Hail the King

: 558, the story on the way home

Three days later.

The coldest season of the northern continent has passed, and the breath of spring begins to permeate silently on the earth.

This is a slightly rolling hilly area.

The dry grass is revealing the green of the stars, which always gives people a new sense of spirit.

The air is no longer dry and cold, but it is filled with a slightly moist atmosphere.

The wind is a bit big.

Suddenly, a double-headed dog, axe, and a flag suddenly appeared from the far side of the valley. The steep spring breeze smothered this strangely with an indescribable momentum, fluttering toward the rear, shaking it. It is like a long black dragon, to get rid of the comfort of the flagpole.

Immediately after the majestic knight holding the flag, he walked out of the valley.

This is a man with a strong body like a giant tower. His fourth-order Warcraft Chiyan beast screams in the wind, his eyes are red, his teeth are sharp, his body is light red hair with a faint fluorescent scale, four hoofs burning With a red-red flame, running up, like a cloud, the gods are abnormal.

After this extremely one-person ride, it was followed by a horse team of about 300 people.

The 20th riding is not the same as the Chiyan beast knight who was one point ahead of the man who raised the flag. It is divided into two sides on the front side of the team. It is a fan-shaped awl-type formation, carefully protecting the two wings of the team.

In the middle of the horse team, the black behemoth with a body length of six meters and a length of sixteen meters is slowly moving.

The body is huge, like a dragon, on the back of a black behemoth, with a silver-white shape, a silver-white throne surrounded by samurai and goddess statues, a handsome young boy holding a beautiful brunette girl in her arms, pointing at her eyes and dancing. The little beast, whispering something in the girl's ear, teasing the girl giggling.

In front of the two, a fat little raccoon dressed in a small grass skirt, is reluctantly twisting his **** to dance the hula.

In the sky, three large red, blue, and blue colors of the huge figure stretched out, and the wings fluttered like a flexible shark. From time to time, a cheerful long sound was heard. With a sacred and majestic faint pressure, the birds and beasts in the surrounding hills and grasses are screaming and screaming!

This line of horses is naturally Shubo Wang Sunfei and his shampoo.

After the war in the Ajax theater ended, they finally embarked on the road back to their hometown that had left for four or five months.

"An Qila, let the three over-sized little bastards, nothing to chase, and in this way, our horses will be scared of mental illness by their Longwei."

Sitting on the "Gonely Throne" temporarily placed on the back of the **** dog, Sun Fei looked up and saw the "hands", "Chick" and "Rotten" three dragons in the sky, and then looked at the back of the team. Some horses were scared by the screams of the three guys, and they felt that they could not continue this way. In the past two days, there have been more than a dozen horses in the army who have been completely screamed by these three dragons from time to time. The nerves that are scared are confused.

Yes, it is three dragons.

Three days ago, when the Undead Magister first saw the [hands-on] three brothers and sisters, he did not hold back the scream on the spot. The old monster who lived for more than 400 years, recognized at a glance, from the fossil egg The three little guys hatched in the midst of the miracle are the legendary heroes on the continent of Azeroth and the most frequent supporting role in the poetry poetry, and the dragons that have basically been declared extinct in reality.

They are the legendary dragons.

This discovery made the King's Majesty almost unhappy after a brief shock.

Who would have thought that at that time, there were only three ruined stones that had been sympathetic to the old man who had shivered in the snowy night and spent hundreds of gold coins, and they hatched such three small things. , Dragon, the legendary dragon, hahaha, as long as you develop a period of time, wait until the [hands], [small girl] and [bad boy] three guys grow up and train carefully, does it mean that Can there be three legendary dragon knights in Chambord?

Yes, it seems that [Chick] is a female dragon, if you let [hands], [bad baby] two dragons cooperate with [Chick] and then create a group of dragons and grandchildren... Well? However, they are brothers and sisters. It seems to be a bit messy. Lun... His Majesty suddenly felt that he thought that he was a little too hen, and he had to endure the terrible temptation of having a dragon knight, and forced this wretched thought to force himself. Pressed down.

"They just learned to fly two days ago, and they haven't played enough yet." Angela smirked with red lips and waved in the air.


The three dragons glided down, and the landing technique was not yet mastered. They squatted on the ground and fell out of a wolf dog. They smashed three deep pits and suddenly smoked and fluttered.

This kind of heavy fall is just a common occurrence for the three little guys. Without any injury, they climbed up from the pit and squatted on the ground. The forelimbs stick out and stick out the pink long tongue. He gasped, swaying his tail, his face excited, like three big dogs, looking at it.

Sun Fei suddenly had a black line on his forehead and held his eyes.

These three children without mothers, under the influence of the **** dog, are all obvious dog characteristics. There is no such thing as a mighty domineering dragon.

