Hail the King

Chapter 509: This kind of magic is too weak

Chapter 509, this magic is too weak

"Hey, since the predecessors said yes, then it is." Cindy-like slender and beautiful fingers gathered together long hair, laughing and laughing and playing sloppy eyes.

The middle-aged fallen magician laughed happily: "Haha, little girl, it doesn't matter if you don't say it. Anyway, I don't have any interest in this kind of thing. However, I see that you are talented, bones are beautiful, and you have a natural environment. The elements are always condensed, this is a sign of the body of the innate element. It is indeed a genius seedling of spiritual practice. Why don't you come under my door, how?"

"Oh..." The little boy heard the words, Arthur squirted out a piece of meat and said: "Old things, you won't be playing this time? For hundreds of years, have you even given birth to the plan?" "Don't you forget, if it wasn't the gangster who was before you, would we both fall back to this field today?" ”

The middle-aged fallen magician ignored the little boy, looking at the magic princess Cindy, waiting to answer.

"No." Cindy did not sloppy this time, and shook her head resolutely: "Predecessors forgive me, I already have a master."

"You don't have to rush to refuse, little girl, you have to think about it. I don't know how many people on this continent are vying to become my disciples. I will miss it, but I won't have it again." Said.

"Hahaha, predecessors, since General Cindy is not willing to go under your door, why bother you?" A string of loud laughter came from outside the hall, and the footsteps sounded, only to see the guardian’s card outside the hall. The soldiers smashed into the ground, at the door of the main hall, and a young man dressed in a light blue robes and a very unparalleled figure came in.

"Alexander, you...have come?" Cindy heard the news, his face flashed a glimmer of joy, stood up in surprise, did not know what to say, and finally said such a sentence.

"Well, General Cindy, you have worked hard. It's okay here. Go down and rest first, busy for so long, take a hot bath, and have a rest early." The magic princess is distinguished and is the daughter's body. The sturdy men are strong and strong, and there are dust everywhere in such a desert. It is a good time to rest all the way.

I heard that the army chief cares for himself, the magic princess is warm in the heart, a pair of beautiful and extravagant eyes smashed the unfathomable old and young in the hall, and said: "Your Majesty, these two predecessors are very powerful. Would you like me to stay..."

"Don't worry, I have a measure. After you go out, pass on my military order. No one is allowed to approach within five hundred steps around the main hall. Give me a sigh." Sun Fei's face with a smile and a confident expression makes the magic princess A little bit in the heart, she nodded and said: "The adults should be careful." After turning around, he slowly went out.

"You are Alexander? Tonight's earth-shattering momentum is your kid's come out?" The lonely middle-aged magician looked up and down for a while, with a cynical look on his face, apparently seeing the grandson. The strength of flying, not to put the amazing king of the king in the eye.

"Yes, I am Alexander." Sun Fei was also welcome, the silver flame in his hand flashed, summoned a sharp knife in the storage ring, and walked straight, and the Cindy Princess on the grill was almost baked. The golden honey. The meat cut into a large piece, and the meat smashed up and ate a few mouthfuls. He quietly asked: "I guess, the predecessor, you must have been the Hasselbaink undead magician who has been in the mainland for many years. What?"

When the words came out, the air suddenly became tense.

In the hall, there was a quiet silence, and the needle was audible.

The middle-aged sorcerer’s eyes burst into two aggressive glares, and the momentum of the body skyrocketed. As the mountains were pressed, it was hard to breathe, and the little boy around him began to change, and his eyes were completely white. Disappeared, the eyes are like an inky abyss, which is indulging, and the body releases a circle of dark black apertures, which makes the bonfire light in the hall seem to be absorbed and dimmed.

The tense atmosphere in the air is pervasive, the six eyes are staggered, and the line of sight is as tangible, rubbing out an invisible spark.

A fierce battle is on the verge of a hit.

Sun Fei was so ignorant that he still ate his barbecue in his hands with a low head. The mouth was full of oil and his mind was moving. He even summoned a bottle of fragrant scented pulp, sipped and stopped talking. The air is full of intoxicating wine.

"Hey?...good wine!" The middle-aged fallen magician's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but praise him.

He had a good life and didn't know how much he had drunk. Sun Fei took out the best wine he had ever seen, but since then they have been chased like wild dogs. Escape, but it has not been such a good wine for a long time.

The little boy Arthur restored the human appearance, shrugged his nose, and looked like a mouth-watering look.


In the laughter, Sun Fei raised his hand slightly, and two bottles of liquor were summoned from the storage ring and flew toward the old and the young.

