Hail the King

Chapter 430: I want to save people.

Chapter 430, I want to save people.

The Zenit who rushed to the front of the black alien behemoth was omnipotent. There was nothing to stop him before the double axe. The Ajax soldier fell down under his double axe. No one can be close within four meters of the square.

After the military camp, they could not stop the other party's rush.

Seeing the chaos, it’s at this time -

"Zenit Yasin the Great, His Majesty the Majesty, the "Spider Legion", the Pioneer Army, and the Shuangqi City defenders listened, ready to open the gate and welcome the Pioneer Army into the city!"

A big drink, like a blue sky, ringing the entire battlefield.

"His Highness, we should give up the siege, adjust the troops and encircle the army, and kill the more than 6,000 Zenit soldiers." Looking at the other six thousand cavalry, if they enter the uninhabited territory, they will take a **** road and breathe in the air. In the middle, there is an aide to propose.

Ribéry, who was seriously injured in the distance but stood up straight, heard this suggestion in a hurry. Although the empire’s rescuer was brave enough to exceed expectations, but the strength was insufficient, if the Ajax people ironed their hearts and used the 60,000 army to kill Surrounded by killing, even if it is a master of brave, it will be killed in the sea of ​​people tactics.


After the silence.

"No, honk, pause the siege, put them into the city." The proud figure finally shook his head: "Zenite people are full of vigor, my Ajax warrior's life is precious, can not be so wasted, haha, a dead city However, let them go in, the city is no safer than the city, lost mobility and suddenness, haha, although these cavalry are effective, they never want to come out again!"

Soon, the horn sounded.

Ajax’s siege army began to slowly retreat in an orderly manner. Soldiers who had already rushed to the wall began to evacuate through siege ladders or ropes. The camp was in the center of hundreds of magicians who had just floated into midair to perform magical blows. They also returned to the ground, and the 40,000 troops that Ajax was attacking began to retreat out of the city wall in an orderly distance.

The Double Flag City, which is already in danger, is temporarily safe.

Under the intentional evasion of the Ajax army, six thousand [Wolf Legion] Pioneer Cavalry under the leadership of the front of the super master, successfully cut a gap of blood, followed by lightning Ajax’s 60,000-strong army’s rear wing, the Chinese army, and the striker’s camp swayed through the enemy camp of more than 3,000 meters in one breath. They followed the blood and bones of the Ajax people and soon arrived in the city. Under the door.

This time from the back to the front of the attack, the 60,000 military camp, only took less than ten minutes, killing the enemy over a thousand, Zenit cavalry casualties but only a double number.

"Spider! Royal!!"

In the loud sound of the military, the knights had a beautiful roundabout, temporarily posing a defensive formation, and staring at the Ajax army outside the kilometer. At the same time, the gates of the Double Flag City were screaming slowly. Open the ground.

Proudly looking at the scene, he sighed softly: "The Zenit archer is indeed a fierce player. If it can be earned under my account, how good!"

The officers next to me bowed their heads and knew that our prince, the prince of the prince, was almost insanely mad.

"Hahaha, you are dreaming!"

Frank Ribéry saw the cavalry cavalry easily crossing the Ajax camp. He finally took a long breath and turned around and heard the words of the enemy commander. He couldn’t help but laugh, this laugh was full of pride and Ironically, seeing this indifferent and proud guy in front of him finally eats, Ribéry thinks this is the most beautiful sight seen before the end of his life.

The proud figure turned his head, his eyes were cold, and he stared at Ribéry.

At this point, he can smash Ribery into a **** fog with a single finger.

However, in the end, he smiled lightly.

"Is there any ridiculous place? You are just a poor loser. Even your life is in my hands. I have countless ways to make you die...hehe, look, your companion is also Already gave up, they went into the city, live a few more days, and you, as long as I have a thought, I will die soon!"

"The battlefield is the glory of the emperor, and what is the fear?" Ribery had no fear.

"Haha, well, it really is an iron warrior, well, but if I hang you alive before the city gate, do you know if someone in the city will come out to save you?" The proud eyes of the slender eyes There is a terrible light shining in it.

Ribéry's face changed.

The other party is going to use their own bait to lead their brothers who are brothers and sisters to death.

"His Highness!" At this moment, an Ajax officer suddenly pointed to the distance and exclaimed.

Ribéry turned his head subconsciously, suddenly changing his face, and a person riding in the distance, like an arrow from the string, flew in the direction of this small hill, just the archer who was invincible before.

