Hail the King

Chapter 463: , clues in historical dust

Chapter 463, clues in historical dust

Double Flag City.

The abnormalities in the water well area alarmed the whole city, and it did cause a lot of turmoil and confusion among the residents of Shuangqi City.

But fortunately, Sun Fei foresees the former, the measures are effective, and under the rotation and appeasement of the military, such riots quickly subsided.

Of course, the disappearance of the water well area later made the residents of Shuangqi City completely relieved.

As night falls, all the heavens and the earth are shrouded in darkness. There are curfews on the streets of the city, and pedestrians are scarce. The big double-flag city is somewhat lonely.

After Sun Fei figured out the general cause of the abnormality in the well, the defense of the well area was restored to the previous state, leaving only forty elite soldiers to guard, and the other departments were withdrawn to their posts.

With the strength of Sun Fei’s current first master of Shuangqi City, it is impossible to sneak into the infinite black groundwater area to find out. Naturally no one can do this anymore. Of course, if someone can sneak into it, then the strength It must be deep and deep, even if the soldiers of the entire Shuangqi City are stationed in the well area, I am afraid it will not help.

At the bottom of the waters, the strange mermaid-like shadows and the overlapping of suspected palace buildings have left an indelible impression on Sun Fei’s heart.

"After the strength has risen, be sure to go under that water area and see what the bottom of the water is."

Sun Fei always felt that Yassin had the purpose of building a giant city here. He also felt that he had accidentally discovered a secret that had been dusty for a long time. A storm that is constantly brewing is about to take shape, and the barbaric role is terrible. The sense of smell tells Sun Fei that he seems to be involved in the storm.

That night, Sun Fei did not return to the Xichengmen enemy building.

He came to the city government of Shuangqicheng.

The city owner Soroyev has been controlled by Sun Fei by means of iron and blood. At this time, in the prison of the military camp, waiting for the trial of his fate after the end of the war, the city government only left a small number of maids. With the servant, the relatives of the city owner were already removed from this gorgeous and comfortable mansion, and were monitored in another small courtyard in the rich area.

Sun Fei entered the library of the city's main government and began to inquire about the archives and documents of Shuangqicheng since the twenty-sixth year.

The archives and archives in the library are piled up, and the city owner Soroyev is obviously not interested in these things of little value. Most books and parchment manuscript scrolls are covered with dust.

Sun Fei patiently began to read through one by one. His Majesty wants to find some of the hits built by Shuangqicheng from these literary dishes that have been dusted for many years, and even hope to find some unspeakable under the city. The records of the shadows of the waters and the bottom of the palace and the palaces.

Obviously, Sun Fei underestimated the number of these documents.

Three or four hours later, Sun Fei had read through hundreds of copies of the discs and archives, but nothing was found.

He stretched out and sighed, and picked up a very light yellow sheepskin scroll on his hand. He opened it and swept his eyes at random. He suddenly saw a picture and his spirit was shocked.

Because of this simple pattern, the painting is a dark shadow of the mysterious mermaid that appeared at the bottom of the boundless waters.

"This is... what people are staying in [black mermaid map]?"

Sun Fei’s heart was shocked.

He turned back to the scroll home page, only to find that it was just a very ordinary sheepskin scroll. Both the material and the nitrate method can only be regarded as medium. It has been preserved for more than 20 years. The scroll itself has been slightly yellowed. The trend of decay.

“Is it just a coincidence, maybe this picture expresses other meanings?”

But the more careful observation, the more certain Sun Fei can be sure that the picture drawn on the five illustrations is definitely the picture that I saw after I took a look at the infinite waters. It is too much like a black shadow. The outline of the trajectory is so brilliantly expressed by the few pens... that kind of charm is absolutely not wrong.

There is text on the sheepskin scroll.

However, it is just a fairy tale of a bard that sounds absurd, and has nothing to do with the ancient records of the Double Flag City and the underground waters.

Sun Fei looked at the inside and outside of this sheepskin scroll clearly, repeatedly observed it, and even checked whether there were any things like mezzanine, but found nothing.

He can only put the sheepskin reel aside and continue to look through the plethora of literary discs and archives.

In the meantime, I have almost read all the documents about the history of Shuangqicheng.

Shuangqicheng was built twenty-six years ago. The document records that the person who proposed the construction of Shuangqi City at that time was just the army who had just broken through the Ajax king’s court, and even the location and size of the site and the giant city. Even the planning in the city is the design of Yasin the Great. For this double-flag city, Yasin the Great has given a rare patience, and he will not hesitate to stay in the place where the Zenit army of Triumph has stayed for more than half a month. Finally, it is because The army and the supply of the army were unsustainable before they withdrew.

