Hail the King

Chapter 427: Double flag city

Chapter 427, Double Flag City, a dangerous egg

Sun Fei was lying on the wide back of the **** dog and did not interfere with the command of Shevchenko and others.

As the sun floats from the horizon, the coldness in the air is rapidly disappearing. The climate in the Great Gobi is like this. The temperature difference between day and night is extremely great. It is a great test for outsiders. Sun Fei looks at it. The still color of the scarlet sun has already foreseen the cruelty of the upcoming war into the city.

It is an easy task to enter the Double Flags City under the siege of the 60,000 Aquins Iron Rider.

When the blood flows into the river, the color on the ground is definitely more scarlet than the red sun.

"Accelerate the speed, within 30 minutes, rush to the outside of Shuangqi City, ready to enter the city!" Shevchenko is mixed with the screaming screams of the screams spread throughout the army, the speed of the marching of the Pioneer Army suddenly accelerated, the earth began The hustle and bustle of the light cavalry trembled.

The atmosphere is also suddenly tense.



Double Flag City.

This is a magnificent giant city. The 200-meter-high black city wall is like a cloud that rushes from the sky. It covers an extremely wide area. It is like a prehistoric monster in this vast Gobi. The momentum is stunned.

Shuangqi City can accommodate 500,000 people. In addition to the palaces of the city, the aristocratic mansions and the market houses, there are a certain number of farmland. There are 112 deep wells in the city, which are flowing with sweet springs and nourishing the land. It also feeds more than 400,000 army people in the city.

On such a scale, it can be called the first military town on the northwestern border of the Zenit Empire. Double Flag City is indeed a well-deserved reputation.

Of course, in addition to the scale, Shuangqi City has a very commendable history -

The first major town on the northwestern border of the empire was built twenty-six years ago. It was the time of the Yazin Emperor's Western Ajax Empire. The army passed by here and set up camp. At that time, it encountered the power of Ajax 400,000. The obstruction, the **** battle for a full thirty days, the history of the *** at that time the deck was extremely fierce, bleeding and smashing the body into a mountain.

It is said that at the time, Zenit’s army was short of water, and Yassin’s Emperor Tianwei was dying to destroy the surface soil with invincible dragon fists. The horrible punches directly shattered the desert surface into the underground dark river, forming the twenty-six years. One hundred and twelve deep wells that nourish countless people.

Later, Yassin’s emperor attacked Ajax’s emperor and led the army to triumph. Once again, he passed the place and ordered the construction of a magnificent giant city in this place. The giant flag of the empire’s double-headed white bear was hung in the city’s head. From the Ajax imperial palace to the royal flag, the intention to warn the descendants, so this giant city named, is the double flag city.

The Shuangqi City is dominated by the imperial border, the rear is the sacred Gobi of the Zenit Empire, and the front is the desert of the Ajax Empire.

For more than two decades, the years have changed, and the desert has not been able to move forward even one meter.

Some people say that the great Yasin emperor used the power of the supreme martial arts to suppress the desert, so that it could not be approximated. The legend cannot be trusted, but the Tianwei of Yassin’s Emperor was passed down from generation to generation and became a bard in the wine cellar. The most popular stories in various places in the restaurant.

Today, after two or six years of calm, Shuangqi City finally opened a **** scene.

Shouting and killing the sound of the assault.

More than 60,000 Ajax forces have surrounded the Double Flag City for a whole night, starting from the beginning but not attacking, but at dawn, I don’t know what happened, the Ajax people suddenly began to frantically Siege, the Ajax soldiers in yellow armor, like the tumbling quicksand, rushed from all directions to Shuangqicheng.

The battlefield is a huge meat grinder.

There are blood, stumps, broken blades and dead bodies everywhere, as well as the mourning of the undead soldiers.

From dawn to the present, in the four hours, at least 6,000 Ajax soldiers died under the wall, and many of them were star warriors. In order to break through the magical enchantment shields of Double Flag City, even hundreds of one- and two-star warriors died in battle.

The air is filled with the smell of blood and dead bodies.

Finally, the Ajax people's madness at no cost has paid off.

The double-flag city relies on dozens of magic towers in the city to support the large-scale earthen magic enchantment [the guardian of the earth]. After supporting for more than four hours, it has already collapsed, and the sky is constantly flashing. The thin layer of light yellow light film, like the eggshell of an egg, is already fragile to the extreme, and there is a danger of breaking at any time.


A huge stone was thrown into the sky by a boulder projector.

The huge stones rolled over and finally slammed into the faint yellow light film over the double flag city. After a slight meal, I heard a faint but deafening sound of 'click'. Come, the naked eye can see that a large piece of light film has finally faded, and then the boulder is like a meteor in the sky, and it slams into the dark 200-meter high wall.

