Hail the King

: 499, two broken columns

Around the bottom of the [God of the Devil] is quite wide, Sun Fei walks to measure, the speed of ordinary people wants to go around at least half an hour or so, in the north direction, Sun Fei found himself rude before An exception that was not noticed at the time of the search -

There is a huge bone corpse lying on the ground here. ""

This corpse seems to be a legacy of a giant race. It is more than four or five meters tall and has a large skeleton, but it is obviously the skeleton of the human race. Apart from the unusually large size, it does not differ from the bones of ordinary humans.

It is worth noting that this person must be a horrible strongman.

Because it does not know how many years have passed, and after years of erosion, a flesh and blood has completely decayed into ash, disappeared without a trace, but the bones are still very hard, Sun Fei tried, even the finest phalanx, It is several times harder than the [Devil's remains] found in the underground caves of the Houshan Mountain.

Sun Fei has an illusion. He doesn't know why. When he first saw this bone, he couldn't help thinking of a person.

Eindhoven Emperor Kemp.

"Maybe this bone will be the ancestors of Eindhoven, and only the blood of the descendants of such a metamorphosis of the giant race will be nearly three meters tall like the clone Kemp, far beyond the ordinary strong." Fly without any malicious side.

In fact, the most regrettable thing for Sun Fei is the death of this giant.

It was directly pierced into the back by a broken column. It was crucified like a nail worm on the ground below the altar. The broken column was pierced from his heart and then deeply inserted into the ground. Before the death of the giant It must be very painful. Sun Fei observed that there were a lot of shocking deep scratches on the ground. The body of the corpse was slightly arched, and one hand stretched toward the back. It seemed that I wanted to pull out the broken column. Unfortunately, it eventually failed, and was killed alive here.

Looking at this huge bone, Sun Fei seems to be faintly able to imagine the fascinating scene of that year - a broken column flying from the sky, like a stream of light, containing even the gods are irresistible A terrible power, a world-class powerhouse was killed here.

Broken column?

A flash of lightning flashed in the mind of Sun Fei, what was faintly captured.

His eyes stayed on the broken pillar of the crucifixion giant, and then slowly walked forward, and found that the broken pillar was exposed on the ground about six meters above the rough section, there is also a depression similar to an ellipse, and The half-cut column on the nine-layer [God of the Devil's Altar] is almost exactly the same, and even the fractures are incomparable.

"Yes, compared to this truncated column, it is the other part of the half-cut column at the top of the altar of the gods, but it was broken by life, throwing it from the top of the kilometer, whistling, and living the giant to death. Here... it must be like this."

Thinking of this, Sun Fei looked at the elliptical depression above the truncated column. Suddenly, he felt that he should say that this version of the truncated column was on the top of the nine-layered demon altar. Maybe something strange happened.

With this in mind, Sun Fei did not hesitate to start, and immediately began to work.

He looked around and stepped on the bones of the giants, arms around the cut-off column, and shouted, the power of the 40-level barbarian in the nightmare difficulty broke out, and the muscles of his arms were like hills. As madly bulging, the instantaneous expansion has more than doubled, and a force wave that is clearly visible to the naked eye has spread to the four sides and eight methods with Sun Fei as the center.


In the roar of the roar, the broken column shook a little, it seems that there was a tendency to be pulled out from the ground by Sun Fei, but it was a shortfall, and it was always a little bit worse. Sun Fei’s strength broke out completely, but it could not be completely pulled out. .

This is really horrible.

Sun Fei has the power of a 40-level barbarian in the nightmare difficulty. He can only claim that he is invincible within the moon. He can't pull out the truncated column. In comparison, it is hard to imagine. What kind of master is not a master, can this piece of the broken column be thrown from the height of the "God of the Devil" to accurately crucify the giant?

Spit out a suffocating gas, Sun Fei will include the [Bulkeso's Soul Cage] and other magical equipment that can increase the power are summoned to the body, the power has increased by 20 points, and then try again.

Rumble! !

The broken column was even more powerful, but it still couldn't be pulled out of the ground. It seemed that there was a strong suction underneath, and the half-cut column was firmly sucked into the earth.

Sun Fei has tried other methods, such as digging the ground and directly excavating the broken column. Unfortunately, this does not know what material is made of silver rock. The ground is hard and hard. Sun Fei is full of strength and can no longer be ground. Even if it is a crack in the size of a fingernail.

