Hail the King

: 514, the change in the city government

Among the giant cities of the entire city, only a high degree of vigilance and vigilance is maintained around the city.

Because the two most important women for His Majesty’s Majesty are sleeping here, the masters of Chambord City, except Peter Cech, who assisted Frank Ribéry in the defense of Shuangqicheng in accordance with Sun Fei’s orders, almost everyone else Stationed here, the fifty Saints crossed the patrol day and night, and the first master of the city, Frank Lampard, was at the door of the main hall of the city government.

Under such strict guardianship, even ordinary people who are slow-sense, walking within 100 meters of the city's main government, will feel a terrible bitter murderousness, not prohibiting steps.

The fourth day of the afternoon, before sunset.

A thin figure appeared five hundred meters away from the gate of the city's main government.

"Well? It should be here, the guardian is so strict, it must be protecting important people, or guarding any important treasures. Hey, it must be the nest of Alexander Wang of Shampoo, haha, he is not there, rushing in and killing. Let's take a good breath and wait until the shampoo king comes back. He is half dead, hahaha..."

In the eyes of the thin shadows, there is a color of resentment that is difficult to resolve. When I think of the shame that I have suffered in the king of Shampoo, my anger is from the heart to the evil, and with the hatred of the heavens, step by step toward the city. The government is approaching.

This person is the second disciple of Dani, the snowy mountain [Snow Mountain Hidden].

He and the [Snow Mountain Hidden] lost the opportunity to enter the [Elemental Gate], and they were seriously injured. Plus, Doni did not dare to stay in the [God and Magic Palace] because he was too arrogant. After a little cultivation, I sneaked through the [God of the Devil's Gate] and returned to the boundless waters. I entered the city through the well area of ​​Shuangqicheng and temporarily cultivated.

I don't know why, because [Snow Mountain Hidden] didn't even pursue the betrayal of Donny at that time, and changed his preference. He always took care of it and let Doney become more and more arrogant.

Originally [Snow Mountain Hidden] has been a good time, before the return of the masters such as the shampoo king, first lurking in the double-flag city with sufficient food and convenient life to cultivate for a period of time, wait until the strength is slightly restored, immediately return to the big with Doni Snow Mountain avoids disasters, and Donnie, who has repeatedly failed to make a difference, must not cause trouble in the city, lest people be found to have changed.

However, after being boring for two days, Doni couldn’t help but rush out and sneak out. Before he came to the city’s main house inadvertently, he remembered what happened before, and he endured it again. Can't live, suddenly moved to kill.

call out!

With a flash of body shape, Doni easily walked past the Saint Seiya's patrol and entered the city's main government.

Although he was as weak as a locust in front of Sun Fei, the king’s next look could even hurt him seriously, but in the face of the Saint Seiya of the shampoo king, the strength of the lower grade of the new moon has definitely been called “can’t climb”. In four words, he easily avoided a lot of defense. Within a short half minute, he broke into the three or four layers of defense circles and approached the main hall of the city's main house.

Suddenly a flash of lightning rose from the sky.

"Damn, magic trap? Who is it? Actually placed a magic trap here? It's so powerful, even I didn't find it..." More than 400 meters away from the main hall of the city's main house, Donnie's mouth smoked, half body They are all black, and they are paralyzed at their feet.

He did not think that the magical traps of such a subtle level would be arranged in the city's main government. With the strength of his new moon-level, he stepped on without any slight notice, and the time flashed into the sky, and the lightning formed a terrible The power grid, wrapped around him.

"Hell, give me a break!" Doni hit a cluster of flames and shattered the oncoming grid.

However, this momentary change caused him to be exposed, and suddenly he was screaming in the city.

The Saints and the masters of Champaign City found the strangeness and quickly circled the incident.

These magic traps were personally arranged by Alexander, and they were incredibly lethal, and they were extremely concealed. They were almost full of the entire city, leaving only a few very hidden safe passages into the main hall. When outsiders came in, they were not sure. Triggering the magical organs, revealing the identity, it is difficult to continue to hide.

"Whose people dare to marry me in the double flag city?" The shadow of the big hall in the distant hall flashed, a handsome blonde in white and white with a hand-shaped long bow, flashing a layer of blue flames, bow like a full moon, three The arrow is winding at the same time, flashing clusters of cold light, aiming at the already exposed body of Doni, and shouting: "If you sign up for identity, you will be shackled, otherwise you will kill innocent people."

