Hail the King

Chapter 297: Mask demons attack

Chapter 297, Mask Devil Strikes

The middle-aged head of the blue robe was drawn in the corner of the mouth.

Although he also knows that things are not as optimistic as everyone said, but a series of analyses just made him judge that Champagne is an unbearable opponent, so his worries about the threat of Shampoo have been reduced a lot. .

It’s just that he didn’t know, just a few minutes ago, in a six-story room outside, the emperor’s [Red Beard] Granero, who was known for his knowledge of people, made exactly the opposite judgment.

In the first hall of the Blood Knife Headquarters, it was suddenly enveloped in an optimistic atmosphere.

Then, when everyone is full of confidence -

boom! ! !

It is like a meteor falling from nine days, squatting on the ground, a deafening roar and violent vibration, as if it were the end of the world.

“What happened?” The blue-nose middle-aged man, Huo Ran, grew up and looked gloomy. The main members of the blood knife walked out of the first hall and stood on the high stone steps, looking out. .

Printed into the pupils of the crowd is a dazzling flame.

The flames are dazzling and magnificent, like the fireworks in the dark night.

However, no one on the stone steps has the mood to appreciate the thrilling beauty, because the ruthless red tongue that descends from the sky is engulfing the industry and buildings of the Blood Knife Mercenary.

"Hahaha, the punishment is over, the killing game begins, and afternight, the blood knife is removed!"

A scream of thunder and thunder ran through the blazing fire. Before that, there was a rumbling rumbling in the silent night. It shocked everyone's ears and the eardrums were almost broken.

"Where did you come to the stupid thief, dare you not knowing that the dead night hits my blood knife headquarters? I will not let me out!"

The middle-aged people in the blue robe are surrounded by crowds, and the flames of anger are rushing in the depths of their eyes. The body is shimmering with a faint azure temperament, and the atmosphere is extremely powerful. Looking at the burning flames everywhere, they raise their hands and blue. The color of the air is shrouded in the air, with a bitter cold, the flames rising from the sky are gradually suppressed, the whole person is not angry, there is indeed a sturdy momentum.

"Roll your sister!"

In the night sky, a figure flashed, from far and near, the speed was fast, and it fell on the top of the first hall before a tall warrior statue of more than 20 meters.

His feet seemed to be haunting a magical power. He had done it, the red flame of the gas, a flame path extending under his feet, when he stood above the white samurai stone statue, the flame Beginning to extend down his feet, and soon the entire stone statue of more than 20 meters high has completely ignited the flame, like a sacred warrior standing from the flames, and the man standing on the stone statue. Behind the bright red cloak fluttering in the night sky, the body is a strange mage robe, a magical armor is visible under the robe, and a giant battle over one meter eight is in the hands. Staff.

He stood in the flames, as if he was completely integrated with the raging red.

Surprisingly, although there is endless burning blazing flames on the feet, there is no sign of abruptly roasting on the person's body. A long black hair flies in the night sky. The two blacks are like a combination of two. It is like a devil who comes out of the abyss to harvest life.

The most terrifying thing is that this person's face is covered with a black and singular face. The work of the face is extremely fine, as if it is a living thing, it is attached to the face, and the whole face of the person is ups and downs. The volts are basically set off, the nose and the eyes are the finest, and in the forehead, there is a black sharp corner that grows out, slamming into the void, sparkling with a sharp and scary sharpness.

"who are you?"

Feel the horror magic power on the opponent's body and the cold and knife-like murderous murderous machine. The head of the blood knife mercenary group - the middle-aged man in the faint blue strange World of Warcraft leather robes, has emerged like never before. Solemn look, these two make him understand that this is a terrible opponent, an endless opponent.

Hey! !

Responding to him is dozens of fireballs with a destructive power of about 20 centimeters in diameter.

There is no singer preparation, no abnormal magical fluctuations. These dozens of fireballs are swaying from the void with the smashing scent of the swaying masked man. Head-on to the top members of the blood knives on the stone steps of the first hall.

"You... find death!" Blue robe middle-aged anger.

The sky-blue flaming flames flashed wildly, and he raised his hand to hit the ice of the road, colliding with the horror fireball in the air.

Hey! !

The sound of the burst of ice and fire is deafening.

The horror fireball exploded, and the red flame exploded.

This is a terrible magical flame. Even if a small Mars falls on the ground, it can ignite the surrounding buildings in an instant. The buildings at the Headquarters of the Blood Knife Mercenary Corps are like a splash of fire, uncontrollably burning. In a short period of time, there was a flame rising everywhere. The whole hall seemed to be a sea of ​​Shura, and there were people mourning everywhere. The blood knife mercenaries screamed and rushed out to fight the fire.

