Hail the King

Chapter 363: Cruel matchup [fourth more]

Chapter 363, cruel confrontation [fourth more]

This is the case, Drogba showed an amazing will, even if it is fainting, as if struggling to stand on the test sword, and refused to fall, this tragic scene infected countless people around.

Opposite, his opponent [Wind Thunder Stick] Kanut also collapsed into a block of shocking punches. The armor and soft armor were all shattered by the fist wind. The wind-powered stick made by the steel was twisted by the two. Twisted like a twist, blood continually smashed out of Kanut's mouth, nose and ears, and the whole body was staggering and stood up.

Kanut’s strength was originally higher than Drogba, but he chose the hard-to-hard method of confrontation and suffered a minor injury.

Two real warriors.


The sixth test sword.

The performance of the very popular beauty mercenary Jelena has caused countless fans who love her to fall into complete madness.

The opponent she drew was the other of Gu Dongguo’s [Flame Double Stick] - [flame stick] Hulk.

In yesterday's game, he defeated the "Desperate" Oleg's master who was sung by some bards as 'who would meet him if he met him. It was originally considered by many to be the top seven. Strong candidate, but under the arrow of Jelena barely supported the twenty strokes, and finally the beautiful mercenary broke the defense, crushed the giant stick in the hands of Hulk, penetrated his left shoulder, and retreated to the test sword. under.

"The lethality of terror, with the strength of [Wind Thunder] Kanut, is not an opponent at all?"

"Hey, [The Goddess of the Bow] once shattered the "Water Curtain Tianhua" enchantment, the strength has long surpassed the seven-star, how can Kanut be an opponent..."


Not far from the test sword.

The extremely low-key [one-finger-breaking day] Cech, who has been performing all the time, has encountered the [Silver Armor] known as the ‘the most arrogant and highest singer.’

This game is called the most bizarre of all six games in this round. The original strength of the two sides was not much different. The first forty minutes were in a state of close contact.

Who knows that in the forty-first minute, the silver armor of the [Silver Armor] is full of unparalleled and full of strange lines, suddenly flashing a glaring silver light, stinging everyone's eyes, waiting for the silver light to die, Cech is already falling on the test sword and not knowing what to do...

[Silver armor] but his hands on his hips are like idiots. Hahahaha laughed at the sky, even if it is [a sword] and the arrival of the shampoo king, it is not his own opponent...

"Who can tell me, how did the arrogant guy win?"

"What is that silver light?"

"Silver light flashes, [one finger broken sky] has already lost..."

In the crowd's discussion, the magistrate announced the victory and defeat of the game. Some of the city management fans in the city of Chambord, who had been waiting for the side, had already tried the sword. They glared at the hands and akimbo like an idiot. The madman], then lifted the coma in the coma back to the shampoo camp...


The tenth test sword top.

This is the most suspenseful but most heart-wrenching game.

Fernando Torres, who is most sought after by the girls, has encountered the most terrible opponent - [a sword].

The truth is the same as most people guessed -

Faced with the [one sword] that is known as 'the enemy, only one sword', Torres does not have any chance, under the rust sword, a sword light shoots out, and there are ten wolf-steel steel arrows in a flash. The broken pieces are iron filings, and the magical equipment in the hands of Torres [the eagle's bow] is also divided into two. If it is not the blonde boy wearing the Sagittarius star costume, I am afraid that this sword has long smashed him into two. Paragraph...

A sword is out and no second sword is produced.

It is [one sword] this incomparable strange rule, let Torres escape the life under the sword, otherwise with the strength of [one sword], and then the second sword, Torres, who has been seriously injured, must not be able to resist.

And the facts are different from most people's guesses.

Because many people can see that the performance of [One Sword] in this matchup is very different from the previous ones. The sword just showed a heavy killing intention. Obviously, it is necessary to attack the opponent with a sword. Strangled, but did not expect that the star costume of Torres was so tough and magical, even offset his unskilled sword.

In the end, it even showed obvious hesitation, and finally there was no second sword. This made the son of the wind, Torres, a life.

"It seems that [a sword] has begun to be hostile to our shampoo city."

The prisoner Oleg, who had already slowed down the injury, looked at everything that happened on the sword table, and quickly told the city management to bring Torres back to the shampoo camp, while gently speaking to Inzaghi and Robben. .

"In any case, he is definitely not the opponent of the master." Inzaghi stared at the back of the [Sword] far away, softly and firmly said.


