Hail the King

: 501, you are done

The nine-layered altar is getting faster and faster. In the end, it has finally lost its original appearance. It has completely turned into nine layers of unclear silver light. It is difficult for the naked eye to capture their speed. One huge silver rune and pattern from The altar flew out in the altar, like the music of the gods, spinning around the altar, humanoid, birds and beasts, sun and moon, stars, mountains, rivers, oceans, lightning, weapons, Architecture... Everything that exists between everything in the heavens and the earth seems to have become a flame of light, followed by a picture similar to a projector, constantly flying out of the altar, or superimposed or annihilated. ""

Sun Fei even saw his figure from a few fleeting clips, but he couldn't figure out what it meant.

This strange situation has continued.

The rubbing sound of the rumble rang through the entire mountainside space, and the sparkling sparks appeared between the silvery white boulders even because of the violent rotation.

The only thing that didn't move was the giant pillar that was inserted in the ninth layer of the altar.

When he moved into the semi-column, Sun Fei sprinkled countless blood on the altar. At this time, he has already entered the subtle formations of each layer of the altar, and the two are closed. The broken column is also covered with the blood of Sun Fei. At this time, the blood is also sucked out very strangely. The innumerable magic runes flying from the altar actually began to echo with Sun Fei sitting on the stone seat. This is a very wonderful feeling, just like a loved one is spoiling you, and like a lover from acquaintance to love, and gradually become intimate.

The altar is turning faster and faster, constantly escaping the endless white sacred holy light, which flows like a river into the top of the huge pillar that is almost three meters high, and the giant pillar The column is flashed with silver and blood red flames, just like the two armies fighting, biting each other, fighting each other, swallowing each other, want to completely press each other.

At this time, Sun Fei gradually realized.

The white silver flame is obviously the energy of the altar and the giant pillar in the close, which represents the light and holiness, and the **** flame is the evil power of the Diablo Hell that pollutes the [World Stone]. With the pillar of the giant column as the battlefield, the battle between life and death, if the silver-white flame wins, it means that [the stone of the world] is purified successfully.

Realizing this, Sun Fei’s heart was anxious.

If the blood-colored flames finally win, they can't be purified [the stone of the world], and the two most important women in the life of the two kings of Ahn'Qiraj and Jelena may have to sleep forever.

Time passed slowly.

[Devil's Altar] The nine-layered altar seems to have sensed the anxiety of Sun Fei's heart. It gradually turns more and more intense. It is like a super-gyro with a height of a kilometer, and it is necessary to break free from the ground and feel the signs of rushing to the sky. Its rotation brought a whirlwind of horror, and each whirlwind was comparable to that of a peerless strong man, tearing out a black void in the mountainside space. Fortunately, the silver-white material that forms the altar and the mountain wall is not Knowing what kind of rock, this terrible space hurricane storm can not leave traces of it, surpassing any kind of rock above the world.

With the acceleration of the rotation, the silver-white flames emerging from the layers of the altar are becoming more and more fierce. The horror to the incredible energy is filled in the entire mountain space. The air is filled with holy elements of the heavens and the earth. It’s getting thicker, it’s almost crystallizing, and if there is a mysterious stone seat that releases the light flame shield to protect him, I’m afraid that Sun Fei will be like a unlucky spider wrapped in turpentine. Into amber.

With the madness of the [God of the Devil], the blood-red evil **** of the [World Stone] is being weakened bit by bit, the holy power begins to prevail, and the situation finally begins to look forward to Sun Fei. The direction of development.

I don't know if it is an illusion. His Majesty the King faintly discovered that he seems to be able to clearly feel every faint change in the altar. He has an illusion that he gradually becomes a whole with the [God of the Devil] and can command and control. This altar is a few kilometers high, and the altar is like a child who is very close to his own relatives. He will feel his own heart and help himself without reservation.

This is a very magical feeling of blood connection.

Purifying [the stone of the world] is obviously a very difficult process, very slow, but for Sun Fei, this process is more like a process of gradually adapting and mastering the altar of the gods, from the feeling of connected with the wonderful blood. At the beginning, Sun Fei gradually discovered that [God of Magical Altar] seems to have life and wisdom. It is like a small animal that has just been born with a blank mind. It is very ignorant and innocent, and it is like relying on Sun Fei. Children who rely on their parents will unconditionally cooperate and obey their own minds.

