Hail the King

: 645, return to Chambord City

Induction of the change of the body's vindictiveness, because Zhaji screamed, the body's blue flame suddenly became a masterpiece, a sigh of scent, emerging from his body, like the waves of the sea, the long hair without wind Self-floating, the body shape flickered, jumped from the war and entered the magic car behind it.

"Ah? What happened? What happened to Inzaghi's brother?" Danny Liz and the children who were sitting on another big horse and singing slowly and slowly, were jumped by such an unexpected situation.

"Good thing! Philippe's eldest brother has to break through."

"Haha, before Alexander came, he said that as long as he broke his heart, Philippe Big Brother will definitely be able to break through the martial bottleneck. It is not wrong. So quickly, the bottleneck is opened. Haha, since then, Philip’s big brother’s martial road is inevitable. A smooth road. Danny, you can rest assured, this is a good thing!"

Owen and other four people are also a big surprise.

They defended the four sides of Inzaghi's carriage and broke the law for Inzaghi.

A wave of cyan flames penetrated the wall of the carriage, spread out from the inside, and dyed half of the sky into cyan. The wind elements in the air faintly condensed, one of the four sides of the void The small tornado of the stocks resounded, like the children around the carriages, and screamed cheerfully, rolling up the rocks and earth dust, but only within 100 meters of the carriage was very calm.

The scene is spectacular.


The next morning.

Zu Lijiang South Bank, Ferry.

With the approach of the big wedding day of Champa, the number of foreigners in Chambord has increased.

On the river, only the [Alexander King] such a whale warship was transported back and forth, back and forth, and could not stop for a moment. The huge hull sent a layer of white water waves, under the traction of the armored water beast, and the size of the warship. Disproportionate flexibility and speed, going back and forth on the river, attracted countless first-time outsiders who saw such warships continue to marvel.

"Wow, a big warship, I was the first to see such a ship. Is this also the city of Chambord?"

The magic carriage slowly stopped at the ferry.

Danielitz showed his head and looked at the huge battleship on the river. His face was full of excitement. Behind her, the little guys who just woke up looked at their heads and fell asleep. The monster-like horror warship was stunned, and there was no sleepiness. The big eyes were all shocked.

Until he got on the battleship, Danielz and the little guys haven't recovered from the shock.

The female warrior with the little guys running back and forth on the deck of the battleship, look at this side, look at the other side, excited.

Some of the other passengers who were well-dressed and thought they had seen the world, although they were shocked by the size and speed of the warships, did not show them. They pointed their arrogant eyes and looked at them with the same gaze. The tattered little guys, and even some people arrogantly swear.

Only those who had once taken the [Alexander King] looked at the eyes of Danieliz and others, only with strangeness and awe, because they knew that it was forbidden for ordinary people to go back and forth on the warships in Chambord City. Run, some put on the forbidden land, if it is chaotic, it will be directly killed by the shampoo city masters, but they clearly see that this group of children just came out from the VIP cabin, some restricted areas on the deck It is also open to this group of little guys, no shampoo masters come out to stop.

The identity of these little guys is not as simple as it seems.

It took only about twenty minutes to cross the river. When I arrived at the ferry across the river, Danielis and the children reluctantly bid farewell to [Alexander], sitting back in the carriage and walking towards the city. go with.

Under the wall, the existence of the magical transmission array made them excited for a while.

Entering the city, the spacious and neat streets, the bright shops on both sides, the pedestrians on the left and right sides, the magical facilities and objects, the patrolling soldiers' polite comments, the smiles on the faces... These, All let Danielz and the children feel the illusion of coming to the realm of the gods.

The first time they saw it, there was such a beautiful and quiet city. It was more than a hot spring called one of the ten famous cities in the Empire. Well, I don’t know how many times.

"Philipp brother, is there a slum here? Or will we have to live there at night?" asked the lovely little Lori Miao Li with her big eyes.

Inzaghi smiled and said: "There is no slum in Chambord City. Everyone lives in a large and bright house. In the evening, you will also live in a clean big house with a soft and comfortable big bed. There is also a fireplace that burns all night. It’s not cold at all. From now on, you don’t have to worry about not being able to eat enough.”

The children cheered up.

