Hail the King

: 585, mysterious altar and portal

The depths of the endless martyrdom.

This is a huge space than the previous [Hero City] mountain belly space does not know how many times, the three sides are surrounded by the bottomless terrible ice abyss, braving a trace of cold outside, the space on the ground It is covered with cracks that are so big and big, like a riverbed that has been cracked and cracked for a long time. It is just the heat that radiates slightly from the cracks in the dense cracks, but it shows that this is definitely not a dry riverbed. It is a more terrifying place.

In the center of the space is a pyramid-like mountain of white bones, six or seven hundred meters high, and the bottom diameter is more than a kilometer.

The white bones of Yusen are shimmering with pale white fluorescence, and the blue and green fires of the fascinating blue and white are constantly flashing in the meantime. From a distance, they are filled with a strange and strange beauty.

Next to the Bone Mountain, there are more than a dozen simple tents.

The slamming of the iron is generally crisp and loud, and it is constantly coming out from around the tent. The craftsmanship of the ironsmith who is hitting the iron is bound to be perfect. He even knocks out the screaming irony sound, which is like a song. Beautiful symphonies, can not help but addicted to it.

Next to the tent, a temporary combined magic transfer station suddenly flashed a faint blue flame.

The flames dissipated, and the figures of Sun Fei, Torres and Brooke appeared on the outpost.

“There is almost no change here...” Sun Fei’s four sweeps, the surrounding scenes are already clear to the chest, and compared with the earth-shaking changes of the “City of Heroes”, this mysterious space has hardly changed, just more I came out with a simple tent on the pedestal.

As for the reason, Sun Fei certainly knows.

Every twentieth day, there will be horrible cold ice in the abyss of the three sides, and the horrible [the heart of the earth] will emerge in the cracks in the ground. It is unrealistic to form an endless storm, a windy wind, a master of nine-star strength, such a harsh natural environment, what buildings to build here, or a large degree of transformation.

However, since forging [Devil's Relics] and [Black Iron's Fine] all need the underground [the heart of the earth], the forging of most armor weapons in Chambord City needs to be carried out here, in most of the stormless During the time interval, the big wave beauty blacksmith Chaishi from the world of Diablo will take the "apprentices" of Chambord City, next to these simple tents, waving at the special magical iron stove that draws the heart of the earth. Fight with a hammer.

"Hey? Alexander, are you here? I haven't seen it for a long time, well, it looks a lot more handsome than before. I heard that you want to marry our [Roger's Flower], haha, you are so lucky. Oh, Rogge, who is powerful and gentle and cute like Jelena, is now rare..." Seeing Sun Fei’s arrival, he is waving a hammer to forge a giant weapon, and he waved his hand. A string of glittering beads, greeted with enthusiasm.

Chasie is such a girl with simple mind and enthusiasm.

Among the many npc characters in [Rogge Camp], she is the only one who has completely abandoned the supreme leader of Sun Fei Camp, the status of Champa City King, and truly used Sun Fei as a friend. Since Sun Fei’s military camp in the temple After helping him capture the magic hammer, Chasi has always been very enthusiastic about Sun Fei, always like to use the word 'handsome and lovely' to describe Sun Fei.

"Well, everyone has worked hard." Sun Fei stepped forward and said hello to the members of the Chasi team.

To be honest, the transformation of the city inside and outside of Shampoo City, there is no Chasi with the blacksmiths such as Samuel and the day and night to work, absolutely not, Grandpa Kane, nuns, including many of Sun Fei’s own design, most All are just providing a prototype and concept. Even with complete drawing steps, all weapons and magical tools are forged from the members of this blacksmith squad.

It can be said that the fifty or sixty people of the Chasi group are definitely the busiest people in the whole shampoo.

It is also the person with the greatest credit.

"Oh, not hard, I am used to it. I don’t wave a few hammers every day, just like losing my lover!" Magical hammer, a pretty smile on the pretty face.

This girl is indeed a born blacksmith.

It will be the only pleasure in life.

