Hail the King

Chapter 273: Long-awaited

Chapter 273 begins to come out

The seventh ruling of the knight's cold voice, overshadowed the tens of thousands of people, and spread out.

People are waiting for the response of the shampoo king.

However, one minute passed, two minutes passed... Until ten minutes passed, people’s imaginary roar or contemptuous response from the direction of the shampoo camp did not come, the sunny sun was shining Above the silvery snow, during this time, a rare silence suddenly appeared around the No. 1 test sword.


The seventh ruling Knight has not received a reply from his opponent for a long time, nor is he as angry as many people think. He just snorted and did not speak again. Instead, he stood proudly on the test sword and closed his eyes. The **** flames linger like him on his body, and the blood of his eyes makes his body shape and appearance begin to have some ambiguity, which seems to be illusory and looming.

He is waiting.

Because of the most accurate noon, there are still ten minutes.

The atmosphere at the scene was tense and suffocating.

Everyone understands that this **** knight is already angry.

No one on the No. 1 test sword table dared to speak loudly. The **** atmosphere of this lonely and wild figure on the stage made everyone feel like a suffocation in the blood of the corpse, bursting into heart and timid. His face is pale, even if he is daring, he can't even dare to go out.

The name of the **** knight, the fierce cover of the twenty-mile camp.

Even the big men on the seats in the VIP area did not dare to laugh and tacitly maintained silence. The existence of the Imperial Knights Hall is the darkest and **** institution of the Zenit Empire. The Knights’ Court is directly obeyed by the Imperial Emperor. It has the absolute power to monitor the subordinates of the subordinates of 250 and all the big and small aristocrats. Constrained by the ordinary laws of the Empire, for more than 20 years, the Knights’ Column has not known how many people have died or are not dying. The prestigious kings and emperors of the Empire, even the seven nobles of the Empire Among the forces, there were also a few executions by the Knights of the Iron and Blood. In addition, on the first gold column of the Knights' Hall, they had killed three imperial princes and four princes with treason.

Knights’ Prison is a symbol of absolute torture and dark death.

For more than two decades, anyone who has been arrested in the Knights’ Court Prison, no matter how distinguished you are before, how heavy the authority is, but as long as you enter, there has never been a precedent.

And to maintain the mysterious and cruel power of the Knights' Hall, in addition to the high emperor, it is the mysterious Knights of the Knights of the Knights, Akinfeev, and the top ten ruling knights.

The seventh ruling Knight Crude called the **** knight, it can be seen how hard his wrist is, how scorpion is poisonous, how bloody, how can he practice a sharp gold martial arts into blood, just because of the step by step from the blood of the corpse In the midst of it, it absorbed the breath of the blood of the dead. The top ten ruling knights are top players, each with their own wrists and characteristics, but if it is about the killing and fierceness, the seventh ruling Knight Crude is definitely unique!

In the face of the ruling knight who is superior in power and high in weight, the thousands of creatures within the Zenit empire can truly fear and not bow, only the imperial emperor and the guardian Wu Sheng.

"The shampoo king, dare to so big?"

A few minutes later, at the forefront of the VIP table, a body was covered with strange scales, such as the second killing knight of the human weapon. The Malaysian Golden Knife sat on the stone chair, and a strange power made him The figure was ambiguous, and the double-knife-shaped visor protected his look. Only a pair of eyes full of killing exposed him, suddenly whispered.

This sentence suddenly makes the temperature of the air lower.

"The dog in the country, even if it is a bit of strength, can not see the big scene." The fifth violent knight in the tone with disdain. The fourth giant knight gently nodded and seemed to agree.

Next to the pedestal, the third squadron, the sixth glory knight, and the eighth white knight who have the same powerful body and powerful temperament, such as the magical armor of the sea, remain silent. The three look at each other and look strange through the shape. The horrible visor, the eyes meet, there is no indication.

In the VIP area, some thoughtful people have quietly discovered that the six ruling knights who appeared unexpectedly appeared to have singular information. The distance between the six people is far and near, and it seems to be divided into two small ones. The group, the original empire's top ten ruling knight, does not seem to be as iron-clad as the outsiders imagined, impeccable!

The sun's rays became a little hot, and the most accurate noon was only three minutes left.

Some people are already speculating that the shampoo king still does not appear, whether it is because of the war.

Just then, another change has taken place.

In the distance near the imperial city gate, there was another rush of horseshoes that were like a thunder, and a black-pressed knight was used as a tidal wave from the gate. The black magic carriage followed suit, and the emperors who had appeared before. The big family is different. These knights are all ordinary horses. The rhythm is uniform and uniform. It reveals a solemn and luxurious atmosphere from the inside out. It comes in time and comes instantly.

