Hail the King

Chapter 313: I only want one day

Chapter 313, I only want one day

Sun Fei opened his mouth in surprise, and he slowly said: "Okay, this... I really didn't guess. I thought that the other two people with this qualification would be His Majesty the Archangel, or other. That big man who is powerful in the imperial capital."

"Big man...hehe, do you think anyone in the emperor can be called a big man before His Highness in Domingos? However, I am also very surprised. When I meet for the first time, my Highness will allow you to call him Oka... It seems that he really likes you!"

Paris said, showing the jasper waist card in the palm of the hand, indicating that the checkpoint soldiers in front of the questioning let the road release, this turned the beautiful dagger, squeezed the big eyes with water, and said with a smile.

Sun Fei is stunned.

I like it by a man, this kind of thing... well, let's change the subject.

"I heard that the empire has declared war with Spartak. As the king of the empire, can I understand the situation?" Sun Fei opened the subject.

Parish shook his head. "This kind of thing, only the great aristocrats of the military department know best. In the autumn, Spartak has already surpassed 100,000 troops at the border, and among the top ten empire of the Empire. There are also three major regiments going to the border town of Razor City. The latest battle report is that after the declaration of war, the two sides smashed back and forth over the razor city for more than ten days. Each has a victory and defeat. Fortunately, the second place in the empire will coordinate the Marshal Chamberlain to the overall situation. Inside, the problem won't be too big..."

"Oh? Listen to the tone of your speech, this Marshal Chamberlain, seems to have a very probable look?"

"Before the rise of the Great Emperor, General Chamberlain's Marshal Megatron empire for fifteen years, has been the first empire of the empire, you said that it is not very powerful?" Paris affair all kinds of frowning, she is very curious, is not the shampoo king Have you heard the name of the first empire of the empire, Chamberlain? To know that this name is the idol of many affiliated kings.

Sun Fei shrugged and euphemistically said that he used to be a idiot.

Paris was full of laughter.

After these several cooperations, coupled with the deliberate creation of the enchanting witch Paris, the relationship between the two seems to be much intimate.

“Why does the Spartak Empire choose to fight at this time? Moreover, they have been increasing their troops to the border. The intention is to be exposed from the fall. In my opinion, the two countries are fighting, and it may be more effective to raid. Is it that Spartaks like gentlemen's fighting style?"

Sun Fei wants to know more information from Paris. In the chaos, the channel of information between the city and the city of Champa is so limited that King Majesty has to use this method to obtain some information.

"Because they are waiting for a real opportunity to come." The enchanted witch Paris looks dignified.

“A real opportunity?”

"Well, that is the moment when Yassin the Great passed away."

"How is this possible? Yassin will die? So... serious?" Sun Fei was a little surprised.

"It is true that the people of the entire empire are not convinced that the heroes of the Zenit Empire, the master of the Zenit Empire, have created the master of the Zenit Empire. The masters like him will also have a time of dying, but the fact is that the world The hero also has a late day, many years of war and killing, and the injuries of the whole body have long overdraw the life of the great emperor. Since last year, the health of Yassin’s emperor has begun to decline, lying on the sickbed, and recently, it is said that the condition It has become more and more serious, and it is necessary to die at any time."

Paris said that the look is a bit stunned. Since ancient times, the heroes have been beautiful, and they are not allowed to see whiteheads.

This way, Paris is definitely not a normal state of Paris, there is no witch's demeanor, and he has questions and answers to Sun Fei.

"On the way to the emperor's capital, I have heard that Wu Sheng Krasic will soon be fighting with Spartak Wusheng, at the top of the Imperial Wusheng Mountain?" Sun Fei thought of this matter again.

"This matter has long been spread in the Imperial Capital. The same is true. After half a month, this battle will take place at the top of Mount Wusheng. This battle will largely determine the fate of the future of the Empire, but Alexander What you should care most about now is not this matter. The duel between Wu Sheng, even if you and I can't blend, there is a message, you will definitely be interested."


"There has been news in the palace. Three days later, the imperial martial arts combat competition officially began. Due to the outbreak of the war, this martial arts competition was highly valued. The rewards were much richer and more outstanding in the competition. You will be able to get a chance to lead a military and go to the border battlefield to fight the military...."

Paris revealed a very important news.

Sun Fei frowned and meditated.

This is indeed a very rare opportunity. The affiliated countries want to upgrade their ranks. In addition to participating in the military competition, they can also accumulate glory through the battlefield to kill military power, so that they can obtain more population rights and military powers.

