Hail the King

Chapter 377: Overwhelming victory

Chapter 377, Overwhelming Victory

According to the introduction and evaluation in the booklet edited by the first bard of the empire, Materazzi, this young prince named Shevchenko is only moderate, and there is nothing special about it. Ranked only 32nd among the 50 masters in the theater.

Such a person, if the situation is normal, it is absolutely impossible to reach the top four.

Even the top 13 are very difficult, but who can think of such a 'little person' who had not noticed before, even after defeating the first round of opponents, three consecutive rounds of lottery, scheduled without any effort A seat in the top four?

Wouldn't it be that someone was cheating on the lottery and deliberately controlled the matchup?

Almost everyone has the question of Sun Fei. Even after the buzzing sound, the chaotic voice finally became the same slogan. Except for the seven masters who participated in the competition, almost everyone was on the school again. The round of the air expressed doubts.

The buzz and questioning sounds inside and outside the school yard became one. Under the excitement of the group, the temporary military department set up here by the empire had to suspend the competition. The second emperor Domingos came out, and the lottery process was just the fastest. survey.

The results of the official investigation were surprising when many people were dancing and the biggest fraud case on the Empire’s martial arts competition was about to emerge.

There is no doubt about the match-up draw, and Shevchenko’s three rounds of rounds are indeed good luck.

As soon as the conclusion came out, the voice of questioning was finally reduced a lot.

People turned to be curious about Shevchenko.

This person's luck is not normal, it is a bit counterintuitive, it is foreseeable that he will occupy a place in the future new army. Looking at the high sitting on the podium, I looked leisurely at the other six masters who are about to catch up and fight, and I admire all kinds of eyes. When I think of entering the semi-finals, there will be no possibility of lottery. Many people who are jealous of him can't wait to see the scene where Shevchenko was killed by other masters.


Since there are only three games, and they are all fierce confrontation between the masters, today's competitions are no longer carried out at the same time, but in sequence on the first test bench in order.

The first order is the popular beauty of the city of Chambord, the bow of the bow, the goddess of the bow, and the match between the elites of the ancient caves of the ancient caves.

Among the seven masters, in addition to the Scorpion, who goes out to step on the **** every day, whether it is a layman or a busy passerby, the consensus of most people is that [the wind thunder stick] Kanut is the weakest one, so From the perspective of the strength of the surface, [The goddess of the bow] Elena is a good sign.

And it turns out that such speculation is not wrong.

The attack power has far surpassed the six-star peak of the Elena magic arrow can shoot through the magical enchantment of the guardian sword platform [Water Curtain Tianhua], a strength barely reaches the six-star initial stage of Kanut naturally not opponent.

Although the barbarian master tried hard to attack at the beginning, trying to close the distance and catch the archer's melee short board defect, but Elena swam between the life and death of the dark world, hunting countless demon monsters, fighting How rich is the experience, how can it be invaded by Kanut so easily?

Just a few quick moves, the figure flickered like a ghost, and Elena got rid of her opponent's entanglement.

The power of the arrow fired in the high-speed movement will not be weakened. After several ice arrows are shot, the No. 1 test sword is already cold, and Kanut’s first hand [wind thunder stick] constantly smashes the Frostbolt, but the ice The force invaded his body silently, freezing his body, delaying his reaction, and the speed was greatly reduced.


In the 30th second after the war, Jelena shot an arrow and directly smashed the stick in the hands of Kanout.

Once again, bowing and arching, three moments of cold blue ice arrows appear on the bowstring, the arrow tip flashes the luster of death, and steadily aligns with Kanut, who has lost his weapon in the distance. The master of the country only felt that he was staring at the horrible beast, and his eyebrows burst into cold.

"I admit defeat!" Knowing that it is not good, the barbarian master directly announced his defeat and took the initiative to jump off the test sword.

Almost equal to spike!

The whole game showed a one-sided trend.

After a short silence, I heard the sound of cheers like a tsunami in the vicinity of the No. 1 test sword.

The beautiful and powerful Jelena originally had a higher popularity than Kanout, and the goddess in her heart won the overwhelming way. The men only felt that the adrenaline was secretly secreted, and they were crazy. The name of Angela is high, and the level of enthusiasm is like a flame from the bottom of the earth that surrounds the woman who is temperamental and temperament on the test sword.

