Hail the King

: 664, Marseille Empire Cisse

"Damn, let this group of people, shut the mouth of Laozi. ^^^^^^" Melberg instinctively felt bad, these ants, the general shampoos, the kind of momentum that made him feel Very angry.

Moreover, the two strong men who have been dispatched continue to fight, and now they have not been able to let the **** shampoo king even look at himself. Instead, he is playing like a clown here, which has inspired this group of low-lying shampoos. The courage is simply a shame and shame for this super-devil king who has never suffered a loss in the millions of continents.

Behind him, in addition to Isaacson, the last strongman of the month, heard the words and turned around without hesitation, his body was flashing, people were in the air, the whole body was golden and gold, and the temperament was like a million. The arrows are all in general, and they are shot at the ordinary shampoo crowds on the periphery of the square. They are actually directly shot to ordinary people, and their hearts are hot and heartless!



"stop it now!"

"Don't be a strong man, even to the ordinary civilians, there is no glory of the strong? It is a shame!"

No one thought of the [Popular Horse] mercenary group was so shameless, so there was no enlightenment of the strong. Within the square, everyone in the seat area of ​​the city of Xiangbo was shocked and angry, and the tragedy of a **** stream would be staged. Others want to stop it too late...

However, at this time, no one unexpectedly unexpectedly changed, and suddenly happened!

I saw that the sharp and horrible sharp gold was fighting, and when it was less than one meter away from the general crowd outside the square, suddenly, in the void, there was no layer of sky blue. The color of the dragonfly, an invisible magic shield appeared in the air between the light and stone fires, the sharp gold sword of the moon's strength, the endlessly madly hitting the light curtain, like the rain hits the water surface, it rises The dense spots, but never failed to break through this layer of light curtain!

In the next moment, the moon-level powerhouse of the [Popular Horse] looked cold and burst into the air, punching the air and hitting it on the light curtain.

This is the full blow of this month-level powerhouse, earth-shattering!

Even a huge mountain, I am afraid that a punch will be blown down by him.

However, everything is in vain.

The solidity of the sky blue magic light curtain far exceeds the limit of all people's imagination, which is enough to break a punch in an ancient city wall, but only hit a smile depression less than one centimeter above the light curtain. The next moment, the moon-level powerhouse suddenly became extremely shocked and screamed, and the light curtain sag actually bounced back...


The imposing strong man of the month, Zhang mouth spouted a blood arrow, the right arm issued a series of smashing bones breaking the sound of crisp sound, like the dead leaves hit by the hurricane, fell back and fell in the [war pirates] The side of Merberg and others, hey, it’s actually a station that is a little unstable!

The wind is abrupt!

In the VIP seating area on the square, almost everyone stood up with a stunned look, looking at the sky-blue light curtain with incredible eyes.

At the same time, I saw this thin light curtain, as if it were a flowing water curtain, it began to spread in all directions. In the twinkling of an eye, the entire square was surrounded, like a huge blue with a buckle. Like the hood, the entire square, along with everyone in the square, was all buckled in it.

"what is this?"

"[Water curtain Tianhua]? Can resist the full-strength strike of the half-moon powerhouse? Is it... the highest defensive shield of the water system at the curse level? How is this possible?"

"This is impossible. What kind of horrible energy is needed to support such a huge-scale curse level [Water Curtain Tianhua]? I am afraid that it is the perfect level in the legend [Sorcerer's Stone], it is difficult to do this... How did the shampoo people do it? How could they do it?"

"The shampoo king... actually trapped us in such a magic shield, what do he want to do?"

"Great big handwriting! Great big dismay!! Hahaha, really worthy of it is [a fist in the sky] shampoo king, he is going to kill all the strong, all the net? Haha, I am afraid it is too arrogant. He wants to eat his own food!"

"I don't think that the people of Xiangbo actually have this strength. It is just the foundation of such a curse-level shield. It is already a first-class empire. This shampoo king is not small!"

Above the square, everyone is discolored.

