Hail the King

Chapter 471: Stormy

Chapter 471, the storm

In the end, the super boss, the big devil, is hidden in the third floor of the [World Stone Fortress].

But his horrible laughter is filled with the entire [World Stone Fortress].

Barr’s laughter is full of terrible pressure and murderousness, as well as the rich and breathless killings and cruel thoughts, like an invisible horrible wave that pervades all spaces. In the middle, constantly hitting the eardrums and minds of Sun Fei and Jelena, the masters with lower strength, I am afraid that when I hear such a laugh, I will be insane and crazy.

When the two of them rushed to the [World Stone Hall], the time had passed for nearly four hours.

Sun Fei did not spur the end of this boss, because in the real world there is such a very important thing waiting for the king to kneel down, to clean up the spoils piled on the ground, and quickly withdraw from the world of Diablo.


茫茫 desert, Xiao Xiao cold wind.

After Sun Fei returned to the secret passage door outside [Death Old City], he switched to [Assassin Mode], and then cleared the magic trap that was placed around the secret passage, and then began patient waiting.

It took another hour or so.

The sky has begun to gradually turn out, the distant horizon has revealed a faint white light, like the white belly of the dead fish, indicating that a new day is coming.

Suddenly, a thunderous hoof sound appeared in the distance.

Then there was a large black-pressed figure, and the sword's edge faintly shimmered in the cold, as if the rolling Hong Tao appeared in the distance.

This is a large cavalry horse team.

"Is it finally here?" Sun Fei jumped on a sand dune and looked far away.

This cavalry team has a scale of more than 5,000 people. It protects the middle of the carriages carrying a lot of materials like a circle. It quickly goes over here. It is the first few white helmets of the knights, holding several pairs of doubles. The head of the white bear and the wolf head rushed out of the flag of the sharp tooth. The flag was like a silent dragon, struggling in the cold wind of dawn, hunting and screaming.

That is the banner of the Zenit Empire and the Wolf Legion.

Sun Fei’s heart was loose. It seemed that all the actions were smooth, and there was no accident. When the next shout, the whistle cleared, and passed back far away.

"Where!" There is a *** call, the cavalry brigade has found the direction, and is heading towards Sun Feifei.

In five or six minutes, the team arrived.

"Your Majesty, Al Yang sees His Majesty."

"Cindy sees the army chief!"

"Reyes has seen the army chief!"

The old Aryang wearing a light leather armor, the magic princess Cindy in a black magical robe, and the white helmet white armor are selling well. [Silver armor] Reyes took the lead to turn over and swear to the sun. Each face with a happy color, the expression of tension has finally slowly relaxed.

"You adults don't have to be polite, time is tight, and a long story is short. I am behind the secret road. I immediately arrange for the army to **** the grain into the city and say that the whole army must not step into the red quicksand river beyond 100 meters. It has terrible inside. The monster..." Sun Fei has switched to the [barbarian mode] at this time, and the backhand has a huge force to support the three.

"Follow, I will organize a large army into the city."

The old military officer, Al Yang, who has basically resumed the walking function, knew that time was tight. He had temporarily suppressed a lot of what he had to say. After he saw the king’s gift, he nodded to Sun Fei and immediately turned around and began to organize. The cavalry behind him escorted hundreds of carriages filled with army food and supplies into the secret road in an orderly manner.

"Adult, we met again." Magic Princess Cindy played the dust on the robes, smiled slightly, and the time was like a bright flower bloom, driving away the darkness of dawn, and the face was very touching.

"Princess Cindy, all the hard work." Sun Fei smiled and nodded.

For the powerful female magician who was able to join the [Wolf Legion], Sun Fei’s accident is more of a surprise, and the magician’s lethality and decisiveness in the war is even far away. Beyond the warriors of the same rank, not to mention that Cindy is a genius magician who is proficient in mathematics. Sun Fei can feel it. Under the beautiful appearance of the magician who is a thousand miles away from the iceberg, there is a wild and enthusiastic heart.

"Oh, this is not fair, Cindy, you have never laughed at the handsome guys along the way. How do you see the Grandmaster of the army, so you laugh so brightly, don't you..."士] Reyes screamed and screamed, deliberately joking with Cindy.

"If you can beat the army chief in the ring, I will laugh at you."

"Ah?... That's still it, how can I catch up with the freak of the head of the Alexander Army."

Listening to the two people intertwined with each other in a very familiar tone, Sun Fei smiled slightly, it seems that in the past few days, these two very talented affiliates get along well. This is a good phenomenon. At least a united [Wolf Legion] is more combative than a disintegrating Uighur. The harmony of high-ranking officers can also reflect to a certain extent that the military division old Aryang is currently the one. Legion] The pinch is good.