Time passed slowly.

The blood-red flames flashing in the hillside space are getting weaker and weaker, and the evil atmosphere is being swallowed and disintegrated.

Four hours later.


If the same oil lamp was suddenly blown out, the slight noise covered the sound of the scream of the nine-layered altar, and the last **** red flame was melted into the silver of the sky. The power of the **** demon in the stone was completely dispelled, and it was finally purified.

The madness of the [God of the Devil] finally began to slow down slowly, and the roar of the rumble was gradually reduced. The crack in the black space of the horror space in the void finally disappeared. Sun Fei finally can The stone seat was free to move, and the stone shroud that had been protected by the king’s majesty had disappeared completely.

It was like the beautiful tranquility after the storm, and everything stopped in the mountainside space.

The magical runes and image fragments that flashed in the sky were turned into a silver-white stream of light and poured into every layer of the stone of the [God of the Devil]. The strips above the stone walls were as tiny as capillaries. The magical patterns that flashed with fluorescent light began to dim, and eventually no longer flickered, completely hiding the trail.

Everything has returned to its most primitive state.

It seems that nothing has happened.

However, the wonderful feeling of the connection between His Majesty the King and the Altar of the Gods has not disappeared. Sun Fei can clearly feel that after the earth-shattering operation of the energy, the [God of the Devil] has revealed The deep exhaustion, like a spoiled little pet, looks forward to his comfort.

Sun Fei tried to communicate with the soul and released his mental strength. The effect was much better than he thought. After a few minutes, the [God of the Devil] made a clear response and then began to fall into the 'sleeping' .

call out!

In the sharp whistling sound, a silver-white streamer burst out from the [God of the Devil's Altar] and, like a flying sword, surrounded by the "God of the Devil", and finally came to Sun Fei. The speed is as fast as lightning, and it is too late for Sun Fei to make any reaction. The wine instantly hits Sun Fei's eyebrows and penetrates.

Sun Fei was shocked.

The sudden pain in the next instant or the bursting of the head did not happen. The silvery white streamer of the scorpion merged into the body of Sun Fei, but did not cause any scars. This is a very strange feeling, Sun Fei clearly I feel that there is something more in my body, but I don’t want to see it carefully.

When looking up and looking again, Sun Fei suddenly discovered that the 30-meter-long pillar that had been inserted on the nine-layer [Devil's Altar] had disappeared. He stunned and suddenly realized that if he did not If you guess wrong, the silver light that has not entered your eyebrows should be the giant pillar that was broken into two pieces before being closed by yourself.

"There is actually such a huge column in the body. This feeling... Hey, it’s really awkward than pregnancy." After Sun Fei guessed the truth, he was awkward and uncomfortable, but he couldn’t help it. This magical giant column seems to have a special liking for himself. After hiding in his own body, no matter how Sun Fei calls, he can't produce any kind of induction, as if completely disappeared.

"Maybe this is the same as the soldiers in Azeroth who can store their soldiers in their own bodies. Unfortunately, my strength and vindictiveness have no relationship. I want to master the skills of the body to store the soldiers. Maybe, otherwise you can try to master this method, and you might be able to summon the giant column directly."

Sun Fei was thinking about it for a while, and his gaze suddenly concentrated on the ninth floor of the "God of the Devil", a thing shining with a slight sky blue light.

"This is... pure [stone of the world]?"

Sun Fei jumped from the stone seat and picked up the glowing object. He was pleasantly surprised to find that this is an elliptical gemstone with only the size of the finger. It shines like a fascinating light in the world's blue sky and the ocean. The purity of the stock to the fascinating energy seems to be the origin of the whole world, and the shape of this gem is exactly the same as the previously polluted [stone of the world]. The only difference is that the volume is smaller than before. More, only one of the previous thirty-one is less than one.

"Yes, this is the pure [stone of the world], hahaha, although the volume has become smaller, the power contained is greatly reduced, but according to Aka Aka and Uncle Kane, it is used to save the security. It’s already more than enough, and it’s so good. I did it, haha, I finally did it.”


The first is more.

Thanks to my sincerity, the end of the sun, the pool, the snails, the small snails, the nmzcl, the very lemon, the grasshopper flying, the heartbreaking dreams, the Mars train, the boring lonely insects.

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