Hail the King

Chapter 358: ,You got Fooled

Chapter 358, you were fooled

After the settlement of Robben and his son, the night fell, and the stars in the cold sky were so beautiful.

In the first round of the Imperial Qualifying in the day, in addition to Inzaghi, the seven players of the eight major players in the squad were promoted to the next round. This is also a great good news, so according to Sun Fei’s habits. Celebration is a must. Soon the camp is burning with raging fires. People are singing and dancing. The girls from the most famous gold caves in the capital are not hot and show up again. In front of.

Such a bonfire celebration party even attracted many other warriors and subjects from other countries around the shampoo camp to watch the joyful scenes of the shampoo through the fence.

The long princess Tanasha with her own personal protective purple flame is very high-profile appeared on the dinner.

[Female St.] has been sitting on the side of Angela, and the two brothers, Shampoo and Shampoo, laughed and expressed their relatives. This scene was clearly transmitted to each of them under the blazing fire of the red fire. In the eyes of the people, it is seen by many people in the eyes. With the mouths of these people, it will naturally spread to the ears of the person whom the long princess wants to know.

And after the end of the bonfire dinner, what is even more surprising is that the long princess did not leave, but chose to stay in the camp.

Sun Fei shook his head and smiled, not to pay attention.

At this time, the night is deep, the empire's deep winter is like a cold, and a breath will rise like a white fireworks in the air. Just walk outside the big account, and the eyebrows and the nose must have a thick layer. The thick hoarfrost, the wind whistling, the colder, as if the ice age to bring the general.

This is the winter of the first Azeroth continent that Sun Fei spent.

After re-treatment for Robben’s old father, Sun Fei switched to the “Assassin Mode” and left the shampoo camp quietly. He lost his body and disappeared into the state-owned area of ​​the 20-mile state. Came to the depths of the Moro Mountains.

The winter forests of the mountains are shrouded in a white smoke. The branches are covered with hoarfrost, like crystals. Under the light of the cold moon, it is like a crystal forest in mythology. Remove the chilling sounds of Warcraft, which is simply the mythical land of legend.

[The crater battlefield] Sun Quan’s martial spirit caused by the fierceness of the two strong men’s confrontation is already a lot thinner than half a month ago, but it is still dangerous, Sun Fei easily crossed. The guardian magic array on the periphery saw the mysterious powerhouse standing in the turbulent flow.

The fluttering figure is like a javelin, and the linen-colored long-sleeved sneakers hunted in the cold wind, and the eyes were bright.

The body of the mysterious strong has always had a breath that Sun Fei can't understand. It seems to be a fireworks, but it seems to be a legacy. There is a unique personality charm that makes Sun Fei unconsciously. I feel close to each other.

Seeing the mysterious powers as soon as possible, Sun Fei was delighted in his heart.

Last night, there was a burst of muttering, and Sun Fei asked the mysterious strongman for the cheats of [Dragon Boxing]. At that time, the mysterious powerhouse did not express his position, but did not know that this man brought the boxing of [Dragon Boxing]. No? Imagine that it is possible to see the martial arts cheats that claim to be the first-class empire around hundreds of empire. Sun Fei’s heart suddenly feels a little hot, although his power is built on the Diablo world, but this kind of first-class The martial arts cheats can be seen at a glance, and they are also fortunate.


Seeing the arrival of Sun Fei, the mysterious strong man shook his wrist, and a glimmer of blue light shot, Sun Fei reached out and grabbed it. A thick book was caught in the hand, soft and tough, very beautiful.

Sun Fei’s heart suddenly burst into a big joy.

Did this mysterious powerhouse really bring the boxing of [Dragon Boxing] over?

Sun Fei was about to open it and look closely. The mysterious strong man suddenly waved his hand and stopped Sun Fei’s movements. He looked up and down with a look at Sun Fei, and suddenly said one sentence: “You have to remember , power, exist for guardianship."

Sun Fei has not responded yet, but he listened to the mysterious powerhouse and said: "I already have nothing to teach you."

After that, a slight whistling sound came, and the blue light flashed. The shape of the mysterious strong man has disappeared into the original place. It is an instant disappearing, apparently leaving.

This time, Sun Fei is vaguely clarifying the shape of some mysterious powerhouses. It is a blue streamer, and the speed is fast and fascinating. It is like a dream. The moment has come to the far side, even if it is Sun Fei. The rapid growth of strength is just a glimpse of the fleeting moment.

Go straight?

Sun Fei was silent and heard the sound of the extra-string from the words of the mysterious power. Since there is nothing to teach, that is to say, he will never come here to meet with Sun Fei. This wonderful friendship has also reached the rest of the painting. It's time.

Unexpectedly, until the end, the mysterious powerhouse did not even show his identity to Sun Fei.

