Hail the King

Chapter 438: Thunderbolt

Chapter 438, Jian Zhen Qianjun

Frank Ribéry was born in the low-ranking aristocracy, and he was able to climb to the position of the first commander of the Shuangqi City garrison in a short period of time. It really has its own superiority, and there are indeed some people who are surrounded by a lot of loyalty. The official, a full-fledged less than 30,000, and many years of military shackles are in a semi-abandoned state, the army can still maintain such a strong fighting force and cohesiveness, so that Sun Fei had to be a young man who was stunned and killed in the city at this time. Emperor *** officials look at each other.

"No hurry, [guardian of the earth] too much to consume the magic reserves in the city, must be left at a critical moment, can be activated." Sun Fei smiled and looked at Gago, shaking his head.

Just now, Gago was also brave enough to talk to the young commander of the young theater.

After witnessing the commander’s sacred performance in the Ajax enemy camp more than two hours ago, he and his garrison colleagues have already admired Sun Fei’s personal force. At the point where the five bodies are thrown into the land, the Azeroth continent is still martial, and the martial arts strongmen are more likely to receive worship from others, especially the rescue of Frank Ribéry in the Sun Fei 10,000-strong army, and let Gago be promoted by Ribéry. The young officers are grateful.

At this time, I saw that Sun Fei did not have the arrogant or arrogant attitude that almost all of the empire's high-ranking aristocrats had before. The garrison officers of Gago and other garrison officers had a sense of perfection for Sun Fei.

Gago saw that the distinguished theater commander smiled at himself, his heart was full of excitement, and his courage grew bigger. He thought about it and tried to suggest: "If you don't start [the guardian of the earth] The Ajax boulder ejector poses a huge threat to our army and the buildings in the city..."

Sun Fei patted the shoulder of the young and brave Emperor, and smiled and said: "Nothing, everything has me."

After that, the white light flashed, and the King’s Majesty took out the [Desert Eagle] from the storage ring, and at the same time switched to the [Amazon Warrior Mode] instantly. The breath of the body suddenly changed from a fierce wildness to a sharp and calm. .

The cold wind of the desert whistling, blowing the face of the king's majesty, inciting his long black hair, adding a bit of handsome and extraordinary temperament.

Some of the garrison officers who were still worried about it were bright.

Yes, I almost forgot. This commander is a terrible archer. The horror archery and destructive power that he showed when he was charged this morning should be able to shoot more than 20 boulder in the distance. Directly destroy it?

Even the ordinary soldiers on the far wall of the city are concentrating on the archery of the commander.


The atmosphere on the battlefield was so tense. When everyone stopped squatting, the screams of the boulder and the ribs in the air were so clear that the mega-bore ejector was like a head squatting. In the distance, the bloodthirsty beasts generally show off the fangs of the double flag city.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

"Prepare..." The Ajax officer's loud voice was clearly audible: "Prepare...put!"


Stretched to the limit of the animal ribs frantically involved, huge steel shelves, ten thousand boulder swaying from the shelf, the speed is getting faster and faster, under the inertia and the pull of the animal tendons, finally vacated And up...

These boulders are basically more than a thousand pounds. With the inertia of the projectile, after falling from the sky, they will weigh more than 10,000 pounds. Often the walls that are blessed with magic and runes will be smashed, three-star. If the following warriors are being smashed by such a huge stone, there is basically no possibility of being spared.

Seeing the distant projectile throwing a boulder, the hearts of the officers and soldiers of the Shuangqicheng City Head hang in the eyes of the blind.

And the 30-man Saint Seiya squad is watching intently and quietly. It seems that even if the boulder is coming over, it won’t blink, because they are so convinced that this tall and handsome young king is around.

Between the electric and the flint, the boulder has been thrown out more than 20 meters away. In just a short moment, it can reach the city of Shuangqi City over a distance of more than 700 meters.

At this moment, when some people almost exclaimed, Sun Fei finally shot the arrow on the bow.

call out! ! ! ! ! ! !

call out! ! ! ! ! ! !

call out! ! ! ! ! ! !

call out! ! ! ! ! ! !

Not just an arrow, but a whole ten.

People can only see the hand of His Majesty the King leaving a series of incomplete shadows in the air.

Then the bow chord of the [Desert Eagle] was clearly trembled several times, and the sharp and sharp sound of the arrow was only in a moment. The next moment, the ear was remembered with ten bursts of rumbling, followed by a fierce tremor in the ground. The exclamation and screams that came and were difficult to contain came.