This is the horror of the magician.

Perhaps in the one-on-one duel, the magician will be suppressed against the same level of warrior, but compared to the destructive power and group damage, the threat of the wizard obviously exceeds the warrior too much.

This is why Sun Fei chose [Mage Mode] at the beginning.

The mage with a black devil's horn mask on the top of the flame sword stone is the Sun Fei after switching to the [Mage Mode]. He first applied the Master's skill [Flame Trail], where the footsteps passed, everything will turn into a blazing flame, and then use the Master's skill [fire bomb] to turn the entire blood knife headquarters first hall into a piece. Blood sea.

Moon black killing night!

High winds set fire!

Only this red, pure flame can cleanse the sins here.

In order to comfort the shampoos who died because of these evil mercenaries, and those who are not the Chambords, but who died or indirectly died of the evil blood knife.

"Fire fighting... I will deal with him!"

The leader of the blood knife made a decision in an instant, and immediately ordered the people around him to command the mercenaries to fight the fire, and they turned into a blue streamer, with an imposing manner, scratching the sky, roaring like an arrow, toward the grandson. The flying scorpion shot.

The man is in the air, and the blue grudges are flashing wildly.

An extremely cold condensed horror monster roared in his mouth, volleying down, to swallow Sun Fei.

"[Cold ice kiss]...kill!!!"

A shot is a murderous skill, and the head of the blood knife is full of attack, and the hand is not merciless.

He knows that it is necessary to kill the mysterious and terrible magician in front of him as soon as possible, or delay it, regardless of the final result, the blood knife mercenary group will suffer unbearable losses, even a samurai apprentice knows, letting an almost A magician who is close to a six-star strength can use his magic in his own territory to commit suicide!



"Well? Who is this person... Why don't I know, the shrine of Shampoo, and the existence of such a terrible fire magician?"

At the end of a high tower at the Blood Knife Headquarters, he has been watching the young and proud figure of the battle, suddenly frowning, and a pair of scorpions in the night flashing horrible light, it is difficult to hide the color of surprise.

"Xiangbo Wang, how many secrets do you still hide? No, you must convince the family veteran to win this person as soon as possible, even if it is a huge price, it will not hesitate!!"


"Well, finally shot, killing and setting fire, the shampoo king is a good idea to send ... to send people to check, the origin of this magician."

On the top of a tall building on the north side of the Blood Knife Mercenary Headquarters, dozens of brightly-knit Axes stood by a thin young man standing quietly.

The empire [Military] Arshavin is also watching the killing that is taking place in the distance.

His power breath quietly spreads out like a tide, scanning the entire area, but does not feel where the shampoo king is hiding, and finally his eyes can only focus on the demon mask magician who is killing. One guess is passing from the heart, but in the end it is not certain that the fluctuations of this mysterious fire magician are not the same as those of the shampoo king. In the continent of Azeroth, each strong has its own unique Breath, this breath is hard to change, so if you judge from the breath, the mysterious magician wearing a bright red cloak and wearing a demon mask is definitely not a shampoo king.

Not a shampoo king, there is only one possibility -

This person is a master of the shrine of Shampoo.

However, the number and strength level of the master of the shampoo king, no one is more clear than the long Princess Tanasa, why did Tanasa never say to herself, and such a terrible magician?

The Emperor of God has fallen into deep doubts.

The unwilling feeling in his heart is becoming more and more obvious.


"Hey? This breath? When did the empire appear such a magician? Unfamiliar magic fluctuations!"

"Why, old guy, you don't know, isn't your mysterious rumored disciple?"


"What kind of magical fluctuations is this? Why do I feel a strange, vicissitude, mysterious atmosphere from this? This...this is like..."

"Like the breath from the ruins of the gods."

“Will it be an assassin of the Spartak Empire?”

"Impossible, Spartak's old guys, we are no longer familiar. As far as I know, the Spartak Empire has never seen such a magic master."

"Is it the new master of the empire that has emerged recently? It’s really the age of the old, the shampoo king turned out, let us all these old bones feel rusting..."

"In any case, the two great emperors and the great aristocratic forces have reached a tacit agreement. Tonight is a **** night. We don't need us to shoot... don't worry!"

A wave of magical volatility that is often difficult to detect by ordinary people, contains a surge of will, from the most magnificent and tall towering towers of the emperor's St. Petersburg, and flows over the emperor's capital. The Zenit Empire has the highest status. The masters of the magic completed a simple exchange, and after a little weird, these breaths went silent.



First, ask for a red ticket.


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