Elena’s own victory for the game did not show how excited.

Putting away the magic bow, just like killing a demon monster in the world of Diablo, she is expressionless, not so excited, and leaps down the test sword and enters the player area.

But what her supporters like is such a cold and glamorous look, and seeing this scene becomes more and more crazy.

After this battle, Chambord City has already won a place in the semi-finals.


After half an hour.

The same is the first test of the sword, after the Royal Wizards re-examined the magic runes and magic enchantments on the test sword, the second order of the game officially began.

This is a confrontation between [One Sword] and [Silver Armor].

In this game, most people are optimistic about the fact that the previous two hundred and five is the first master of the affiliated country. Although the recent strong rise of the shampoo king makes people the first master of him. There is doubt, but no one will not recognize the power of [a sword].

In the life of the enemy, only a sword.

This is a slap in the face but a **** boast!

And this sentence is the most appropriate portrayal of this seemingly ordinary prince.

In contrast, [Silver Armor] is only the master who took the lead in this competition, although despite all the way to the top seven, the impression of people is far less profound than a sword. Even many people remember that in the 13th to seven-match matchup, [Silver Armor] had been difficult to solve with Peter Chech, the master of the city, and ultimately relied on the inexplicable trick. The final victory.

A guy who is evenly matched with the sergeant who has been eliminated by Cech, how could it be the opponent of [One Sword]?

The only question is, in the end, what is the power of the trick of [Silver Armor] that ‘white light flashes, opponent falls to the ground’? This is the only reliance on [Silver Armor].

Finally, in the eyes of the public, this battle has finally begun.

"Hahaha, I can die by one hand with one hand. If you run into me, he is really unlucky..."

The bright and arrogant voice, the fresh and gorgeous silver armor, the white cloak flutter like a girl's veil, and under the eyes of everyone, [Silver Armor] can't wait to show off with a gorgeous and freehand posture. The strength, floated on the test sword.

From the point of view of sales, the man named "the most arrogant master of the past" is not required, white eyebrows, thin lips, bee-waist shoulders, slender and strong body, it is indeed a beautiful man.

In addition, as the prince of the imperial state of the Eastern War Zone, the prince of the imperial state, and in one fell swoop into the top seven of the Empire qualifying, showing a certain strength, there are really a large number of chasers, very popular Among them, there are many women, most of them are fifteen-seven-year-old girls who have unrealistic fantasies about Prince Charming, and there is a crazy fascination for [Silver Armor] in these little girls. It seems that the so-called young Junyan, the heroes of the world, fearless, do not say such a man [Silver Armor]?

Therefore, [Silver Armor] came on stage, and suddenly I felt the scream of a girl who could pierce the human eardrum around the test stand.

In contrast, [a sword] long hair linen, hand-lifting rust sword step by step to test the sword stand, it is more like a passer-by unrelated to the game, the wind is light, no black pressure on the surrounding human head How much embarrassment is provoked among them.

This swordsman, who has been low-key and calm, and even a bit cold, like his sword, has such shortcomings and rarities.

Only when the rust sword kills people, when a sword is drawn, people can truly see the terribleness and embarrassment of this man’s sword.

"Hahaha, do you dare to accept the challenge? You are not my opponent, just admit defeat."

[Silver armor] With one hand touching his chin, he licked his own long hair like a waterfall, so that his image can reach the top three or sixty corners in the eyes of those crazy female pursuers. In the perfect state, the stars are full of unscrupulous and cynical smiles, and there is no fear of letting countless people enter the opponent's sorrowful [sword].

"Draw a sword." [A sword] slightly raised his eyebrows.

"Hey? Do you really want to fight? This game has more than 70,000 people watching the game. Once you are defeated, how much shame you are? Are you okay?" [Silver Armor] bitterly persuaded [a sword] Know a little.

His voice was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears through the magic array on the test sword.

A lot of people almost stunned at this moment, and this arrogant guy is really a living treasure. Actually, he is so vocal and dare to speak like a sword.


The response of [One Sword] is a sword light.


First, the update is a little late today, please forgive me.


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