At the same time, there are many figures in the layers of the eight sides.

It is as strong as a mountain, and there is a sly scar on the forehead. The seemingly incomparable warden Oleg, who is equally strong and muscular, is extremely strong. [Puer II] Pierce and Drogba and others show their physique on all sides. With a sigh of breath, the layer of Doni is surrounded by the middle.

At the gate of the main hall of the city's main government, Frank Lampard's tall figure also appeared. A black giant soldier was inserted in the rock at his feet. Although he did not speak, the whole person was surrounded by electric light. With the pressure of awe-inspiring people, the strength of his body at this time, there is a breakthrough within the end, reaching the level of the nine-star mid-level.

Donnie’s heart screamed badly.

He did not expect to be discovered by the other party so soon. It seems that he still underestimated the group of the shampoo king.

However, at this time, the temperament of luck and flames lingered around the whole body. From a distance, he looked like a reddish mist of the same group. He did not show his positive eyes. He did not worry about the other person’s identity. He retired, but he was not reconciled. I think that the most terrible shampoo king should not be in the government at this time. No one is his own opponent. The courage is also a lot bigger. He uses his vindictiveness to change his voice. He screams and screams: "Hey, a group of chickens and dogs, blocking me. Death!"

The voice did not fall, and the body shape flashed, and it rushed straight toward the distant hall of the city government.

"Looking for death!" Torres, who is fluttering with blond hair, has a loose finger. Three arrows wrapped in cyan light are shot in a shape of a character. It is almost at the extreme, the scream has not yet sounded, and the arrow has come to the front. Block the route of Donny's progress.

Donnie screamed and slammed three times in a row.


The three arrows are smashed together with the wrapped glaucoma, which turns into a dust.

"It's amazing!" Seeing this scene, the masters of Chambord City were suddenly taken aback.

Torres is deeply favored by His Majesty, and is the best one among the many masters of Chambord. He is full of aura. The arrow has already reached the point where he can kill the enemy. And these three arrows actually have a famous temple called God. Changed to three arrows], is the killing trick that the Majesty personally taught to the near-serving officer. There are dozens of follow-up changes. Even the seven-eight-star masters will choose to retreat before such a blue-light arrow, but before This geek turned out to be a slap in the face, so it was so understated, and the subsequent changes did not even have time to display it... The strength of this geek is only far beyond their imagination.

"Give me a stay...[Building a corpse in the underworld]!!!!"

In the distance, the prisoner, Oleg, roared in a row and smashed his bones. It screamed like a hill. The body like a hill fell down and hit the ground with two fists. There were only two on the ground. The punches seem to have no power, but Doni, who is far more than 40 meters away, suddenly has a warning, and a weird atmosphere suddenly rushes from the ground beneath him, toward him. The lower body swept through.

"It’s weird fighting skills."

Doni stepped on the foot, and a more powerful flame force slammed into the past. The whole ground slammed into a shock. Under the impact of huge power fluctuations, the bluestone slab was picked up. It was like a confetti flying in the sky and dusty.

It was so blocked for less than three seconds, and the warning was regenerated.

Donnie looked up again, only a huge shadow on the top of his head had already been volleyed. At the same time, there was a sharp and invisible sword. Donny’s heart jumped, his arms smacked and he slammed out.

boom! !

"Hey...hey!" The white-haired Pierce squirted a blood, and his body flew back like a cannonball.

After all, the strength between the two is far from each other. Doni rushed to a fist and disintegrated [Sword of Escaliba], so that the six-star peak of the [white hair fast sword] Pierce was seriously injured.

However, Donnie was also uncomfortable. He was horrified to discover that no matter the three arrows of the blond teenager, the smashing martial arts of the fat mountain, and the white-haired brave man. Invisible swords, these moves contain a very strange power, as the hairspring is generally weak, but it is like a horrible deep and sly star, so you can silently penetrate the flames of his new moon level. Invaded into his body and brought him harm.

"There must be a quick fix, the shampoo is so nervous that the hall, which must contain something that the shampoo king attaches very much. I want to destroy it completely and then leave as soon as possible..." With the idea, Doni no longer hides himself. The strength, a new level of the next stage of a new strength, completely rushed toward the main hall of the city.


The first is more.

Thanks to the time and space, the hidden man is greatly rewarded.

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