However, after the withdrawal of the army, Yassin’s emperor seemed to have forgotten the construction of the Double Flag City. He rarely mentioned the topic of Double Flag City.

At the beginning, the ministers paid much attention to the construction of Shuangqi City. In less than a year, they spent a lot of manpower, material resources and financial resources. They finally built this giant city and set up the city government and the garrison. It’s just that this emphasis is gradually indifferent with the indifference of Yassin’s bizarre to the double-flag city.

Sun Fei clearly found an unusual point in this record.

At the beginning, Yassin was extremely enthusiastic about the double flag city, and even spent a few months in the desert, but why did he not mention the double flag city immediately after returning to the emperor?

Sun Fei remembers that the expansion and rise of the Zenit Empire reached its peak after conquering the Ajax empire, but it seems to be extremely prosperous. After that, with the fascinating appearance of Yassin’s emperor, the past The hunter of Zenit, who was feared by everyone, stopped the rise of the footsteps and gradually became crowded. At that time, the Zenit Empire, which was considered by many innumerables to become the hegemon within a million miles, began to decline gradually!

What happened in the end?

No answer.

Three or four hours passed, and Sun Fei looked through all the reels and files and could not get an answer.

Everything recorded, when it comes to this matter, the words are strikingly consistent, and the records since then have come to an abrupt end, without any clues.

However, in some miscellaneous scrolls similar to wild history and legends, Sun Fei found something interesting.

It is said that in the deep wells of Shuangqi City, there have been one or two horrible fishes that have sneaked out some terrible fishes, killing many people. Some people also said that Yassin also went down to the deep well to observe the underground of Shuangqicheng. The trend, there are some very old legends, it was said that before the tens of thousands of years ago, before the war of the gods, it was once an infinite waters, the seas attached to the Mozu were once the hegemon of this land, but later With the outbreak of the war of the gods, the seas were almost spared in this war, and all died...

Sun Fei thinks that the things circulating in these wild history seem to explain more things than the official Chinese and Western dishes.

In the boundless waters under Double Flag City, there may be some secrets that have been hidden for thousands of years.

"When I get to the strength of the month, I must sneak into the deep waters to find out... There seems to be something that is quietly calling me."

Sun Fei made up his mind.


The second day.

The Ajax army still has no siege.

Shempchenko and Ribéry are surprised by this situation, and at the same time they have some worries about whether the cruel Ajax people are preparing for any terrible conspiracy, and even suggesting Sun Fei to take the initiative. The cavalry unit was dispatched to attack the Ajax people’s camp for a test.

Sun Fei rejected this suggestion.

Because His Majesty the King knew that Ajax’s emperor, Fergenton, was not preparing for any conspiracy, but was waiting for the arrival of the grain and grass that was sent by the strong brothers and follow-up troops from the snow-capped mountains of the division, without sufficient grain. Driving the soldiers to attack the city will cause the soldiers to be troubled, and there is no strong person who can match their own. The Ajax army's siege plan can only be an empty talk.

Back in the hall, Sun Fei launched a military map of the army.

"Frank, you and Andre, after the sunset tonight, led two hundred of the most elite star-strength fighters, dressed in black armor, ready for the fire, not opening the gate, along the wall cable Next, quietly sneak out from the gap between the Ajax and the North Gate, and then ambush in this place... "Sun Fei pointed to a position in the desert on the map and continued: "If I was able to meet the supply forces of the Ajax people, rushed out, burned their food as soon as possible, and then immediately returned to the original road. Before the coldness came after the sunset the next day, the king met you at the North Gate."

When I heard the order, several people were shocked.

However, Ribéry looked at the position pointed by Sun Fei, but could not help but say: "Adult, please, Ribéry, daring to ask, this desert area, according to the knowledge, has never been available for the army. The road to the road, I don’t know why you want us to let us go here to ambush?"

Sun Fei smiled slightly and said: "When you come back, you will know, remember, if you really can't wait for the Ajax people's grain transport troops, or if the other party has a master, don't be greedy, let them go, Then return immediately, and be sure to return to Shuangqicheng before the cold weather falls after sunset. Also, be sure to choose the elite warriors whose strength is close to the star rating, at least have the strength to resist the cold climate in the desert, various places. Need equipment and equipment, you only receive from the military needs department, no need to return like me."


Second more.


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