Hail the King

: 581, the combat effectiveness of urban management

"What happened? There is no safety drill today?" Brooke's face is not good.

[City of Heroes] Since the restoration of King’s Majesty’s original decision-making, the personnel review and security work has been done very well. There has never been an outside invasion. It’s happening after the King’s Majesty’s visit half a year later. This unexpected thing is really damn.

The sound of the harsh alarm kept ringing.

A red warning light flashed on the wall.

However, everyone in [City of Heroes] does not have the panic in Sun Fei’s imagination. Those who do not have combat power all return to the promotion security room for the first time. The action is quick and tacit. Obviously, after many drills, a while In the loud noise of the gate, the door of the security room was temporarily closed, and a series of strange runes were shining on the facade, which was indestructible.

Then, the guard power of [City of Heroes] also appeared from everywhere.

On the hidden side of each layer of the mountain wall, a giant dragon shooting magic arrow that is like a dragon gun slowly pops out from the hole. The sharp white gun head flashes with a chilly light, and the whole mountain instantaneously The wall is covered with dense 'spikes', which are as terrible as steel hedgehogs.

The flames of various colors flickered, and the magic defense array that had been invisible before was also launched urgently. In the entire mountain space, it was filled with all kinds of arrogant magic elements. From the original paradise on earth, it became a step by step. The land of crisis.

The Guards, dressed in various magical armor, sneaked out from the magical transmissions of each place, controlled several pivot points, and began searching and chasing.

Sun Fei nodded with satisfaction.

It is impossible for any military base to be perfect. It is acceptable to be sneaked into the interior. Sun Fei is not angry. Instead, after discovering that he was invaded, the reaction of [The City of Heroes] made King’s Majesty very satisfied. This is the most fundamental element of a military base that is truly unbreakable.

On the walls of the four sides, there is a beam of magic light, like a searchlight, patrolling around and exploring each relatively hidden corner.

This is the "eye of magical vision", the "invisible magical era" recorded in the book of the "Devil's Wisdom", the invisible technique of the ancient demon era, the end of the powerful, the light beam, any invisible cloak and assassin invisibility, There is nothing wrong with it.

"Your Majesty, it is very dangerous here, or do you want to avoid it first?" There are dozens of powerful guards who are surrounded by Sun Fei, the guardian of the first Saint Seiya sequence, carefully advised.

Today, the military sequence of Chambord City is divided into three levels.

The first level of the sequence is called Saint Seiya. In addition to Sun Fei’s earliest identification of a group of Saints, he later added 15 more. Now the number of Saints is forty-five, and the personal strength has basically arrived. The lowest two-star level, of course, the most powerful Drogba, Torres, Cech and others have reached the level of **, Leo Lampard's strength is the most horrible, has broken through the realm of the month before ten days.

The second sequence is called urban management. It is also the most basic military combat force in Chambord. The number is about 500. Most of them have undergone a certain degree of transformation of the Hulk Pharmacy. Although they have not been promoted to the star level, How much has mastered some vindictiveness, and it is born with great power and has a strong fighting power.

The third sequence level is the militia. Basically, every citizen of Chambord will participate in a certain degree of military training after reaching the age.

The strength of this **** captain is in the middle of the two-star level, the ice is vindictive, and the strength is good. With five or six Saints and more than 20 urban management, the King’s armor is firmly guarded in the middle.

"No matter, this king also wants to see who is in the end, can sneak into the [City of Heroes], you do not need to protect me, normal search."

Sun Fei smiled and shook his head.

In fact, he has already discovered the hiding place of the assassin at this time, but he did not break it. He wanted to take a look at it. After half a year of development, what is the combat power of the Saints and the urban management who stayed in Chambord? Can you take this assassin down?

The guardian did not dare to obey the orders of His Majesty the King, and told several Saints to join the search, but he still carried more than 20 urban management scattered around the King's Majesty, carefully guarded.

In their view, the safety of His Majesty is more important than anything else.

Although they all know that the strength of His Majesty has long been unimaginable, he can't discard his duties.

The light of the Eye of Magic Vision constantly pats back and forth to explore every corner.

Sun Fei suddenly discovered that the invisible person had moved silently towards himself.

The strength of this person has already entered the realm of the moon level. There are too many guards outside the city of Chambord, and there is a cover of magical equipment that hides and visibly. As transparent, it easily bypasses the inspections and searches of the city management, and has a rhythm. Avoid the beam of the Eye of Magic Vision and move quickly toward your side.

One hundred meters...

Eighty meters...

Sixty meters...

The man cleverly avoided the layers of obstacles and advanced quickly.

