Hail the King

: 486, the strong have come out


This is really an accident in the accident. Who can think of this young imperial prince who only has the upper third and fourth grades of the new moon, and even an instant understatement kills three or four masters of the same rank, knowing among the dead strongmen. Even one person's strength has reached the first half of the first month, far higher than Gilano.

That black staff! ?

For a time, almost everyone's eyes were concentrated on the black staff with a thumb thickness of only 20 centimeters. The black and purple crystal ball of the size of the dove was swallowed. It seemed to be able to swallow everything and faintly bloom. A trace of God's generally irresistible breath.

Is it... artifact?

"Ah...that's black crystal, I know, I know...that's [Black Crystal Staff], the rod of the king of the Saint-Germain Empire, the legendary Asian gods!" In the middle, there is a strong person who suddenly thinks of something, and his face is shocked and exclaimed.

Asian gods.

These four words spurred the greedy and hot light in the eyes of the powerful people who were in the silence. They looked at the small magic wand in the hands of Gilano and swallowed subconsciously.

In the continent of Azeroth, the fighting soldiers are the mainstream weapons of the strong. Generally, they can be divided into eight equals according to the power. The six-level and above soldiers with good quality are already very difficult to obtain, and they surpass the eight-class fighters. 'Asian Defence' is even rarer. It is a strategic super killer. In many cases, even if it is a great empire, it must have one. Such weapons are in the hands of real powers. Fully urging, its power is enough to level the mountains and change the outcome of the war.

Under the same conditions, if there is an Asian soldier in hand, you can sweep hundreds of thousands of warriors of the same level, and you can also kill more than the level. The star warrior can kill the strongman of the month, and the strongman of the month. The only drawback is that the energy consumed to manipulate a sub-god soldier is terrible, the star warrior is hard to motivate, and the result of forcibly urging the Asian gods is only one. - That is to be sucked up by adults.

For a time, many of the strong men in the square did not want to get the Asian gods in Gilano's hands, but no one dared to shoot. Gilano mobilized a sub-god soldier with the new strength of the new moon. It is enough to contend with the great-day sages, and you can kill any masters who are present. Although everyone knows that the prince must not be able to motivate [Black Crystal Staff] for too long, no one dares to risk his own life. Come and grab.

With this Asian **** soldier in hand, Gilano became the strongest person among the people in the place.

As a result, the Royal Family of the Winds is not a sharp sight, except for a very few extremely strong, almost no one dares to look at it.

Since everyone has no objection, Gilano relies on the hand of the Asian gods [Black Crystal Staff], and finally embarked on the altar, unexpectedly got a [Elemental Gate] quota.

Eight went to the second, leaving six places for the [Elemental Gate].

This scene makes Sun Fei think thoughtfully.

No wonder among the people in the square, there are some 'weak people' who can't reach the difficulty level of the 30th level with their own strength. For example, the strength is only in the eight-star Achilles, the son of Ferhengtong. .

But now these 'weak people' are not killed by the terror pressure of the 34th-level difficulty area, but they are standing here intact. Obviously, although they can't control a sub-god soldier like the legendary Gilano. But they have some cuddling in their hands.

At least Sun Fei can feel it faintly. In Fairenton’s body, there is a fascinating breath, which seems to be no less than the [Black Crystal Staff] in the hands of Gilano. Fighters.

Suddenly, there was another commotion in the square.

A strong, tall, almost exaggerated bald-headed man with a golden rose crown on his head seems to be the emperor of a certain country. He suddenly stood up from the silence, walked out of the crowd and walked toward the elemental altar. .

A good giant.

The strong people in the room are not low, but they only go to the waist of this strong man. This bald head is like a stand-up. It turns out that he has been sitting all the time. This stand up is very eye-catching. Behind him, two old men with thin but powerful strengths seem to be servants.

Although these three people are silent, they are extremely arrogant, swaying and swaying, and they don’t talk about the crowd. They are like lions walking in the deer group. They are proud and separate, and many strong people are moving toward the altar of the element. Go.

