Hail the King

: 473, the crisis of Shuangqicheng

A covert sneak attack.

"Looking for death!" Sun Fei screamed, as if he had already noticed the sneak attack, he couldn't turn around, and he was boxing out, and then came forward, hitting the palm of the hand suddenly appearing in the void.

Hey! ! !

There was a burst of sound in the air, and then there was a rush of broken bones, followed by a stunned scream of stunned, and a few drops of blood splashed on the ground. The arm that appeared in the void suddenly disappeared and hid.

The sneak attacker would have a similar technique to stealth.

No wonder he can quietly approach Sun Fei.

However, Sun Fei’s mental power has long been like a big net. Even if he doesn’t have to look at his eyes, any wind and grass around four or five hundred meters can’t escape his feelings.

He found that the assassin's figure was slowly moving towards the periphery.

"Ha ha, now want to go? Hey, late! Actually stealing chickens and touching dogs, dare to attack the king, there must be a costly realization!" Sun Fei, who has been silent, is in a sneer, suddenly stepping out The figure is approaching, the five fingers open and volley, the palm of the hand is like a big plier, and it is taken toward a certain position in the void.

Oh la la!

There is a transparent ripple in the air.

Sun Fei reached out to the ground like a hollow, and he was able to pull out a wolverine figure from the front of the emptiness. This is a guy dressed in a black body tights assassin, short stature, a pair of narrow and narrow eyes, double There was an incredible and horrifying look in the eyes.

"You...this is impossible. How did you send me?" The assassin was pinched by Sun Fei like a chicken, and his feet were suspended. The strength of the first stage of the new moon was completely blocked. Without the slightest strength, even struggling, I asked in horror.

"Who are you? Why did you shoot me?" Sun Fei looked like a knife and stared at the assassin's eyes, asking coldly.

"Hahaha, I won't tell you, Alexander, you are dead, even if you kill me, you are dead. Now I don't know how many people are secreting your secrets. Oh, I am just asking for directions. The little pebbles, there are many people waiting to kill you in the demon palace, haha, as long as you let me, I will tell you their identity..." Assassin gradually calmed down, his face appeared a trace of difficulty The color of the haze that is perceived.

"I want the secret of me? I must be tempted to be slaughtered by Laozi’s dog. Since you don’t want to say it, then die!” Sun Fei has lost patience, and this person’s eyes are turning, obviously preparing What tricks, the king's knees and five fingers gently grip, the assassin's laughter suddenly paused, and then a burst of blood and blood bursts, broken meat and bones splashed, spray everywhere, reddish the surrounding walls And the ground.


A bracelet ornament with a light yellow faint light was dropped on the ground, making a crisp sound.

When Sun Fei saw this bracelet, he seemed to understand what he was, and he waved it into his palm.

"Well? Interesting gadgets, no wonder... I thought it was stealth skills, but it turned out to rely on this bracelet to achieve stealth, good gadgets, although it can not stop the search of mental masters, but used to avoid the general strong However, Sun Fei is more than enough.” Sun Fei observed the magical lines on the pale yellow bracelet, and quickly understood the reason why the sneak attacker was invisible. This bracelet is a magician's alchemist with a low rank and is helpful to wear. The person realizes the stealth function within a certain period of time.

Stealth, this is a very interesting skill.

Among the seven major occupations of the Diablo World, the Assassin Mode is best at hiding, but this model has the ultimate lurking and hidden skills, but it does not reach absolute visual stealth. Sun Fei thought I thought, put this bracelet in the storage ring, maybe take it back to the two magical research madmen to crack the above-mentioned stealth magic array, there are some unexpected surprises.


After Sun Fei’s figure disappeared into the distance, on the top of a stone temple near the first Samurai statue, suddenly four or five figures wearing the same black tights appeared.

"Tektronix was killed, this idiot, did not leave the slightest scar to the king of Shampoo, no use, white died, but also wasted a magical bracelet, really dead and deserved!" A body is also thin and black The man looked at the blood in the distance, and the eyes of a pair of fierce eyes exposed outside the black mask were filled with cruel and cold blood.