At this moment, there was a hoof of hooves in the distant sky.

"It's the scouts of the Ajax people. They chased it." [Silver armor] The face changed, and he took the initiative to fight: "Adult, let me kill them, lest the enemy know us too early." Tracks."

"Haha, well, the three of us, shot together, and then come to compare, who kills the enemy the most." Sun Fei laughed and said that he had already gone through the wind and swept out.

"Okay, Wings of Magic, Floating, Acceleration..."

Cindy spoke a few times, the magic elements were crazy, and there were two huge blue wings behind them, and they quickly applied a few magics to them. Like the fighting angels, their wings flickered and the speed flew out.

"Haha, look at me... [sorrowful sword], [clutch sword]! Go!!"

[Silver armor] The shoulders are shaking, the two mysterious swords in the back are bursting with cold light, with a peerless murderousness, lightning usually arrives first, and the distance between them is more than 500 meters. The four Ajax ground tiger knights who ran in the forefront in the distance were divided into four sections.

This wave of Ajax ground tiger knights is only about a hundred people.

The Ajax people have long noticed the rear support of Zenit [The Wolf Legion]. After the Zenit army entered the double-flag city range, they were already stared at them. Today, the movement of the dawn cavalry caused them. Attention from the very beginning has been closely followed by the distance of 500 meters behind the [Stomp Army] cavalry, biting very tight, want to find out what the Zenit is doing.

They didn't expect the Zenit who had been rushing all the time, but suddenly it was awkward at this time.

"The other side has a master, escape, go away!"

"Sparse and escape, and return the Zenit's actions to His Royal Highness, Fairhunton, fast!"

Scouting the leader looked at the situation is not right, immediately turned around the horse head rushing toward the road, sipping a command, more than a hundred tiger knights rushed to the road, no intention to fight.

Although this extremely quick response did not save the scouts of the leader's own life, but succeeded in letting the three scouts escape the killing of Sun Fei three people, plunged into the distance and deserted, escaped the vitality, and the news was passed. out.

"Damn! Adults, let me go and chase them." [Silver armor] is going to enter the sand sea to chase and kill.

"No, the Ajax people will sooner or later know that our troops have come here. The time we need has already been won. Now even if they know it does not matter, we have other things to do and return to the ancient city immediately." Sun Fei shook his head. I let go of the few escaped soldiers.

"Alright." Reyes touched his chin and suddenly smiled: "Haha, this time I have the most number of killings, Alexander, just reward the reward!"

Sun Feitou did not return to the direction of [Death Ancient City], laughing happily: "I just said that there is any reward for killing the enemy?"

Cindy smiled.

Reyes: "..."


"Your Majesty, all the grain and military resources have been transported into the city according to the plan. It is as magical as the one mentioned in the letter. This ancient city is full of strange suction, and all irons are difficult to use. Fortunately, we have already ordered the majority of the soldiers to replace the leather armor with the iron weapons and armor. This is not too much difficulty."

At the entrance of the secret passage of the ancient city, the military division Al Yang saw Sun Fei returning, and immediately went forward to report in detail, and everything was completed as planned.

"Good! Take the next step immediately! The order, five thousand cavalry left two thousand, immediately cleaned up the ancient city, Cindy, Reyes, you both left, sit in our second camp, must not lose "Sun Fei did not return to the ancient city, and directly issued an order: "The other three thousand cavalry, together with the military division, quickly follow me back to the "Spider Legion" camp, the big forces must make good use of this time difference to enter the double flag city."


"Adult, I will go with you!" Magic Princess Cindy suddenly stood up and asked to follow Sun Fei.

"Cindy, the ancient city needs a master to sit in the town, you and Reyes stay, in case there is a master of Ajax, I am jealous of him." Sun Fei thought about it, still did not agree, the ancient city really needs There are several good masters sitting in town.

"That's alright." Cindy thought about it and nodded.

[Silver Armor] Reyes had a sly smile on his face, his eyes on the faces of Sun Fei and Cindy, and he touched his chin and smiled.

After the two thousand troops were all evacuated into the castle, Sun Fei re-integrated the two giant gates, and then urged the yellow sand to cover the gate, clearing the traces within the nearby kilometer range.

Everything is ready, and the three thousand cavalry are on standby.

Sun Fei straddles the horses that the soldiers have moved over, and the military division, Al Yang, takes the lead and takes the 3,000-iron ride toward the station of the army of the "Spider Legs" and systematically launches the next army into the city.

This dawn dawn will be the most crucial moment.


The third is more.


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