Hail the King

: 620, everything, give it to me.

This power comes very fast.

In the twinkling of an eye, the outside is already a scream and an explosion, as if the mountain is shaking. This power is like a god, and the end of the world, everyone feels that the earth under their feet is trembled and screamed at any time. It is possible to break.

In the hall, everyone was discolored.

Only Frank Ribéry burned with fiery brilliance, his eyes were red like blood, and he stared closely at the red-faced ugly face Delixi, and he simply wanted to bite this metamorphosis bit by bit.

Not far from Ribéry, it has become a group of flesh and blood, only the last breath of the young pro-arms, seems to understand what, all over the body, only a complete pair of black and white eyes Finally, there is a glimmer of humanity.

"What to do? The king of shampoo is coming, we..." It has long been scared by Sun Fei, and the city owner Soloyev can't wait until he is subconsciously looking for a place to hide.

"Afraid of what? Come well, today, this place, for the great emperor to get rid of this affliction, hahaha!" Red robe ugly face Delixi eyes flashed with the excitement of eager to try, not only fear, but a The joy of the face.

Also delighted is the military special envoy Matteson.

After the initial panic, this tall, burly-faced wicked man was also a flash of joy in his eyes.

Shampoo King, you are coming, oh, it’s a big sin to kill the soldiers in the army and kill the soldiers outside. It’s a master of the Guardian of the Presbyterian Deli, even if you are directly Hey, even if Yassin’s Majesty knows, he can’t blame me, hahaha, is this the gods of heaven who see me loyal to the great emperor, so give me a great achievement?

For a time, everyone in the hall can be described as a heart-warming machine.

The dozen or so officers, each holding their own weapons, looked blank and looked at the door of the main hall.

There, hundreds of the most elite warriors have been assembled, and they are strong and strong, and the big shields are set up like steel walls. The dozens of magicians have also completed the singing of magical spells, the magic of horror. The elements surging, solidified the murder, waiting for the arrival of the shampoo king.

Suddenly, a series of rapid footsteps came from the movement of the mountain.

After a short meal, the warrior guarding the front side separated a very small passage and put a straying figure into it.

The fear of this person’s face seemed to be the most incredible thing, and he ran and said: “The shampoo king is coming... he killed the three judges of the knight’s temple... flee... escape, no Man is his opponent, our intelligence... wrong... run!"

This person is the officer Williams who was commanding the [Flag of the Thunder] regiment to be surrounded by the battalion of the double-flag city garrison.

The red robe ugly face is smiling and proud.

Mattesen was furious and shouted: "Williams, what are you talking about, chaosing my army, it is damn..."

The last word of 'death' has just been said, and at this moment, suddenly suddenly changed -

I only heard a loud bang, and there was no warning from the door. It was like a violent incredible hurricane that appeared in the hall of the door. The hundreds of elite soldiers who were waiting for the squad were too late to make any action. It is like a rice paddy in the wind. It is directly rolled up. The giant tower shield weighing three or four hundred kilograms seems to lose its weight. Like the fallen leaves in the autumn wind, it hurries to whirl and flies out. In the night sky.

call out!

A silver-white singular sword passed through the dust from the sky.

The sword light flashed, and the slap in the face, wearing a compassionate rushing body.

The footsteps of the rushing run suddenly became stiff, and stood in the same place. Williams’ face was filled with indescribable fear, and he snorted loudly ‘No! ‘The whole body is like a balloon that has been blasted. It slams and blasts directly, and the broken limbs are broken and flesh and blood are splashing!

In the void, it is like a flower of sinful blood that bursts in a hurry!

As people were shocked by this unexpected change, another footstep sounded.

A straight figure like a singular sword, in the sky at the entrance of the hall, the dust and power elements of the storm, from the blur becomes clear, step by step over the raging wind, freehand, the steps look extremely slow But every time I step out, it seems to be able to shrink into an inch, a flashing, it is a tens of meters away from the distance!

Strong and powerful!

Delixi, one of the guardians of the Senate, showed a slight surprise on his face. The strength of the shampoo king seems to be stronger than he imagined... but even so, he does not put it. In his heart, he has absolute confidence in his own strength.


The lights in the hall were faint in the wind, and they were blown out a lot. The light became dark, so that the figure that was approaching was still covered in darkness, only a pair of eyes, like silver. Gems in general, radiating indescribable silver beams in the darkness, the sword generally cut through the darkness, passing on everyone's body!



This is an instant, the idea that everyone can't help but rise up!

And the non-humans generally have no feelings, only endless anger and murderous eyes, so that Soloyev, who knows a little about Sun Fei, understands that the shampoo king is in an absolute state of anger at this time, for a time, unstoppable Fear, from the bottom of my heart like a flood of water, even if there is a master like Delixi on the side, he can not have the slightest sense of security, Soloyev suddenly began to regret, should not be married to the plan of Matthew and others Medium...but now it’s late!

