Hail the King

Chapter 501: Changes in the world of nightmare difficulty

Chapter 501, Changes in the World of Nightmare Difficulty

When the 'Golden Sea Tao' inside the body washes to the ninety-ninth time, the change is changed -

A breath that never appeared began to emerge from the depths of Sun Fei’s soul. Compared to the golden drip liquid and the two golden scorpions that were incorporated into his body before, this breath is cotton and mellow, even with A very weak soul, giving Sun Fei the feeling of being like a close lover, sticking to Sun Fei, like the lingering of the soul. For Sun Fei, this breath is very familiar, because he also been touched.

"The two groups of golden scorpion that appeared at the beginning are clearly defeated by the guardian of the "World Stone Fortress" in the ordinary difficulty world. [The whirlwind] Tariq and [jumping 斩] Kolik After pouring into my own body, I thought that these two suffocating qis were the essence of the two barbarian skills of the two guardians for [whirlwind 斩] and [jumping 斩], and now it’s not limited to this, it seems to be two Seeds, in the foreshadowing of today's transformation of the body, no wonder there will be a scene of the unreasonable story of the challenge Guardian, as the guardian of the barbarians, they have to meet their **** generations, the original reason Here, this is a kind of power transmission in disguise, and only the descendants who can defeat the guardian are qualified to inherit the true skills of the barbarians."

Perhaps it is the blessing of the soul, Sun Fei’s mind is like electricity, and I want to understand a lot of things in an instant.

"In addition to the suffocating temperament from the two guardians, fifty drops of golden liquid come from the body of the monsters, and the last intimate breath comes from... Ahn'Qiraj!"

Sun Fei’s heart is really shocking. In fact, after understanding why Anqila was in a coma, Sun Fei’s heart has quietly formed a knot. Ahn'Qiraj's body is really hidden so much that this girl does not know. Secrets, such as the ability to get close to and command Warcraft, such as the most pure souls of the Holy See, such as yesterday's battle can actually release a noble and tremorous breath through prayer to treat the injury of Sun Fei, This kind of power has always been hidden in the depths of Sun Fei's body. Even Sun Fei himself is not aware of it. It is really amazing.

"There is no slightest malice in this breath. It seems that it is necessary to match the two golden scent and put your physical strength on a more incredible step."

Perceived this point, Sun Fei did not resist at all, let go of the body and mind to accept these forces to transform the body.

Time flies slowly and quickly, and everything around it is at a standstill. Sun Fei can even feel the torrent of time rolling over his body, vicissitudes and deep, while he himself seems to be in time and space. In addition to the torrent, the superb is superb, with a look at the overlooking posture, watching the world vicissitudes and years, like watching a game.

I don't know how long it took, the golden light column that appeared in the sky finally disappeared slowly.

Sun Fei’s body returned to normal, and there was a scream of monsters in his ear. The rich evil spirits were overwhelming. Here is the dark **** land outside the Rogge camp. At the entrance to the "Evil Cave", everything just seems to be an unmarked dream.

Sun Fei stretched his body, and a strong feeling came into being at this moment.

His Majesty has an illusion, as if he can smash the sky with a fist, as long as he steps out, he can crack the earth. As long as he blows it out, he can level the mountain. When you look at it, you can penetrate the void. .

The world in front of us has become very clear, as if all the scenes suddenly changed from an old second-hand black and white TV screen to the most advanced plasma high-definition digital TV. Sun Fei has a very strange feeling, the world. I began to slowly open my arms to myself. In the past, some mysteries that I could never perceive and see clearly were being presented in my own eyes, waiting for myself to discover.

In the left and right lower corners of the front view, there are two dark red buttons that are familiar to Sun Fei in terms of [new character status] and [remaining skill points].


"The role of the barbarian is already 99, reaching the highest level in his previous memory. If you continue to upgrade, don't you go to level 100? But don't know what kind of unexpected changes will happen after reaching level 100? ”

Sun Fei thought in his heart, and his thoughts triggered the digital layout of the barbarian's character.

At first glance, it is stunned.

"People Name: Sun Fei; Character Level: Nightmare Difficulty 1; Strength: 30; Physical Strength: 20; Agility: 25; Energy: 10; Flame Resistance 0, Freezing Resistance 0; Lightning Resistance 10; Toxin Resistance: 0 ..................; remaining attribute points: 5............"

