Double Flag City.

The city's main government, guarded by strict, brightly lit.

Before the real city owner’s house was smashed in the sneak attack of the Snow Mountain and its illegitimate son. After the shampoos such as the fragrant wave of Alexander Wang left the Double Flag City, the special envoy of the military department, Matthewson, began to take over and began to dominate the northwestern Xinjiang. Border giant city.

The original city owner, Soloyev, who was previously ruthlessly suppressed by the fragrant king, was re-used and transformed into a noble group in the city.

Soloyev rehabilitated the main hall that was blown up, cleaned the house and made it more luxurious and extravagant, and then moved back into the mansion that he had been operating for decades.

Of course, within a short time, he will not be the real talker of this house.

Because the military special envoy Matteson and his party also lived in this house.

At this time, the city government is more luxurious and luxurious than the original. It is the only place in the city that is still brightly lit at this time. Inside and outside the mansion, there are a large number of soldiers wearing fine armor, and the guns are held in the city. Around the government to patrol round and round, the various directions in the house, it is faintly faintly out of a series of extremely hidden magic fluctuations, the dark card to make up, apparently arranged what magic protection array, the atmosphere is serious, the entire house guards like a copper wall.

In the underground of the backyard of the city's main house, deep and dark underground.

This is a terrible horrible Mori **** prison.

A burst of screaming beasts screaming like a wound after a wound, screaming in this innocent dungeon, in the deepest guarded **** cell, a scar of Frank Ribéry Listening, he knows, this is the condolences of the prisoners who have been tortured to survive and cannot die.

But this kind of mourning is terrible and horrible, and it is simply not human beings.

After being held here for more than three days, Ribéry suffered severe torture and was bruised and bruised. The pain of ** made his expression somewhat difficult to cover up, but the pair of eagle under the forehead The alum, but still bright and bright, sparkling with radiance.

Opposite his cell, in another slightly larger cell, a soldier in a garrison uniform was held.

This is the relative of Ribéry.

Three days ago, twenty of the soldiers and Ribéry were invited to enter the city's main house. In the trap of the special envoy Matthewson and the city owner Soloyev, Ribéry was detained in this separate cell. Ten of the soldiers were detained in a slightly larger cell.

In the past three days, Ribéry has been tortured, but the twenty-five personally, unexpectedly, have not been tortured.

Just starting from yesterday, every two hours or so, there will be a jailer, forcibly taking away a soldier, and then I will never see it again. At this moment, only the last soldier is left. Here, I look at each other through the iron fence and Ribéry. ,

Although I don’t know what kind of treatment the 19-year-old soldiers had suffered, Ribéry guessed that the 19 brothers who were brothers and sisters fell into the hands of the demons of Matthewson and Soloyev. There are fewer fierce.

Thinking of this, Ribéry couldn't help but feel pain and regret.

It’s too much for me to make the 20 brothers and comrades in danger. It’s their own negligence. They hurt these young warriors. I don’t know what the 20,000-strong garrison in the city is now. Fernando’s This kind of wisdom and courageous generals should be able to ensure that other soldiers are not persecuted?

In a desperate situation, Ribéry can only do this, using the most optimistic guess to comfort himself.

"Adults...Adults..." The last remaining soldier on the opposite side saw Ribéry look wrong and couldn't help but whisper: "Adult, are you okay?"

This is a young man with a good eyebrows. He is only 19 years old and still very young. But he is very brave in his combat. He is also very clever. He is an orphan whose parents have died. After several battles, he has performed well and was selected by Ribéry. In the battle of his own battalion, it was not long ago that in the war, the entire garrison of more than 20,000 soldiers, because of the brave and brave meritorious deeds, was awarded one of the 20 heroic soldiers of the theater’s highest commander, Xiangbo Wang Alexander, who praised and awarded the honor. .

"I'm fine." Ribery opened his eyes and looked at the opposite young man with a smile on his face: "Do not worry... little guy, don't you be afraid?"

The young man touched his nose in a playful manner and smiled: "I don't want to be afraid of adults, but I followed you and Alexander to kill the warriors of Ajax Sand Ghosts and got the medal of heroes. "You, oh!" said, the young pro-brother spread his hand, revealing a silver medal with a gold coin laughing, engraved with the Zenit Emperor Wushengshan Jianfeng pattern, and the other side engraved with the name of the young man .

