Hail the King

Chapter 288: The arrival of the chaotic era

Chapter 288, the arrival of the chaotic era

Sun Fei did not think that such a big thing happened in the 20-mile camp when he was chased and killed to escape the world of Diablo.

No wonder he felt a little strange when he returned to the real world. The entire camp seemed to be filled with a kind of progress and an atmosphere of self-confidence. At first he thought it was because he shaped the image of a crazy wolf. Too deep, let the people in the camp feel the threat, the original reason is actually here.

In the end, who planned this shocking action?

Sun Fei licked his temples and felt that this incident was very strange. Within the Zenit Empire, how could this brain be so ridiculous and choose to attack so many aristocratic leaders at the same time? Isn't this a desire to become a public enemy of the Empire?

Or is it... this matter is simply a plan for power outside the Zenit Empire?

Sun Fei felt that he had caught something in his vagueness, but he could not fully explain it for a while.

"What happened to the emperor?" Sun Fei looked up and asked.

"The three major corps of the Twenty Liying District began to mobilize frequently, and there is a faint enthusiasm. The most elite Guards of the Imperial Capital [Iron Blood Camp] have already left the Imperial Capital and are stationed in the Sanli area between the Imperial Capital and the Twenty Liying District. Yasin the Great, who was seriously ill, was angered. Under the decree of the Imperial Palace, the original speculation might be transferred to the Imperial border to prevent the Spartak Empire from invading [Zenite Emperor] and the Grand Prince. His Royal Highness Andrei Arshavin and His Royal Highness the Second Prince Domingos were also assigned to investigate this matter. The two acted independently and were unconstrained..."

The old man Zola slowly entered the state, and clearly thought of the things that Sun Fei didn't know. The little guy, Modridge, would occasionally add one or two to the side, and the cooperation between the two became more and more Tacit understanding.

"There are actions? Are they unconstrained?" Sun Fei suddenly interrupted the narratives of the two men. The fingers gently tapped the armrests of the stone chair and smiled and said: "How do I listen, this is to let The two princes are fighting."

"Your Majesty said that it is reasonable. In fact, many people in the outside world have also speculated that Yassin’s willingness to give such a purpose in the disease is to test the second time once again, and the successor of the imperial throne, the final scope is obviously narrowed down. Between the two princes..." The old man Zola pulled a rational analysis: "The rumors began to be turbulent in the imperial capital shortly after the order of the emperor, and some aristocratic forces who had been watching before also began to endure. Live to re-queue the station team, after the end of the assassin incident, in accordance with the performance of the two princes, the battle of the heirs of the throne for a year, it is estimated that a full stop is coming. Those nobles are also anxious, it is said that Even the kings of some of the dependent countries have begun to take action."

In the end, the old man Zola quietly reminded Sun Fei, and the country is now facing a multiple choice question.

How could Sun Fei not understand the meaning of Lao Zola. but--

"This incident, my shampoo country does not need to worry for the time being, the battle for the throne is not so simple, and the situation of the emperor and the dependent country is different. For the dependent country, it is completely quiet to wait for the final winner to be produced. Even if you want to take the opportunity to gamble, but the people who prematurely bet are some gambling gamblers." Sun Fei has a golden finger in his hands, not enthusiastic about the power within the empire, so it is very difficult to Keep calm and set the tone for the attitude that Chambord should hold before the choice of the two princes.

The talents and interests of the elderly Zola and Modric are to collect and analyze intelligence. It is not easy to understand such a 'national affairs big thing'. Since the King has an idea, it is hard to say more.

"The atmosphere inside the camp is already very tense. The "Iron Blood Camp" under His Royal Highness Prince Arshavin and the people under His Highness Domingos are madly searching for people related to the assassin. More than a thousand people have been arrested by Imperial soldiers. Many of the affiliated countries were forcibly taken away. The two princes issued an order for curfew at the same time. After the nightfall, no one was allowed to leave the battalion of their own country. Today, several soldiers came to my shampoo. Outside the camp, but after knowing that this is your military camp, your attitude is very polite, search for a symbolic search in the camp, and then leave."

When it comes to this, no matter whether it is the old man Zola or the little Modridge, the face of pride is involuntarily revealed, and the man’s eyes are full of complete worship.

Once upon a time, Chambord was almost synonymous with 'insults' and 'damaged', and any neighboring neighbors were able to walk over and walk on their feet as desired. The shampoos are almost in the position of two hundred and fifty affiliated people. Losing the slaves who are freely trafficked, killing a shampoo is like killing a stray dog ​​in a wilderness without taking any criminal responsibility.

