Hail the King

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At this moment, he looked at Sun Fei's knife-like eyes, and he couldn't help but feel awkward. He realized that he had provoked a horrible comet. The previous provocation now seems to be suicide, but regret is too late, huge. Fear enveloped all his heart...

"Escape! Hurry!"

This is the first consciousness that has poured into the mind of the [King of the Black Sands]. He has no time to think about other things. He subconsciously turns and flies wildly, like a wild dog. I have to admit that his choice of [King of the Black Sand] has fallen sharply under his serious injury, and it is gradually difficult to resist the huge water pressure. Even if he reluctantly enters the [God of the Devil], there will be no gains, but instead It may be embarrassed by other people who are speculative, and his figure rises like an electric water to the upper waters.

At this time, many powerful people around the scene saw this scene as shocking and inexplicable. They only felt that a burst of chills shrouded their bodies.

The strength of the first stage of the new moon class, even in the hands of this shampoo king can not support a single stroke, it is really shocking, and this young shampoo king, as if in the legend, the general heart is hot, [black sand Wang] just sneered and glanced a few times, and was beaten so miserable!

For a time, many strong people subconsciously pushed away, farther away from Sun Fei, for fear that the comet would notice himself.

Sun Fei succeeded in making a move, not hesitating, and immediately took a second shot to get rid of the triangular face.

It’s not that the King’s Majesty is really fierce to the point where there is no humanity, but because it can be seen from the look of the “King of the Black Sands”, this guy is not only powerful but extremely sinister, and belongs to the type that must be reported to the small intestines. Like the bones of the skeleton, there is no end to it. Even if Sun Fei is not afraid of him, if he puts down the shelf and launches the means of attack to deal with the city, it is only a disaster, so Sun Fei will never give up.

But just as he was about to catch up and get rid of this bane, the sudden change occurred suddenly, and there was a sudden spurt in the water layer around him, and the breath of those strong people became impatient.

Suddenly, a white sacred radiance shines from the underwater building, and the flames drown out the figures of the people. Then, the dazzling light spots suddenly appear from the black waters, densely like the sky. In the stars, these white spots constantly change and gradually merge into a thin silver line, and the thin lines are constantly changing and gathering to form a silver pattern from small to large.

This scene is like having an invisible magic pen painting the canvas on this infinite water. In less than thirty seconds, all evolution ends, and the whole twenty are about five or six meters high. The arched light door, which is more than three meters wide, appears in the dark waters.

Above these light doors, there are glittering silver runes. The patterns are fascinating and esoteric. The light is shining, the light lines are smooth, full of unspeakable beauty, giving people a illusion of ancient and mysterious.

Obviously, these twenty arched light doors are the legendary [God's Gate].

"Opened up, [The Gate of the Devil] finally opened!"

One month old strong man snorted, the first reaction came over, first selected a vaulted light door closest to himself, his body flashed and quickly entered into it, only to see the white light curtain flashing, his whole person It disappeared in front of everyone, and in the next moment, his figure appeared in the mermaid Warcraft group under the huge position shield covering the bottom of the waters [God Magic Palace], and the appearance of this person suddenly shocked the dense people. With World of Warcraft, a low voice screamed, people and Warcraft madly rushed to the strong, a terrible sound wave in the mouth, want to tear the person, blocking him into the demon palace.

At the beginning of the war, the strong people of the Terran displayed a means of embarrassment, but all the mermaid Warcraft, which was within three meters of his body, was turned into a **** fog, and the blood was filled with ice water.

This person's move allowed the powerful people around to return to the gods, and they used their magical powers to move toward the [God of the Devils].

"Your Majesty, the [God and Magic Palace] is full of ancient organ traps and magical killings. It is extremely dangerous, and there will be some unpredictable changes as time goes by. We don't have to worry about entering, wait a second, Let these strong people explore the road ahead.” The Undead Magister was attached to Sun Fei’s ear and whispered.

"Well. Yeah, wait for me to get rid of that triangle face, this person keeps, it is definitely a disaster." Sun Fei nodded, ready to chase.

"This thing, let Arthur go and do it, we wait quietly again." The undead magician gave a look to the little boy, the undead bones of the undead bones, and muttered very dissatisfiedly. The silver hood that was opened was lifted upwards and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

After nearly two days of cultivation, the strength of the bone dragon has begun to recover, and it has steadily stepped on the realm of the upper stage of the new moon. There is absolutely no problem in dealing with the triangular face of the first stage of the new moon.

