Hail the King

: 523, a strange dream

Its limbs are like four thick pillars that are generally supported on the ground. The black fur on the tail that is more than four meters long is not too degraded, but the tail end does not know why, for a reason, it has grown to a diameter of about half. Rice, a ball full of spurs, like a huge flail, when waving, the tiger is alive, the enormous power is shocking, the hair in the neck becomes longer, like a black group The flame is burning, and the two ridges of the head are raised with two angles of more than forty centimeters. A sharp tooth is arranged neatly like a steel knife, flashing white cold light, when the mouth is open, one The burning scent of the group spurted out of the mouth, with a hint of sulphur, as if it were a flame.

The **** dog now has no animal formation in the body, and no one knows whether it is considered World of Warcraft.

But everyone is sure that its current combat power is absolutely amazing. At least the second-order Warcraft red-inflamed beast that has been mutated by Chambord City is vulnerable to the **** dog. I am afraid that there are only eight or more orders. At the higher level of Warcraft, it was able to resist this head because of the long-term use of [Hulk Pharmacy] and the unknown dog.

This was absolutely unexpected when Sun Fei first used it to experiment with [Hulk Pharmacy].

"Wang Wang! Wang Wangwang!" The black dog's screaming voice filled with relatives' demeanor, crouched down in front of Ahn'Qiraj, and the huge head was attached to the ground, and the big eyes revealed after seeing the hostess again. The expression of excitement that is hard to hide.

Although Irina stood in front of it, it was not as high as one of its heads, but this scene looked very warm.

Everyone knows, if it wasn't for the **** dog that Ahn'Qiraj accidentally picked up in the mountains of the city of Chambord, it was afraid that it would have starved to death in the barren hills or become the belly of other beasts. Chinese food, although the **** dog has been following Sun Fei since this time, but the relationship between the main servant and Ahn'Qiraj has not been alleviated.

"Little black, you have grown up a lot..." Ahn'Qirah rubbed his feet and reached out to the white dog's forehead, gently touching the black dog's forehead, and communicated with ease.

"Hot!" The **** dog sticks out his tongue and tries to make himself breathe so hard, lest a mouth screaming out the wind and blowing the hostess in front of him, but the tail can't help but sway, and suddenly rumbling for a while. The spurs of the half-meter of the tip of the tail slammed on the ground as a big pit, and the stone splattered. Others had to scream and smile and jumped up to escape.

This is the instinct of the dog to see the excitement behind the owner.

On the cool hind legs, the [bad boy] slid and turned his eyes, suddenly interested in the tail of the **** dog, slowly plucked over, seems to want to take this horrible tail in the paw and take a good look Who knows how to slam and avoid being suddenly swept by the tail of the **** dog. It screams and is swept away. It turns into a shadow and disappears outside the stone wall of the mansion. After a long while, it bangs loudly. Obviously, he was smashed to the ground.

Seeing that his brother was being bullied, [hands-on] and [small girl] did not show the slightest. Instead, they screamed in front of the **** dog. They seemed to be talking about what they were doing, dancing and screaming, and let the King’s majesty and everyone laugh and cry. It is clear that the younger brother is giving peace to the boss. These four different little guys actually met each other two days ago. After they had done a job, they were defeated by the **** dog. [Tipper], [Chick 】 and [bad babies] became a younger brother.

There is also a set of ways for animals to get along with each other.

For a time, the entire courtyard was full of laughter, all sufferings and crises have passed, and the good times have returned to the people of the Chambord.

Sun Fei did not stay to accompany Anqila to eat.

In his heart, he worried about the situation of Jelena, and after everything in the city was arranged a little, he immediately came to the world of Diablo through the portal.

This time he entered the normal difficulty version.


A series of screaming arrows broke into the air.

Next to the big tent in the daily life of the female Rogge in the [Rog Camp], Sun Fei saw the female Valkyrie who had a slightly pale face but barely bucked the longbow to practice the arrow technique.

At this time, Elena is still a strong female warrior who will never retreat in the face of any dangerous and fierce battle. The jade hand holding the longbow is delicate and powerful, and her eyes are firm and sharp. With a charming, straight and beautiful back and a soft waist, the straight and slender sleek ** is beautiful and unattractive.

The bow is a hardwood bow for normal practice, and the arrow is just a sharpened hardwood branch.