In the "Water curtain Tianhua" shield, which is in the curse level, everyone has an insecure feeling of being trapped.

Even in the Holy Seehood area, the gods Mazola and the **** knight Luciano had been smiling in front of them, and a mysterious old man who had a white expression with a white expression could not help but be slightly discolored at this moment. Behind him, five or six **** knights who had been silent were even surprised to stand up.

At this time, the fragrant king of Alexandria and the two dynasty Wang Hao, who was surrounded by him, have already boarded the fourth floor of the nine-story, thirty-sixth platform.

From beginning to end, this young king did not look back even once.

The same is true of the two stunning kings around him.

[War of war pirates] In the eyes of Melberry, there was finally a horror of fear and vigilance. The unexpected scenes that happened again and again made him suddenly realize that everything that happened before seems to be in the plan of this little king. Among them, the opponent calmly makes him terrible, although at this time [Hunting Dragon League] has not really made a force, but he rushed out like this, more like being used as cannon fodder, such as that **** [fire] maid The Corps, even now, no one has stood up!

Originally thought that a small subsidiary country can have any enthusiasm and [fighting horse] confrontation... Now it seems that this shampoo king is really not simple!

It seems that it must be true!

Just when Melberg was preparing to take it out personally, in the VIP seat area, someone finally stood up.

"Alexander, what do you mean by this? Even with the curse-level [Water Curtain Tianhua] magic protection array enveloped the entire square, what is this? Do you want to imprison us here, do you have a net?" Directly calling the name of the shampoo king, very rude.

He is a deep red gorgeous magic armor, faintly blooming flames, jacket with a light blue m-shaped imperial royal logo pullover, about 30 years old, black short hair, thin high reminder, a pair of oblique triangle eyes in the light and proud.

The crowd exclaimed.

Because many people have already recognized it, this person is the head of the Marseille empire's wedding ambassador, the emperor of Marseille, Eduardo Cissé.

Behind Marseille's emperor Cisse, standing three warriors wearing the glory of the Marseille Empire's light blue royal glory, the flaming flames of the Marseille Empire are faintly flashing, breathtaking and calm, although they have not yet been shot, but the momentum is displayed, but Still amazing, these three people are afraid that the strength has reached the level of the moon.

As a prince of the Marseille Empire, Cisse was very dissatisfied and almost blamed.

This position, although not stated clearly, is obviously standing on the side of the [fighting horse] mercenary group, which also makes some people start thinking, is it true that the Marseille Empire has to stand on the opposite side of the city of Chambord, choose this in this When is it hard?

Faced with the blame, the city of Chambord, some people stood up.

Prime Minister George Best walked out of the seat area, arrogant, full of the standard aristocratic gentleman's demeanor.

"My king does this. There is no meaning of disrespect for others. It is just to treat those who are treated as a guest by Champa, as good as a good meal, but to show their fangs at a critical moment. The wolf, completely exhausted, so that some of the fish that escaped the net, escaped, and was unfavorable to the unarmed civilians in the city," said Bethstein, who looked at the Marseille Empire with a smile and laughed. Prince Sey, if your Marseille Empire is not malicious to my shampoo city, why bother to be nervous and aggressive?"

These words are not humble and courteous.

Let some of the VIPs who were originally uncomfortable because they were trapped in the "Water Curtains", a little relieved in their hearts.

"Hey, this prince can protect so many people, it is your own thing, but the existence of this magic shield makes the Emperor feel uncomfortable, and you can immediately remove the magic in the city of Shampoo." Shield, otherwise, the strongest of our Marseille Empire, we must do it ourselves!" Cissé's slanting triangular eyes sparkled with aggressive and arrogant colors, which threatened the reason.

Behind him, the three knights wearing the royal glory armor slowly came out, and their temperament and violent swells, the atmosphere of the mountains and the sea, emerged from the three burly bodies, and the people around them changed color. These three people turned out to be Strongman of the month!

The Masai emperor Cisse, so aggressive, is really prepared and emboldened.


Second more.



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