There are strong people around to see this scene, has already faintly guessed the meaning of the shampoo king.

When I saw the small black light shrouded in the whole body, the lightning disappeared on the top, and the strength of the bone dragon was horrified. On the other side, it also squeezed a sweat for the [King of the Black Sand] that just fled. Obviously, I don’t intend to let him go. This [King of the Black Sands] I don’t know how many killings have been done in my life. I can’t think of it, but because I’m too arrogant, I’ve got a person who shouldn’t be provoked. Seeing is dead. After the end, this is also a drink, not the predecessor, deserve it! .

Sun Fei smiled slightly in his heart.

His Majesty the King realized that with the addition of Hasselbaink and Arthur, he would have two strong and powerful arms. These two people even surpassed themselves, and many seemed to be tricky. Putting things that I could only do in my own hands, I don’t need to take my own shots now.

The King’s heart was secretly happy, but on the surface it was invisible and the undead magician stood in the water, waiting quietly, watching the strong ones enter the current stream, the sparkling silver flow is unusually magnificent. The Gate of the Devil], and the mermaid Warcraft in the force field mask, killing together, waiting for the best time.

Suddenly, a powerful and sacred force in the distance quickly approached, and only a dozen people were shrouded in silver-white flames of sacred power. The speed was extremely fast, and they did not enter the distance of 100 meters from Sun Fei and others. A [God of the Devil].

It is the master of the Holy See.

Sun Fei looked at Hasselbaink, who was not talking, and smiled: "It seems that the gadget is really strange. You are such an evil and powerful undead wizard who stands 100 meters away. The master of the Holy See did not find your existence, haha, this is very interesting."

"The running dogs of the Holy See have a natural and keen sense of the magic of the undead, but the [deceitful coat of arms] made by His Majesty is indeed magical. It is easy to blind everyone. With this coat of arms, I and Ya It’s much more convenient to act, and it’s really a genius!” The Undead Magister took the King’s slap in the face, and he’s not the kind of old-fashioned person, laughing and red, and Sun Fei’s already getting along very much. Harmony, this is not flattering.

Sun Fei shook his head and said: "This is not my invention, but the masterpiece of two magical madmen who have been hiding in the dark. Well, when I have the opportunity, I will introduce you to know... Hey? Is anyone coming?"

In the distance, there are ** figures appearing, flying toward a [God of the Devil's Gate], one of them is exactly the [Snow Mountain Hidden] Red Robe, behind him, the big disciple Murdoch, the second disciple The princes of the Axis and Ajax empire, Ferhengtong, and others are impressively listed, and there are seven or eight nine-star masters. Under the protection of the majestic flames of the red robes, the flames of the genital force are expanded. The pedestrian did not have the slightest strength and successfully entered the door of a demon.

At the moment of entering the Gate of the Demon, the Snow Mountain Hidden seems to have noticed something. Turning his head to look at the direction of Sun Fei, Sun Fei also missed the opportunity to look at the past, and there was only one [Snow Mountain] on his face. The hidden person can understand the dangerous smile.

"Your Majesty, the man who just said is the enemy that he said these days. He will enter the [God and Magic Palace], and I will find a chance to marry him." The Undead Magister saw Sun Fei’s demeanor and guessed it. The reason for the matter.

"This is still a good thing for me to solve. It's almost time, not waiting for Little Arthur, let's go in."

Seeing that the strong people around them have almost entered the [God of the Devil], the two chose a nearby arched light door and entered it.

The so-called [God of the Devil] should be a short-distance space portal that can take people from underneath the palace guardian field at the bottom of the unbreakable waters that cannot be broken. The feeling lasted less than a second, and the two appeared in the mermaid Warcraft group under the palace's guardian field.

The light silver visor is wide open, and those mermaid Warcraft, which is about seven or seven stars in strength, can't break the defense of the 24th-level barbarian in the nightmare difficulty, but it still continually emits a horrible sound wave. He rushed toward the two men without fear of death, hitting the mask and hitting a pile of meat.

"These guys, it seems that there is no wisdom, even the ordinary World of Warcraft can not count, only the instinct of killing ... ..." Sun Fei frowned.


The first is more.

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