Hail the King

Chapter 461: The mystery of the waters

Chapter 461, the mystery of the waters

Unfortunately, Sun Fei’s spiritual exploration can only be around 1,500 meters.

Further down, there is still endless cold water, and there is no way to perceive what is in the deepest part of this water. What forces are stirring this cold water that has been calm for more than 20 years.

The shock in Sun Fei’s heart is simply unspeakable.

The underground of Shuangqicheng turned out to be such an incredible waters.

Double Flag City, turned out to be a giant city built on the boundless groundwater area?

Why is there such a sea under the desert next door?

When Yasin the Great built the Double Flag City twenty-six years ago, did you know that there was such a boundless water in the ground?

In the heart of Sun Fei, there are thousands of problems in a moment, like countless flies, spinning in the mind.



Double Flag City outside.

Ajax military camp.

"What happened? What happened in the end?" The sound of the emperor's Ferhengtong resounded throughout the camp.

I saw that the five newly discovered water wells had even issued a low roaring sound. The water column rising from the sky poured a mess of the entire camp. The sweet well water fell into the desert and could not penetrate. The ground even started. There is a stream of water... this is simply an incredible thing.

The same thing as in the Double Flag City took place in the big camp of Ajax.

In fact, if the Ajax people sent the scouts to observe, the six deep wells in the camp that were abandoned by them were also madly pouring out the well water, just like a drunkard who drank too much. The child sprayed all the liquid in his stomach.

Unfortunately, Fairhaven does not have the same level of mental strength as Sun Fei.

Therefore, the Ajax people can only withdraw from a distance and wait for the well to go crazy.

"His Royal Highness, perhaps in the dark river under the well, something is going on." The middle-aged man who had been wearing the Zenit aristocratic costume in the army camp of the Ajax Empire thought about it and suggested: "Maybe What water system is at Warcraft, we can try to send the masters of the army to dive into the water to see."

"Water System Warcraft?" Fairhaven shook his head, his face was dignified: "The underground rivers of three or four hundred meters deep, there will be very few water systems for World of Warcraft to survive, and it is possible to make such a big movement, if it is really a monster. I’m afraid it’s a king-level Warcraft? It’s too dangerous to rush to send someone down!”

"But Your Highness, there has never been such a situation in the desert. This is not a good omen. I think we should still make it clear." Surprisingly, middle-aged seems to be the same as Ferngeng. Ajax generals are so afraid and insist on their opinions.

What is even more surprising is that Fairhaton seems to attach great importance to this person's opinion. After a little consideration, he actually listened to his opinion.

His Royal Highness turned and called a tall, strong man.

Men of the Mo Mo nationality are generally not tall, with thick limbs and strong skeletons. The height of this man is almost two meters, which is really rare. The climate in the desert at night is cold, and spit can be frozen into ice, but this man is squatting on the upper body. The muscles of the axe are swelled and the black muscles are shining like black armor. The scars of the road are even more fierce.

"Inle, your water is the best, dare not go down to the water well to find out the truth?" Fairhaven patted the shoulder of the big man who had made a head, and asked with a smile.

"Inle is not afraid of anything, and Inle is willing to do anything for His Highness." Dahan licked his chest with his hand and snorted.

"Okay, tie the cable, remember, if the situation is not right, come up immediately, don't force it."

"Follow, Your Highness."



"grown ups!"

"Your Majesty, we are here, what happened?"

In the Dongcheng water well area of ​​Shuangqi City, after a little relaxation of the warning, people such as Shevchenko, Cech and Ribéry rushed in. Like Sun Fei, several people have long recognized that more than 100 deep wells have been The significance of the Double Flag City is naturally extremely urgent.

"It's not clear, but I found something very interesting." Sun Fei slowly opened his eyes and shook his head. "Frank, you have been stationed in Double Flag City for many years, about what happened when you built Double Flag City." You are not clear?"

"I am a native of the Double Flag City. When I built the Double Flag City, I was not born yet, but I heard from my parents that this huge city was built very smoothly. No accidents happened. Adults, yours. What does it mean?" Ribéry answered honestly, but did not know why Sun Fei would ask.

"Oh, nothing." Sun Fei has an intuition. He seems to have discovered some secrets that others don't know. At this moment, people are mixed, and his heart has not moved. He thought about it and asked: "Building a double flag. The city’s archives and documents are still preserved?”