In fact, everyone from [Rogue Camp] has an extremely obsessive hobby, such as the nuns and the uncle Kane are crazy about magic research, Chasi is obsessed with iron forging, female Rogge is keen on swordsmanship, fat man base In order to catch other people's psychology and take advantage of the small, mercenary leader Kasha for killing, Warif is crazy about business and travel, etc., each of them seems to exist for their own hobbies, obsessed with ordinary people is difficult The point of understanding.

For Sun Fei, these geeks in all aspects are obviously what he needs most.

"Yeah, now I don't stop the hammer when the master of the West is hitting the iron, it is like no eating..." The chief disciple of the female blacksmith [Rock] Samuel said with a smile to the King.

The former first blacksmith of the Chambord City, from the original dissatisfaction with Chasi, to the dark black female forgemaster as his own teacher, the attitude has been completely changed, following the practice of Chasi learning forging, among all, his The biggest growth, now can be ** presided over the forging of magic equipment, placed in the entire Zenit Empire, such a forgemaster is also absolutely difficult to find talent.

The crazy npcs of [Rogue Camp] have also cultivated a group of talents for Sun Fei.

Sun Fei watched the work process of the forgings. In the crowd, he also saw Hazard’s old 爹 Thierry. The old man lost a right leg in the battle of the Black Armed Forces. Sun Fei designed a prosthesis for him. Now, relying on prosthetics can still be forged.

The King looked at him for a while and waved a few hammers with great enthusiasm. After a hammer and a smashing of six pieces of magical tools that had to be formed, he could only make a fuss. It seems that His Majesty did not have the talent of being a blacksmith. .

Soon, the blacksmiths began to sort out the well-built appliances, removed all the tents, and evacuated them in an orderly manner.

Because this month's ‘big aunt’ is coming soon.

The three sides of the ice and abyss swelled in the cold, and began to spur ice **** ice, while the ground cracks, the force of the flame is also gradually increasing, the cold and cold intersect, the terrible rainstorm and the hurricane are coming, the blacksmiths are generally strong, no one can Stay in such an environment.

Under Sun Fei’s insistence, Brooke and Torres also withdrew from the Chasi group.

Sun Fei is here alone.

Soon, in the crisp sound of the smashing sound, the raindrops of the size of the soybeans fell from the top of the head, and soon it was like a splash. The raindrops turned into rain lines, as if the water of the nine days of the Milky Way poured down, and the rainstorm came.

Hey! ! ! !

A huge piece of ice and ice, splashed from the abyss of the three sides, slammed on the ground, and melted quickly under the incineration of the orange-colored scorpion It becomes a white steam, and it rises continuously, and it is condensed and concentrated at the top of the space, and it becomes a water droplet again, and it falls down.

The rapid exchange of hot and cold air currents, a terrible hurricane.

A year ago, Sun Fei encountered this scene for the first time, almost lost his life, and finally he was tied to the ore pillar of the [Black Iron Fine] standing around the mountain of white bones. Only then, but also at that time, Sun Fei found that under the mountain of the bones, there is a magic array that does not know where to go.

At this moment, Sun Fei’s strength has grown by leaps and bounds, which is less than a year before.

In the face of storms and hurricanes, Sun Fei was stretched into an invisible power shield within two meters. Like the **** of the storm, he walked on the ground in a leisurely manner, without being affected by it, and his attitude was leisurely.

Oh la la! ! ! !

The hurricane swayed the mountain of white bones, and the piece of [Devil's remains] began to fly with the hurricane.

Soon the whole mountain of white bones fluttered in the sky, as if it were a sea of ​​white bones that were tumbling and rolling. It was a spectacle, and the pieces of bones rubbed against each other and made a sound that was soothing and sour. The white bones are like alive, and the rapid waste rotates. The scene is very strange.

The bones flew up, revealing the magical nameless altar below.

Sun Fei stepped forward to the mysterious altar and watched the open blue portal on the altar. His look was uncertain and uncertain. It is uncertain whether this mysterious and cold portal will lead to it.

His Majesty the King is considering whether he should rush into the door of this transmission.

After hesitating for a long while, his gaze, removed from the portal, fell on the looming text on the four sides of the mysterious altar, and finally found out.


The third is more.


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