Hail the King

Chapter 366: The night of the gods come

Chapter 366, the night of the gods come

The golden sunset hid in the distant horizon, leaving a last glimmer of blush between the yellow and white waves on the tumbling river.

Sun Fei carefully checked the injuries of several lovers before the night. After more than half of the rest, Drogba and Torres had a good treatment under Sun Fei’s two-pronged treatment. Sun Fei let the two temporarily In the respective tents, there is a good rest, no use of the Paladin power and [life treatment potions] for their treatment, so that the two naturally recover. Only Cech had almost no injuries on his body. The heart beat and breathed very normal, but he was caught in a groggy sleep. No matter how he called, he couldn't wake up. Sun Fei still couldn't find any signs.

"It seems that only some highly qualified doctors are invited to check it out, or wait until the end of the disgusting combat competition, and directly hit the door to find out what [Silver Armor] is clear."

Sun Fei made up his mind and told everyone to take care of Cech, and temporarily handed over the military power within the shampoo camp to [Hip Hop II].

After nightfall, Sun Fei moved to the [Assassin mode] and patrolled the camp quietly. Then he sneaked into a blue smoke and fell into the Moro Mountains. In less than ten minutes, he came to the mountains again. [The giant pit battlefield] on the edge of the forest. However, after more than a few days have passed, more than a dozen guardian magic arrays outside the [Gukeng Battlefield] are still carrying powerful magic, and they are guarding the giant battlefield like a trigger trap. .

Although I know that the mysterious powerhouse will not come again, the magical array has a very weak effect on my mental strength. There is no meaning for Sun Fei here, but Sun Fei still can't help but habitually come and see.

Of course, in addition to this, Sun Fei’s arrival is mainly to erase the traces that he left here when he confronted the mysterious powerhouse.

I don't know why, Sun Fei faintly feels that he should remove all the traces that belong to him in the battlefield of the giant pit. Only in this way can some hidden dangers be eliminated in the bud.

This process took Sun Fei for about an hour, and all the traces related to Sun Fei were carefully erased by him, leaving only the breath of the mysterious powerhouse and the mysterious super assassin who had been fighting for many days before the war. The boxing spirit is branded with the emptiness of the void.

Quietly standing on a towering buttock outside the [Gukeng Battlefield], looking far and wide, the wind is blowing, the blue silk is flying, and Sun Fei can't help but think of the mysterious powerhouse who is a mystery like a father. I know that he will not appear here again, look back and look at it, and then his body will fall like a waterfall from the top of the lonely peak. Follow the original path of the coming, and head toward the Xiangbo camp.

From then on, he may never come here again.


"Your Majesty, you are finally back." When he came to the camp gate, the prisoner Oleg, who was patrolling the patrol, hurriedly greeted him and watched the fat and anxious face. Obviously, something has been waiting. Very anxious.

“Who is looking for me?” Sun Fei saw a delicate magical carriage with a faint silver brilliance between the looms of the inside of the inner gate of the big camp. He saw about sixty bodies around the carriage. The look of the solemn black cloak of the silver armor, and then look at the red cross above the white robes on the outer side of the knight's light armor, the more strange in my heart, asked: "Is it actually the Holy See?"

"Yes, my Majesty, this is the big man. It is from the Holy Mountain of the Holy See, the "Kin of God" Kaka and the accompanying red robe of the great master Barrexi, who have been waiting for a long time."

Oleg is obviously awe-inspiring to the people of the Holy See. I am afraid that the guests from the Holy See are in a hurry. When I see the King’s knees coming back, I am overjoyed and rushed to suppress the voice and whisper in Sun Fei’s ear. It was only after Sun Fei left the camp of Xiangbo that the great man of the Holy See [the son of God] Kaka and the teacher from the gods Baresi accompanied by a high-level teacher in the parish of St. Petersburg came to the camp of the shampoo. In the middle, the name is to visit the shampoo king. However, because Sun Fei was not out, the group had waited for nearly an hour in the big account.

Sun Fei nodded and kept quiet, let Oleg to inform in front, but in his heart, he picked up a layer of micro-small.

Kaka, the Son of God of the Holy See, did not know why he had always been very interested in himself. He once sent an invitation to himself during the duel with the four ruling ruins, and later he destroyed the blood knife mercenary group. At that time, he also let his attendant, Baresi, take the words and warmly invite himself to meet. If the average person gets the courtesy of the Holy See, he is afraid that he will go to see him as soon as possible, but Sun Fei has been able to drag and drop. He did not take the initiative to visit the holy mountain from the Holy See in St. Petersburg. [The Son of God].

