Hail the King

: 598, announced retreat

at the same time.

"What? Isn't it the shampoo king's promotion to the martial arts realm?"

"Haha, sure enough, it is Frank Lampard. It’s terrible. So, if you count the Champagne King yourself, Chambord City already has two strong men. This accumulation is enough to re-establish the country. Who can limit the shampoo king within the Zenit Empire?"

"Successfully send all the information back to the Imperial Capital, tell the Bego patriarch, give up hatred, and the shampoo king is absolutely not an enemy!"

"A country has two months, the city of Chambord has really risen!"

"After hearing the 13th day of the shampoo king, I will tell the princes that I can come to the princes to congratulate me. If I want to stand up, I must give up and make a statement. It will be meaningless when I am late!"

"Haha, good, very good, the power of Chambord City, for the Zenit Empire, it is a stinging sting, squatting, sleepy bed, letting others sideways? Zenit royal family, can also endure shampoo How long is the king? The Zenit’s infighting is only about to come. Just a little bit of provocation, stirring up the heart of the shampoo king. At that time, Zenit is in civil strife, our Spartak Empire, The revival is hopeful!"

"I immediately sent people back to Eindhoven along the path, and returned to the general. He said that there was another strongman in the city of Chambord, and reported everything that happened here to her, and the generals of the army showed it!"

Everywhere in the city of Chambord, everyone who got the news, shocked, and all the minds, have made a response.


at the same time.

In the city of Chambord, in a hidden underground secret room.

"Why don't you shoot? Ah? Why don't you shoot together, hey, selfishness, and misfortunes, in order to see this ugly, even let the city of Chambord grow a new strong, not afraid of the adults to know, shock anger? ?"

Some people violently thundered, and above one arm, there was still blood falling.

The part of his right arm, the collapse of a fist shape, was shocking. The entire shoulder was almost broken, and the silver-white strength of the breath, like the sacral bones, could not be completely removed at one time, and the wound was difficult to heal.

It is the mysterious man who was wounded by Sun Fei in the square today.

"Hey, Denisov, regardless of the strictness of the adults, privately, has already caused the shampoo king to be alert. It will be even more troublesome to plan later. Even if there is a face to blame us, then you can see the situation today. The strength of the shampoo king is beyond the expectation. It has already been joined by the four of us. Even if we take the shot together, we can’t help him. Instead, it will be a stunned snake, a loss of the soldiers, and a big man!”

"You...excuses are excuses! Rakitic, you say a thousand thousand, a coward who dare not face the shampoo of the shampoo king!"

"Oh, it’s better than you who don’t know how to die!"


"Okay, you guys, don't quarrel anymore," another calm, majestic voice came in and said slowly: "Rakitic said a lot, the shampoo king is really terrible, we The four people are now adding up, not his opponent. The growth of his strength can be described as enchanting... We only need to act secretly, arrange the things arranged by the adults, wait for the adults to control, and then everything Naturally there are adults!"

"However, Denisov's shot today, it does not mean anything. At least we have already figured out the strength of the shampoo king, and also understand the strength of other masters of the city, oh, well, except for the shampoo king, The person who advances to the level of the moon today has a little threat, and others are not worth mentioning!"

"Remember, in these few days, we must be more careful. If there is nothing, don't go out. Some plans are for the people below to finish. Don't let the shampoo king be alert and pay attention!"

On the walls of the chamber, the magical patterns of silver and silver are engraved, sealing all the atmosphere here.

The four mysterious powerhouses are here to plot the next plan.

The sound is getting smaller.


Chambord City, ** Square.

More and more people, after the sky's electric dance silver snakes and layers of clouds have dispersed, can't wait to rush out of the house, and come to the square. The magical array of the four sides of the square has been removed, blocking the four sides. The urban management also opened the streets, and the cheering subjects joined the square like tides.

In this world where the law of the jungle is strong, the birth of a strong man of the month is of incalculable significance for any country.

Nothing can be overshadowed.

The cheers are still going on.

Frank Lampard received a heroic treatment.

Sun Fei stood above the "Royal Throne" and slowly landed on the stone pillar in the center of the square. His eyes swept through the boiling crowd, only to feel a burst of enthusiasm.

After a long while, he waved his hand.

In the twinkling of an eye, all the cheers stopped instantly, and the adoration of the hot eyes cast on the body of the King, and people waited for the message of His Majesty the King.

"Today, it is destined to be the moment of the history of the city of Chambord, because, we, today, have a strong guardian, we, today, got the reliance against bullying and injustice... We, today, got the Chambord City The most powerful warrior in history!!"

Sun Fei’s words were quickly overwhelmed by the thunderous cheers.

After a long time.

"Just today, this king has a very important thing to announce to all the shampoos..." When the cheers subsided a little, Sun Fei took out a Diwei crystal from the storage ring and infused magically. A series of colored light radiates from the crystal, forming a pattern like a curtain movie in the air.

This is the shampoo that many people are familiar with.

However, from the perspective of the sky, it has made many shampoos curious and surprised.

Under the deliberate control of Sun Fei, the picture changed -

The five towering towering towering, straight into the sky, like a petal petal, a giant sword peak distributed in a five-pointed star pattern, appearing on the screen, steep mountain walls, 10,000 years of green wood, halfway mountain white clouds, quiet morning light, all this People feel the hustle and grandeur of this Jianfeng, and it is like a fairyland in myths and legends.

The back of the city of Chambord, the mountains are endless.

Legend has it that there are endless horror of Warcraft and unpredictable dangers. The peaks are numerous and dense, and the mountain roads are steep and dangerous. It is simply a scorpio, no road, even the people of the shampoo themselves have lived here for countless generations, but Few people have set foot for centuries, and for many people, it is still a mysterious place to open a pit.

Many people are curious to see this picture.

Is it necessary for His Majesty to conquer this mysterious ‘Chamboo City Back Garden’?

"The five peaks that everyone saw, the king named it "Five Swords Tianfeng", that is, since then, the location of the royal palace of the shampoo royal family, the king decided that from today, the palace will be transferred to this [five swords On the top of Tianfeng, the king will be on the top of the five sword peaks, and realize the higher realm of the road of martial arts..." Here, Sun Fei slightly paused and saw the faces of the people appear. Suddenly and reluctant expression, he continued: "Today's Chambord City, after more than a year of development, the six departments have become more and more perfect, each with their own duties, and the twelve copper warrior codes are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The state operation, there are chapters, the prime ministers Best and Brooke are conscientious, impartial, and the six officials under the jurisdiction are all honest and honest people elected by everyone, enough to control the political affairs and military affairs of the country, without the king. Parents, everyone can live and work in peace."

Having said that, some people seem to have understood something.

In the mainland of Azeroth, the king does not care about state affairs, which is also a common phenomenon.

After all, this is a world dominated by the strong. The general aristocratic royal family has a large amount of resources, and it must have its own martial heritage. It has more chances to contact those deep martial arts and magical secrets than the ordinary people. Indulge in it. On the mainland, there are many kings and superiors who are fascinated by martial arts. It is also very common to choose to live in a simple place or to live in a country. It is very common to practice martial arts and entrust the state affairs to loyal ministers.


For the [single brush female dormitory], a chapter is added.

Today, I hope that everyone will support and let the data look good.

Everyone knows that the knife on Saturday and Sunday is going to accompany the wife and grandmother, but today, the brothers and sisters are very strong this week, the knife will not rest, and strive for an outbreak.

thank you all.


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