"Xiangbo Wang Alexander? Introduce yourself, I am the first special envoy of the Ajax theater in the emperor's department, Glenn Matteson," Mattesen's face with a high expression on his face, a questioning tone: "You know that you are What to do? The private envoys stationed and killed the emperors and soldiers. This is already a death sentence, and it is still bound!"

The opposite figure did not answer, and even did not look at him.

The eyes that shot two silvers like the sword's general eyes, even the body of the military special envoy who did not even be proud, stayed for a moment, quietly fell on Frank Ribéry's body, seems to be asking the inquirer .

"Hey, Lord Matthewson, it seems that this little king is kneeling, I don't like you very much... Hello, little king, introduce yourself, Dele Deli, one of the guardians of the Imperial Senate, oh, sorry. I suddenly remembered that, with your status and identity, you should not know the existence and significance of the guardian of the Senate. Explain briefly, oh, you can kill any of the kings of the dependent countries as if you were killing chickens. The big man who is not pursued by the imperial law, I say, do you understand a little bit?"

The red robe ugly face licked his lips and walked out step by step, with a scornful tone of scorn, with a scornful voice, casually said.

However, the treatment of the master Delixi is not better than Matthewson. The opposite figure is still not talking, and he does not look at the ‘big man’.

"Adult, are you, adults?" Ribery suppressed the endless anger and asked softly.

The opposite figure took a step forward. The light in the hall finally touched his face. A handsome and delicate, sword and eyebrow star, the perfect face of young and perfect appeared in the eyes of everyone, not the shampoo king. Who is Alexander?

It was only at this moment that the pair of scorpions that were as clear as the stars in the weekdays, but at this time they shot indescribably murderous, as if they were in the violent state of the demon god, giving a sense of heartless destruction and killing.

"Adults, Arthur, they..." The anger in Ribery's chest finally found a passage for venting.

" Needless to say, I already know, I am sorry, I am late." Sun Fei looked for it before, under the radiation of the spirit, finally found the location of Ribéry and others, knowing everything, but unfortunately, he is going tonight The departure of Chambord City was late... A hand raised, a purple streamer fell into the hands of Ribery: "Here, give it to me, first to save people."

It is a full-bodied [full recovery agent].

"Yes, adults." Ribery was overjoyed, and quickly flew toward Arthur, who still had the last breath. He took two steps and suddenly turned back, kneeling on the ground with one knee, and two lines of blood and tears flowing down. "Adult, please forgive me for letting go, Frank has never asked you anything, but this time, my twelve brave brothers... They are not people at all, please let Frank swear once and kill the demons. I beg you, let this shameless miscellaneous, accept the retribution they deserve!"

Sun Fei nodded seriously: "They, one will not survive."

"Oh, it’s a big tone, little king. It seems that you are still not very clear about the current situation. I don’t understand who you are facing?” Delixi’s ugly face flashed a trace of twilight. The cyan breath suddenly became a masterpiece, burning like an endless flame, and his feet slowly floated and left the ground.

Stagnation of the void.

This is the symbol of the monthly powerhouse!

In the hall, suddenly an exclamation sounded, Matthewson's face was sparkling with unspeakable excitement, the shivering city owner Soloyev, saw this curtain open his mouth, his heart suddenly light.

who knows--

"Is the guardian of the Imperial Senate? If you remember correctly, four days ago, there was also a guy who claimed to be the guardian of the Imperial Senate. He was demolished by the king, and he was like a dog." Sun Fei was unmoved. He looked at Delixi, who was standing in the void. His eyes were like watching the clown who was performing hard. He shook his head and said: "Poor ants, people who really don't understand the situation, are you! ”

Finished, just gently reach for a grip.

A majestic force that could not be resisted suddenly appeared.

"You...this..." Delixi, who stood in the void and swayed in the air, felt an indescribable danger, and his hair was straight and horrified.

However, he did not have the slightest chance to dodge or struggle.

In front of the power of Pei Mo Mo, his whole person was like a chicken pinched by a giant. Without the power of rebellion, he was photographed by Sun Fei Ling in the right palm and was pinched around his neck. A red-faced ugly face is as terrible as a nightshade.

He struggled hard and tried to break free, but he was proud of a strong monthly strength. Before the iron palm of the shampoo king, it was like a mud cow entering the sea quietly, there was no time to play any, the body was guilty. There was a burst of blood.

In a series of horrible screams, the moon shadow totem on his forehead and the vindictive passage in his body were completely destroyed in an instant!

This is basically an asymmetrical battle.


Sun Fei threw it away, throwing the half-dead Delixi on one side and his eyes on the people inside the hall.


I explained the game last night, until about 6 o'clock in the morning, it was completely completed. These days, watching the ball stayed up late, I finally couldn't hold it. I slept for a day today, and the alarm was not used. I didn't wake up, I was exhausted. Send first.

There is one more in the evening.

I haven't eaten yet, and I will continue to eat the code and return to everyone.


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