On the second test sword, another show of attention was being staged.

This is the match between the magical princess of the Blue Kingdom [the first goddess] Cindy and the most **** and cruel master of the current military competition.

These two people, one is a magical princess who is favored by the gods and is favored by the gods. It is known as the "first goddess" magical princess, the jade bone ice muscle, the heroic peerless, the face is unparalleled in the world, and the other is the mysterious **** bone-cutting knife. The guest, the ruthlessness of the shot, the cruel means, the strength is unpredictable, and the life has never been left under the double knives.

Numerous people want to know, after the end of this matchup, is it a **** knife and a full-fledged retribution, or is the magic princess of the jade bone ice muscles deficient?

This is the most suspenseful showdown.

However, so far, it has not been seen that there are signs of win or loss between the two sides.

Although the magic princess Cindy was called by the first empire of the empire to be able to compete with the shampoo king and [a sword] for the ultimate master, but in today’s matchup, so far, this The magical princess of Tianxiang’s national beauty has not shown any strength that can be worthy of such evaluation.

[Blood double knives] The odd-shaped double knives in the hand are like a whirlwind of the same group. It is almost impossible to see even the body shape. It is just a group of black shadows. The roots of the naked eye can’t be caught, and the knife and the knife are unrelenting. Cut off the key parts.

And the graceful magic princess Cindy is still in place, sing a string of low-pitched voices in the slightly open red lips, a silver ice circle magic shield will her graceful figure Protected in it.

In a moment, with a pair of beautiful eyes closed like a sleep, the magic princess holding a giant war wand in one hand is peerless and eye-catching.

On the test sword, the fierce wind from the double-knife swayed the magic princess's hair through the ice-covered round jade shield, blowing the large magic robes to the back, and the cloth robes tightly On her body, the towering double peaks and the thin waist and slender legs that are only pleasing to the eye are highlighted. Under the mapping of the glaze of the ice shield, it is even more beautiful. Unparalleled, gorgeous can not be overlooked.

This matchup has become a protracted battle.

The singular double-knife of the **** double-knife is like a blade storm that has caught the wonderful figure, but the rounded shield of the ice-colored ice that exudes an invisible cold atmosphere has blocked the double knife. The blade, although there are white cracks from time to time on the ice shield, but the crack disappeared quickly under the magical supplement of the magic princess. The pair did not know how many masters were removed. Double knives, cut on the jade round shield, but like cutting on the steel, from time to time issued a burst of gold and stone crossfire, and even a burst of fire.

This situation continued until an hour later.

The tens of thousands of people watching the battle under the sword stand not only showed impatience, but they became more and more nervous. Everyone’s heart was hung in the eyes of the blind man. Everyone understands that such a situation seems to be dull, but it is extremely thrilling. The two people who fought in the battle are really difficult to ride on the tiger. If one accidentally reveals the flaws, they will immediately suffer a fatal counterattack!

The sound of sucking in the air is a burst of success, and the number of winners and losers is not in which player's card is deeper, but in terms of who is more powerful.

Time passed, the other six games have all ended, and all the crowds are coming to pay attention to the game after the game is over.

Among them, including Sun Fei, [Wind Thunder] Kanut, [Silver Armor] and others have appeared in the crowd, quietly watching the game.

Empire qualifiers have reached this level, all the winners are absolute masters, so you need to watch the opponent's game to find the flaws that may threaten your opponent, especially the first empire like the magic princess Cindy The master of the poet Materazzi.

Everyone understands that no one who is able to advance to this level is lucky enough to come in - oh, of course, there is one person, that is, the prince Andrei Shepchenko of the second-class subsidiary country is simply The luck is amazing, it is simply stepping on the shit, even in this round of the lottery again, no need to compete directly to the top seven.

With the attention of four or five thousand people, the game went on for the fourth hour, far exceeding the expectations of everyone before.

Sun Fei was only halfway through watching it and chose to leave.

He has foreseen the final result of this somewhat strange matchup.

Because he saw, "Blood Double Knives", the black man's mad legs began to tremble. As time passed, gradually the shadow that could not be captured by the naked eye was gradually recognizable, and the pair was as fast as the wind. The double knife, the speed has also slowed down.

Although this level of slowness is not captured by ordinary warriors and spectators, it is an absolutely fatal victory for the master of the magic princess.




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