Hail the King

: 694, chaos open

"Get down to Laozi!" To the ruins in the distance, Oleg's eyes were red.

Since the establishment of the urban management brigade of Chambord City, he has suffered such a heavy blow. The fat man in the wrath has lost his sense of reason. What is the dog's seven-level empire, the Dortmund empire, and what the **** is Xuan, all give the old man to die.

His heavy earthy temper broke out and skyrocketed, not waiting for Sun Fei to make orders. The giant hammer in his hand was like a flying fire meteor. In the dark night, an orange crack was opened, and the chain on the arm was broken. It seems to be ruthless and inexhaustible, like two giant pythons, screaming toward the sky in the mysterious smashing past.

The **** of the anger, actually broke out the strength of the mid-level section of the new moon.

The degree of this kind of strength improvement makes Sun Fei on the side also look at it. The power of this arrogant anger is not to be embarrassed. His Majesty the King is already pondering. Is it necessary to make this dead fat man angry in the future, uncertain for his strength? Ascension, it has an unimaginable magical effect.

The giant hammer is like a meteor, and it blasts to the huge Xuanzang.


A huge bombardment came, and the lord-level Xuanzang above the sky trembled.

Everyone fixed their eyes, but when they saw that the giant hammer was more than 20 meters away from the Xuan Zang hull, it was blocked by a layer of blue streamer shield. At this moment, a magical array above the hull. Crazy flashing brilliance, flourishing layer by layer of force, even Oleg's rock-shattering hammer was blocked outside the mask.

"Give me a ah!"

In the violent state of the dead fat man, one does not do two endless, the state of stunned, even faintly over Drogba and Pierce, the fat body is soaring in the air, the giant hammer is like a wheel, in In the sky, there is a huge orange-colored disc afterimage, and the chain is smashing and smashing, and the hammer and the hammer are madly smashing to the giant ship Xuanzang.

Rumble! ! ! !

A scream of roaring sounds above the sky.

After repeated heavy blows, the huge Xuanzang hull began to tremble madly. Although the giant hammer did not break through the blue shield, it caused the hull to vibrate, and the ship’s magical gun flashed on the red awn. Constantly changing, it is obviously impossible to condense the second energy to attack stably.

"Low-inferior indigenous people, the fireflies are vying with the moon! Go away!" A scream of arrogance and arrogance shattered the sky, and then a sly sword light, squatting from above Xuanzang.

This sword is dazzling, as if it is overwhelming, with a terrible demon, and it is pure.

This kind of power is not rooted by Oleg.

Can feel the danger of being able to exist, the dead fat man was suddenly awake from the violent state, and a courage suddenly dissipated, scared to a chill, screamed, shrinking the obese body, hiding After the huge black giant hammer.

A bang, the Jianguang, is lying on the giant hammer, suddenly hanging a golden star in the sky, the stars of the sky suddenly picked up, forming a pattern of giant crab shape, starlight blessing in the giant hammer on.

The dead fat man, along with the black giant hammer, was blown down like a meteor.

Sun Fei had to fight to save, to this scene, temporarily extinguished the plan of the shot, Oleg as a golden gold Saint Seiya, in the crisis, you can use the power of the stars in the sky to escape a life.

Just the sly sword light just now, let Sun Fei faintly have a familiar feeling of familiarity, like where to see this kind of swordsmanship, just between rush, think back, but can not get any conclusion .

"Irina protects Angela and returns to the Five Swords of Heaven, and orders, starts the city defense magic array, and the Aryang military division and Luo stay, others will save people first."

Through this observation, Sun Fei has already had a general understanding of the power of the lord-level Xuanzang and made a deployment.

Elena nodded in a fragile position: "Alexander, your own heart." After a break, Angela's slender waist, the two turned into a sky blue stream, did not enter the direction of the back of the city.

Petr Cech, Torres and others screamed in unison, streamed into the stream, and leaped to the direction of the collapsed wall, first to rescue the urban management team members who were submerged in the ruins.

At this time, I saw the sky, stabilized the lord of the hull, and the ship was a string of bright red flames. Then the huge hull trembled in the back seat of the ship’s magical gun. Under the force of force, a little back, a huge beam of light, fell back down.

Between the electric and the stone fire, Sun Fei raised a fist.

The golden boxing flames skyrocketed, the punches were mighty, and the magical cannon beam was welcoming. The bang was like a blast of fire in the sky. The terrible streamer flames overflowed with the silvery white thorns. It hurts everyone's eyes, can't look up, like the end of the world, it's daunting.

Sun Fei's fist, unbiased, intercepted the energy beam of the Mo cannon.

That is to say, the King’s Art High is daring, and this can be done without any difference. In exchange for others, there is little deviation. In the city of Shampoo, there is only a place to be ruined, and the death and injury are heavy and in ruins.

After fighting for these few minutes, the shimmering magical energy of the sky is also in the city of Shampoo. A layer of water-like blue magnificent shield rises slowly along the four walls, surrounded by four sides, like an inverted buckle. Generally, the semi-circle protects the entire shampoo from undercut.

Hey! ! ! !

At the same time, on both sides of the Xuan Zang hull above the sky, a thin and deadly blue flame was sprayed out like a bee out of the nest. It was fine and dense, and it was bombarded down. The energy of the road hit the city of Chambord. Above the shield, the ripples of the water ripples, but can not break the magical shield of the water blue.

"This is the type of magical guide gun, the Xuanzang of the lord class, at least one hundred kinds of such magical guide guns, and on both sides of the head and tail, each has a god-level giant magic guide gun, that is, the one that just collapsed the wall A kind of cannon. "Old Aryang explained to Sun Fei.

"The military division seems to be very familiar with Xuan Zang. Will you operate this big thing?" Sun Fei took a look at the old Al Yang and suddenly asked.

"Yes, however, the Xuanzang at the Lord's level is not something that one or two people can manipulate. There must be at least 50 one-star magicians, and a hundred well-trained sailors to manipulate other Xuanzang. The machinery of the organ." Old Al Yang nodded and explained everything he knew.

"Haha, since you know how to drive this thing, it is much simpler. Now we are lacking air power in the city of Chambord!" Sun Fei’s mind was moving, and the silver light flashed. Old Aryang was placed on the stone steps of the throne, and the three men rose to the sky and instantly came to the huge Xuanzang.

Huge shadows shrouded the three.

The contrast of the visual impact is huge, facing the huge Xuanzang, so that the three people can not help but live a illusion of ants like an ant.

At this time, the Xuan Zang ship's red flames flickered, the giant magical guide guns were stored, and the rumbling tremors, and the terrible flames of the data were shot. Obviously, they wanted to use the power of the giant magical guns to smash the shampoo city. City Magic Array.

Sun Fei sneered and raised his hand.

[Unbeaten Kings] The power is amazing, and a huge punch of ten meters square easily defeated this light beam.

"***, Lao Tzu does not show up, you thought it was hello? ketty!" Shampoo City was continuously attacked by this unknown Xuanzang. Although Sun Fei was on the surface, his heart was already angry, "The Throne of the World" 】 Silver light flashed, the next moment, the three actually circumvented the cyan Xuanzhen protective cover, directly to the vicinity of the deck.

At this time, you can see the situation above Xuanzang.


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