of this man is the king of the kingdom of the empire of Yassin, the identity of the king, the identity is extremely honorable, high above, is the blood of the royal family, in addition, it is the legend of the birth of the world, defeated the Knights of the Imperial Knights One of the legendary masters of the Golden Sun Knight, for Inzaghi, Sun Fei is simply the kind of person in the myth that can only look up in the clouds.

Such a person, maybe he can't say a word in his life.

Today, I can sit on a table with Sun Fei and others in the Ivy pub. It’s a great blessing to think of it. It’s worthwhile for them to brag about the mercenary partners in the future... Who knows now? The legendary figure not only appeared in front of his own eyes, but he was still willing to accept himself as a disciple... Isn’t this a dream?

"Philip, you... what are you doing?" The tall man, York, saw where the black boy was like a fool, and he was anxious for him. He couldn't help but squint and reached out and rubbed his waist.

"Ah... I want to... Your Majesty, I am willing, of course I am willing." Inzaghi finally understood, and he slammed on the floor, ecstatically replied insultingly, but soon he realized what he was, smiled solidified On the face, hesitated for a few seconds, and finally said: "Your Majesty, the little Tina and Uncle York they... they... can you be with me..."

"Kid, you are stupid, don't care about us, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity..." The tall man, York, was anxious, and he couldn't wait to lick Inzaghi's ass.

Sun Fei laughed happily: "Haha, good, can not forget your friends at this time, prove that the king did not misread you, the king is very satisfied, Philip, if you become the apprentice of the king, as your friend Naturally, I am also a guest of the country of Hong Kong. From now on, they are under the protection of the king. If they are willing, they can become shampoo people!"

"Ah, this... very good, this is great! Thank you, Your Majesty! Thank you Master!" Inzaghi no longer hesitated in his heart, ecstatically beheaded.

"Thank you for your majesty!" The tall man, York, was also broken. He didn't think that such a good thing had his own share. He slammed his head and hurriedly squatted on the ground.

"Get up, haha, good, very good! From now on, you are the first apprentice of the king. This is the meeting for the teacher to give you." Sun Fei's palm gently spread, the flames flash, two handles The singularly black scorpion dagger appeared in his hands.

The two handles, the handle is slightly thin, threaded, without swallowing, the blade is light and thin, like a jumping flame, divided into four folds, each with a slight barb, although it looks Slim, but because of the strange shape, as long as the skin is lightly cut, it will leave a horrible blood mouth. The other handle is shaped like a snake wrapped around the mouth. The nozzle opens and spits out the blade, and four fangs make up the swallow. The blade is thick, like an axe, with a distinct blood trough barb. The two daggers are all made of the devil's bones. They are surrounded by the black iron essence. They are designed by Sun Fei. The cold sensation releases the chill, and at first glance, it is shocking and daunting.

Philip Inzaghi was attracted to see the two daggers at first sight, and the whole body was immersed in it, as if the handsome young man who saw passionately saw the peerless goddess, and his eyes could hardly leave. There is a kind call in my heart, which is a feeling of blood connection.

"This is the invincibility of the four layers of Huangquan and the dead snakes. It is comparable to the weapon of the gods. It can penetrate the last armor. With the talents that you are good at hiding, you can exert amazing killing power. Today I will give them to you. I hope they can play their due value in your hands!"

"Master, I must remember your teachings!" Inzaghi took the two daggers in their hands and held them tightly. The weapon he used before was a dagger, so he was very familiar with the usage of the dagger. The ten fingers were so dexterous that any dagger weapon in his hand could be turned into a ray of light and mellow in the palm of his hand.

"Well, this is the king's token..." Sun Fei took a double-headed dog heraldry black oval token from the storage ring and handed it to Inzaghi's hand: "The shampoo expeditionary force is stationed at the hot spring outside Sanli On the banks of the river, I will give you a night to prepare. Remember, before the next day, you must pack up your luggage with York and come to me with the little ones. In the afternoon, we will leave for the hot springs and miss the time. This king won't wait for you!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Inzaghi glared at the token, as if he were carrying his own life.

After staying for a while, Sun Fei and Angela and Jima left the slum area under the guidance of Inzaghi. They stayed in the city for a while, watching the sky not early, following the original The road returned, and the hot springs closed the gate. This time there was the existence of a gorgeous magic carriage symbolizing the upper-level identity. The soldiers who guarded the gates only looked far away, and quickly let go, no longer dare to come up with blackmail. Shunshun was a hot spring.

Going back to the expeditionary camp and asking about the day camp, everything went smoothly and there was no accident.

Angela and Jimmy, who had almost swollen feet, slept in a slumber after bathing. Sun Fei went directly into the Diablo world in the Master mode and upgraded.