This is the reward medal designed by the first commander of the theater, Xiang Bowang. There are a total of 20 medals, each of which is engraved with the name of the medal holder. It was hand-picked by the shampoo king to twenty defenders. An ordinary soldier who performs well.

After Ribéry and others were detained, everyone was searched, but did not know the guy. In what way, the medal was hidden in the body and was not searched.

Seeing this medal, Ribéry couldn't help but smile a little. He suddenly thought that if this time, the designer of the medal in Shuangqicheng, with his unscrupulous personality and extraordinary strength, I am afraid of Solow. Yev and Matthews, etc., don’t dare to be so arrogant?

"Adult, when you were taken away by them, we all quietly saved these things. You see, there are still a few shredded pork, really fragrant, you are going to eat it, wait for you to eat, raise your physical strength, recover Strength, you can kill it..." The young man carefully took the medal, then turned and pulled a few times from the haystacks in the cell behind him. He even took a bowl of slightly dry rice and swallowed a sip. Across the iron fence, the wrist shook and the bowl was accurately retracted into Ribéry's cell.

The group was imprisoned in the cell for three days and only got two foods. Ribery can be sure that this bowl of rice was secretly saved by the soldiers and left for himself... think of it, he is again I couldn't help but anger and regret. The anger was because of the viciousness of Matthewson and Soloev and others, and regretted her own intentions.

"I am really hungry, so, half of them, let's eat together." Ribery knows that if he doesn't want to take it off, the young man will definitely not eat it. He wants to cheer up and can't pass his negative emotions to the opposite side. The young warrior, so smiled slightly, half eaten himself, and pushed the half bowl of rice under the city to the young relatives who couldn’t help but scream and scream at the opposite side.

After being detained for three days and three nights, I only ate two meals, and everyone would be hungry and dizzy.

The young soldier was about to panic and refused. At this time, the iron gate of the underground prison in the distance was opened and a loud footstep was heard.

Ribéry’s heart trembled: Come again?

On the other hand, the young pro-arms, who have been trying hard to make themselves look relaxed, suddenly appeared white in the face. Apparently he had already guessed that his 19 companions had been taken away and had suffered unexpected events. He had been calm before, but only In order not to make your sir more sad.

However, after all, he is still only a 19-year-old child. At this moment, it is inevitable that he will be afraid.

The footsteps are getting closer and closer, like the call of death.

"Adult, adult, you... help me save this? When we go out... you give it back to me..." The young soldier’s voice trembled, suddenly thinking of something, taking that life as a medal Gently thrown to Ribéry, paused, and then said: "In case... I will not go out, please tell Alexander, I am a brave soldier, at the last moment, I have not tarnished the glory of this medal."

At this moment, Ribéry was sad and wanted to cry.

"Come on, come, you are a bunch of miscellaneous. You are a bunch of dog-like kind. You come to catch me, don't take him away, he is still a child, he doesn't know anything, there is no humanity, sooner or later. One day, the shampoo king knew what was happening here, and your last days came..." Ribery suddenly slammed into the iron fence and frantically roared. He felt the anger in his heart, and he was about to explode.

However, six soldiers wearing black fine armor, silently coming over, still unrelentingly opened the opposite door and towed away the young pro-military.

A nobleman who led the team, suddenly turned around and heard Ribery, screaming and screaming: "Don’t worry, there are two more hours, it’s your turn, hey, you can’t ask for survival. Can't die... As for the shampoo king? His Royal Highness will soon clean up this stupid little king, hehe..."

The footsteps gradually drifted away, and finally the sound of the iron gate closed.

Ribéry was stunned, and the five fingers grabbed blood marks on the iron fence, but could not stop it from happening. The vindictiveness in his body was destroyed at the beginning, and the fighting channel was shattered and was abolished. The martial arts repair is now only a little stronger than the average person.

The rush of heavy breathing gradually calmed down.

Ribéry slowly sat down and picked up the half bowl of rice left on the ground. He ate it all attentively. He did not waste a grain, ate it clean, and then began to close his eyes. Grasp every minute and every second to restore your strength and wait for the last chance.

These two hours are so long and so hard.

After two hours.

In the clang, the iron gate in the far corner of the cell was opened again.

"Ribery, hey, the head of the army, it’s your turn. You don't really want to know where your 20 soldiers went. Go, you will know soon..." The Ribery man, the city owner Soloyev, is a pig-like guy with a vicious and sly color in his tiny eyes. With a wave of his hand, six armored soldiers came over and set up Ribéry. Go outside.


The first is more.


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