Hail the King

Chapter 422: Let the real master come out

Chapter 422, let the real master come out

According to historical records, at the beginning of the founding of the Zenit Empire, the Ajax Desert Thieves Group frequently harassed the Imperial Front and caused the imperial royal family to be greatly angered. It was the generation of Tianjiao Yaxin Emperor who was at its peak and was unparalleled in power. All the way to the massacre, all the way to triumph, straight to Ajax imperial city of Amsterdam, killing hundreds of Ajax strong, defeating the then Ajax emperor, captured more than a thousand Ajax nobles, won An epic victory.

The Ajax empire almost killed the country, and since then it has been sluggish, and it has only been ten years since it was rehabilitated.

In the past ten years, Ajax finally came out with a very talented genius character, 'Kifu the Great'. The royal family was proud of the reunification, and the imperial power quickly recovered.

Nowadays, the number of Ajax who used to be pressured for a decade does not dare to breathe a generation. The glorious life of Tianjiao Yaxin, the dynasty, is going to the end. The young and prosperous Jifu Emperor is like the rising sun. For a few decades, I have never forgotten that the Ajax people who were so shameful and shameful in the past are just around the corner.

The battle of Wu Shengshan, the first swordsman of Ajax Huntelaar, finally showed the meaning of confrontation.

This history of Sun Fei was vaguely known before, but it was not as clear as the above [the Continental Chronicle].

Sun Fei remembers the famous saying that the ancestors of the past ancestors knew each other and victorious, and this time, as long as they are free, they will sit and study this book quietly. Therefore, the army has not yet reached the double flag city, and has not seen the enemy’s trace, but for Aja. The understanding of the humanities and geography of the Empire is quite familiar, and the understanding of the enemy is more than most people around.

The central account of the Pioneer Army is brightly lit, the night is gradually deepening, and the coldness is flourishing.


"The time is right, everyone is ready! Rush!"

Above the hill, the first Shahu Knight Coman looked at the Zenit Pioneer Barracks, which had become quiet underneath, and a cruel smile appeared on the corner of the mouth under the black scarf, making a gesture of assault. Under the savage fierce sand tiger, snoring, like the arrow from the string, the first rushed down.

Teng Teng Teng Teng!

A series of low and heavy footsteps sounded.

The black pressured a sand tiger knight followed closely behind Koman.

More than four hundred rides are like a black torrent that vents out, with silent murderousness, without a trace of embarrassment, like a group of silent black bloodthirsty monsters, rushing towards the Zenit camp 500 meters away. .

This charge will be the first official confrontation between the Ajax Empire and the Zenit after more than 20 years.

For the group of warriors who live in the bitter cold of the desert Gobi, this is the prelude and beginning of the restoration of past glory.

More than four hundred handles of swaying machete, under the magic moon, sparkle people's skin, cold and painful radiance, they are eager to feed the enemy's blood.

"Remember! Don't fight, use the shortest time to rush to the central account, kill the Zenit commander!"

At less than 20 meters from the Zenit battalion, the Zenit soldiers were finally alarmed. Koman pulled out a giant scimitar with a strange shape of about two meters behind him and shouted. It’s like a blue sky.

"Chonghong rushing!!!" More than 400 sand tiger knights are not silent, screaming with anger.

In an instant, everything changed from silence to violent.

As the whirlwind wrinkled a pool of stagnant water, the ripples picked up.


Koeman waved out with a knife, the knife light was like a white practice, and the flashing of the wooden fence in front of the team exploded and was smashed into powder.

"Ahhhh...the enemy attack! Someone attacked the camp, get up!"

"Oh, God, is the Ajax Sands Knight, their Rangers... Sentinel? Where did the Sentry die? When did they appear?"

"Get up, go get the weapon, damn, the dead are coming!"

In the blink of an eye, it was discovered that there was a chaos in the camp of the Zenit Pioneer Legion.

The sound of exclamation and screaming is like the ant nest that has been smashed by a stick. There are flustered figures everywhere, and it is a mess. In the distant big account, there are some light. The **** soldiers rushed out of the tent with their long swords, and they looked very flustered.

Ajax Shahu cavalry with a scornful killing, in the blink of an eye, followed by the flood in the gap opened by Koman, generally vented into the camp, almost did not suffer decent resistance.

The 400-person cavalry team is well-trained, intimate and intimate, and the formation is very neat. The sound of the sand tiger's galloping is boring, like a red-hot soldering iron to the cheese that has just been baked. The same is easy, there is no effort, and the whole process goes smoothly.

In a twinkling of an eye, Zenit’s central account appeared within 100 meters of his eyes.

"Found, where, rush over, kill their commanders!"

Under the leadership of the head of the fascinating squad, Koman, the Sand Tiger cavalry turned into a sturdy cone-shaped formation, rushing toward the central big account.

Kill the Zenit commander!

Kill him!

Let the first glory since the war began, belong to the brave Ajax!