But now, who else dares to do this?

When His Majesty the King defeated the Knights of the Imperial Knights with the concern of tens of thousands of people in the dependent state, the status of the Champion State changed dramatically. It is said that it will not make people feel any exaggeration. In the 20-year-old state-owned area, who has seen the shampoo people do not smile and bow down and say hello? Even those who are high-ranking first-class affiliates do not dare to be arrogant in front of the Chambords. Those empire-investigating soldiers who searched the 20-mile camp area like a wolf-like tiger and smashed the chickens and dogs in each of the affiliated countries’ battalions, when they learned that this was the big camp under the shrine of the shrine, they also picked up The tail, the posture is lowered, and the attitude is so unbelievable.

At the thought of this, not only the old man Zola and the little Modric, but now anyone in the promise of the Champion will be full of blood.

Even the most humble groom in the military camp, dare to straighten the waist in front of those fierce soldiers.

Such a king, let them be crazy.

Let each of them be willing to die for it.

"Oh, to put it this way, I want to be in the environment of the 20-mile camp. It turned out to be a 'white horror'? The two princes checked this down and didn't know how many people were going to suffer..." Sun Fei sighed softly. But this is also a no-brainer. Imagine that this is just the beginning. In the coming time, there will be more crazy things happening, and more people will encounter the trap, the fate of many people. Will change accordingly.

Sun Fei has a hunch that chaos has already begun, and an era of **** killing has arrived.

In this era, fate will only be in the hands of the real powerhouse.

The weak, only the fate of crying and being eliminated.

"What is the trend of the Byzantine state?" Sun Fei suddenly remembered the six-member juvenile king who was very similar to himself.

"According to your order that you had sent to Elena, the Cech adults sent a number of urban management, and they have been secretly paying attention to the Byzantine king's camp. The assassin's assassination did not affect the Byzantine country. Later, the emperor soldiers also It was very polite to the Byzantine king, and there were some officials from the dependent countries and the emperor's forces to visit the Byzantine king... everything is normal."

"only these?"

"Three hours ago, King Byzantine and Princess Isabella brought people to visit their majesty. Because you are not here, Your Royal Highness has received them!" The old man Zola will remember this matter and return it carefully.

Sun Fei nodded.

This young Byzantine king, it is really on the road, the performance is not bad, and it is not awkward before Sun Fei deliberately created momentum.

After reporting the most detailed information, the elderly Zola and Modrich were proudly launching the King's Hall in Sun Fei's appreciation.

I remember that in the pits of the Black Rock country, in order to save those compatriots who are in danger, Zola and Modric have always tried to use various opportunities to listen to information and strive for various opportunities for their own compatriots. Deliberately survived under cruel conditions, perhaps from the habit of becoming full of crisis, this old and young, although the age difference is very different, but the intelligence has a natural sensitivity and analysis The ability, and gradually became obsessed with the work of finding the truth among thousands of complicated information, following the time of Sun Fei, the two got the support of His Majesty the King and began to take full charge of the intelligence work of Chambord, although It was only a little more than half a month, but the two showed amazing ability and talent. Under their combing, the intelligence department of Chambord City has shown its embryonic form from scratch.

Soon, Cech, Torres and the warden Oleg and others came to the king's big account.

"Your Majesty!" Several people squatted on one knee.

"Get up." Sun Fei's eyes flicked over a few people and nodded and satisfied.

The strength of the city of Chambord is improving all the time. As a general, the strength of these people is satisfactory. Even the most lazy fat man, Oleg, is close to the three-star high-level, and also has a fat meat. It has been condensed a lot, looks even more awkward, and has a strong momentum.

"Uncle Frank, haven't they arrived yet?" asked Sun Fei.

According to the time when Lampard’s group of people from Lampa’s departure from Chambord City, Lampard and others should reach the 20th camp area and meet Sun Fei yesterday, but they don’t know what happened on the road. In the past more than a day, several people have not yet arrived.

"Maybe it is because the road is not smooth after heavy snow, so the speed is slower. Frank Lampard is strong. There is absolutely no one in the affiliated country that can follow him. There are Pierce and Drogba. Ten urban management and twenty-five Saints, this power can almost sweep through the great affiliates, there will be no other problems, please rest assured!" Cech analyzed.

"Well, this is true." Sun Fei nodded.

at this time--

The big account curtain was uncovered and a close-up guard rushed in.


Second more.

Continue to strive for collection.


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