Hail the King

: 648, the assassin's way

Today's **** dog has achieved the same qualitative change as the squid.

Half a month ago, the leaping on the mountain cliff was a turning point for fate. It was a sudden change in race. It finally broke through the established origins of the creator and broke the most solid rules in the world. Finally, from an ordinary earth dog became a super-order World of Warcraft.

Today, its shape is as awesome as a huge mountain.

Behind the huge wings of numerous black long knives arranged in a row, at least a hundred meters long and unfolding, the wings flapped gently, and there was a group of black and blue wind elements floating around under the body, steadily supporting his huge body. It is extremely flexible, and it has already rushed to the sky between the blinks, and is heading for the direction of Wujian Tianfeng [City of the Sky].

Inzaghi stood on the back of the **** dog like an expression, and danced long.

Suddenly, the **** dog’s nose shook a bit and seemed to smell something special.

His wings were shocked, and his body suddenly turned a hundred and eighty degrees of rotation. He was extremely flexible. The huge scorpion burst into a bleak red horrible flame. He noticed something, opened his mouth and roared, and a huge orange flame from it. Sprayed out of the huge mouth.

The terrible fireball, dragging the long tail, dragging the tail like a meteor, the speed is reaching the extreme, and ejecting toward the void behind it.

boom! ! ! !

There was a frenzied shock in the void, a huge fireball bursting open, a terrible flame splashing, a hot air wave incinerating the void, and it was extremely sultry.

During the explosion, the blue sky cracked like a torn piece of paper, and cracked black cracks. In the screams, the black-eyed figure fell from the cracks in the void, like a dog at home. In general, the head did not return to the direction of the outer direction, turned into a black phantom, and instantly disappeared into the horizon.

A series of terrible angry whispers sounded in the throat of the **** dog.

However, after a pause, it did not catch up and returned to the direction of the Five Swords Peak.

In a twinkling of an eye, I have already reached the central mountain of the "City of the Sky" through the hidden protective cover, and landed before the "God of the Kings".

Inzaghi leaped down and slowly entered the Temple of God.

In the depths of the main hall, Sun Fei leaned on the "Gone of the World" after the white lotus.

As if I had known the arrival of Inzaghi, I was as light as I was, and I looked up and down on Inzaghi’s body. I nodded with satisfaction. “Yes, I finally broke the bottleneck. Haha, I jumped two levels and went to nine. Star-level mid-level, beyond my expectations, is it that you have another adventure at the hot springs?"

Inzaghi’s respectful dedication, and then his own experience in the hot springs off the line, no matter how small, have described it in detail.

"Well, you did a good job, only killing Cullen, although the old Ptolemy and Dixler are not good things, but now the mainland empire is in full swing, if it really destroys the Ptolemy family and the wind The Legion] is tantamount to self-damaging the strength of the Zenit Empire. In the short term, the hot springs will be empty, and they will remain as the first line of defense for the South to my shampoo city. After listening to Inzaghi’s report, Sun Fei nodded. He was very satisfied with the performance of Inzaghi and others at the hot springs. After thinking about it, he smiled and said: “I didn’t expect that **** night, there are still people who survived. People are happy and happy, this is the reason for your breakthrough. Very good, the female warrior and children called Danielis will be placed according to your ideas, let the Ministry of the Ministry investigate, if the history is counted Innocent, I have done a good job, and I have joined my shampoo. It is only after the children who have experienced hardships that they know how to cherish the income. They will become the elite of Chambord City just like Owen."

"Thank you for your respect." Inzaghi’s face showed gratitude.

Later, he carefully said the things that the former "Popular Horse" mercenary group and the "Hot Blood" mercenary group found in the city gathered in the city restaurant, and were slightly worried: "According to Michael's temptation The purpose of these people's gatherings may not be simple. It may be a conspiracy to plot invisible people. I am worried that they will be unfavorable to Chambord City and will destroy your wedding ceremony after the day."

"魑 魍魉 魍魉, jumped the clown."

Among the two flying cymbals, Sun burst out of a glimmer of light, as if he had known such a thing for a long time, his fingers gently buckled the armrests of the "Tragic Throne" and closed his eyes for a moment, saying: "[Popular Horse] and [Fire] Blood] The mercenary group is checked by yourself. I will not ask any more. Any means can be used, as long as it doesn't make too much noise."

"Yes, Master."

"Well, your strength has been upgraded to a nine-star mid-level, but the residual drug power of the body has not been fully stimulated, and it has been transformed into vindictiveness. For the time being, do not stay in the [City of the Sky] cultivation. It is no good to sit still and practice. To know the way of the Assassin, it is only the moment of tempering in the midst of chaos, one hit, or a thousand miles away, or hiding in the body, to be continually strained. During this time, the city’s squares gather together, and the chaos is like a cluster. Five of you will hone your best in the strength and state of mind, let go of your hands and feet, and use actual combat to stimulate the temperament."

"Yes, Master." Inzaghi saluted in a respectful manner, then flashed out [God's Palace].

Among the halls, there is only one person left in Sun Fei, and it is very quiet. Only the demon lotus, in the breeze of the clear water, gently swings and sways.

Little Raccoon [Little Overlord] doesn't know where to go. It's not very gregarious. It's rarely with the **** dog and the four guys [sniper], [small girl], [bad boy], all day in the [sky city 】 In the middle of the stroll, usually not in the meal time, rarely seen it.

A sky-blue portal appeared silently in the hall, and Sun Fei stepped into the portal.


The nightmare difficulty Diablo World.

At the foothills of the Yariite, there are snow and pebbles all year round, and the ice is frozen for thousands of miles. Looking around, there is a silver-clad piece everywhere, which is extraordinarily enchanting.

A terrible and terrifying battle has been going on for nearly four hours in the cold weather.

At this time, a huge roar shattered the snow of the sky, and the battle finally came to a close.

Above the ancient altar, the most powerful of the three great ancient patrons of the barbarians, Tallik, finally turned into a lifelike giant golden statue in the scream of battle, and the golden statues were constantly golden. The suffocating scent spread out and rushed toward Sun Fei's body, spreading to every cell in the body and limbs of the limbs, nourishing the body of the strong Sun Fei.

This is the second act of the penultimate difficulty of the fifth scene of the big picture [the memorial of the channel] to complete the scene.

Just like the experience at ordinary difficulty, if you want to enter the [World Stone Fortress] to kill the final boss Bar, Sun Fei must first withstand the test of the ancient patrons of the three barbarians, Tallik, Korlik, and Maddock, and Compared with the ordinary difficulty world, the strength of the three barbarians in the nightmare difficulty is the strength of the ancient patron saint. It is powerful and does not know how many times, in their hands, [whirlwind], [jumping 斩] and [flying axe throwing] These three barbarian stunts have been pushed to an incredible realm.


The first is more.

Thanks: lzyking, Zhou Guantong, for Liu Da Shen, you know that you know a lot of support.


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