As if to answer the question of the arrogant figure, this person rides, and has no hesitation to launch a charge toward the 60,000 Ajax Iron Rider.

Everyone understands what this archer is doing.

He is here to save people.

It was to save this officer named Frank Ribéry.

In the elite army of 60,000 people, what is the power of one person to save people?

This guy, is it crazy?

Ribéry was in a hurry and wanted to shout loudly to the empire master not to come over, not to risk himself.

Ribéry is well aware of the strength of this arrogant and indifferent Ajax commander. He just lost his opponent's boxing just a move, I am afraid that it has far surpassed the six or seven stars, let alone his side. There are hundreds of highly qualified officers, and there are tens of thousands of well-trained elite iron riders?

This is simply to die!

There is no possibility of success!

If you let the Imperial Army lose such a master, Berry really feels that he is guilty of his death.

However, the injury was too serious, but it made Ribery unable to make a big noise. A mouth spewed out a blood. His heart was shocked and anxious and angry. His body was awkward and he almost stood still.

call out!

call out!

call out!

It is still an arrow and an arrow that is not urgently and slowly shot. It is still an irresistible archery. Anything that blocks in front of his arrow will be completely shattered.


In the screams of the officers at the forward camp, more than a dozen huge tower shields slowly moved under the impetus of Ajax soldiers, and finally stopped on the road where the archers rode one by one.

As long as he slows down his speed, he can slowly use the sea tactics to kill him.

call out!

Responding to the changes of the Ajax people is still the arrow.

Terrible arrows.

Booming! !

In the huge roar, the huge three-meter-high giant iron tower shield in the middle of the scene was directly shot.

This is a terrible scene. The iron filings fly like shredded wood. The Ajax soldiers hidden behind are directly blown up by the intestines. They mourn and fall to the side. The archers are pushing the armpits. The black behemoth, like a black lightning, rushed directly into the forefront of the shield array.

"Hey, the courage of the man, I see when he can support it?" Above the hills, the indifference and arrogance of the cold voice: "Transfer the pioneer camp, give me the Zenit master!"

The horn sounded.

The Ajax army has undergone tremendous changes.

The two wings of the army began to slowly move toward the Chinese army. The ruthless soldiers were in front of the hills like tides. Some magicians who flashed with magical fluctuations blessed themselves and floated in the air. One of the most magical elements began to surge.


In the scream of the officer, there was a rush of bowstring tremors, and then the overwhelming black pressure of a worm-like arrow smashed out from the army camp, and went towards the distant one. .

These arrows are extremely precious armor-piercing arrows, and they are shot through the powerful force. The power is extraordinary. Within a hundred meters, it is enough to penetrate the steel plate of half a centimeter thick. Even the masters of two-star or less can wear holes. It is a battlefield. The weapon that shoots the other elite troops and heavy cavalry can also be used to shoot some powerful players with no difference coverage.

This wave of arrows covered the rain, it is terrible.

Many Ajax officers are firmly convinced that in the face of such indiscriminate attacks, this terrible Zenit archer will not be killed, and he will definitely be injured.



The Zenit archer who is accelerating the progress of the blood-staining locusts is not heard, but the bows and arrows in the hands don’t know when it’s gone, the breath... Well, the breath has changed a bit, but this is Subtle changes have changed everything.

The chilling Sundering Sword, after being fired by Jin Jin, was stagnate in the void one meter away from his body, and it was difficult to move forward.

The speed at which the archers advance, but not the slightest delay.

His speed is so fast, like a gust of wind blowing, so that the dust and debris behind him rises up, the arrow that condenses in the air is just a pause, and it is blown by this horrible wind, like a straw. Flying, the **** is generally all slammed on the ground.

In a blink of an eye, this man rushed into the Ajax army striker.

too fast!

The speed is too fast!

There are still many battlefields in the Pioneer Barracks that have not been used, and the opponents have already passed by.

The soldiers have forgotten their lives, like the tides, and they want to surround them. But the huge gap of strength can't be compensated by quantity and spirit in many cases. The soldiers who rushed up retired at a faster speed. When he came back, the archer sat on top of the black behemoth, but he sneaked out in an understatement, and all the soldiers who rushed over turned into a puff of blood.

The speed of the black behemoth did not slow down any more. As the wind blew, the soldiers on both sides flew directly, like a catkins mournful in the air.

Just less than five interest time, one person and one ride easily cut through the striker camp.


Second more.


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