The cheers on the battlefield were thunderous, and the Ajax army cheered.

"Broken, finally broken!"

"Hahaha, the Zenit enchantment has been broken, we have to win!"

"The siege is ready! The ladder is ready!! Cable ready!!"

"A bang, smash into the double flag city, welcome back to the royal flag, blood wash the Zenit first city!"

The double flag city enchantment enchantment [the guardian of the earth] is broken, this scene adds a lot of morale to the Ajax army, they can finally directly attack the enemy of the double flag city, you can use magic and various siege The appliance hits the enemy in the city, not as many tools as before, and can only be used passively.

For a time, siege operations were carried out in an orderly manner under the command of officers at all levels.


One after another, the siege ladder with iron barbs was bombed on the city head, and the iron hooks clasped the walls of the city wall. It was difficult to push back at a time. One Ajax soldier was like a bloodthirsty ant. Just as eager to climb up the siege ladder. And some of the more powerful one-two-star strength elite warriors rely directly on ropes or iron claws to climb up the dark wall.

Soon, the double flag city will spread blood.

The **** short-handed handover, the most tragic battle, finally began.

Above the double flag city, the tragic sky, the broken limbs flying, the blood is like rain.

Zenit soldiers wearing black armor and Ajax soldiers wearing yellow armor smashed into a ball.

There are always soldiers who are twisted together and fall like a raindrop from the city head and fall directly into the meat.

As time went by, the balance of war was tilting toward the Ajax side.

The strength gap between the two sides is obvious.

There are only less than 30,000 regular garrisons in Shuangqicheng. Even with the private soldiers of the city and the great aristocrats, the total number is only 40,000, and the difference is not good, and more than 60,000 are well prepared for training. Compared with the Ajax army, both the total number and the individual strength, the combat effectiveness is obviously worse than the one, and soon fell into the disadvantage.

The main gate is under the enemy building.

A military man wearing a white cloak behind a black armor stood still in front of him. He was in his twenties. His figure was not tall, even a little thin, and his face had a knives on his forehead. Let the whole person appear more murderous and have a kind of fierce demon.

He looked at the line like electricity, watching the Ajax soldiers who came from the same tide, and there was a helpless color on the persevering face, but it quickly became a murderous gas.


Suddenly, the earth under the feet began to tremble, and the front and rear gates of Shuangqi City were attacked.

The Ajax soldiers held shields against the scurrying arrows that the city head shot, carrying a neat number on the side of the giant [Broken Dragon Bird] constantly hitting the gate.

This kind of [Broken Dragon Bird] is a sharp, guanine-like dragon-god siege device cast from a huge black iron in the continent. The bird's nest is slightly open. The glycerin liquid, which contains a huge amount of heat, can cause damage to the gate to the greatest extent.

Even if it is a strong city gate, if it is hit by hundreds of consecutive [Dragon Castle Dragon Birds], it will be broken.

At this time, more and more Ajax soldiers climbed the city, even occupied a large section of the city wall, began to start a crazy impact on the two gates of the city gate, as long as the gates were controlled, It is possible to open the city gate through the control center, and more than 60,000 Ajikes iron rides enter, and the double flag city is really finished.


[Broken Dragon Bird] The bang of the city gate shook the entire battlefield, and it sounded like a knock on the hearts of all Zenit defenders. The cold and cold palms of the gods are slamming them bit by bit. neck.

At this time, a **** soldier stumbled from a distance and cried and said: "Reporting General Frank, the city of Soroyev removed the private soldiers on the wall, and the aristocrats in the city followed suit. It is said that Shuangqi City has been unable to keep it, and is ready to abandon the city and flee..."

"What? This coward's fat pig..."

"How can he do this?"

"This is a deserter, a shameful deserter!! Inform the military judge to take them back, even if it is an imperial nobleman, it is absolutely not allowed to do such a thing at this time!"

"Those miscellaneous aristocrats, selfish, know that they care about themselves, how can the civilians in the city do more than 100,000 people? Ajax people will kill the city!"

Upon hearing the report of the **** soldiers, the soldiers around the generals were suddenly indignant. Several temperamental officers had already taken their weapons to find these nobles.

"Stand up!" The generals finally opened their mouths and told everyone to sigh and said: "Forget it, let them go!"

"General Frank? Then... let these locust-like guys leave easily?" The crowd was angry and puzzled, but the generals were obviously not pretentious, and no one dared to speak.

"The enemy's siege is so fierce. If we go to the civil strife again, then we don't need the Ajax people to work harder. The city is broken and the people are in front of us..." Here, the generals looked at everyone around them, suddenly faint I smiled and said: "Maybe we still have hope. As far as I know, the Emperor's Department of the Ministry of Defense has been on the road of rushing, and for a while, the rescuer may arrive."


The first is more.


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