Hail the King

Chapter 420: Greetings from Saint Seiya

Chapter 420, Greetings from Saints

Not to mention twenty-two people, even if it is two hundred people, I am afraid that these two Zenit devils are not enough!

Even the Ajax iron rider and the most proud of the Gobi Desert are not able to play the role. When the war horses were interlaced, more than a dozen second-order World of Warcraft sand tigers launched the soil magic [satin] And [killing], but a spike of sand and sand has just formed, and a trap of sand collapse has just appeared, just like a popsicle stuck in the stove, what terrible obstacles have been suffered, and the magic suddenly collapses. Instantly disappeared...

Look at the faint red flames of the four hooves of the other mount, and then look at the tiny scales of the 'horse' and the sharp teeth of the **** mouth, the four Ajax cavalry that survived. I understand that what kind of ordinary horse is there under the other’s mount? It is clearly a terrible alien warcraft, the pressure of high-order Warcraft, can dispel the sand tiger's magic attack silently.

Archery is not as good as an opponent.

Weapons are better than opponents.

Strength is better than opponents.

The mount is also better than the opponent.

Who are these two guys? Is it the royal knight of the Zenit royal family?

The four Spartak cavalrymen looked at each other and breathed cold air. One by one, they suddenly understood that they didn’t look at the Huangli today, and they should have been unlucky enough to meet the Zenit’s elite master scouts.

After seeing that they were awake, they no longer dared to take advantage of the moment, and they couldn’t take the horse to make a second charge and fled straight into the distant desert Gobi.

The four were very tacitly divided into four different directions. They wanted to bring back the news that the terrible enemy finally arrived. The Zenit reinforcements finally arrived, and they were still terrible reinforcements.

However, the speed of Warcraft Sands is fast, but it is almost an arrow.

Terry and Ruiz did not give the opponent a chance to escape, each shot two arrows, shot two people, leaving two live mouths stunned and trapped on horseback.

The bodies of the other twenty Ajax cavalry were stripped of all the armor and weapons without mercy, and then the heads were piled up into piles of hills, and a rifle with the head of the cavalry leader was inserted. In front of the corpse, a dark yellow cloak taken from the dead body hung on the gun and hunted in the wind, like a sacred flag flying, with blood on it -

"Greetings from the Saint Seiya of Alexander Wang."

After doing everything, Terry and Ruiz both uphold the diligent and housekeeping style of their own kings.

The two men took the stripped armor and weapons all together and took them away. There was no such thing as a broken knife. Fourteen live [Sand Boats] World of Warcraft Sand Tigers were also taken away. These well-trained beasts were taken. It’s also awkward. At the beginning, I still have to resist the scorpion, but I was screamed by two red flame beasts, revealing a white-stained white tooth, no longer dare to swear, scared the fart and the back behind the ass... ...



The night is coming.

In the cold winter season, the night in the Gobi is chilling, dripping into ice, extremely cold and bone.

In this kind of weather, it is impossible to march. The first group of more than 5,000 light cavalry troops are stationed next to a sheltered mound. As a pioneer army of the Ajax Theater, In the two days, they rushed for more than 800 kilometers. At the end of the night, they reached the distance of the double-flag city, the first military town on the northwestern border of the empire.

This march is already fast.

If all goes well, the Pioneer Legion can enter the Double Flag City when the sun rises from the horizon tomorrow.

From the bird's-eye view of the sky, the camp is like a tortoise that squats on the ground, with an oval shape in the middle, four claws on all sides, head and tail extending more than 30 meters, and vigilantly inserted into the place. When the wind blows, it will be discovered in the first time.

Among the camps, soldiers wearing cotton armor changed their patrols back and forth, and the tents were all brand new. In the extremely cold conditions of the Great Gobi in winter, they could bring warmth to the soldiers.

These are Sun Fei’s research on the climatic conditions of the Ajax battlefield, and they asked for the Ministry of Military Affairs under the advice of the military old Al Yang. Perhaps it was Angela’s public relations activities some time ago, but perhaps the grandson. The fly was caused by the defeat of the three big-month powerhouses, but perhaps because the city of Chambord has become one of the forces that cannot be ignored by the empire. The legendary munitions of the violent and demanding quartermasters are not The slightest embarrassment, the first time to meet the requirements of Sun Fei, [Spider Legion] received the most luxurious new equipment up and down.

As the head of the army, Sun Fei’s position in the minds of the soldiers was suddenly high.

For these low-level soldiers, the prominent position and super strength are virtual. In comparison, it is the most exciting thing to get the most out of the military needs. Even the top ten empire of the empire, I would like to think about the full supply of those fat and greedy aristocratic quartermasters who are so painfully and quickly.

