Hail the King

: 588, the blood of the emperor, the end of the mainland

This is the emperor of a dwarf.

The gold crown on the head has already explained everything.

Sun Fei discovered that the chest part of the dwarf imperial man was very miserable. He was actually cruelly swayed and walked through the body, taking off the heart in the chest. What is even more surprising is that the wound The place was still bloody, and unlike the body of the more than forty dwarfs who were strong, the emperor had no signs of rot, **** red, and still seemed to remain in a liquid state. I don’t know. For many years, there are no signs of cognac.

He was glaring and glaring, full of unwillingness and anger, looking up at the sky, and there seemed to be terrible enemies there.

This scene is very strange.

Sun Fei only felt that someone was blowing a cold breath in the back, and the sweat of his body was bundled.

The dwarf emperor, who died for countless years, is still vivid and bloody, as if he could live at any time. His strength before his death is obviously more horrible than the forty of the dwarfs. The strongman of the Japanese sage is only an ant in front of him, but it is really creepy when he is killed by an unknown enemy and his heart is taken away.

Seeing his death, he was attacked in an instant and did not react. It is obvious that the sneak attacker is still above him and is much higher.

What kind of realm is that strength?

Is it a gods realm?

Sun Fei found that his understanding of Azeroth's mainland is not enough. The big-day sage is above the martial arts realm. Sun Fei has never thought about it, and even once thought that the big-day sage The position is the peak of the martial arts repair, can not be broken, it seems that it is a big mistake, at least the front of the dead dwarf king, the strength has definitely broken through the big Japanese level, and hit It’s even more incredible to kill his enemies.

“Is there really a **** in the world?”

In the myths and legends, a hair of the gods, a drop of blood, can kill the master of the great Japanese level, what kind of realm should that be? Is eternal life not dead?

Sun Fei stretched out his fingers and gently touched the blood stains on the wounds of the Dwarfs.

Only a little bit touched, suddenly the whole finger was burned like a fire in hell, and the pain was unbearable. It was like stretching into the magma. How powerful is the body of Sun Fei, but it has retired a layer of skin in an instant. The semi-dry blood is just like the "heart of the earth". It is generally terrible, and it is quite similar to the incredible realm of the gods and blood in the legend.

Sun Fei understands that this is because the age has passed too long, the power in the blood has almost disappeared, and there is no harm. Otherwise, I am afraid that I will not be able to get close to the dwarf king within ten meters. The murderous murder that was emitted by the corpse was directly wiped out.

too strong!

A dead man, a corpse, died for a million years, even so terrible!

This kind of realm is only afraid that even Yassin, who is known as ‘Ya Xin’s life, not lost to others’, is far behind.

Sun Fei looked down and his eyes suddenly condensed.

Because on the stone steps in front of the body of the dwarf royals, there is actually a pair of faint footprints... No, it should be said that it is a hoof print, a trace left by some non-human creatures, gently printed into the stone steps about one or two The size of the centimeter, each hoof print is half a meter wide, very large.

This double hoof print appeared very abrupt.

It’s just a pair of traces, but it’s also a faint suffocating scream.

Sun Fei repeatedly speculated that leaving this pair of hoof-printing creatures may be the murderer who killed the dwarfs.

It seems that the killing of so many dwarves and the murderers of the last ancestral home of the blood dwarfs is not a human being, but an unknown and terrible creature.

Of course, these are just Sun Fei’s guesses.

The gaze of His Majesty finally fell on the thick book held tightly in the hands of the Dwarfs, hesitated, and finally went forward, carefully from his arms, and this thick The book was taken out.

Gently blow off the dust above and open the page. Sun Fei found that this should be a manuscript similar to a diary, written in the words of the era of the gods, but only a hundred pages in front of the blood were soaked and stained. I can't see what is written on it, only the last twenty pages, the handwriting can still be identified -

"The war broke out and finally broke out!!"

"...the gods and the demon domain, while being invaded by the horrible demon, those **** alien gods, who dared to boldly attack the gods and curse them, this group of madmen must not escape the ruling of God, waiting for their will It is completely destroyed..."

"The **** pseudo-gods have an advantage. How is this possible?"