When he was armed with a holy warrior and a city governor, he was like an invisible ghost, quietly silent, without causing the slightest attention.

Soon, this person is less than thirty meters away from Sun Fei.

Everything seems to be in the hands of the intruder.

However, at this time -

"Start the gravity ban, start the rock swamp, start the wind shackles, start the vine winding method..." A Saint Seiya, who is about three stars or so, suddenly screams, shining in the blue light, sideways Backhand, hit the palm of your hand.

And that piece of void is where the invisible person is.

I saw a magical flame of earthy yellow, blue, and green, rising from the sky at the foot of the person without warning. It was just that the man was shrouded in it, and the violent magic element instantly cracked the man. The technique of escaping and escaping, the whole person's body image is the same as the photo in the print, and there is a trail.

On the surface, this person looks like a middle-aged man in his forties. He is covered in a black wide cloak. His sly color is still solidified in the future, and it has gradually become a shock and horror. It was impossible to understand how the opponent found his position. From beginning to end, he did not let the [Magic Eye] beam sweep a little bit, and did not encounter any patrol search soldiers during the process of moving forward. .

A group of soldiers whose strength is like an ant in his eyes, can you find out the strength of their own existence?

How can this be?

What is the flaw?

These problems, he has no time to think carefully.

Because in an instant, he felt a sinking, the attraction of the ground instantly increased by dozens of times. With his mid-level strength, he couldn’t help but knee a little, and the next second was bursting out. Straight to the body, then the rock on the ground suddenly became as soft as mud, his legs began to sink deep, and in the swamp, there was a spiked vine with unknown name, very fast The speed of the shoots sprouted, like a life that entangled his legs.

Three magical arrays in a row, instantly launched.

The palm of the Saint Seiya, the palm of his hand, has already been printed on the face.

"Damn!" A roar, the middle-aged man hit a palm and printed it.

Bang! ! ! ! !

This lower impact caused the middle-aged body to quickly collapse into the swamp, and it was no longer in the thigh position.

And the Saint Seiya was directly screaming, blood in his mouth, his body was shot and flew out toward the rear. After all, the strength was too far apart, and the three-star level was hard to sigh the opponent’s monthly strength. Immediately, he was seriously injured and almost broke his arm.

But this holy warrior is also extremely good.

Someone else suffered such a serious injury, but he was afraid of fainting in the past. He was glaring and spurting blood in his mouth, but he still roared in the process of flying in the air: "The dragon screaming, give me a bang kill!!!"

At this time, Sun Fei has already seen it. The reason why this holy warrior wants to hit a palm is actually good enough. It is to let the middle-aged people sink deep in the swamp law and can trap them. For a longer period of time, it is good to fight for the opportunity to shoot the dragons on the four sides of the mountain wall.

Before he shot, he apparently thought that he would be seriously injured, but he did not hesitate.

This is a real warrior.

Hey! ! ! ! !

Three sharp, piercing sounds broke through the mountainside space.

The three brilliant flashes of magical glory are almost in the moment of the sound, and they are shot in front of the middle-aged people who have just broken free from the gravity, swamp, and vine squad. The middle-aged man turned pale and mad, and he had to break out of the whole body.

Booming! ! ! !

The strength of this person is indeed powerful. In the bursting impact of the chain, although the palms of both hands were shaken by blood, but the three dragons were slanted and slanted out.

However, the power of the collision made him just pulled up, and the center fell back into the swamp circle, and suddenly fell into the waist position.

Hey! ! ! ! ! !

It was also the launch of five dragons, and the sharp and piercing whistling, like the sneer of death, sounded again.

[The City of Heroes] The defense force is extremely strong, and the cooperation is also extremely tacit. It does not give the middle-aged people the slightest breath, and the dozens of dragons on the mountain wall tremble and tremble again.

Booming and banging! ! ! !

A series of bursting sounds sounded.

The smoke and magical flames of the storm directly drowned the location of the middle-aged people.

It’s faintly visible, a puddle of blood spurted up, and there was a sigh in the smoke, and a smashing dragon’s arrow slammed open and fell out. No one could see it. What happened in the dust, and I don’t know if this middle-aged man has escaped this wave of attacks.

"Catch the live, take the torture, figure out his origins, how did it come in!" Brooke shouted.

The urban management and the holy warriors kept enough vigilance and slowly surrounded the smog.


The first is more.

Thanks: Qiu Shaoqi, whistle, a few bottles of cloud smoke, forty thieves, vegetarianism, 詯巳夨忔, Meng 喵 cats and old friends and cross-border brand people greatly support.

Thank you for your support from every brother and sister click, red ticket and book review.


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