First, because Sun Fei has no good impression of the gods, he has been influenced by some concepts of past life, and there is no religious tendency. However, in the past, the performance of the pilgrimage of Mazola and other people in the shampoo kings has made the grandson The flight is very low for the behemoths on this continent. The third point is because Sun Fei is in the power of Diablo World [The Necromancer] and used the power of Necromancer in the Battle of the City of Chambord, although After switching the power character attributes, the power of other professions is not revealed at all, but in order to avoid being traced by others, Sun Fei is still far from the Holy See.

During this time, Sun Fei has fully understood a lot of information about the Holy See.

In particular, the Holy See’s aversion to the power of the Necromancers is like killing the Father’s wife. Once any signs of Necromancer are discovered, it will definitely adopt the iron-and-blood policy of Ning, and in Azera. On the mainland, there are people who are being smothered with the Necromancer, thrown into the river, or burned to death on the stake, or put on a gallows hanged... An exaggerated example, in Sun Fei Before the arrival, as long as there is a person standing up to testify that the city of Chambord and the Necromancer are afflicted, even if the person who accused the testimony is a roadside shackle, under the iron policy of the Holy See, the shampoo royal family is not dead, but also has to be delaminated. skin.

Sun Fei evaded this [King of God] Kaka, but he did not think that the most people were taken to the door.

Is this not a family?

Under the gaze of more than sixty Knights of the Holy See, who were not very friendly and slightly ridiculed and hostile, Sun Fei walked toward the big account of the distant hospitality. Perhaps in the eyes of these Guardian Knights, the little-known little king in front of him dared to repeatedly turn a deaf ear to the invitation of the noble (the Son of God), and there is still a small shelf at this time. A wicked evil guy?

"Hahaha, Alexander is not easy, we finally met."

Sun Feigang stepped into the big account of the hospitality, and he remembered the full laugh of Barrexi.

Sun Fei looked up and saw that the high-ranking Holy Seee who had had a relationship before, stood up from his seat and stood up with a hearty smile on his face and greeted himself. In this old man who is still a burly figure, he still wears a set of black and white two-color rustic robes with dense linen and flowers. The feet are covered with a pair of bark-woven sandals, white hair and beards. The wisdom of the vicissitudes of the stocks has a slight arrogance. This arrogance is so clever that it is hard to find.

The gods Barreci is an unfathomable master who had had a relationship with Sun Fei in the underground hall of the blood knife mercenary headquarters.

It is also a high-ranking senior **** of the Holy See.

Such people, appearing anywhere in the Zenit Empire, will be the focus of attention.

However, Sun Fei’s gaze was immediately attracted to the person who was smiling and stood up in the first seat of Baresi.

This is a young man who is just about twenty years old. The chestnut hair is soft and elegant. The contour of the face conforms to all the descriptions about the beautiful man. The eyes of the stars are shining with sincere and clear eyes. See you involuntarily give birth to a good feeling. He is slender but not thin, his broad chest and strong arms, in line with the strictest gold ratio, wearing a black and white robes, clean and innocent, not a touch of dust, looks rustic, and robe The golden gold thread at the edge of the sleeves adds a touch of nobleness to him. The whole person's Yingwu sunshine is like the **** of the gods.

There is no need for other people to introduce it. From this temperament, Sun Fei can let Sun Fei know that this person must have come from the Holy Mountain of the Holy See, and traveled through the Zener of the Zenit Empire, St. Petersburg.

Seeing that Kaka is so arrogant, does not provoke dust, and if he is so ignorant that he flies to Sun Fei, who is in love, at this moment, there is also a sense of embarrassment.

This is a perfect man.

It was also the moment I saw Kaka. I don’t know why, Sun Fei’s mind suddenly remembered another person, the second emperor Domingos. Both Domingos and Kaka are beautiful men who are handsome and even stunned. One eye is enough to make countless ladies and girls scream and faint, but it is different. The handsomeness of the second emperor is a little lazy and unrestrained, slightly feminine, and Kaka's handsome is the type of extreme sunshine, more masculine.

These two people are just like the scorching sun and the magic moon in the sky, unique.

In their world, other mortal beings are like the stars in the sky, no matter how they shine, how they eternal flashes, but they can't compete with the brilliance of the two.


The first is more.

At least five today.


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