Hail the King

Chapter 441: , shampoo king has please

Chapter 441, Shampoo King has a request

In this way, the obese, like the pig's urban master, is bloody, and the **** handcuffs seem to be a warrior who has just been killed from the battlefield.

The other dozens of aristocrats suddenly realized that there was a kind of learning and they started the ‘makeup’ action.

The guards of the nobility began to cut off the heads of the bodies on the walls. These heads will be the best proof of their use to mark the battle. Although the deaths of the Ajax soldiers on the wall have nothing to do with them, Some of them were killed by garrison soldiers, but this did not prevent them from scrambling for merit. It seems that they have become accustomed to the practices of the nobility. The garrison soldiers who just got a breathing space looked at the scene coldly and did not stop it. .

"Stop! It's our own people, **** it, that's my brother's body!" There was a young garrison soldier with a big mouth on his shoulders, blood stained with armor and blouse, suddenly excited, a push An aristocratic guard who was preparing to cut the head of the body on the ground was opened.

"Dirty things, do you dare to push me?" was angered by a nobleman who was retired.

"This is the body of my brother, the body of my brother, my own person, he just killed me to protect me..." The young soldier trembled, and he was almost cut into two pieces by the enemy. The brother who was two years older than him tried to use his body to block the enemies who swarmed over to save the young warrior.

"Hey! Give me away, anyway, I am already dead. What is the difference between the head cut off and the Laozi, and the rot in the soil?" In the ridicule of the companions, the aristocratic guards felt that their dignity had been provocative. Raised a kick and kicked the young wounded soldier, like a screaming hyena.

"It's too much! Do you still have humanity?" There are garrison soldiers who can't see it: "That is our brother, to protect you from the dead!"

"You actually insulted the body of a heroic war dead soldier?"

More and more soldiers on the wall stood up and glared at them. If they would silently endure the oppression of these aristocratic guards in peacetime, in this precarious war era, the bottom line of tolerance has been touched, and the contradictions have become irreconcilable. The resentment against the nobles is like an anger, burning in their hearts.

The aristocratic guard changed his face and stepped back two steps. His panicked eyes showed his timidity. For the first time, he felt that the low-pitched soldiers who were not as good as the **** in his eyes turned out to be terrible...

"What happened? Why stop?" At this moment, Soroyev came over with a fat belly.

"Adults, these low-lying farmers, dare to resist your orders..." The guards relayed everything that happened to the obese, but terrible city owner, who dared not have any oil and vinegar ingredients. Obviously The guards are also extremely afraid of this horrible fat man and dare not bully.

"You really disappoint me, Kyle, why are you doing this kind of thing?" The fat and fat city owner sternly reprimanded his bodyguard: "These soldiers are killed for us, you are doing this with the beasts." What's the difference?"

The guards groaned, but they dared not say anything more, and they apologized on the ground.

"Give me a whip of 100, it is a small punishment." Soroyev waved his hand, then turned to look at the opposite soldier, frowned and said: "My guardian insults the body of the deceased, should be punished But you are nothing more than a group of low-lying miscellaneous soldiers who dare to openly confront each other. This way, the act of provoking the dignity and glory of the imperial nobles should also be punished... you, you, you, you three, just the most troublesome, come People, cut me off the three of them and count them as punishment."

The person that Soroyev referred to was the young young soldier and the two middle-aged men who first supported him.

The garrison soldiers heard that their faces were changed.

Soroyev was so arrogant in the double-flag city that he controlled the financial and administrative powers in the city. Even the garrison's army chief Ribery could only swallow the voice for most of the time because of the military silver, let alone these small soldiers? For Soroyev, let alone killing the hands and feet of several small soldiers, even killing them is just like killing a few cockroaches, not to mention the reason why the lord of the city is very full - against the nobles The guards are no different from the nobility, and the resistance to the nobility is to resist the order of the imperial rule, and it will be ruined according to the laws of the empire.

Soroyev also has his ideas to do so.

