Hail the King

Chapter 373: Necromancer

Chapter 373, Necromancer is now

This is a very strange feeling and emotion. Although I know that the person who is struggling to avoid is an enemy, everyone can't help but worry about him. The knight and the gods are unconsciously shown by this assassin. The skill is attracted, and I unconsciously start to sweat for this person. Every time I see a thrill, some people can't help but scream out.

Among the crowds, [Kiko of God] Kaka stands tall.

From the beginning to the present, he has always been very calm, handsome and unparalleled face, the charming smile is still sunny, but the color of the scorpion that wins the heavens and the earth is brighter and brighter.

More than thirty seconds is like thirty centuries.

Gradually, the assassin who was under the cover of the 'Dragon's Rain' in the distance was slower and slower.

Under the deliberate control of Baresi, the space available for evasion is getting smaller and smaller, so that the assassin can no longer run, and can only constantly change posture and position in place, to avoid in this way. His body finally began to appear wounds, the flames of the flames of the dragon and the flames were like a knife, and the thin and dense wounds were cut on his body. People could only see the traces of the road constantly changing in the same place, every time. Seeing that the dragon gun pierced the assassin's body, but every time it was discovered, the piercing was actually only the illusion left by the assassin after changing his body shape at high speed.

This assassin's body has incredible coordination and sensitivity.

This ability has gone far beyond the limits of what people can imagine and recognize.

"Is it already at the end of the strong?" "It's a pity that you have such an amazing skill, but you have to be right against the Holy See. In the end, even a whole body can't stay." "There is no such thing as a daring assassin on the Barrexi face of the emptiness of the sacred force shooting the dragon gun. He is not sighing for such an amazing skill that cannot be preserved."

"Hey, hey!"

The assassin who constantly changes his posture and leaves a phantom in the void, disdainfully ironically, does not know when a huge shield with a sky-blue color suddenly appears in his hand, covering the entire body with the flames of the whole body. Hit the giant shield and couldn't break it. It just made a series of deafening roars, and the earth began to tremble.

Under the insane madness of countless dragon guns, the assassin and the shield began to collapse into the hard, solid steel of the feet.

The knights and gods watching the battle can see the mask under the shield covering the nose and nose of the assassin, which is constantly spurting blood and reddish the black mask, and watching him finally in this way. The impact was nailed into the frozen ground like a nail, forming a giant pit with a diameter of more than three or four meters.


The flames of the sacred flames slammed down endlessly, and fell into the black crater in the splatter of dust and gravel.

It was not until three or four minutes later that Baresi stopped the attack. The dragon gun that turned into a sacred force was not condensed, and the eyes looked like the electricity and looked at the deep pits on the ground. Only the smoke that flew from the sky isolated everyone. The sight of the line, no one knows how deep this pit is, what kind of situation is at the bottom of the pit, and it is not known that the assassin is alive and dead.

This time, Baresi did not send the Cavaliers as he did last time.

Instead, suddenly a stature swayed, a dive smashed into the dark pit, the high art daring, directly into the lacquered black pit to find out.

On the ground, all the knights and gods, including Kaka, are waiting for the result calmly. I don’t know why, obviously knowing that Baresi is a strong man on the moon is definitely not dangerous, but at this moment, Many people feel that something is not going to happen.

at this time--

"Ahhhhh...the gods are on...the dead spirit...the necromancer..."

A sound that was completely deformed and hoarse because of extreme horror came out of the deep pit, and then the flame of the silver sacred force in the deep pit rose into the sky, but the middle of the holy force was mixed with an obvious gray. With a fascinating blue mist, this misty stream reveals a sultry, cold, scented breath that seems to freeze the blood of the body in an instant.

"God, Necromancer, evil Necromancer!"

"The guy turned out to be a necromancer... a necromancer, ah..."

"Damn, damn, how is it possible? How is it possible?"

"Ably impossible!"

The gods and knights on the ground suddenly changed their faces, and the sound of exclamations continued. An incredible voice seemed to be the most impossible thing to discover. Everyone changed their voices. The fascinating and smiling [Child of God] Kaka's look solidified and wrinkled his brows at this moment, no longer indifferent.

Because everyone can see that the dark smog and blue mist of the deep pit accompanied by the continual overflow of the light of the Holy Spirit is a magical magical power of evil.

And still very pure magic of the dead.