Sun Fei had already thought about the identity of the mysterious strongman. When he realized that the real difference was coming, it was so abrupt. The mysterious strongman and Sun Fei met for less than a month, but for Sun Fei. It is a father-like role that is also a teacher and a friend. Not only has he saved Sun Fei’s life under the mysterious and superb assassin, but these days he has been doing all his efforts to cultivate Sun Fei. In the end, the mysterious strong is obviously I didn't want to give Sun Fei an opportunity to ask my name. When I finished speaking, I left.


Sun Fei’s mind suddenly jumped out of this wonderful poem of the past poetry, and his heart was lost.

When it was determined that the mysterious power had left and no longer came back, Sun Fei’s gaze returned to the book in his hand, and he saw two words on the cover of the book—Dragon Boxing.

Sun Fei’s heart is happy, and the mysterious power really brings the boxing of [Dragon Boxing]?

This is too outrageous. What is the identity of the mysterious powerhouse? It’s true that the [Dragon Boxing] boxing that even the imperial empire can’t see is taken out. The magical power is too much, unless... unless the real identity of the mysterious power is actually Yassin’s emperor, how can he get it? Such a top secret boxing?

Sun Fei was shocked by this sudden thought.

It's ridiculous, but it's very reasonable. It seems to be completely capable of explaining all the mysteries.

Why is it that Yassin is so popular with himself? Moreover, the Yassin Emperor at this time should have become ill and has become difficult even after the action. How can it be as strong as a mysterious strongman, and there is no sign of illness at all?

Sun Fei thought for a moment, only thought that his thoughts were chaotic, and he couldn’t figure out what he was doing. So he no longer guessed, and opened the [Dragon Boxing] boxing in his hand, preparing for the first martial arts cheat in a million miles. The "Dragon Boxing" has something extraordinary.

But the first page of [Finger] has no text, but a pattern of a mountain.

This is a peak that rises from the ground. For example, the same sword is the same as the sword. The painter only makes a few strokes, but it depicts the thick and lonely atmosphere of this mountain. Sun Fei repeatedly watched, but he felt that this painting had a faint scent, but he could not comprehend any information about boxing.

Thinking about it, Sun Fei turned the page and continued to watch.

This does not matter, but let Sun Fei almost screamed and spit in the ground.

Because on the second page of the white paper, a line of words is written neatly -

"The greedy little guy, you are fooled. In fact, I have never seen [Dragon Boxing] boxing."



He laughed back and forth in the camp of Shampoo. Sun Fei still couldn't believe it. The mysterious powerhouse, who had always been serious and whispered, had a big joke at the end.

However, although I didn't see the famous [Dragon Boxing] boxing spectrum is a bit disappointing, but Sun Fei's heart is a little bit happy, because this little cold joke has the phrase 'greedy little guy' Unconsciously let Sun Fei feel the kindness of the mysterious and strong voice in his own.

For the origin of the mysterious strong, perhaps through the intelligence network of the long princess or the witch Paris, etc., because Sun Fei believes that such an example of super-excellent master will never be a nameless generation, but Sun Fei I don't want to check it anymore. Since the mysterious strong man doesn't want to let him know his identity for the time being, it is naturally useful. Otherwise, he will not choose to go to the Morro Mountains to see him every night.

The reason for this is that Sun Fei believes that he and the mysterious power will meet again.

Moreover, the time to meet again will not be too late.

After Sun Fei returned to the big camp, the body guards Torres returned the long princess to come to him several times, unable to find, and finally and the future Princess Wang Hao in the king's big account to talk about it, even sleep with clothes. .

The guardian of the purple flaming in the door of the king's big account has a trace of awkward look on the face of the beautiful and unparalleled face. The girl is behind a row of armored swordsmen of about 20 people. The strength is good. Now the long princess is in the king's big account, but Sun Fei is never able to go in again. Although he is a bit guilty of occupying the nest, but after all, the imperial princess is distinguished, how can he stay with the king of a dependent country at night? And this king is still a man.

Seeing the arrival of Sun Fei, the armor guards looked obviously nervous.

Everyone knows the domineering of the shampoo king. If it is hard, even if they are 20 people, the strength of the purple flame is unfathomable, but it will not be the opponent of the shampoo king. Who knows that Sun Fei just smiled at the purple flame and then walked to another small tent in the distance of the king's big account.

I didn't think that the center of the rumor was so hot and unreasonable that the shampoo king was so good to talk, dozens of armored swordsmen were all Qi Qi, and watched the shampoo king enter another small tent.

In the daytime, the Jurassic State did not come to ask for sin because of the death of Bauyer. Sun Fei arranged for the soldiers to be careful and guarded. They opened the portal and entered the world of Diablo, and started again. Leveling trip.



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