Hail the King

Chapter 415: Crazy Sun Fei [2]

Chapter 415, crazy Sun Fei [2]

In the next moment, only the subtle sound of the sword cutting through the muscles came, the sword in the hands of Huntelaar easily penetrated the opponent's right chest, and the opponent's fist was also in this moment. Flawlessly hitting his abdomen.

This young Zenit was crazy, and he took a move that was both defeated.

This is Huntelaar's first thought.

But soon, the first swordsman of Ajax couldn’t care so much.

Because, hurt!

It hurts too!

Huntelaar never thought that the fist of a small star warrior could bring such great pain and hurt to himself. The pain is not like coming from the human world, just like the curse of the devil in the abyss. , took away all the power in his body, let him at this time, even if it is a moving finger is difficult to do.


The tremendous power contained in the fist, like the body, caused the old scars on the first swordsman of Ajax to burst, and the blood was sprayed out of the thin and dense wounds like a fountain.

And his body, like a gorilla tall and tall, seems to never be perfect, and it is hard to be high, and finally instinctively kneels down, like a prawn twisted and struggling in boiling water.

Then soon, tears poured out from both eyes uncontrollably.

The sour water that came out of the stomach and the blood that rushed up in the throat mixed together and spewed out of his mouth.

These are the instinctive reactions of the human abdomen after receiving a critical hit.

Just a punch!

Just a punch! !

But how powerful is the power of the 84-level barbarian?

The first swordsman of Ajax, the high-ranking strongman on the top, pushed Jinshan down the jade column and fell down.

He had to squat and become confused with the slap in the street, licking his stomach, looking painful, kneeling on the ground and completely losing his fighting power.

Opposite, the long sword penetrated Sun Fei's right chest.

The blade was still tied in the body, and the **** wounds of the wounds flowed out, dyed his sky blue robes.

"Who is **** an ant? Who the **** is a dragon?"

Sun Fei did not know the pain. Like a madman, he grabbed Huntelaar’s hair and dragged the moon-level powerhouse, who had completely lost his resistance, like a dead dog, to the front of the fighting sword, sneer. Dao: "What a pity, Laozi's heart is on the left chest, not the right chest. Are you ***? Haha, the first swordsman of the shit, the shit-like strongman, the same drink will spit the bricks, Also give the old man a force? You **** is to install one for the old man? Ah? Install? I. Fuck. Your uncle! Hey!!"


The backhand is four loud slaps.

The strength of the 84-level barbarian was not preserved at all, and the Huntelaar face suddenly swelled with red and swollen teeth.

Ajax's first face of the first swordsman quickly became a pig's head, and his mouth was like a ripe peach. He rushed to breathe and snorted.

A move to defeat the enemy, Sun Fei is still not satisfied.

He only felt that there was a group of things in his heart that would explode, and the whole person would burn.

What kind of king's instrument of the aristocratic ceremonial master, these **** stuff all thrown aside.

What Sun Fei needs now is to vent!

The most primitive and wildest vents of the flesh! !

Among them, the thin but straight figure is more and more clear in my mind, but Sun Fei knows that he will never see this elder who is like a father. This kind of unrecoverable frustration, let Sun Fei felt that there was not blood but magma in his blood vessels. He felt that his volcano with a sulphur and smoke was bursting out.

In the face of the mad Majesty the King, there is silence between heaven and earth.

Forty powerful members of the Wusheng Mountain, 300 well-trained Royal Guards, the long princess in the magical carriage in the distance, the elite soldiers of the Imperial Police, and the shackles of the major corps. Soldiers, as well as the Zenit people who are still surrounded by the constant stream, even the two enemies of Amauri and Costa Kuta, who are closest to Sun Fei, were shocked by this crazy scene at this moment.

In particular, Amauri and Costa Kuta, even forgot to help Huntelaar, the whole process is too fast, who can think of Huntelaar in the hands of this young man can not support a trick ? And when everything is over, the instinct of being a strong martial artist makes them feel that they are not facing a person, but a sacred dragon in a rage, exuding the dangerous atmosphere of violent destruction!

In this moment, countless people mourn for the first swordsman of Ajax lying on the ground. This is an unbearable shame. It is like a dead dog in front of thousands of enemies and two companions. For the famous month-level powerhouse, it is more uncomfortable than killing him.