I saw the boulder that had just soared in the distance. It suddenly burst into pieces and turned into a rainy sky. The rumbling collapsed, and it happened to break into the Ajax in front of the boulder ejector. In the infantry phalanx, suddenly dead and wounded, splashing a piece of blood.

Ten megaliths are shot by an arrow!

Then turned into a cross-fresh stone and fell.

All this is only in the blink of an eye. No one thought that this would happen. The cheers of Ajax’s swordsman’s squadron’s squad were only screamed, because they were not in the charge, so they The formation is very compact, there is no way to escape under the chaos, luck is a little directly killed, bad luck cut off the arms and legs, a moment of death can not die, the painful tears all fall, madly mourning Oh...

"Alexander King! King Alexander! Alexander King!!!"

"Long live the shampoo king! Long live! Long live!!"

I don't know who snorted. After the short and shocking silence of the entire Shuangqi City, all the soldiers and officers jumped with their arms and excitedly. The morale climbed with horror. The ten arrows burst out. Cleverly smashing the boulder with the enemy's projectile, killing at least 500 troops!

Ten arrows are across the sky, killing five hundred!

So terrible numbers!

Awesome archery!

What is most needed now in the passive situation of the Shuangqicheng garrison is this kind of exhilarating morale, and Sun Fei apparently did.

The Ajax people obviously did not think that the siege weapon that had not been unfavorable in the past would have caused such a situation. Looking at the infantry squad that was smashed in front of the boulder squirt, the officers were kneeling in the same place for a time. I don't know what to do.

carry on? What if I am hurt by my devil-like guy again?

stop? How do you come to attack the city?

On the desert sand dunes surrounded by tens of thousands of people in the distance, the emperor Fairen opened his mouth and smiled.

The influence of the top-ranking warriors on the occupation is vividly reflected in this moment. In the war epic of Azeroth, there are few handsome talents who have lost the prestige of the eternal military. It is easier for everyone to remember those martial arts. The strong man is really because a person's strength has reached a certain level. Almost one person can change a war, and you can defeat an army. The martial arts strong is the real master of the world.

At this time, Shuangqi City has the undisputed first master of the current battlefield, the fragrant king of Alexandria, sitting in the town. The situation of the dangerous egg is stable as a mountain. If you can't find a master who can match this person, then you must attack the double flag city, at least If you kill more than 30,000 to 40,000 people, you can really consume the vindictiveness of the shampoo king and defeat it!

However, at this time he must not choose to retreat.

"The order, the infantry phalanx retreats to the sides!"

"The order, the boulder ejector withdraws three hundred meters and continues to attack!"

"Transmission, prepared with the army magician!"

"The order, the death camp is ready!"

"Transfer, the city camp is ready!"


The command flow of the clouds was generally passed from the mouth of the imperial prince. The Ajax army was like a precision-running machine, and began to operate in an orderly manner according to his orders. Qi, not because of this unexpected scene, the score is reduced. In the face of truly elite soldiers, the death of 500 people can not stop them from killing!

Soon, twenty megalithic projectors were retracted three hundred meters, and the infantry in front of them hid on both sides and rear of the projector, avoiding being attacked again by Sun Fei by the same means, and the boulder thrown by the projector Because of the change of distance, it can only be thrown into the vicinity of the double flag city wall!

Sun Fei continued to bend and bow.

This time he did not reinvent the trick, but directly targeted the boulder ejector itself.

The projectile is about 1,300 meters away from the city wall. This distance is beyond the reach of ordinary archers. It is a safe distance, but Sun Fei is not difficult. Today, he got this "desert eagle" with a very long range, and brought out all the power of the 88-level barbarian. A treasure bow was pulled into an oval shape. This is a kind of arrow that is purely condensed. It was carved and turned into a milky way.

Sun Fei released his finger.

call out! !

A scream, the sky seems to flash.

Almost at the moment when the whistling sound broke out, a huge mega-stone projectile was shot in the distance, and it collapsed like a building block, and injured many soldiers who controlled the ejector below.

The city of Shuangqi City was cheering again. The soldiers shouted the name of Sun Fei. They worshipped the army leader like a **** of war. They suppressed the most terrible siege weapon of the opponent with one person. The most terrible siege power of Ajax.


Two more.

Find a red ticket.

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