Hail the King

Chapter 488: Two ways

Chapter 488, two methods

"Is there not?" Sun Fei sharply captured the meaning of the nun's aunt.

"Yes, under coma, all their signs are normal, but it is difficult to maintain normal eating and necessary activities. If you can't wake up for a long time, it may endanger life, and it will take too long, even if it is later. Woke up, causing irreparable damage to the brain and the five organs..." Speaking of this, the nun, Akara, said with a serious look that Sun Fei never saw on her face: "I have to admit, you are very Fortunately, Sun Fei adults, there are two girls who are as beautiful and pure as they are willing to burn life for you, but you must find a way to wake them up within 30 days. Otherwise, you may regret your life."

Sun Fei held the fists tightly, and the nails pierced the palms deeply. They looked up firmly and asked: "Is there any way? I know that you must have a solution, right? Sisters?"

"There are two ways, the first one, to find the pure "stone of the soul", to awaken them with the soul energy contained in the "Soul of the Soul"..." Akara nodded: "This is a relatively easy way." And, of course, the second way, if there is an angel in the dark world willing to take it for you, then it will definitely be solved."

Sun Fei automatically ignored the second half of the nun's aunt, because the angels of the dark world are currently in a rigid npc state, without the slightest wisdom, can not count on this group of birds, he nodded and asked: "[soul Stone] What is that? Where can I find it?"

Sister Aunt Cara looked at Sun Fei quietly. After a long while, she slowly said: "If I remember correctly, [Soul of the Soul] has another name, called "The Stone of the World."

"[The Stone of the World]?!" Sun Fei could not help but exclaim.

In the next moment, his face soon showed a hint of surprise.

If it is [the stone of the world], then you can not really get it, because in the dark world, you will enter the [World Stone Hall] to kill the [Urban Difficulty] version of the final super boss Bar As long as you kill Barr, you can get the legendary [stone of the world].

For the current strength of His Majesty the King, it is not difficult to beat Barr.

In other words, getting the [stone of the world] is only a matter of time.

"Sun Fei, I know what you are thinking, but the "stone of the world" in the dark world has been polluted by the power of hell. Even if you get it, the power contained in it may be Angela and Iraq. Lenna caused an unknowable influence, and they fell into a demon and did not know..." Sister Akara said solemnly.

"This... Is there no way to purify the contaminated [stone of the world]?" The hope that Sun Fei’s heart has just risen has begun to sink.

"Maybe, in the mysterious stone room that you found, I and Kane finally found some interesting things through the cracking and research of this time. If our discovery is true, maybe it can be really There is a way to purify [the stone of the world]." In the eyes of the nuns, there is a flash of madness.

"What is the solution?" Sun Fei was overjoyed, and his mood rose and fell. It was like riding a roller coaster.

"This matter, wait until you get the contaminated [stone of the world] and say it again, you will not be able to say it for a while. Sun Fei, remember, you have to hurry up." Akara got up and took a hand. The hall of the hall has a sky-blue portal, saying: "I have to go back as soon as possible, and I will sort out the clues found in the stone room with Kane. If you get the "stone of the world", come in the mysterious stone room. Look for us." After that, the nun entered the portal directly, and disappeared into the hall in a whisper of a bang.

"[The Stone of the World]?" Sun Fei whispered, his face showing a firm look.

He slowly came to the bed, sat on the edge of the bed, looked down at the bed and gently breathed like two girls sleeping, his fingers gently touching two beautiful and lovely faces, secretly vowed: my lover For your sake, you have almost paid a young life that is as beautiful as your own flowers. Therefore, no matter what the price, I must get the "stone of the world". I must save you, sure! Devil Bar, ready to die!

"Alexander, Angela, she will be fine, right?" Blonde Lori Jima's beautiful eyes glazed with crystal tears, looked up at Sun Fei, and asked in a distressing tone: "And sister Elena, they will be fine, right?"

