Hail the King

: 633, all come to worship the shampoo king

Imagine that in the future, the army of the city of Chambord, every 50 people, squatting with such a simplified [Battle of the Temple] stone pillar, when the enemy confronted, suddenly broke out 200% of the combat power, then What kind of crazy scene is it?

Moreover, this is a beginning.

In addition to the [Battle of the Battle] stone column, you can also use the [Endurance Temple] stone column to increase endurance, unlimited power, you can use the [Armorly Temple] stone column, increase the defense twice, you can use the [mana regeneration temple] stone column, instantly restore all magic Value, you can enable [resistance to lightning



Frozen Temple], let the soldiers immunize electricity, fire, ice, and poison in a short time...

As long as these temples runes portrayed on the stone pillars are further simplified and become easy to carry, they can be used as strategic weapons. In the war, they can definitely play the role of turning the tide.

Even in the separate battle between the masters, it often plays the role of reversing.

This is the horror of the rune of the Dark Temple.

Suddenly, a group of powerless sheep can be turned into a horrible wolf.

To be honest, Sun Fei originally thought that the nuns and Uncle Kane would have a long time to completely decipher the mysteries of these temple runes, and to reproduce this mysterious power from ancient times in the real world. I couldn’t think of this in just a few days, and the two even gave themselves an unexpected big surprise.

For a time, Sun Fei could not wait to hold the two old madmen.

However, Sun Fei can also see that these temples are still only a prototype, very cumbersome, can only be used in a fixed location, want to achieve the ease of carrying, too far, and need more Improvement is also estimated to be a huge and difficult task.

But don't have to complete the first step for anything, isn't it?

On the Golden Lion Peak, a total of three ancient temples—the Battle Temple, the Skill Temple, and the Experience Temple—have been established.

The three temples, the first two are consumables. After each consumption, they can maintain an increase of about 10 minutes, and they cannot be superimposed. The [Battle of the Battle] can make Lampard burst out within 10 minutes. Two hundred of the combat power, [Skills Temple] can make Lampard's power of the moon-level fighting skills to double the attack power, of course, the duration is also ten minutes.

After each use, the two temples need a whole day of cooling to regenerate their power.

However, the third [Experience Temple] made Sun Fei slightly surprised.

This temple seems to have changed because of some kind of deviation. Sun Fei can feel that it seems to be different from the power in the game world. It is not a one-time consumable, but it is always maintaining a certain The mysterious power, under the cover of this power, Lampard's cultivation speed should be faster, but it is clear that in terms of increasing experience, the effect is not as obvious as in the game.

This is not bad.

Sun Fei stayed on the Golden Lion Peak for a short time, and handed over a **** medicine from the small world of the magical palace core to Lampard to help the current strongest of the shampoo king under himself. Strength, then leave directly.


The streamer flashed, and Sun Fei appeared in the main hall of the central mountain (the Temple of the Gods).

In the next moment, the mental energy radiated out like a tidal wave. All the movements within four or five kilometers were fed back to Sun Fei and his mind.

Nodded with satisfaction.

Among the scattered stone temples on all sides, Cech and others are still working diligently.

Within the scope of the invisible shield of the Sky City, the strength of the heaven and earth is not as strong as the core small world in the thirty-sixth difficulty zone of the infinite waters under the Double Flag City. But it can be regarded as an extremely rare cultivation treasure. After nearly three days of cultivation, everyone has benefited a lot and the strength has been improved to some extent.

However, time is tight, and such improvement is still not enough.

Before sitting in the singular lotus of the Temple of God, Sun Fei carefully thought about it. He picked out more than a dozen pieces of the magical medicine from the storage ring, called the maid, and wrote a dozen sheets of small paper. The strips, which are densely packed, are told that the maids have sent these carefully selected medicines to the hands of Drogba and others.

