Hail the King

Chapter 275: One stroke

Chapter 275

Try the sword on the stage.

"Yes, good, it is indeed worthy of the condescension challenge, shampoo king, your strength, still not let the seat disappointed!" The **** glory of the figure is blurred, the **** knight slightly bite the jaw, under the strange mask Among the eyes, there was a hint of color.

Sun Fei reached out and untied the ligament between the necks. The hula cloaked in the air, the dark red blush flew like a cloud into the sky. He shook his neck and smiled: "Thank you for praise, but if you Only with this strength, I have to say to you: You are very disappointed, the Cavaliers!"

Although the voices of the two were not large, they were still clearly transmitted to the ears of everyone around them through some special magical array devices on the test sword.

"Hey! Mania!" The second killing knight in front of the VIP area was covered in knives and armor.

"I don't know how to live!" The fourth giant blade knight and the fifth violent knight are equally furious.

Although the ten ruling knights are not ten people, but there is no difference between the insults and the seventh ruling knight, and the direct resentment of their faces, the three have not had a good impression on the shampoo king. After hearing such words, they are naturally angry.

Instead, the third disciplinary knight, the sixth glory knight, and the eighth white knight knight looked at each other with a look of helplessness. They shook their heads and shook their heads. The guy like the shampoo king really didn't like it!

Around the test sword, tens of thousands of people heard the words of Sun Fei at the same time.

Suddenly awkward.

Since Zenit’s founding, the people who dared to face the Cavaliers so rudely did not, but they were all thrown into the Knights’ Black Prison without exception. No one can live out of the black jails, and now the shampoo king It is tantamount to challenging the dignity of the top ten ruling knights.

On the VIP area.

The first appearance of the Dean family became, the magical genius Dean... The feelings of Kazola changed, and the look suddenly became very exciting.

In addition, a large aristocratic force in the seat area of ​​the Bigger family, the arrogant woman of the Tianjiao, who is fascinated by the thousands of people, the face of the Beyonce Iceberg, which is indifferent and stunning, finally reveals a smile that is worthy of playfulness and affirmation. This kind of smile is like the expression of a naughty and proud little girl who finally found the toy she likes.

"Ah? Is he? It is him, he is the king of shampoo!"

Five hundred and six hundred meters away from the south of the sword station, the young Byzantine king of the empire’s southern harbor was red, and the face before the test was like a squally shower. He could not capture the breath of the two. Face, at this moment, the two stopped, and the Byzantine King finally found it incredibly that the person who suddenly swept the Blood Knife Mercenary Group saved his lover last night and used his mysterious means to incredibly improve his own strength, even said that the legendary country The super strong shampoo king who turned out to be born!

This discovery made the shock and ecstasy in his heart unspeakable.

"It turns out that the shampoo king is so young, almost the same age as me." Seeing the dissatisfied eyes of the people around him, under the glimpse of the young Byzantine king, he quickly stopped yelling under the excitement and sat down to watch quietly. Duel, but in my heart, he couldn't help but think quietly and excitedly: "In the rumor, after the heroic king succeeded to the throne, he was also held the authority of the commander in the middle of the country, and he had to be mad to protect himself, and finally wait until the strength is strong. Only in a single way to eradicate the traitor, what is the similarity between me and his fate... The shampoo king is simply an example set up by God for me, and is also a nobleman given to me by the gods. The king can’t sink, he must be like the king of shampoo. That way, reorganize my Byzantine country!"

Around the first test of the sword, I watched this amazing battle. Among the tens of thousands of onlookers, some people were excited, some were secretly surprised, some people began to plan for the next step, and some people sat cross-legged and felt the strongest on the sword table. The volatility of the fight, in the hope that you can break through the long-standing shackles of their own strength...but they have never noticed that in the crowd, a young and weakly affiliated juvenile king set himself up at this moment. The goal of life is also at this moment, a horrible king who completed the first transformation of his life!

Try the sword on the stage.

The **** knight, covered in **** flames, was exposed in the red blood hole outside the visor. A smack of anger flashed, but it quickly disappeared. He shook his head: "The fangs don't help you to take advantage. If you want to use this naive way to disturb the mood of this seat, then it is a big mistake. Champion King, you will soon understand, the gap between us is exactly where!"

The voice did not fall, and the **** knight once again took the initiative.

His **** flames lingering around him are even more crazy, completely covering the entire test sword. A mist of blood is like the sea, directly immersing the two figures in it. Under the sword, everyone I can't see the situation inside the **** foggy sea.

"Wow, this is one of the **** knight's killings. You can wear the blood of the sea, and the pseudo-field power formed by the **** murderousness can shake the will of the military, act on the opponent's spiritual space, and generate fantasies. If the martial arts will not be determined. It will be possible to directly break the soul by the blood..."