"All the discs and files are kept in the city's main house. If you need it, you can always read it."

"Well, well. The well area is temporarily closed, Xu Jin is not allowed to go out, the same person sent people to the city to post the ***, tell the residents in the city, do not panic, the water in the city, there is no problem, how many of you are here I will go down to the well to see."

Shempchenko, Cech and Ribéry were shocked and dissuaded: "Adults, the situation under the well is unknown, it may be dangerous. How can you risk the safety of 140,000 people in the city? No, no!"

Several people persuaded that when they were excited, they would volunteer to go to Sun Fei to check it out.

Sun Fei saw a few people arguing, and this moment was really touched.

If [哼哈二将] Drogapiers or Petr Cech and others do this, it is because they have been following their own time, and they are the vassals of Chambord, and perhaps explain the passage, but Shevchenko And Ribéry followed them for just a few days, apparently also caring about their own safety, not falsifying.

With these people, Sun Fei suddenly had a few more confidences in holding the Double Flag City.

"Don't fight for it. Since the king wants to go down, he has a sense of proportion in his heart. He is self-protected and will not encounter any danger. You are here to guard carefully, and at the same time, you should be vigilant throughout the walls, not to be Ajax. People have lost their way!"

After Sun Fei finished, his body shape has already jumped into the well.

Shepchenko was a little shocked, but he wanted to stop it. It was too late to rush to the well. He looked nervously and stared at Sun Fei’s well.


The well water is cold.

As soon as Sun Feipu entered the water, he immediately released the force field of the barbarian. The strength of the glazed color propped up a circular shield with a diameter of three meters, covering himself and separating the cold well water.

While controlling the speed to sink slowly, while using the mental power to constantly explore the movements of the kilometer under the body, once you find something wrong, you can react in the first time.

Sun Fei can feel that the invisible power of the majestic is still raging in the groundwater, and the water is constantly rushing upwards.

Sun Fei's decline was relatively slow. After about ten minutes, I felt that the surrounding area suddenly became wide and clear. Looking up, it was apparent that it had already left the well wall and came to the vast and mysterious deep waters of the underground.

It is dark, black and white like unwashed ink.

With the strength of Sun Fei’s current level 90 barbarian, the distance between the two eyes is only a dozen meters away. It’s far from clear, and the darkness around it seems to be able to devour the light, devour everything in it, rumbling The sound of the water flowing across the roar of the ringing sounds like a thunder.

Fortunately, Sun Fei can use his mental power to replace his eyes and observe the movements within 1,500 meters around him.

However, the range of 1,500 meters seems to be a little insufficient compared to this vast waters.

Because in addition to being able to feel the thick, cold and hard stone wall at the top of the head, all other directions are endless cold water. There is nothing but water, and there is no sign of any creature in the water. This is a cold. Dead, deep, dark and full of unknown waters, like the kingdom of death.

"Maybe the water temperature is too low and not suitable for living."

Sun Fei thought for a moment, did not explore to the left and right, but after remembering the position of the wellhead, he continued to sink. No matter how deep the waters, there must be a time in the end, perhaps in the waters, Discover what.

Keeping a certain sinking speed, while maintaining the balance of the body in the turbulent water flow, about ten minutes later, Sun Fei’s calculation should be sinking three hundred meters, the pressure on the body is coming The bigger.

At this time, Sun Fei had to completely release the power of the 90-level barbarian, and went all out to open the glass reticle to resist the continuous increase of water pressure.

After diving down more than a hundred meters, the pressure is getting bigger and bigger.

Later, so that Sun Fei even had to summon the barbarian armor and [not Kelso's children] set of double swords, with the power of equipment, to increase their strength to the limit, against the ever-increasing cold water The squeezing force.

At this time, if it is the depth of the previous well, Sun Fei has sneaked into the ground for more than 1,500 meters.

"Can't dive anymore, the water pressure is too big, and it will be life-threatening to continue dive..." Sun Fei shook his head, but the curiosity in his heart was getting stronger and stronger: "This water area is too broad, it is just underground. The ocean, unfortunately, there seems to be no living thing. The nature of nature is really amazing!"


Seventh more.


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