"Stand up, just rely on the three of you, and also want to occupy the position of a door of the element?" There are two strong players in the middle and fifth grades of the new moon, each with a wink, sneer and stand up and stopped. The three people went on the road, one of them looked at the strong man with a sneak gaze on the top and down, deliberately smirked: "Big man, go back, this is not a block, who is the big one who is qualified. ”

"Oh... oh... I saw Eindhoven, and there are still people standing up to find death. I smelled the blood..." The two old men who were as thin as the dry corpse made a harsh Ghost laughter, but at the same time the body shape turned into two black smoke, flashing away, and soon retreated to the back of the strong man.


The strong body of the two roadblocks swayed a few times and fell to the ground.

Their heads are like a rotten watermelon, and they are flattened in an instant. The skull is completely broken, leaving only the part below the chest. On the opposite side, behind the bald-headed man, the two old men’s palms, like the devil’s skinny black, are wide. The sleeves were leaking out, covered with white hot brains, black nails with a fingertip of more than 20 centimeters long, like a cast iron with a black brilliance, sharpness, comparable to the weapon of the gods .

"Oh... the brain of the master is really delicious!" The two skinny old men are like demons, and in the laughter, they even stick out their tongues and lick the white brain on their palms, as if they are swallowing food. Seeing some strong people around the face turned white, a few people want to vomit.

This time, no one dared to stop the three.

The two black-handed demon veterans are already very horrible, and the bald-headed man who has never been shot is not weak. This trio has the strength to qualify for a [Elemental Gate].

Another short silence.

"It's almost time, Garcia, let's go up too." Red robe deacon Pellegrini sideways, and said calmly to the young **** Garcia around him.

Seeing that there are only five [doors of elements] left, the Holy See has decided that the hearts of the gods are also in a hurry. To complete the task of the Northern sect, the Pope must enter the difficulty zone of the 36th level. I can't wait any longer.

"Good." Garcia nodded.

He still has a handsome face with a pale face. The original 30-year-old squad of the squad has 12 people remaining at this time. These people are not strong. Other than the red robe deacon, the highest is only the new moon. At the beginning of the first and second stages, almost all of them rely on Garcia's full protection and protection to survive here. For this reason, the young sage is also suffering from the semi-monthly realm.

Since [the gate of the element] transmits up to five people at a time, seven of the members of the Holy See must stay, and Pellegrini puts the cross of the gold cast in the hand on the ground, and the scepter blooms a direct ten meters. The halo around can protect the people of the Holy See who are in the halo from the oppression of the terrible heaven and earth in the 34th-level difficulty zone.

When choosing to follow Garcia and Pellegrini to enter the [Elemental Gate], there was a slight dispute. No one would be willing to give up the core area of ​​the Divine Palace, which is a godland. The robe deacon chose two of his most trusted confidants, leaving a place for the gods Garcia.

"Alan, come with me." Garcia gave this place a long-term care for himself, but his strength barely reached eight stars, and he was the weakest knight Alan in the entire ruling team.

"Ah...I? Thank you, adult, thank you, thank you!" Alan was flattered. He never thought that he would be so lucky, watching the envious eyes of his companions, the whispering knight of the sensation felt The opportunity to change your own destiny seems to have arrived.

The five members of the Holy See walked to the altar under the gaze of the eyes of the people, occupying a [door of elements].

The fear of nature is not because of the strength of this unmanned person, but because of the teaching robes that they wear, the power of the Holy See on Azeroth is indeed terrifying, even if it is a strong place, but there is no People dare to block this pedestrian, for the clerics to shoot, that is, blasphemy, will be chased by the Holy See, even the legendary big-day sage, do not dare to blatantly confront the Holy See.

In the twinkling of an eye, only half of the eight elements are left.

This means that the chances of the rest of the people entering the [Elemental Gate] are shattered by half, and the atmosphere above the square is even more tense.

"Okay, it's almost, Michelle, let's go up too." In the arrogant atmosphere, someone suddenly opened his mouth.

In a word, everyone only felt that there was a flower in front of them, the orange flame was flashing, and two figures appeared in front of the fifth elemental door. One of them was short and strong, no more than one meter seven, curly hair and deep eye sockets. The thick hustle and bustle, calm and calm, no one can see the depth of this person, the other person wearing yellow armor, slightly higher, four limbs thick, face rough, extremely ugly, fierce expression, such as the same humanoid beast, always To choose people and be addicted.


The third is more.

Thank you, many nicknames, forty thieves, Zhang Yijing, small snails, and a few bottles of cloud smoke.

The knife will continue to work hard tomorrow


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