At this time, they finally suffered some Zenit resistance, but such resistance is like a barely built earth dam that wants to contain the rushing rivers. It looks pale and weak, and the speed of the sand tiger riders Not even weakened, even the injury did not appear.

Everything went well and could not be smoother.

"However, the situation is a bit wrong..."

Tightly followed by the Shahu Knight in the back of Koe, the feeling of a little bad, the Zenit's resistance is more like a look, did not really rush to fight, the latter Zenit I didn't even catch up. He can see that the Zenit soldiers are not flustered. It seems that they are deliberately putting their own people into the central account.

But time is too late to let him think.


In a twinkling of an eye, the central big account is already in front of him, and Coman screams like a sudden scream in the dark night, then suddenly leaps out of the air, his body is like a power rushing past, people are in the air, volley slashing, skyrocketing The practice of tearing the hollow, slamming into the big account.


For a while, the mountain shakes and the power fluctuates.

The change is sudden.

I saw that the cold light of the situation has not yet been put on the tent, but it is blocked by a transparent power shield. It can smash a sword of 10,000 pounds of boulder, but it is impossible to shake the transparent mask. It is like hitting a stone with an egg, and it disappears without a trace.

A majestic and irresistible anti-seismic force allowed Koman to fly back and back.

"The other side has a master!!" Koman slanted on the back of the sand tiger, and his heart was shocked.

At this time, the change of regeneration -

A burst of shouting sounded from the flat in the camp, the light was a masterpiece, and a torch was suddenly ignited from all sides. The shadows overlapped and appeared. They were all sharp and sharp Zenit elite warriors, like the tides from all directions. Surging, surrounded by the layers of the four hundred yellow-black velvet tigers.

"Be fooled, the other party is ready!"

At this time, even the fools understand that the Zenit people have been prepared, and the traps have been waiting for them to arrive.

"Keman, you can't fight, we concentrate on one direction." Knight Yari was agile and quickly shouted to the leader around him. At this time, the two knights who were clamoring to kill Zenit's commander. The long face is no longer dare to have any language.

"Good, right in the west, rush!"

Koman is also a very decisive person. Under one touch, he knows that there are super masters in Zenit, and he has protected his big account with his own force field. He has done his best to make the mud cows into the sea without any ripples. The power of one side of the enemy can be enemies, and immediately the earthen tiger that is urging the squatting, rushing toward the west.

He has absolute confidence in the impact of the impact of the four hundred sand tiger knights.

Even if it is a sneak attack, it can be retired.

However, at this time, a very strange snoring appeared -

"Hey... Wang! Wang Wang!! Wang Wang Wang Wang!!!"

It sounds like a dog is arrogant, but Coman is really hard to believe that a dog's barking is so imposing, everyone feels confused, and Venus is straightforward, an indescribable pressure. Produced, there is even a faint sulphur smell in the air.


Known as [Shahai overlord], [the boat of the sea of ​​sand], Ajax people proud of the World of Warcraft mounts the sand tiger even when this roaring sounds, like a terrier sees the sacred dragon, urinating The flow, the soft limbs of the limbs, did not even stand the strength, one by one trembled on the ground, screaming in his mouth.

High-level Warcraft?

Is there a horrible high-level Warcraft in the Zenit?

Only the pressure of high-order Warcraft will make the sand tiger, which is a second-order Warcraft, so fearful, lose the courage to resist, and can have such a pressure, I am afraid that this high-order Warcraft is at least in the seventh and eighth steps. about.

It seems that I hit the iron plate tonight.

His majesty's mount sand tigers surrendered and surrendered. More than 400 Ajax cavalry lost their mobility. It is impossible to rush out of the Zenit army by speed. Facing the armed more than 6,000 opponents. The poor sand tiger knights couldn’t shake the slightest wave.

In the shortest possible time, they formed a round defensive formation, handing the back to their comrades and confronting the Zenit.

"Ajax Wu Sheng third disciple Koeman, Zenit commander can dare to show up?" Koman hand-held long knife, knife tip obliquely on the ground, despite the predicament but the momentum is unparalleled, loud Asked.

Oh la la!

In front of the hundreds of hand-held single swords and large shields of the Zenit soldiers, the tides generally retreat, revealing the central big account that is protected in the back. The curtains of the big account are pulled up by the guards on both sides, and the six full armored cymbals masters from inside. Coming out, it is the six people of Shevchenko, Cech, Drogba, Pierce, Knut and Hulke.

"I am the first commander of the empire [Wolf Legion] Pioneer Corps Andrei Shepchenko."

In a sturdy black iron armor, Shevchenko held the long sword at the waist, and it was as steady as a mountain. A strong breath naturally emerged and replied in a loud voice.

"You?... You are a master, but you can't easily block the full blow of this seat," Koeman's giant scimitar was on the ground, stepping out step by step, shaking his head and saying: "Let the real Come out, or you can't stop me."


Today is even more.


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