How could this be?

Has the level and attribute points accumulated in the ordinary difficulty world been completely cleared?

Is this happening?

Sun Fei’s surprise is not the same. If everything is cleared, will it not be so hard for decades and return to liberation one night?

"But why do I clearly feel that my body has a powerful and incredible power? Is it far stronger than the 99-level barbarian?"

Sun Fei closes the digital interface of [Character Character Attributes] and feels the power within his body. He summons the [Bulkeso's Child] double-sword suit, the mind is moving, the strongest sword skill [whirlwind 轰] blasts a piece The white and silver swords storm whizzed out, and on the earth, a huge crack of tens of meters deep was poured out from the pears. The strong and unrestrained atmosphere was constantly spread out in all directions, and a silvery sigh of gas rose in the air.

"Just the ranks and data are cleared, the power is still in their own body, more powerful, without any slight reduction."

After discovering this, Sun Fei’s heart was full of worry.

"If I didn't guess wrong, it should be after entering the world of nightmare difficulty. The nature of my power has changed. I have obtained a higher quality and more powerful kind of power. The power that was previously blasted is the color of the glass, like crystal glass. In general, but now the power of the bombing..." Sun Fei thought, [Tianfuquan? One hit will kill] a punch, only a white silver half-meter square boxing appeared, broken into the air and screamed into the far In the middle of the sky.

This scene confirms Sun Fei’s speculation that the color of the force changes as the power attribute changes.

The power of silver and white is definitely a higher level of power that far exceeds the power of the previous glaze. This is a hundredfold improvement.

"Hahaha, this is really an unexpected huge harvest. Since the attribute of power has changed, the name of the boxing skill has also changed. Since then, [Tianchenquan] has been renamed..." Sun Fei is in a good mood and thinks A more popular name, laughed and said: "It is called [undefeated Huangquan]." This name more or less reveals the ambition of His Majesty the King, the so-called imperial boxer, naturally the power of the emperor, faint There is a meaning of "Dragon Boxing" with Yasin the Great, and the boxing method of syrian Sun Fei is still in the process of exploration and perfection. Naturally, it cannot compete with the "Dragon Boxing" which is called the mythical level of martial arts, but Sun Fei believes One day, [Undefeated King Boxing] will become a real myth.

"Yasin, don't lose people, what a heroic!"

Thinking of Zenith, the great man of the Zenit Empire, Sun Fei couldn’t help but feel a fascination. Yasin the Great has a double fist and claims to never lose to others. Such a person, if he thinks about his style, can’t help but make people feel Yearning for it, it is full of blood.

After smoothing up the chaotic mood, Sun Fei once again opened the [character character attribute] layout, thinking a little, and added the five [attribute points] obtained after the new upgrade to the [power] option, after experiencing ordinary After the test of the difficult world, Sun Fei has a new plan for the development of the seven professional roles. Since it can have seven professional roles, then it is not necessary to consider balanced development like the previous computer games, but to highlight the characteristics. And the barbarian's characteristic lies in the power of invincibility.

Sun Fei discovered that after entering the world of nightmare difficulty, the entire layout font of the character character attribute became white silver.

On the other hand, after the upgrade, I got a point [skill points], Sun Fei temporarily reserved, and did not immediately add to the skill tree.

After doing all this, Sun Fei’s level at this time is a nightmare difficulty level 1 barbarian.

He stepped into the [Evil Cave] and began the first task of the world of nightmare difficulty.

Although the strength of the monsters has improved qualitatively, Sun Fei has also completed the transformation of the general, and after the experience of the ordinary difficulty world, the details of the task are extremely familiar, even if you close your eyes, you can go. Throughout the [Evil Cave], it took less than twenty minutes for Sun Fei to kill the demon inside the cave, and he had 70 drops of golden liquid inside his body.

After leaving the cave, he continued to kill 10 monsters. When the body re-accumulated the golden liquid reached 80 drops, Sun Fei upgraded.

Under the action of the golden light column descending from the sky, the 80 drops of golden liquid of the new accumulation of sputum made a warm current like a river, and it was integrated into the cells of the whole body, the limbs, the internal organs, and the strength of his body. The obtained 5 points [attribute points] are added to [Power Attributes], and 1 point [Skill Points] is temporarily retained.


The first is more.

Seek support.


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