But the eyes of the twenty Wushengshanmen were bursting with light. They wanted to cramp the Huntelaar and criticize Krasic. This scene is undoubtedly extremely resentful.

This maverick king ignited the flames of countless people in the simplest and most rude way!

The blood is boiling!

The soul is burning!


A blood arrow shot from the wound.

If Sun Feiqi did not feel it, he reached out and grabbed the hilt, one inch and one inch, and slowly pulled the long sword inserted in his body from his body.


Suddenly throwing the long sword on the ground, Sun Fei slowly turned around, ignoring the shocking wounds on his body and spraying blood on the outside.

At this time, the face of the first master of the dependent country, where can see the brilliant smile of a few seconds ago, the eyes are red and bloody, only staring at Amauri and Costa Kuta There was a beast in the throat, and his body flashed, pulling out a series of illusory illusions in the air and rushing up.

He actually wants to be an enemy.

As a star warrior, challenge the two great powers?

He's crazy?

Forty Wushanshanmen were shocked. Some of the guards of the Guards couldn’t help but rush to help. After all, Sun Fei was faced with two-month-old powerhouses. Although he was seriously injured, it was also a force. A month-old powerhouse that can be riddled with thousands of people!


However, no one has reacted, and the sound of muscle impact and long-cut muscles has come out.

The three figures are intertwined, and the violent momentum bursts outwards. The huge enthusiasm makes everyone stumble and push away.

Then just the moment of the electric light flint, the three figures are separated at the same time.

Everything returns to rest.

Then there is a sound of cold air.

This scene will always be engraved in the souls of countless people around, and will never be forgotten -

On the right shoulder of the shampoo king, a knives was deeply cut into it. The blade was tightly stuck in the muscles and bones. If you check it, he would kneel down his entire shoulder and his waist side also appeared. A shocking and huge scar, almost smashed him into two paragraphs, blood flowing like a spring from the wound, dyed his robes and the earth under his feet, as dazzling as a red rose.

Even if he is so seriously injured, his body is like a Krasic standing straight, not bent.

And by his side, Costa Kuta and Amauri almost repeated the action when Huntelaar fell.

The two great men of the month are instinctively rubbing their stomachs with their hands, tears, water, nose and blood appear on the face, want to struggle, but the body strength is completely exhausted, even the simple movements of mouth breathing change Get extravagant.

Sun Fei sighed with a big mouth.

He slowly lifted his left arm, just like the long sword that was pulled out of his body. He pulled out the sword on the shoulder side by inch. In an instant, the blood spurted again, and there was a dizziness and a sharp pain. Sun Fei There was no snoring in the biting of the teeth, and the eyes were black, but it seemed that there was only a pain, which made him feel a little more comfortable.

Barbarian skills - [iron cloth shirt].

Can make the game character stiff as steel.

It is this skill that, together with the barbaric system, is incomparably strong, and the three major monthly powers are injured and can only play less than half of the power. Sun Fei uses the same way to the most savage. The most rude and direct way to temporarily abolish the fighting power of the three.

The strength of the strongman of the month is strong. The function of the ** is qualitatively changed, but the abdomen is still the softest and weakest of the human body. Sun Fei hardly fights his body and is almost in danger of being cut into two segments. The way of mixing and fighting on the streets solved the problem.

This completely mad venting, let Sun Fei's heart is about to explode and burn some feelings.

call out!

call out!

Holding the sword that had just been pulled out of his body, the blade of the sword still ran with the blood of Sun Fei. There was no kindness under the sire of the king. He shook his wrists and shot a few cold slashes. The hamstrings of the hamsters ruined the six most important vindictive passages in the body of a few people. This was when the knives were thrown aside, panting, without any image, sitting down on the ground, treating Start your own injury.

"You... killed me, killed me, killed..." Amauri didn't want to suffer the insults of Huntelaar, struggling to yell, at this time he has become a waste, for a warrior, simply It must be unbearable to die.

Sun Fei glanced at him coldly, opened his mouth and drank a bottle of [full recovery medicine].

He will not let these three people die so easily.

He wants everyone to know that when they decide to plot to kill the mighty strong man on Mount Wusheng, what mistakes have been made, what is the price to pay for it.

Sun Fei is a madman!


Third, the red ticket.


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