But every shot is shot, leaving a shadow in the air, full of indescribable rhythm.

If it’s not the hardship and paleness between the eyebrows, no one would have thought that the female Valkyrie, who had an amazing skill in front of her eyes, was just revived from the embrace of death and experienced a coma for ten days. Not awake.

Hearing the familiar footsteps around him, Elena's body trembled a little and turned back in disbelief.

“Is it really you?” A beautiful surprise in the beautiful voice of Valkyrie, but it quickly turned into a fear, and gently asked: “Sun, is it really you? I have done a good long. Strange dreams, I am in the empty space, I went to every place where we used to fight side by side, but I met you many times in my dreams, but soon found that it was just a phantom... this time ... Is this really you? Is it not to leave again? Stay and stay with me."

Looking at the Valkyrie, she was stubbornly strong and with a hint of weakness, and Sun Fei felt a painful distress.

When Irina was just waking up, she was recalled to the world by the law of Diablo World. So I don’t know what happened in the outside world. I don’t know that she and Ahn'Qiraj have been [ The Stone of the World] Awakens, thinking that he is still in a coma, so she is not sure that the man he saw at this time is Sun Fei in the real world.

"It's me, Jelena, you have already woken up. This is not a dream. Because of the law power of this world, you are temporarily recalled here." Sun Fei step by step, deep fingers touching the delicate and smooth face of Valkyrie. , love the authentic: "Everything is gone, you can feel the temperature of my fingers, right? Really me."


The hardwood longbow in the hands of the female Valkyrie fell weakly on the ground.

The pair of hands, no matter how dangerous the situation is, will firmly hold the long-handed slender hand, and this time it will become trembling.

Sun Fei did not say anything, and gently embraced the female Valkyrie in her arms.

At this moment, there is no mourning in his heart, but unprecedented peace.

After experiencing this shocking accident, Sun Fei thoroughly understood the significance of the two girls in their hearts.

Prior to this, Sun Fei had once hesitated, still retaining the former concept of monogamy, thinking of making a painful choice, choosing one of Jelena and Ahn'Qiraj, but when When they faced danger, the two girls stood up and stood up. When he looked at the two delicate faces on the stone bed and fell into deep sleep, Sun Fei suddenly found that he could not do without two children. Any one of them.

This is a very strange experience.

Sun Fei wandered in the two worlds of Diablo and Bright, and met two peerless women. This unimaginable experience of ordinary people allowed Sun Fei to cultivate the unforgettable feelings at both ends without knowing it. Now, finally, he has realized it. His Majesty, determined to extend his hands, will never loosen the hand of either Elena or Ahn'Qiraj.


"So, you have seen Ahn'Qiraj in that strange dream?"

On the top of the Adriatic in the fifth scene of the Diablo World [Halokas], Sun Fei is holding the shoulders of Jelena, sitting in the Yari with white snowflakes and white clouds. On the cliffs of the mountains, overlooking the misty mainland below and the majestic city of Harrogas, enjoy this rare tranquility, with a sense of peace and harmony in the soul singing.

This time, Sun Fei did not hurry to kill the monster upgrade.

For the first time, he took time to take the entire time in the Diablo world and accompany Jelena in the whole world. In the past few hours, the two were not in this world for the first time. In a hurry, there is no **** killing of endless demons and monsters. Instead, visitors are leisurely watching the scenes they have walked side by side, but have not carefully watched their beauty.

"Well, when I was in a coma, I made a very strange dream. It was a strange world. It seemed that there was no boundary between time and space. I saw a lot of people's phantoms there, including you, but only Ahn'Qiraj gave My feelings are real, as if I am a living real person, she can accompany me to chat, accompany me to find you in that strange world, we encourage each other, I firmly believe that you will find us, we will definitely take us from Rescued out of the cold space," said Jelena, who was on the side of the dagger, snuggling on Sun Fei’s shoulder, with a hint of smile on his face, said happily: "Sun, you Didn't let us wait too long, and surely saved us from there, I know that there is nothing in this world that can hardly live with you."

"Oh, it’s so good, I will be proud." Sun Fei smiled, but suddenly he suddenly moved and began to ponder the matter that Irina had just said.


The first is more.

Thanks to the small iron Luohan, Linyi 1ng, the lost color wolf, forty big thieves, nmzcl, immortal Ming brother, 啃书小书虫, broken heart small snails greatly support.


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