As he was already on the battlefield, the first commander of the Pioneer, Shevchenko, accepted Cech's suggestion and concealed hundreds of elite scouts in the darkness around the camp to guard against the sudden appearance of enemy militia attacks. Harassment.

At the center of the camp, the huge white tents that can accommodate 100 people are brightly lit.

Within the tent, the six maps of Shevchenko, Cech, Drogba, Pierce, Canute and Hulke are on the square table, and they are carefully watching the location of the nearby Baili Shuangqi City. And the surrounding terrain, while listening to the return of the scouts sent out in the day, for the second day in the Shuangqi City and the Shuangqi City defenders will be the final preparation and deployment.

Once the Pioneer of 6,000 people entered the Double Flag City, it was the perfect completion of the first task of the [Mask Legion] to open up the Ajax battlefield.

The next thing that Shevchenko and others have to do is to cooperate with the Shuangqicheng defenders to hold the Double Flag City. It is like a nail to firmly hold the Ajax iron ride into the inevitable way. Legion] The arrival of large forces.

"Yes! You two are doing a good job, haha, and bring two live mouths?"

After listening to the rewards of Terry and Ruiz, Drogba laughed and greatly appreciated that he couldn’t wait to appear at the scene to kill him. He looked at the two Ajax cavalry that had been swollen and swollen. , angered: "So, this group of guys swept back and forth and killed the thousands of Zenit civilians we saw along the way? These dog days, but Oleg's fat man is not there, otherwise the sinister fat man Means, I am afraid that even a guy who died a hundred times is not enough."

At this time, a few hammers still really miss the flattering Oleg, although the fat man said that the horse must be looked down on, but the means of torture is really first-class, if he came to interrogate the two guys, I am afraid not to use three or two. With a quarter of an hour, you can ask everything.

"Well, kill and kill, poor Zenit, don't be too early, wait until my Ajax commander Haitinga, the emperor, comes to the army, your head will be made into a wine glass." An Ajax cavalry tied to the ground struggled.

The trip of Ajax’s iron ride is really well-deserved. Although the two have become prisoners, they look like the wolves who fall into the trap of the hunter. They still roar, Ajax Empire language and Zenit Empire. Although there are a few syllables in the language, they are roughly the same. The two men shouted and screamed, and all kinds of swearing words came out. Several people in the big account changed their faces.


Terry and Ruiz both turned into a few slaps, and suddenly stunned the two awkward Ajax cavalry.

"Put them down, separate the trials, and ask as soon as possible the movements and forces of the Ajax empire near Shuangqicheng." The first commander of the Pioneer Corps, Shevchenko and Cech, looked at each other and ordered. Although the two little cavalry estimates that there is not much information, it is better to ask questions than to black.

Soon Terry and Ruiz both dragged the prisoners and quit the big account.

"According to the situation of the fifty Saints scouts, we can roughly know that the enemy forces are big. The two-flag city master Soroyev can’t stand up, but the Ajax people are ruthlessly ruined around. From this perspective, we have now entered the enemy-occupied area. Everything must be careful from tonight, dawning tomorrow, and entering Shuangqicheng before sunrise."

Shevchenko is a subsidiary of the king. He is a somewhat experienced, leading-minded, calm-minded, courageous, and capable person. This is where Sun Fei values ​​him, so he is appointed to become a pioneer. First commander.

Cech looked at a few people and nodded. "Tonight, we changed the patrols to watch the night. The enemy was paralyzed. In the daytime, we ate a big loss in our scouts. In addition, we lost three hundred rides. In the evening, everyone must be careful. To prevent the other party from attacking, you must not have any problems."

Several other squadron leaders rushed to promise, and immediately quit the big account.

Only the two of Cech and Shevchenko are left in the big account.

The two looked at each other and Cech walked over and told the guards not to let anyone in, and then closed the wooden door of the big account, and then returned to the body, and the two sons of Shevchenko respectfully followed the direction of the account. After a ceremony, he said: "His Lord of the Army, do you know if you are satisfied with our arrangement?"

"Haha, very good! Andre, Peter, haven't I said that already? You just act according to your own ideas, don't ask me, when I don't exist, if I don't exist, if I talk about marching, You are still far worse than me."

With the hearty laughter coming from the post, a tall and slender figure uncovered the curtain and walked out.

Who is not the first-class king, the second-class imperial hereditary aristocracy, the head of the [Spider Legion] army, and the first commander of the Ajax theater in the northwest?


Second more.

Today is two more.


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