Sun Fei gently touched the small Lolita's head, reached out to wipe the tears in her eyes, and smiled strongly, and said slowly and firmly: "Do not worry, Ji Ma, what can be difficult to live in Alexander? It is the gods who want them to sleep, and I will take them back from the hands of God. There is nothing to stop us from being happy together."

Looking at this little childish child who was so distressed, Sun Fei suddenly remembered that when he had just passed through to become the darling king Alexander, this pungent little loli was a poisonous snake face, full of alert to himself. At that time, the blond little loli Jimar, an innocent but slightly worried little girl, was in harmony with Angela in the cold palace and the embarrassing situation, in countless ridicule, irony, In the martyrdom and hardship, I used my own tender and thin shoulders to pick up the burden of taking care of 'The Fool Alexander'. For this little Loli, Angela is her relative, her sister, not in her life. The missing part, for a long time, this cute little girl with a few freckles on her face has always been with Angela, and she has been taking care of herself silently. Sun Fei is at this moment. I found out that when I didn’t know, Little Loli seemed to have grown up, even though her face still had a little cute freckles and baby fat, even though the beautiful big eyes were still clear. Water, but deep in the eyes and strong but a little more calm.

"I believe you, Alexander," blonde Loli suddenly showed a strong smile, wiped away the tears in her eyes, and said loudly: "I believe you can save Angela sister because you used to be in shampoo." On the wall of the city, I promised that I must take care of her forever. Forever, I will never let her suffer any harm."

Sun Fei nodded.

He got up and looked at the four prostitutes who had been waiting in the hall for spring, summer, autumn and winter. They calmly and softly said: "Before I come back, take care of Angela and Elena with Jimmy. According to the instructions of Sister Akara, we must take care of their diet."

"Yes, please rest assured, Your Royal Highness Angela and Jelena are like our sisters. We will take good care of them." The four maids were blessed by Sun Fei and two sleeping. The girl’s feelings are also very deep. At this time, it’s already a red-eyed voice. He heard Sun’s instructions and replied in unison.

"That's good, please come here."

Sun Fei nodded and turned to leave the hall.

At the entrance of the main hall, Sun Fei’s companion Husky summoned the confidant masters of Rampa, such as Lampard and Torres, and said calmly: “I have to leave for a while, Uncle Lampard, and everyone, for my good life. Protecting the main hall of the city's main government, without my token, no one is allowed to be within ten meters of the main hall. If you dare to resist, regardless of your identity, kill it!"

"Follow, squat." The crowd slammed.

Sun Fei thought for a moment and said: "Peter, draw 30 Saints and 500 elites, and give me a strong guide to the main portals of the city's main government. Don't let anyone come in."

Cech made a loud voice and turned to dispatch the soldiers.

"Your Majesty, the mysterious magician..." Lampard hesitated, reminding him.

Today, if it is not the mysterious masters who live in the double-flag city, they will help each other. Maybe the king will fight under the dead city. The entire double-flag city will become a ruin. The power of the red robe is too amazing, and the mysterious magician also Showing the power that is enough to change the whole battle, the giant quaint rune magic wand sticking out from the sky vortex is really too horrible, put such an unidentified transcendental magic master in the double flag city. Ignore it, I don’t know if it’s a blessing.

Sun Fei thought for a moment and shook his head: "No matter, since he is willing to help us today, it is a friend and a non-enemy, and this kind of hermit master is most uncomfortable, so when everything has not happened." Sun Fei 99 The sixth sense of the barbarian's keenness tells him that there is absolutely no threat to this mysterious magic master.

Lampard and others nodded and said that they understood.

Sun Fei turned to the side hall next to the main hall of the city's main government, opened the portal, and directly entered the world of Diablo. He wanted to kill the final boss Bar in the fastest time and get the world. Stone].


Diablo World.

The Stone Fortress of the World in the mountains of Arit.

When Sun Fei entered the first floor of the fortress, the last high-level demon monsters that had been killed by him and Elena re-applied, and the magnificent and elegant world stone fortress hall was attacked by evil **** forces. They are all covered with dense monsters.


Second more.


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