"Ha ha ha, good, thank you." The middle-aged fallen magician reached out and grabbed it in his hand. He couldn’t wait to sip it up, and he was so addicted that he drank a lot of breath in one breath. "You said it is good. I am Hasselbaink. The world's population is indispensable. Everything that passes will become the undead magician of the country of death."

On the other hand, the little boy Arthur also looked up at the cow, and snorted and opened his arms and drunk, and soon the clothes drenched the clothes.

"How? I am not afraid of being poisonous in the wine?" The two people were extremely open-minded, but it made Sun Fei feel good. The king raised the bottle and deliberately asked.

"Hahaha, since you know that I am the undead magician Hasselbainke, you should know that the undead magician never fears toxins." When I said this, the middle-aged magician flashed a trace Extremely conceited arrogance, vaguely can see the style of the elders of the generation of the heavens and the earth [the Temple of the Undead].

"This is also true, the undead magic is all proficient in toxin magic, undead and toxins, has never been separated." Sun Fei nodded.

"Oh? Do you still know this?" Hasselbainke flashed a hint of ecstasy in his eyes.

Sun Fei shrugged and smiled: "These things, the poets on the mainland know that the evil undead magic is not all poisonous and poisonous."

Hasselbaink glanced and nodded.

"Well, eat it, let me see it." Sun Fei wiped off the greasy lips, clap his hands and smiled.

"What?" Hearing that the shampoo king suddenly said this, he did not understand it when he was old and young.

"In the rumor, [Evil Devil] Hasselbaink is the great elder of the "Undead Temple", who has mastered many undead magical spells. I am very curious and want to know. Look, so please take a shot." Sun Fei said with a smile.

"Young people, do you really want to see? Undead magic, but this mainland taboo, maybe, after you read it, you will soon regret to ask me such a request, just watched a bottle of your wine just now. In terms of content, I allow you to take back this request.” Hasselbaink looked at Sun Fei, his face was very serious, and he changed his cynicism before he changed.

At this time, the little boy Arthur had already finished drinking the bottle of wine. He was holding the bottle of wine flowing down the bottle at the bottom of the bottle. He didn’t know what he was thinking. It’s a bit of a slap in the air. Do not care.

Sun Fei smiled and shook his head, waiting for it.

"Well, then, as you wish." Hasselbaink’s eyes changed, and he slammed a black mist into his fingers and shouted: “The ghost from hell, toward This filthy world reveals your fangs and shows your anger."

call out!

The light black mist is lightning fast, pouring into the corner of the hall, which is still a complete shackle.

The main hall of the [Death Castle], due to the sudden arrival of Hasselbaink and Arthur, was not cleaned up by the sergeants of the [Sword Legion], in the corner of the main hall. In the middle, there are also some broken human bones piled up, covered with dust, seemingly sullen, obviously suitable for the magic of the undead. After the black mist entered, the pair was scattered on the ground and suddenly stood up.

Two glaring scarlet spots emerged from the dark eyes of the skull, which was terrifying. Then, in the sound of squeaky bones rubbing the nausea and sour water, the cockroach swayed toward the hall. I saw that his head turned 360 degrees, and then, like autonomous consciousness, he used his two-handed joints to reorganize the scattered bones. He picked up the ribs on the ground and didn’t know what kind of animals. Waving twice in the hands, when made a weapon.

骷髅 。.

Sun Fei can clearly feel that in the moment of Hasselbaink’s shot, there is a cold atmosphere in the hall. This 骷髅 is probably the strength of a one-star warrior, and the bone knife in the hand is light. The black mist was a smack, and suddenly it showed a cold light, and it was as strong as King Kong.

It’s just that the real strength of this embarrassment is a bit far from the imagination of Sun Fei.

Hasselbaink became famous more than a hundred years ago and can become one of the elders of the [Death of the Undead] who once competed with the Holy See. His strength once made the whole continent shudder, even later [The Temple of the Undead 】 It was attacked by the Holy See, and Hasselbaink could escape from birth. It shows that the strength of this person is absolutely extraordinary, but the level that has just been shown has made Sun Fei a little disappointed.

call out!

Sun Fei pointed, pointing at the wind like a sword, smashing the skeleton of the skeleton into a smash, and then patted the palm of his hand and shook his head: "This is the undead magic that makes the whole continent shudder? Too weak."


Second more.

Thanks to the twilight city, vtdc, casual reading s, Mars train, 溷囿, idol **** machine, eleven oh, falling snow, a few bottles of smoke, big big rewards, today is already very tired, because it is a wife On the first day of the holiday, I went out to go shopping with her, but when I saw everyone's reward, I had to code another chapter and update it.

Thank you brothers for all forms of encouragement.


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