Hail the King

: 685, a strange cave

Because it is well known that being in the big vision of oneself is the master of the gods, you can control everything. Even if the opponent whose strength is many times higher than himself breaks into it, he can only let it be, unless it exceeds several times. The power to break this large-day vision space can reverse the situation again. In other words, the military cannot open its own large-day vision space in other people's big-day vision space.

This is the martial law of the Azeroth continent.

However, everything that happened in front of us, this dark and deep cave, the faint voice of the devil, the cold air, the omnipresent evil spirit, let the Red Sand Pope Sensi clearly understand that he must not be in reality at this time. The world, not in the "sentence of the gods", in theory, should be in the vision of others in the big day - specifically, in the big vision of the king of shampoo.

This discovery is even more ridiculous than the discovery of the Holy See, the first Pope of the Holy See, who is actually a demon magician, and even more shocking.

The shampoo king broke the martial law of Azeroth and opened his own big-day vision in the big vision of others... How did he do it?

The fear in the red sand Pope's confidence is hard to describe in words.

Reluctantly stabilized the mind, the Asian gods [Black Reef's Staff] under his full force, radiating the light of the sun, the surrounding light is shining, surrounded by black hard rock walls, tentacles extremely cold, There was a smell of rancid and **** in the air, and I looked around and Sensi did not find the shape of the shampoo king.

Suddenly, a very obvious and extremely slow footstep came from the end of the distant road.

Sensi’s heart was tight, and a force of the Holy Power urged him to the peak state, and he was alert.

Speaking, a human figure is slowly appearing in the distance. It seems to be extremely difficult to walk. There is no life in the body, but there is a strong evil force. The arms are stiff and straight, and the weird...

"That is... a carrion whose strength is close to the half-step big-day sage?"

A little closer, Sensi widened his eyes and found the so-called figure, ** the skin, the muscles of the body turned into a black and black color, a piece of carrion stuck to the bone, the face beads fell out, simply Not a shampoo king, but a carrion with powerful power.

"The existence of evil is not tolerated by the gods, melt under the light of holy power!"

The Holy Power of the Holy See has a restraining effect on the creatures of the undead. What's more, the Red Sand Pope Senxi is the master of the Holy Power. The shot is a horrible white flame that will be a half-step big-day honorable person in the distance. The carrion shrouded in it, and a stinking smell spread out. The carrion almost did not make any resistance, and it turned into a stinking yellow pus.

"What is going on here? Isn't this the big day vision space of Shampoo King?"

Red Sand Pope Senxi is suspicious.

He is also a bit confused at present. According to his understanding of the strength of the Champion, the young king has just been promoted to the rank of the great-day sage, even lower than himself, probably the big day The strength of the next four or five breaks, according to the realm of the division, the realm of the big-day honorable person in this realm, even if you master the big-day vision, it is impossible to create such a vivid virtual space, and even appear A powerful carrion of half-step grandeur.

Especially the carrion just now is almost a living body.

And in the big-day vision space to create a living body, it is the magical power of the big-day nobles who are in the legend of the hot sun.

The scene of a pile that happened in front of us made Sensi completely fall into the fog of incomprehension.

After observing for a while, there was no retreat behind him. In order to find out the situation, the Red Sand Pope Sensi calmed down and braved the courage to continue along the deep road and walked forward step by step.

The deeper the cave, the colder the air, the more intense the evil atmosphere.

Sensi was shocked in his heart. For a moment, he couldn’t understand clearly. In the place above the mainland, there would be such a horrible evil atmosphere. He read many books of the Holy See and learned a lot about the hidden things of the blood. Under careful observation, I found out that the evil spirits here are like the **** of the legend that is enough to make the gods in the sky discolored.

"Damn God!"

A string of vague baboons came out of the darkness ahead.

Suddenly, a few whole body blood reds are like a small monster that has been peeled off, holding an orange torch in one hand and a machete in one hand, probably with the strength of a half-step big-day honorable person. In the shadow of the cave, the evil spirits rushed over.

"What kind of monster is this?" Sensi was shocked, hurriedly spurred the Holy Power, and swiftly waved [Black Reef's Staff], radiating a silver-white Holy Light sword.

In the martyrdom, the light is shining, the lightsaber will shoot these monsters to the ground, the blood of the ground, the pungent smell of odor, the five or six monsters fell three or four, the remaining two look at the situation No, screaming in horror, turning and running.

"Half-step big-day honorable person, but timid as a mouse, **** red, like a hand-held fire scimitar..."

Sensi couldn't help but recall the record in the secret of the Holy See. He suddenly thought of a monster in the legend, and his heart was even more frightened. He said: Is it true that this sect broke into the terrible **** of the legend today? So many living demons?

He no longer believes at this time, here will be the big vision of the shampoo king.

With the strength of the shampoo king, it is impossible to create such a realistic world, and there is a demon in the world with the legend of the half-step big-day sage, which is the sun and the great sage. The realm that can't be reached, almost close to the gods, is not at all a strong place that the district has just been promoted to the great level.

Sensi is about to watch the bodies of these monsters in the past.

Who knows that just before, but seeing the red devil's body suddenly flashed a group of orange light flames, screaming, the original dead monster suddenly resurrected, but there is no slightest wilting The state is still a half-step big-day honorable person, and it is like a tiger. It seems that he has never died.

This is what really makes Sensi fly out of the sky.

[Black Reef's Staff] Crazy drops, the whole body is retreating, and the entire cave is full of the sacred power of the bright and stalwart. Under the silver light, these monsters mourn the whole body with a black hair and a series of pus The blisters appeared and soon died again.

But after about a minute, the orange light blazes, and the **** little demon is resurrected unharmed.

Sensi urged the Holy Spirit to launch the killing.

So reciprocated a few times, Sensi slowly exhaled a sigh of gas.

He finally found the reason for this strange scene.

It turned out that in the shadows of the distance, there was a cloak with a thatched grass, a white bone crown on the head, and a demon mage with a staff inlaid with a white bone. The monster was constantly cast and resurrected. These dead **** little devils.

The strength of this demon mage turned out to be the strength of the big-day sage in the Chaoyang step. Fortunately, Sensi’s strength is higher than this monster, and in addition to his hand, there are Asian gods [black reef cane]. The gods, it is easy to get rid of this demonic mage.

Sure enough, after the demon mage dies, the **** little demon is finally no longer resurrected.

At this time, Sensi was already terrified in his heart. He thought of the record in the secret of the Holy See, but he was afraid of it, but there was no other way. He was half-squatting, biting his teeth, and brave the courage to continue deep into the maze of evil caves. Go forward.

Along the way, he encountered a few waves of zombies, a few **** little demons, all of which were solved by him for the first time, and did not pose any substantial threat to him.

But I don't know why, there is always a very uneasy feeling in Sensi's heart. It seems that there are a pair of terrible eyes hidden in the dark, watching them silently, like cats and mice, watching themselves and these evil ones. Biological battle.


Second more.



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