Angela took out four low-quality magic stones, and gently touched them to draw four beautiful curves. Three of them fell into the mouth of [hands-on], [small girl] and [bad-song], and one. The **** dog's **** tongue stretched out and rolled into his mouth.

The four guys who don’t know how extravagant and wasteful they are, chew the magic stone like a bean, and eat it with relish.

Sun Fei’s heart is bleeding.

These days, the sorcerer's stone in the belly of these four guys is at least enough to train ten three-star magicians.

It’s too extravagant to use pets to keep pets. It’s just a crime to say it!

The last time in order to inspire the "Chariot of the World", the wretched grandfather Kane, who was not distressed by his family, had already turned all the magic stones that the King had accumulated into a pile of powder. Sun Fei became a millionaire from a millionaire. The toilets couldn’t use the poor paper of the toilet paper, so that he later had to use the [Hradic Square] to synthesize several high-quality magicians, and then exchanged a few at the Abumovich Chamber of Commerce, Abramovich. Ten thousand low-quality magic stones come to 'maintain home'.

But these days, it is about to be eaten up by four beasts.

But this kind of effort is not without gains -

After eating the Sorcerer's Stone, the body of the three dragons is as fast as the expansion agent. The strength and the magic are all increasing in madness. The fighting power of the new moon warrior has already become the chief of the shampoo city. The trend of big gold hits, and the **** dog... Well, under the influence of [The Hulk Pharmacy], I don’t know the direction of the evolutionary dog ​​in which direction, after swallowing the magic stone, I can already spit hot flames. The power of ** is arrogant to an incredible point.

The three little dragons who finished the meal stretched their tongues and swayed their tails, and followed behind the **** dog.

"The time is almost up, the sun is about to set, there is a lake in front. Let's camp here tonight..." Sun Fei waved to the nearest waiter Torres not far away: "Fernando, order, set up camp."



The hustle and bustle of the night soon shrouded the earth.

Although it is already in the early spring, the temperature at night still makes people feel cold.

However, compared to the extreme cold weather in the desert that can freeze the dead, it is much better.

Above the clear lake, there is still a piece of snow-white ice that is not completely melted. The pale black lake reflects the burning red bonfire in the military camp on the shore and the blurred figures.

In the distance, the **** dog and the three little dragons are still playing in the lake, stirring up a piece of water, not crazy enough.

"Jessica, tired all the way, my Majesty let me bring you something delicious." The fire was gone, a black and strong man came over, holding a food box in his hand, a cyan at the lake The square of the square is placed on the rock, and the young girl who is sitting next to the rock is in a daze.

"Emile, nothing, I am not tired, thank you for your help." The girl's graceful and delicate body is wrapped in a thousand coats of fur, white fur, snowy beast, fur, white fur, snowy fur Set off the girl's white and smooth. The tender skin and exquisite face, bright and beautiful, bright as the same clear spring scorpion spring, watching the waves on the lake, with a slight sorrow.

This girl, Jessica, who has become the only female director of the Soochow Chamber of Commerce's Double Flag City Division.

After becoming the most powerful female director of the Soros Chamber of Commerce, the girl who had lived in the slums, like a dusty diamond, smashed the dust of the brilliance, and immediately burst into a burning brilliance, a natural beauty and a clever mind. Exhibited in the work, in a short period of time, it was incredibly completed from the ugly duckling to the white swan, becoming the most dazzling and beautiful woman in Shuangqicheng.

After seeing the beauty of Jessica, the poet who had a good deed had written an exaggerated description of the poem. More than 60,000 men of the 100,000 inhabitants of Shuangqi City had at least 40,000 besides the young children still nursing. Men used Jessica as an unattainable dreamer.

In the past period of time, it is said that there are countless young Toshihiko and the great aristocrats in the city who are coveted by this beautiful and clever girl. The team that once asked for help once blocked the Ivy pub where Jessica worked, and also did not refer to the Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce. The big man in the direction of Ramovich, trying to use the power in his hands, toughly touch this seemingly unfounded girl.

However, things happened to have a 180-degree turn.

I don't know how, some of the younger brothers who came out of this girl turned out to be the pro-Bingers around the fragrant king of Alexandria, and the shampoo king was very concerned about this beautiful woman. Suddenly, all the speculative people extinguished the ugly heart. The desire, the fire, no one dared to provoke the strong knife of the seven-aristocratic family of the double-flag city.

Most of the characters in the upper circles have actually turned Jessica into a woman of Shampoo.


The first is more.

Thanks to the three thousand, boring lonely worms, flute and silent, An Tan Tan, a big increase in the wind with you.

A new volume begins, which will make a plot quickly advance the chapter.


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