The city of Chambord is currently at a glance, and its population and strength are far from enough, so that Sun Fei can only take the elite route.

It is impossible to break away from the empire's territory. Sun Fei's current strength, one person can't resist the entire empire master, before the strength has reached the level of detachment, he must also play according to the rules of the game.

If you can enter the border battlefield to fight the military, it is indeed a great opportunity to make the national-level rocket class soar.

Only when the national level soars and gets better conditions, Sun Fei can maximize the advantages of the Diablo World.

This is also one of the two willingness of him to come to participate in the Zenit Empire. Another reason is naturally to come out and meet the Azeroth mainland, open his eyes and have a better understanding of the world.

With the **** of Paris, more than a dozen people in the city of Chambord went all the way. After the imperial city gate, they crossed the three-kilometer gap of the Minggang whistle and overlapped, and soon entered the 20-year affiliated state-owned area. The witch has sent Sun Fei and others to the camp of Xiangbo before leaving.

"On this road, you have a lot of information in the dark, Alexander, I have a problem, I want to ask you." As soon as the shampoo camp, Paris slowed down and Sun Fei shoulders and walked side by side. A fragrant smell, the body of the witch is light and sweet.

"Oh? Ask!"

"The mysterious mask magician who shot you tonight, who is he?" Paris asked, leaning on Sun Fei's ear.

Sun Fei was silent for a moment. Paris was too close, and the fragrant scent hit the people. The fever of the horn blew the ears of Sun Fei under the breeze. A itchiness felt like spring. He moved one step to the outside and then did not move. He replied with eloquence, "The Dark Night Magic, one of the six kings under this throne, whose name is called a sharp corner."

"The Six Kings? The Nightmare makes the sharp corner? I really want to have never heard of this name, and I have never heard of this person..." Paris looked like a smile, obviously not too convinced: "How do I feel this? Man is the embodiment of your pressure mountain?"

Sun Fei smiled faintly: "There are six great devils under this throne. Their identity is unusually secret. In addition to the "night demon", there are five other people, and you will see it later."

"Well, I believe you for the time being, hey! Don't let me find you lying!" The witch did not listen to the answer she wanted, and she was very dissatisfied with Sun Fei's answer. She waited for Sun Fei, but his eyebrows were affectionate. The kind of style is so fascinating, it is more like flirting.

Sun Fei smiled and did not continue to receive the call.

The night wind blows, and the cold wind cuts the surface like a knife.

The night was so dark, and the darkness covered the earth. Except for the scarce stars and torches, there was no light between heaven and earth.

The atmosphere was a bit silent for a while.

Neither of them spoke.

Ten minutes later.

"Sweet King, I don't expect you to stand next to Domingos's Highness against the Princess and the Great Prince. I only hope that one day, if Domingos has troubles, you can save him once."

Paris did not stay in the camp for a long time in the camp, and did not even walk into the camp, and soon fluttered in white and hurried away.

Before leaving, this clever woman seemed to be pointing, leaving such a last sentence.

In the thick white mist, it is far more faint to see only a touch of red.

It was the **** rose of the witch inserted in the corner.



After a night of killing, the sky is still not clear.

After the magic moon was hidden in the dark clouds, the wind whistled between the heavens and the earth, and the snow on the ground was blown up. The ice screams roared in the air, making a strange scream, and the unprecedented cold winter covered the earth.

Sun Fei picked up the thick curtain of the central big account and walked in.

The account is warm and spring, the beautiful girl sits quietly in front of the stone table, with a black leather jacket, and a white wrist sticking out from the black sleeves, holding the toon, like a black-and-black cloud show. The hair was poured on the table like a waterfall. It was obviously waiting for Sun Fei and others to come back, but it was too sleepy and fell asleep unconsciously.

It’s just that Angela is too light to sleep.

When Sun Fei just came in, she opened her eyes and woke up.

"Alexander, you are finally back..." She was as bright as the stars in the sky, passing over Sun Fei, and saw that Sun Fei was not injured, and suddenly opened the screen on the side.

After the screen is a side account, which is filled with a large bath barrel filled with hot water and white steam. The wall of the barrel is engraved with a small magic array for heating. This can be motivated by the inlaid magic stone. Several small fire magic arrays heat up.

This bath was originally purchased at the hot springs. Angela purchased it for Sun Fei. Now it is used. The girl has already made the water before the night, and has maintained the best temperature. Waiting for Sun Fei to come back in the side room of the big account.


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