In the Rogge camp, Sun Fei found the beautiful mercenary Jelena. After the customs clearance of the seven major occupations, the power of the mercenaries was superimposed. Jelena could appear in any of the seven major occupations while the strength rose. The side of the character. The beautiful mercenary will tell Sun Fei in detail before and after the war in the real world.

"The mysterious black master who suddenly appeared?"

When I heard Elena talking about the sudden appearance of the mysterious black man who saved Brooke, Sun Fei’s face was a little weird. I don’t know why, he had a very strange feeling in his heart, this black man gave him It feels like being very familiar, as if I have seen it.

"Bruc adults ordered the killing of the Black Rock King, the Red Water King and the Thrace King. Is this something that will affect you in the execution of Alexander the Great?" This is what the beautiful mercenaries are worried about. The meaning of right and wrong in any one thing is only good or bad for her.

"It doesn't matter, these three kings are ambitions, and they are against me again and again. Brooke is killing well and avoiding the scourge. Haha, if I am there, I will be the ones who have been smashed into pieces!" Sun Fei smiled. During this time, Mazula, the godmother of the Church of the Shampoo Church, sent a lot of news. I have been handed over to Brooke and Uncle Best. I think they already know that the Empire is unstable now, Yassin is dying, and there are big enemies. Pressure, internal and external difficulties, so some of the cats and dogs will pick up their teeth and grin, if they do not hurt them, others think that my shampoo country is good bullying, this thing, Brooke is doing right!"

"Brook adults let me tell you that this time even the masters of the Imperial Knights Hall are involved, this time the emperor is executed, must be very careful." Elena remembered Brooke's embarrassment.

"Haha, even the main son has been hit by my ass, not to mention a few dogs." Sun Fei is not worried, he has some care in his heart.

Before leaving, he left several backhands in Chambord. This time, the shampoo was not used in the battle, so he was not worried about the next safety of Chambord. "As long as Brooke and Uncle Best can finish the things that I had arranged before I left, I will not have to wait until the Zenit Empire, even if it is the Zenit Empire.

Understand the current situation of Chambord City, Sun Fei and Jelena reached the Lu through the transmission array... Gao Yin, this second scene of the Master Map is only the last task of the final challenge. Of course, before entering the strange space where the Governor is located, the two had to find the true tomb of the seal altar in the seven towers among the Warrior Canyon... and then sweep all the monster.

This time, Sun Fei’s luck is not so good.

The two men killed all the way in the Warlock Canyon. The first six ancient tombs completed by Qing Dynasty turned out to be fake tombs. It took nearly three hours to complete. The two talents stood in the real buried tower... The ancient tomb gate of Laxia prior to.

This ancient tomb has a **** legend.

Tower... The name of a legendary hero of Laxia is the great leader of the genre of Hera, the master of the sin in the dark world. It is this greatness with both wisdom and strength. The mage, who killed the great devil's lord and sacrificed his life, imprisoned Barna's immortal soul, imprisoned his body, making the devil difficult to escape, but he himself had to live forever against this. The undead evil demon.

At this time, the magician Sun Fei upgraded to level 37, and the number of Elena's grades reached 36. The upgrade speed has gradually changed to the trend of super-off-road barbarian mode. This is because the level of the mage is constantly rising. In the case of the seven-level green suit equipped with Akana's tricks, the Master's group attack skills are more, and the ability to sweep monsters is far superior to the barbarians who are good at individual soldiers. The upgrade speed is naturally faster.

The two entered the true tower... The ancient tomb of Laxia, all the way to the thorns and the thorns stood up and destroyed countless demons. Before the final seal of the altar, Sun Fei had not had time to come out of the gap between the altar of Hradec’s altar. There was a reminder of mysterious icy sounds, and the time limit for the game was coming soon.

This time the action of hunting the demon governor, you must not temporarily draw a rest.

The second day.

Morning dawn.

The eastern side of the sky has a white belly, the morning breeze is cold, and the sky is low and cloudy.

The fog was very strong, and the white scorpion shrouded the earth like white sand. Nothing could be seen ten meters away.

In the land of the river, the shampoo expeditionary army camp has begun to be lively. The last time the King’s Majesty made the decision to open today, the urban management started the routine marching exercise and began to clean up the camp and dismantle the tent. Prepare for the team's opening.

Just then, there were a few loud footsteps in the distance.

Fernando Torres, the blond teenager in charge of the perimeter warning of the camp, stared at the waist, his right hand holding the long bow at the waist, and his left hand reaching for the back arrow pot, like a smooth skin touching the white arrow feathers, ear The footsteps are getting closer and closer.

"There are people to stop, here is the camp of the Xiangbo army, who is arrogant within 20 meters, kill!" Torres drank.

"Really... is... fragrant... wave... big camp... I... I..." The footsteps are getting closer and closer, a figure of blood is rushing over, and the footsteps are vain, but it is the slightest In spite of Torres’ warning, he stepped up and rushed over.


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