This is a horror discoloration.

The ground is so hard that it surpasses the limits of the world's toughest rock. I am afraid that it is not a stone. When the giant dies before the death, he can struggle on the ground to find a scratch. That means its strength is up. What kind of incredible realm? I am afraid that it is far from being the legendary great-day sage. Further up, the one who threw a broken column at the top of the nine-layered demon altar, like the mysterious strongman who killed the giant like an ant, the strength is even more sensational.

"The secret of purifying the "stone of the world" must be contained in this semi-cutting column, but if I want to pull out the broken column, my current strength is always a little worse, it seems to enter Diablo. The world, once again killing monsters upgraded once."


Five hours later, before the [God of the Devils] appeared a portal with a soft blue light, Sun Fei looked out from the inside with a little tiredness.

In the past five hours, Sun Fei completed all the tasks in the second scene of the big map [mysterious refuge], emptied all the monsters in the [mysterious refuge], and killed the bottom boss [summoner] And through the portal of the refuge in the deepest part of the refuge came to the [Warlock Canyon], the sixth task [Talaxia's tomb] completed about half, searched for three pseudo-tombs, a non-stop **** battle, at this time Finally, I upgraded two levels. At the 42nd level of the nightmare difficulty, all the 10 attribute points obtained were added to the [Power] attribute.

Before returning, Sun Fei also found [Lu? Gaoin] the npc in the city. After receiving the equipment for increasing strength for several years, after completing the preparations, he started the transmission array before the "God of the Devil".

"This time, be sure to pull out the broken column."

Sun Fei equipped several magical gears, such as rings, gloves, helmets, and boots, which were ready to increase strength, and then once again came to the broken column of the giant corpse, took a deep breath and shouted. The whole body suddenly broke out, and the loud noise of the rumble came like a tear in the earth. The entire mountain space and the altar of the gods slowly swayed.

One inch and one inch.

Under the great power of Sun Fei, the broken column deeply inserted under the ground finally began to be pulled out from the ground slowly and little by little.

Ten minutes later, Sun Fei worked hard for seven or eight waves and finally pulled out the broken column completely.

What makes Sun Fei a bit surprised is that the length of the broken column inserted under the ground is far beyond his imagination. It is more than 20 meters long. Maybe it is the annual thunderstorm buried under the ground, so the color is More vivid than the bare half exposed - this is a kind of luster similar to silver-white metal, which makes it easier to think of a column that is actually not broken, but a broken stick or a lance. A weapon like that.

The semi-cutting column is about 26 meters long and can be regarded as a huge master.

At this time, Sun Fei is already a big man dripping, panting, since the [barbarians mode] has been successful, it is still so tired for the first time, it is a sign of a little force off, took a bottle of [endurance potion] and took a half rest. After an hour, it was normal, then took advantage of the half of the giant pillar, cast a silver sword wing, and the wings fluttered, slowly flying toward the top of the altar of the gods.

The giant column was extremely heavy. Sun Fei landed on the altar of the gods and devils. He rested several times. The arm was broken because of too much force. The muscles were torn apart and the blood was dripping. The fingers and blood were worn away, revealing the underlying bone. The severe pain caused Sun Fei to sweat and sweat. The blood was mixed with the column of the whole stone column. At the end, the blood and water were collected together, and almost half of the broken column of 26 meters long was dyed. Blood red.

Sun Fei never felt so hard. The severe pain was like someone using a knife to cut off the muscles on his arms. It didn't take long, the arms were already numb, and gradually lost their feelings. Just mechanically grasping only the broken limbs, relying on unparalleled willpower to fly up.

To be honest, Sun Fei was also seriously injured in the killing of Diablo World. He felt the pain of bones that ordinary people could not imagine, but never made him so unbearable. On several occasions, he almost pressed like a mountain. Throw away the broken column on his own body, but as long as he thinks about the two confidantes who are still sleeping in the boundless sleep and waiting for their own rescue, he sticks his teeth and sticks to it.

The blood and water are mixed with sweat, and they are scattered on every step of the [God of the Devil].

In the end, the power of the nine cows and two tigers was finally abolished. Sun Fei almost became a blood man, and he succeeded in moving the broken column to the top of the altar of the gods.


Second more.

Seeking a red ticket. Thanks:, the broken heart of the small snail, you know that you understand, scars, victorkai, flowers, dragons, and a few big figures.

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