The figure of the first bard of the empire, Materazzi, was also annihilated by the **** sea, but he seemed to be affected at all, and the voice was clearly and clearly transmitted to everyone’s ears. Wide, just profound and amazing, the analysis of the **** knight's powerful, clearly clear.

"Oh, the accident happened. The shampoo king was not affected. The **** fog seemed to be unable to reach within three meters in front of him..."

"Claude shot, his figure is like a ghost, free to swim in the blood, can not capture ..."

"There was a cry of the dead in the **** sea. Krude's **** swords were mixed in the blood, strange angles... Swords are omnipresent, and they are hard to prevent... Oh, oh, broken, **** swords The gas finally broke the shampoo cover of the shampoo king..."

"The shampoo king is facing an unprecedented danger..."

"What? Unbelievable! He opened his eyes... The shampoo king who kept his eyes closed, opened his eyes... The gods are on, I saw that once again, all the **** swords were crushed with one hand, his palm is not Is it made of stainless steel?"

"The shampoo king shot... huge transparent glass punches... crushed the blood!"

The thick blood of the test sword was filled with water. Except for a few masters, others could not see what happened, but the words of the first bard of the empire, Materazzi, were clearly transmitted to each one. In the ears of the people, the situation in which the two sides played against each other was portrayed in the minds of all.

As his voice fell, a loud bang, the **** fog on the sword table finally dissipated.

Seeing this scene, without Materazzi's explanation, even the weakest people understand that the shampoo king turned out to be a **** knight who was easily broken.

"How can this be?"

On the sword table, the **** knight’s face was incredible. Before that, it was not that no one had broken his killing, but that person was a master who was obviously more powerful than many of his masters, and those people were extremely experienced. The generation, and the speed of breaking the move is far from being as fast as the shampoo king.

“What is impossible? If you know what I have experienced, I will understand that this level of **** environmental stimulation is simply naive for me.”

In the world of Diablo, Sun Fei has killed countless and experienced scenes, which are simply **** on earth, **** bones, and countless. Do not say anything else, even in the first scene of the large map Rogge camp, the blood crow's lair, the count of the countess, and the basement of the monastery where Andariel is located, these places are full of various Exceeding the cruel scenes that people can imagine, the demons have no human form, and countless Rogge are tortured to death. These horrific scenes, Sun Fei are coming over, his hands are covered with countless demon blood. The fist shattered the body of countless monsters. Under the sword, the life of the devil head of Andalil was plundered. After such a horrible scene, how can the illusion created by the cloud-blooded sea in the Krude area shakes Sun Fei? The slightest emotion?

"This king's patience is coming to an end. Knights, if you don't have other performances, then this boring game is really over!"

On Sun Fei’s face, there was an impatient look that was undisguised.

The main purpose of Sun Fei’s acceptance of this challenge is to accumulate experience with the strong players, improve and improve some of the moves that he has adapted from the skills of the Diablo world. Unfortunately, Krude put pressure on Sun Fei, even worse than the day. Gold Knight Sutton on the Twin Towers brought more pressure, which made him a bit disappointed.

Faced with the continuous mockery of the opponent, the **** knight finally became angry.

"You don't know what to do... Good, good, good, you succeeded, you finally succeeded in angering your seat!" A pair of **** screams of angry flames: "The original seat still wants to stay with you." A dog, now, you must die!"


A sound of clear and violent swordsmanship came.

The **** knight’s backhand grip, the **** flame flashed, a strange and jagged sword, appeared in his hand, the blade was entwined with thick and strange blood, and a pungent **** taste came out. It seems that there are thousands of death row prisoners who are mourning and begging for mercy.

There is obviously something like a storage ring on his body. This sword should have been placed in the ring space before.

Sun Fei smiled slightly.

Things are finally a bit fun.

"This is the seventh ruling of the Knight's ruling. The blood of the ruling. In the legend, one can communicate with the Nether. The imperial emperor Yassin the great hand gave the ten ruling knights at the beginning of the founding of the country. It has incredible power. Haha, the real battle, finally have to start?"

The first bard of the empire, Materazzi, swept the excitement and passed it into the ears of everyone.

Sun Fei has a physical activity.

He did not summon the children of Bourkeso to set the giant blade of the **** and the sword of the secret instrument, but gently reached out, a pair of light iron gloves filled with art and strength appeared in his hand, dense scales A, the barbed barb, the splendid joint coverage technology, all of which show the extraordinary of these light iron gloves.

Diablo World's sixth-level orange equipped with a touch of death.

"A move is a victory, the Cavaliers, come out with your true strength!"


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