For the new strong commander of the Shuangqi City, the shampoo king has nothing to do, and his heart is sulking. Naturally, these ordinary soldiers must be used to ventilate. At the same time, these lower-level soldiers must be made clear, even if the city owner can’t help the shampoo king, but It’s a shocking effect to pack up some of your miscellaneous soldiers or to change things.


The guards of the city's main government were like wolves, and they took out their swords and dragged three poor soldiers out of the crowd.

Someone found a wooden shield, used the rope to help the right hand of the tallest soldier among the three, firmly pulled on the wooden shield, and another guard raised the axe in his hand. The axe was looking for the sun. Under the setting, the white light flashing in the cold will be cut down.

The soldiers around him bowed their heads and couldn’t bear to look again.

In this extremely orderly world, even if it is anger in the heart, as the lowest soldiers, they dare not resist these high-ranking nobles. Without strong individual strength, any compassion and compassion will pay huge. The price will make you suffer the catastrophe.


The axe blade was cut on the shield.

The blood splattered, and the screams of screaming came, the thin and tall warrior made a miserable roar, the body trembled fiercely because of the pain, his face was sallow, his lips biting out the blood, but he resisted not fainting.

At this moment, the soldier’s eyes finally shot the light of hatred.

"I really don't like your eyes, soldiers, since you have chosen hatred, then I can't prevent you from getting rid of one foot..." Soroyev smiled and shook his head, staring at the guards holding the **** axe. :"carry on!"

The guards licked their lips and smirked and raised the axe in their hands again.

"Where is Soroyev's tortoise turtle? Let me roll out of my son... Hey? What is this doing? Kill the enemy soldiers?" Just then, a big thorn sounded from a distant crowd I passed it without any disguise.

Everyone's face changed all of a sudden.

Otopod turtle? who is it? How dare you use this word to describe a fat city owner?

Also in an instant, Soroyev’s feeling of just turning good was destroyed. His smile solidified on his face, like a man’s kneeling with a **** sole, and his face was gloomy. It is possible to drip out water.

An aristocrat around him angered and said: "Who is this? Who dares to insult the city master? Don't want to live? Give me a stop!"

"Ah, haha, Paul, people want you to stand up, finished, you angered the nobles!" Another voice of the same hahaha came from the crowd.

"Drinking? The mouth is not big, the tone is not small, Laozi is standing out, how can you take me?" As the voice fell, a white-haired body with nearly two meters of muscles squeezing out from the crowd of garrison soldiers Out, a grass stem in his mouth, sneering and standing on the open ground.

Just when the people had not reacted, there was a black and long hair tied tightly into a ponytail, and the burly man came out. He also had a grass stem in his mouth, and he walked out and shouted. At first glance, the realization of staying on the body of the city owner Soroyev, apparently was shocked by the fat body of the city owner, slaps the shoulders of the white-haired brawny, and smiles: "Paul, this fat pig reminder I’m almost catching up with Oleg’s stock...”

"He doesn't have Olegga." The white-haired brave man squinted.

"Well," the black-haired ponytail nodded and smirked and agreed: "Yes, haha, short and fat, like a big fat pig."

The black and white brawny said that almost everyone laughed. Everyone in Shuangqicheng knew that Soroyev was very fat, but for the first time, someone dared to compare him to a fat pig, knowing Soroye. The husband is a big taboo, that is, others say that he is fat, these two strong men do not know what the origins, even dare to tease the city owner?



"Kill them!"

"Don't dare to insult the city? Who are you?"

Soroyev’s trembled trembling, the guards around him and the aristocrats who depended on him, the shit’s anger was unstoppable, pointing to the two giants angered.

"The city owner? This fat pig is the city owner?" The white-haired brawny pouted, spit out the grass stems in the mouth, looked at the companions around him, shrugged and said: "The business is important, your majesty still waits, let's talk about it. !"

The black-haired ponytail nodded and looked up and down a few eyes of Soroyev. He smiled and said: "You are the city owner? The shampoo is under the throne of Alexander Drogba, and Pierce is ordered to go down to the West Gate. Battle situation, hey, the master of the city, please!"


The first is more.

Red ticket support.


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