Hail the King

: 691, a sudden ride

All the experts around the city of Chambord are furious.

The messengers from all over the world also want to know how the Chambord City will deal with these captured monthly powerhouses. It is also an odd number to capture such a number of monthly powerhouses. If you can take these people into your own hands, With the strength of the city, the strength of the city will inevitably rise to a terrible point.

Sun Fei smiled coldly, pointing at the sword like a sword.

call out!

A golden arc of swordsmanship flashed away.

Three great people are on the rise.

The three people of Denisov couldn't believe it. The shampoo king turned out to be under the broad public, and even an excuse was too lazy to find it. He married the famous knights of the three northern regions of the parish, and the blood rose from the sky. The body crashed into the ground.

"The murderer!" The people in the three VIP seats were stunned, and they were shocked and scared.

The shampoo king even the priest's moon **** knights kill like a dog, and who else dare not kill? Who is this kind of person who dares to provoke? Too violent!

The other more than a dozen [Hunting Dragon Alliance] month-level powerhouses look at it, suddenly like the ice cave, a cold from the tail vertebrae straight into the sky.

On the spot, someone slammed into the ground and mourned for mercy: "The noble majesty, the supreme Alexander, please spare, we are tempted to come against you, I am willing to work in Chambord, since then Just fight for the next person, please spare!"

Sun Fei shook his head: "Hey!"

Immediately next to a short white hair Pierce stood up, his arm waved, the holy sword Escariba fell, a human head rolling down.

Among the remaining [Hunting Dragon League] month-level masters, some people saw this scene, and they moved in their hearts and stood up and shouted: "The king of shampoo, you want to kill and kill, I have the dignity of the strongman of the month, definitely will not The enemy surrendered, hahaha, the road of martial arts, the defeat is death, today died under the real strong sword, I have no regrets!" This is a slap in the face, but it is a lot of people around the color It also has a good impression on this person, this is the style that the real monthly powerhouse has.

Everyone thought that in the name of the love of the shampoo king, this person will inevitably be forgiven and earned income.

Who knows that Sun Fei actually sneered and shook his head, and simply said: "Hey!"

Pierce's arm waved, the holy sword reappeared, and this person's face showed a terrible color of horror. Before he had to wait for mercy, he was already in the same position and died.

Sun Fei’s gaze swept across the faces of more than a dozen seniors.

His eyes are not so sharp, but there is absolutely no indecision.

After a pause, Sun Fei said in a soft voice: "You came to Chambord today. This is the thought of burning, looting and looting. If I am defeated tonight, I will not be because of my shampoo city. Their forgiveness has let them go. The so-called man-made fortune, the bird is a food-eating, and any behavior has to pay the price. So don’t blame the heart of the king’s heart, just borrow your head and tell those robbers who are still unwilling, who dares Move my shampoo city, this is the end!"

This time, the seniors of the month know that there is no luck tonight, some people yell, some people report threats of identity, some face is gray, some people mourn for mercy, some are struggling crazy...

But all of this is useless.


The flying voice of Sun Fei fell, and the long knife of Pierce and the Saints fell, and the heads of the people fell to the ground, like rolling watermelons. More than a dozen seniors were spared, and all of them returned to the West.

This scene directly shows that the outsiders on the south and south sides of the East and West are cold, watching the eyes of Sun Fei and the people of Chambord have become deep fears, one by one in the bottom of my heart, this life again Do not provoke the shampoo, this group of northern barbarians, it is too violent, too fierce and terrible!

Soon after, some people carried all the dead bodies on the ground, and the blood on the ground was also summoned by the shampoo magicians to clean the water.

Sun Fei sighed softly in the bottom of his heart.

One year ago, I crowned the king’s position. It was a battlefield with blood and rain. I wore a crown with blood stains. Recently, I was married, and it was also a battle of blood and sea... This is a jungle law. In times of trouble, if you want to protect yourself, you must be arrogant and benevolent. In this cruel and cold world, you are fart.

The atmosphere on the square was very quiet for a time.

At this time, a sudden sound of horseshoes in the distance broke the silence.

The crowd turned to look at it, but saw the distant street, a big man wearing a yellow dress, an anxious color, madly urging the horse, galloping in the direction of the square.

At such a critical moment, the city of Chambord must be in an extremely vigilant state, and this person is not strong in riding, but can be so unimpeded on the streets of Chambord, all the way to ** Square, there is only one explanation. This big man wearing a yellow dress is the own person of Chambord.

Just watching this gold-faced man’s face is so anxious, there must be something extremely important happening.

Chambord City has just achieved an unusual epic victory. What kind of big things can happen at such a juncture?

Everyone is curious.

This yellow gold-loaded big man all the way to whip his whip, hit the horse arrogantly, to the periphery of the ** square, there is no sign of stopping, it is to go straight to Alexander's wedding scene.

The urban management stationed in the periphery had to block, and suddenly saw the big dog’s hand raised a big slap in the hand of the big man’s hand. The red Ying Ying shimmered with the light. It was the gift of the King’s Majesty, and the official city management saw it. They have pushed open and let a road open, so that this big man can be unimpeded, and all the way to the throne on the north side of the square!

"Starting my king...the emperor...the emperor has a big event..."

The yellow gold-clad big man couldn’t wait to jump from the horse, panting and limping. People discovered that this time the big man’s hips and inner thighs were already bloody, obviously all the way to the horse. I didn't get a moment to rest, bumping all the way, smashing the flesh on the buttocks and thighs. I said that I didn't say completeness. I only had a handful of letters and I was already fainted.

At this moment, suddenly there was a miserable sorrow, I saw the yellow horse that he was riding, foaming at the mouth, pulling off the ground, and his limbs were still faintly flashing, but at this time It’s already twitching on the limbs, and it’s not alive.

Everyone is discolored.

Such a horse who has blessed the magic of the wind system will run directly to death, and a superb rider will be stunned to see how serious the situation is.

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