These magical medicines are all from the core small world of the difficulty zone of the 36th level. I don’t know how many years have grown in the small world where the heaven and earth elements are rich, and have absorbed the power of the vast heaven and earth. Spirit, so the medicine is extremely pure and excellent, and the peculiarity of the medicine is very rare. It belongs to the extremely rare genius treasure.

For the warrior who cultivates vindictiveness, this kind of medicinal medicine that conforms to its own vindictive nature has an extremely strong complement, which can stimulate the active level of vindictiveness in the body of the martial art, concise the purity of vindictiveness, and even the medicinal power can be converted into pure energy to a certain extent. Directly become vindictive.

Sun Feishi studied pharmacy from the nuns. The characteristics and attributes of these medicinal herbs are now well known. Don't worry about the error in the distribution of the medicinal properties. Soon they will be directed at Petr, Pierce, Drogba, Torres, Oleg, Luo. This, Inzaghi and other people's vindictive attributes, selected the most suitable medicine for them.

As long as they are taken in the manner described on the paper, they will not only have side effects, but also stimulate and enhance their strength to the greatest extent, so that they can reach the level of the realm in the short term.

After the 12th day, it was the day of the big wedding announced. At that time, I was afraid that there would be a big storm. Sun Fei had to prepare in advance.


In the next few days, Sun Fei basically stayed in the [city of the sky].

In addition to using the skills of the [Purple Skill Book] to temper your own spiritual power, you will enter the world of Diablo, and kill the monster with the Valkyrie Elena, and strive to improve your strength in the shortest possible time. Advance to the realm of the great-day sage.

It is imminent that the situation of the empire is going into chaos.

Many smart people have already felt the advent of the war. Only the strength of continuous improvement will enable Sun Fei and Chambord to survive in the chaos.

Of course, there is an upper limit in the time in the dark world every day. In addition to leveling, Sun Fei will quietly sneak into the city of Chambord.

In the past few days, more and more people have come to Chambord.

As the king of Shampoo screamed at the Zenit Empire, it spread in the mouths of the singers who spread the news. More and more people knew about what happened on the incredible night, Shampoo King. The meaning of these three words has long surpassed the scope of the title of the 'King of the First Kingdom of the Zenit Empire'.

The news spread, and the large and small empire, aristocratic forces, and interest groups within a million miles have to look at this young king and have to rethink how they will get along with the new martial arts.

The big marriage of Shampoo King, in the eyes of many people, is an extremely rare opportunity to observe.

They may take the opportunity to release the goodwill to the newly rising martial arts king of Champion, and also to observe the strength and potential of Champion and Chambord in close quarters and make an assessment.

In the next three or four days, the Shabu City administrative center, around the prime minister's office and six officials, were busy becoming a mess, because every day there are messengers from Zenit's domestic and foreign large and small power groups. Visits and notes.

Marseille Empire, Saint-Germain Empire, Metz Empire, Soros Chamber of Commerce, Popular Horse Mercenary Corps, Fire Mercenary Corps, Emperor Magician Union...

These are the super-powers that can not be expected to exist for the city of Chambord a year ago. Now they have actively put down their body and sent their own messengers, saying that they will be dispatched when the shampoo king is married. The distinguished representative came to Chambord to present a gift, and since then has maintained a friendly relationship with Chambord.

Soon, the pavilion area of ​​Chambord was overcrowded.

So that later congratulations to the messengers, they had to find their own place, or camp in the open air, or the gold house of the shrine of the people of the shrine, but did not dare to have the slightest complaints, many people in the city, then took the opportunity to make a fortune, For the first time, the shampoo people tasted the sweetness of 'tourism' booming for their own lives.

Every shampoo has never been so proud of these days.

Feel the optometry envied by the foreign bun on the street, count the gold coins earned by the hands of the singer, many shampoo people will wake up in these few nights, dreaming, some greedy guys, even want to squat the king Get married every day!

In less than six days after the marriage of Shampoo, according to the statistics of the household officials, the flow of people in Chambord has increased by at least three times.


The third is more.


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