"The situation is not clear now, the Protoss and the Mozu seem to be in trouble..."

"On the tenth day of the outbreak of the war, the vassal races of the gods and demons on the mainland felt a bad atmosphere. The disasters frequently followed, and there was a violent chaos everywhere. I heard that the elves' empire was attacked by pseudo-god. , the death and injury are heavy..."

"How is this possible? The **** of Vulcan and the **** of magic is dead? The wind and the magical demon are also beheaded, God, the **** is fallen? God... I hope the great father Fiat can be innocent, he has the main artifact [Axe of the Earth] is invincible and must defeat those **** pseudo-gods..."

"On the 16th day of the war, today is destined to be a dark day. Unbelievable bad news came from the gods. The great Fiat father was actually killed. God, is the end of the dwarf family coming? ”

"In the past few days, I don't know how to maintain the peace of the empire. The news of the death of the Father is only known to me and the high priest of the empire. This news cannot be leaked. Otherwise, the entire dwarf empire will completely collapse... ...the ancestors of the Gardran Empire, please tell the Emperor, where is the future of the dwarfs?"

"On the twentieth day of the outbreak of the war, the Sid Elf Empire, one of the seven great empires of the mainland, was supported for less than a day, and it was completely destroyed. Did the false gods win the war of the gods and the war of the demon domain? The traces disappeared, and the endless demons began to attack the mainland race. They were a group of hungry locusts. When they passed, the grass was not born, the Elf Queen and her priests all died, and the Elven City fell. It is said that the only royal family of the Elves The blood descendants escaped and went to the giants..."

"On the 30th day of the outbreak of the war, after the giants of the Bigger Empire resisted for three days, they were destroyed..."

"On the thirty-third day of the war, the ugly Goblin Empire finally collapsed after three days of persistence. The goblin's magical cannons and sacred organs can't stop the pace of the alien demons..."

"Forty-fourth day after the outbreak of the war, I, Gardran Bill, the 134th emperor of the German Empire of Dwarf, issued a war mobilization order, unyielding dwarven warriors, the war is imminent, we must Fight for the continuation of race!"

"... On the thirty-sixth day, the orc emperor died in battle, the orc family holy mountain Mount Hyjal, the orc family perish!"

"The war has finally burned to the land of the dwarf Calderan Empire!"

"The bad news, we went to the underground city of the Ferren Mountains, the brave warriors of three million dwarves, and died in order to defend their hometown!"

"...Forty days, the tenacious dwarf warriors retreated the devil's attack for the first time, but the situation was not optimistic, we suffered heavy losses, and the empire lost more than half of its troops..."

"We only have the last underground giant city. The darkness has arrived. I feel a strong death..."

"The high priest is dead..."

"Battle, fight, fight..."

"We only have less than 10,000 troops..."

"The enemy is inexhaustible, the number is really too much, and it has drowned us like the ocean. We can only open the passage to the last ancestral land. I hope that the **** runes on the ancestral mountain wall can stop their attack..."

"We got a chance to breathe, but there are still less than 3,000 people left. We must know that ten days ago, we are still a super empire with a population of tens of millions and millions of soldiers... This is an indescribable disaster, civilization is being Destroyed, the mainland is in ruin..."

"They found out where their ancestral home is..."

"There is a strong presence in the attacking ancestral land, and the **** runes can't stop such attacks..."

"Can he drop from the sky..."

"We are in a desperate situation..."

"If someone sees my record in later generations, please believe that the dwarves have fought for the peace and glory of the whole continent. Maybe we will eventually fail, but the proud dwarven warriors will never yield..."

"The last moment has arrived. The Gadeland dwarf empire, which has been inherited for more than 6,000 years, will be destroyed. The forty pillars of the generals will guard the monument of the Father, and the Emperor, Gardran Biel, will be put into the final Fight, for the glory of the empire, to shed the last drop of blood..."

"Well? That's it? Finally, the false god! That guy really came..."


The third is more.

Thanks for the silence of the wind, the later of the river, the baby is eating fast, you know that you know, the flute is silent and you greatly support.

Thank you, the brother of the red ticket supporting the knife, I know, you are all giving the knife power.


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