"There is no white death. At least Tektronix has proved one thing with his life. The magical bracelet does not seem to work for the shampoo king. When you start the next time, everyone should pay attention to it. Don't rely too much on the role of the magic bracelet. "Another black man said thoughtfully, slowly.

"Yes, this shampoo king's strength is amazing, and the speed of promotion is very fast. If the owner is not interested in the speed of his sudden improvement, to be honest, I really don't want to provoke such an opponent." The black man whispered.

"Hey, how? The famous [Magic Assassin] Kester has shrunk? What is the shampoo king, he is just a small township that has not gone out even in the Zenit Empire, even if it is genius, Before it grew up, it was like a fragile piglet. Hey, isn’t it easy to kill a pig?” The savage little assassin who spoke first, with a scornful look, scornfully said.

"Things are not so simple. I always feel that there is a very terrible power hidden in his body. Everyone is still careful. If you succeed, don't leave any traces, and you will anger Yasin. After all, Shampoo is now his man. ...... Now he has entered the second-level area of ​​the Demon Palace. We keep up, only when the opportunity is excellent, we must not be stunned." One of the five people who made the tall leader looks like The decision, the body shape flashed, jumped down the stone temple, and did not rush to the past where Sun Fei disappeared.

The other four jumped into the stone hall, like four ghosts, and the figure gradually disappeared into the air.

They also obviously have the existence of a magical bracelet.




In the water well area of ​​Shuangqi City, a water column suddenly rises to the sky.

A wolverine figure flashed out of the water column, and it fell on the ground. He was wet and half-arm broken, revealing Baisensen’s bones, his face was sallow, his foot was vain, and it was Sun Fei’s in boundless waters. The middle-level master who was injured in the [King of the Black Sand].

His injury is obviously very heavy. He has been unable to penetrate the soil of more than 400 meters. He can barely support the groping and escape from the waterway. If he delays for a while, he may become the first in history. A strong man who was killed by the huge water pressure in the boundless waters, [King of the Black Sand] sat down to the outer well of the well, and breathed fresh air, looking up at the sky. The sun, the heart can not help but be afraid of a burst.

I want him to live in his life, why have you been humiliated like this? It was only for him that he was deceived and made a fortune. This was the first time he was beaten into such awkward appearance, which made him feel scared and hated, and burned in anger.

"Fortunately, I immediately took the opportunity to escape quickly, otherwise I was afraid that I would have become a dead body..." [King of the Black Sand] All eyes were full of grievances, and I was breathing for a while, and the pressure of the strong fighting made my own injury. I felt so good. After a little, the body shape changed, and the next moment has already appeared in the sky above the double flag city.

Looking at the orderly and lively city underneath, [King of the Black Sand] evil from the heart, angry to the gallbladder, whispered to himself: "I heard that the shampoo king is the patron saint of this double flag city. Hey, today I will ruin the city he guarded, and smash his face. When the strength is restored, I will find a way to report today’s broken arm, oh..."

When he got here, he single-handedly introduced himself in the void, and a majestic force began to spread.

Although seriously injured, but the strength of the monthly strong can not be ignored, after entering the month, the military has been able to faintly touch the rules of this world, but also to some extent mobilize the elements of the world, [Montenegro Wang] The resentment against Sun Fei has reached a limit, so he will not hesitate to increase his injuries. He will also use his martial arts skills to create a double-flag city and give him a bad heart.

The fluctuations in power in the sky quickly caught the attention of the garrisons and masters in the city.

"Who is above?"

"The enemy? A powerful force, who dares to come to our double flag city to scatter wild?"

"Go and report to Alexander, this person can stand in the void, is already a strongman of the month, we are not his opponent, go quickly!"

Feeling the hostility of the powerful figure in the air, the masters in the Double Flag City were shocked. Only the seniors in the army knew that today Alexander was just leaving something, not in the city. How could it happen so suddenly? The enemy of the monthly strength, the situation is extremely dangerous, in case of poor handling, there is the danger of city destruction.

"Who are you? Why did it appear in the northwestern military town of the Zenit Empire, and quickly left." Ribery stood in front of the enemy gate of the West Gate, and he sighed with anger and shouted loudly.

"A group of ants, all dying." The cold voice came from the sky, with the chilly killing.


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