"This is the cavalry of the Holy See."

"Why is it? Even the Holy See has begun to pay attention to this duel?"

"I don't know which adult of the Holy See is coming, will it not be the Pope?"

This meeting was a turn of the VIP area, everyone was shocked and surprised, even the six-pointed knight who sat silent, the eyes under the visor, also revealed a different color. Originally it was just a very simple duel, because one of the parties involved was one of the top ten ruling knights, so the appearance of the six of them was still within the understanding and acceptance of the people. Now even the sacred sect of the Zenit Empire parish They all showed up under the sword, which is definitely beyond everyone's expectations.

The black knights together, the sound is quiet.

Among the crowds, the simple and heavy black magic carriage drove under the test sword, but no action, just waiting quietly, the people in the car did not come out to the VIP area, revealing mystery And weird.

Finally, day to noon.

The time for the duel is coming.

A silver stream of light, from the direction of the emperor.

Surprisingly, the silver streamer passed, and a flashing sky over the first test squad turned into a floating figure in a white robe, which fell on the stage.

The man was holding a gold-plated lupin fan on his left hand, holding a golden wine cellar in his right hand, and a long black hair floating in his back, with a golden cutout attached to his waist with a small pocket of Warcraft, and his body was golden, like a layer of gold. He is just a foot, standing on the test sword, it is not affected by the **** murder of the seventh **** knight, the light fan, the wrist wine cellar, the indescribable feeling of chic.

"The time for the duel has arrived, the timing begins, and the shampoo king is not within the tenth limit.

A simmered pulp, the white robe stands on the sword platform and reads out.

When he was talking, he couldn’t make a loud noise, and he didn’t use any magic equipment. However, his voice was strangely covered by the crowds around him, and he clearly passed to each one. In the ear of a person, it is like an ear in your ear to tell the general, clear words, a magical charm in the words, people can not help but concentrate on listening to him.

The first bard of the empire, Materazzi.

A strange person with a strong legend, the game world, the strength of the unpredictable, never showed his true strength to the outside world, but no one would think that he is a weak. In the rumors, this life only likes the gold and the sultry bard, the mysterious, the dragons see the end, not only with the empire Yassin, but also with the person on Wusheng Mountain. Have a shallow friendship.

In the continent of Azeroth, the duel on the sword platform will generally invite some famous bards to be a notary. The shocking confrontation between the six-star powerhouses can be regarded as the first in several years. Duel, so witnessed by the legendary empire's first bard Materazzi, is a common sense. Seeing his appearance, the onlookers are not surprised, except for the excitement.


Materazzi lifted up the wine cellar and sipped the wine. The mouth never rested for a while, but the sound spread far away. Like Huang Zhongda Lu, it was clear and abnormal, and it was heard in everyone's ear.


Just in the mouth of the first bard of the empire, a syllable was being counted down. There was a thunderous roar in the air, from far and near, from the riverside of the river. ** Now, the electric light flint is generally crushed from the heavens and the earth.

"Appeared... Shampoo King really appeared!"

"he came……"

"Great courage, actually dare to meet the challenge of the seventh knight!"

The horrific voice suddenly shocked the inside and outside of the test sword. Many people grew up in shock and looked back. They could not see the figure in the hope. They only felt the temperament of the sultry. They made them stand unsteady, swaying, and the sea was poured into pieces. A powerful force was crushed from above their heads.

The momentum of the shampoo king is definitely not weaker than the previous **** knight Krued, far beyond the imagination of many people!


A cold, shocked the shackles of thousands of people.

On the top of the sword, the **** wild figure, the shoulders shook a little!


In the screaming sound of the sword, the four **** swords turned into Changhong, and they broke out from the **** knight, dyed the sky, and broke the space. kill!

In the sky, a figure finally flashed.

Facing the face of the assassination of the red sword, the shadows flashed in the blink of an eye, the second to the slightest avoidance of the **** sword, seemingly nowhere to borrow, is about to exhaust, but it is inconceivable and empty Speed ​​up among them.

A series of afterimages, the next moment, the figure stands on the No. 1 test sword.


At the same moment, the last note of the first bard Materazzi countdown was finally introduced into the ears of everyone around. In the last breath of the time limit, the other side of the duel, the singer of the affiliation of the country, the singer of the singer, Alexander Wang, finally appeared!

Before the end of the ten-day period, the shampoo king appeared.

The duel is valid.


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