For them, what Inzaghi said is simply the best thing in the world.

"Haha, look at your music, well, let you take this group of little devils, go to the best restaurants in the city to have a good meal, then take you to the place where you live, clean up the accommodation, late for a while Go to the magical portrait, then go to the household to help you apply for an account, so that even if you are an official resident of Chambord City, you can get free education. If you perform well, you will have the opportunity to enter the Chambord University of Wenwu for further study..."

In the children's series, such as ‘What is the household? ‘, ‘What is an account? ', ‘Where is the Chambord City Wenwu University? 'Wait for 100,000 reasons, Inzaghi’s face is filled with a smile that an assassin shouldn’t have. Answer it carefully, drive the carriage on the right side, stop at the red light, probably go half a Hours, came to the front of a very good hotel in the city's eating area.

The magic car owned by the hotel’s waiters came out to be properly placed.

Inzaghi led the little children who jumped into the hotel lobby.

Time is in the morning, the guests are sparse, not a lot.

Owen and Raul have ordered food in the past.

Danielz, Inzaghi, Trezeguet and Cavani sat down in the window seat and marched on the road. Although the magic carriage was extremely fast, it was over four hundred miles between night and day. It’s a bit tired, and twenty or thirty children don’t stop for a moment, although the stomach is already hungry, but curiously ran around, look here, look at it, cheering, oh, it’s like A group of happy little sparrows.

Just then, a burst of voice reached Inzaghi’s ear.

"Hey, have you heard that? Yesterday, all the guests who had been personally greeted by the shampoo kings in the city are said to be the masters of the Holy See's Black Temple. There are seven or eight hundred people. This is the first time Champa City has allowed this. Many outsiders entered the city. Before the embassies of several major empires were hanging on the other side of Zu Lijiang, except for the emperors and guards, they could not enter the city. The face of the Holy See was indeed big, and the shampoo king did not dare to neglect. It!"

"Haha, you don't know, it's not just that simple. I heard that the King of Shampoo itself is the Son of God in the Black Temple. It has recently been rumored, and Alexander Wang will soon be the Black Temple. The Pope will naturally let the people in the Black Temple enter the city."

The sound of the dialogue between the two mercenaries at the neighboring table fell into Inzaghi’s ears.

Inzaghi’s ear moved gently and continued to stop.

"Yeah, this thing is really strange to say. I don't think that the King of Shampoo would become the Pope of the Black Temple, but a few days ago, suddenly this news spread and spread, with a nose and eyes. It seems that someone deliberately spreads it, and does not know whether it is true or not!"

"One day in the morning and evening, there will be a day when the water falls out of stone. After half a year, it is the ‘hundreds of arbitrage battles’ in the northern parish of the Holy See. By the time, as long as the shampoo king goes to the northern parish, it will be sure...”

"This is also true. I heard that in the past few days, some big people have come to the city."

"Compared to the people who came a few days ago, it is not a big man. It is basically a master of some affiliated countries. The fire and the double sticks Hulk, Kanut, the magic princess Cindy, the silver armor Jess, the second squadron of the martial arts competition, and the second squad of Shevchenko, and other people, the newly rising kingdom of the Byzantine kings, Constantine and others in the southern affiliated countries, also came to the city."

The two mercenary-like men knew everything, and they didn't even notice that they had not noticed that the conversation between the two had been heard by the handsome young black knight at the neighboring table.

However, Inzaghi listened a few words and stopped listening.

Chambord City now has its own unique and rapid information system. The top figures of the six middle-level officials in the city will know the important things happening in the city in the first time. This morning, the [Alexander King] is in the command cabin. Immediately, someone has handed over the incidents in the city in the past few days and handed them to his hands. All the two Chinese characters have just mentioned, they have already been mentioned on the paper, and there is no mention of anything new. thing.

Soon, a few tables of sumptuous meals have already come up.

Danielis was about to greet the children not to sneak up and hurry to eat. At this time, a heavy footstep came from the vicinity of the stairs, and then fifteen or six armed weapons, fierce and strong Han, appeared on the second floor.

Inzaghi only took a cursory glance and saw that the mercenaries’ armor and weapons were marked by a galloping horse.

These people are members of the first mercenary group [the popular horse] within a million miles.


Second more.


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