Even with the knowledge of Kaka, the son of God, I have never seen such a pure magical power of the dead spirit, which is the most evil and terrible force in the world, and can corrode everything.

Since its inception, the Holy See has been dead with the Necromancer. The reason for this has been buried in the dust of history, but many people have speculated that except for the Necromancer, who often lives with the dead, is countless In addition to being disgusted, the magical power of the Necromancer possessed by the Necromancer is related to the natural nemesis of the Holy See, because the hegemonic style of the Holy See is absolutely not allowed in this world to have the power to restrain them.

Light and darkness, this is the opposite of life.

The same is true of the Light and the Spirit of the Dead. There is no absolute strength or weakness between the two, and the strength is weak.

At this time, the purity of the dead spirit that emerged from the deep pit is far more than the light and holy power that Baresi has. The gray of the dead spirit is the most in the world. The symbol of the pure magic of the dead spirit, even the golden sacred power of the Son of God is not too late, and perhaps only the legendary power of the **** of light can be matched.

Therefore, only in the blink of an eye, the silver light of the Holy Spirit that emerged from the deep pits was swallowed by the weak magical power and became weaker and weaker.

This means that under the deep pit, the gods Baresi has already fallen into the wind.

A burst of rushing and angry voices came out of the deep pit, and everyone on the ground had changed color. What a powerful necromancer in the end, so that in such a short period of time, let the body be a strong month. Baresi is hard to resist. Once Baresi is defeated, I am afraid that everyone who is present today will not be able to escape.

Kaka’s face is condensed, and what is being said, at this time, the change is changed –

A horrible silver light sacred force rose to the sky, and then the sound of the clash of the slams came out, and then the faint light of the sacred sacred rushed out of the crater and fled quickly. come.

"It’s Baresi!"

"The Baresi rushed out..."

Everyone’s heart was loose, and they were about to breathe a sigh of relief, but they saw a gray mist coming out of their madness. There was a white bone spear with a sharp, shimmering cold in the mist, with a sharp whistling sound, and the first one. So, in the blink of an eye, I caught up with Baresi, who flew out of the air. He penetrated his left chest and passed through it. He pierced a transparent hole with a large bowl of mouth. The bones are splashing.


Baresi fell from the air, and the blood in his mouth and nose was overflowing. It was obviously a serious injury.

"Protect adults."

"Quickly protect Baresi adults..."

The knights and gods of the Holy See, under the reminder of Kaka, the son of God, flocked to protect the Baresi group, which was seriously injured and stunned, in the middle, as the enemy was staring at the depth of the gray-white dead spirit. Pit, between the vagueness, you can see a blurry body shadow jumping out of the deep pit, standing in the distance, just a layer of dead spirit magic surge, also mixed with a string of endless The white bone rubs against the sound of rotation, but can't see what the person looks like, and can't judge whether it is the archer who just had the skill.


Step on! !

Step on the pedal! ! !

Clear and dignified footsteps came, like a giant hammer hitting everyone's heart, the atmosphere was tense.

"Quick! Under the light enchantment!" It was not the road who gave a cry, reminding the people of the Holy See.

I saw a faint singer in the mouth of a dozen gods. The knights stepped on the ground, and a silver battle ring emerged from under the feet, spreading like water waves, and emerging from priests. The bright light and the holy force that came out together formed a huge silver reticle with a diameter of more than 100 meters. The silver rune on the ground covered by the reticle was like a vine-like spread, and finally the edge of the reticle. Together, they form a huge bright sacred magic enchantment.

At this time, from the thick fog formed by the rich magic of the dead, the terrible necromancer finally came out.

I saw the distance of twenty centimeters in front of him, and the white bone armor that kept squeaking the sound of the bones of the slaps of the bones, and the whole person was strictly guarded in it. The grayish long hair danced and the face was completely covered. The Necromancer Weapons are shrouded, and only one pair of eyes radiates a deep blue brilliance. Like two lights of death, it is very scary and stunned. The left hand holds a strange shield made up of purple bones and hoes. In the right hand, holding a sinister white magic wand that is about half a meter long, the whole person is looming in the grayish white mist, and the horror is very great.


Third, ask for collections and red tickets.

The book review area replied to some of the brothers' messages. This time, the drums are full of courage. In the future, we will continue to restore the messages of the brothers every day. Thank you for your support.


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